Monday, September 21, 2015


Before anyone freaks: No worries. Ha. There hasn't actually BEEN a "real" Tsunami. But: I have officially lived through my first "Tsunami warning" ever! Exciting things!

Now, backing up a bit... This week has been wonderful. Possibly not as "successful" in "amount of people seen" - but still wonderful and filled with a lot of learning, comfort, and realizations of how I can become a better missionary.

First things first though: Have I mentioned that I officially tried scallops last week?  I can't remember.  Scallops = good.  Muscles = not good.  Oyster? = okay. :) #allthenewfood

Also: Mud (as in - Redmond Clay mud) is a miracle worker.  And IF I were more faithful in actually remembering to put it on my hand-bite-scars I know they would be gone. But...until I do, I'll just look like a leper for a bit longer. :) Ha.  It truly works miracles though!  And I guarantee you it'll be all over my legs to take away the bug scars 15 months from now!

Anyhoo: On to more important things. :)

This last week for Zone P-day we had a "minute-to-win-it" day. And it was great fun. Even though I had to put a nylon on my head with an apple in it and hit an orange across the floor.... I'm sure someone got a picture of it. Ha. I'll have to find that one ;) But it was a grand day with the Zone. Also because it means I get to see Elder Clark. And he's just wonderful. One I'm super excited to see one day in Utah and give him an actual hug instead of the handshake we both just pretend is a hug. He's honestly like my brother now and I just love it. Anyhoo. Did I also ever mention last week that I've offically mended an Elder's pants?? Ha... Elder Clayton (Clark's companion), his hem had come undone. And so I fixed it... super not perfect, because of the lack of clear thread... but it worked. And he can wear them again without being stabbed by a rusty pin! Ah - and this P-day also resulted in Sister Pointer and I learning that we shouldn't be put in charge of things involving math.  Because when you're purchasing $5 pizzas with $80 - you can't get 40 - you can get 16. So, there ya go. #fail #mathishard #disappointedinself But no worries - we figured it out and ordered the correct amount for the Zone. :)

Tuesday we GOT INTO A MARAE (Ma-rie - and the "r" is rolled - almost like a "d" sound). Which is essentially the Maori grounds for gatherings: mostly funerals ("Tangi" in Maori). The thing is that you're not really "allowed" unless you're invited - because it's disrespectful. But we were at a loss Tuesday, because of a HUGE Tangi going on (ah - and Tangi's also last 3 days...) - and therefore, everyone in the town (and probably towns surrounding) was at the Marae - not at home. So, desperate as we were  we thought "what if we asked if we could just help with dishes in the back of the kitchen?"  So we found a nice lady who was at the tangi, she invited and directed us, and we helped with dishes for the night.  And it was way cool.  It's fun to watch how the Maori people work together and just know how everything runs and when someone needs a break and when to take over in other jobs - without saying anything. It just happens. It was super fun. And nice to do a little service. :)

This week also resulted in what I'm calling "coldergies" - because it's finally getting to be spring, thus: pollen and things, but I'm also not convinced that I experienced just allergies.... thus, "coldergies" has become a new word in my vocabulary.  But the airborne, along with oils and vitamins, AND this great stuff called "LemSip" that everyone raves about - and I agree, it totally does work - I've worked through the coldergies. And the Clements also love me enough to give me their LemSip - partially because Elder Clements said, "Really - take it. I hate it." Ha! But it was kind of them. :)  They take care of me :)

We were also able to help our dear Sister Pam White this week by putting together some little treat bags for a seminary activity she put on for her online students - watching 17 Miracles at the Kaikohe chapel. It was a refreshing afternoon being with her and Aubry (Brother White) and helping them out! I just love them. And I never want to leave them. So... that's gonna be a struggle one day when I really do end up having to leave this area.

They also so lovingly called us that night after helping, to warn us about the "Tsunami warning" in New Zealand. So...apparently there was an earthquake in Chile? And we get the repercussions of it. But - luckily nothing got too bad.  There's just been a LOT of storming over the last few days - mostly at night.

Then: Yesterday. We traveled to WHANGAREI. (Again.) Because President Balli was in the area and wanted to meet with Sister Pointer to see how she was doing - and then with me as well to see how I was doing with all the things in life. :) President Balli is just wonderful. And so comforting and happy and you know he wants to help you in all the ways he can. But: Within these meetings, Sister Pointer and I also found out that we will indeed be staying together for this next transfer. :) (SO I GET TO STAY WITH MY PEOPLE. ...I was real worried for a bit there, thinking they were going to take me away from my dear Paihia and Matauri. I've come to love the people and areas so much. I just can't even fathom the idea of leaving them!) ...But then I also found out that Sister Hauglid (from Utah - and went home last transfer) was the same as me - starting here in Paihia and Matauri, and spent 6 MONTHS here. So... there's hope that I get even more time! But... where the Lord needs me, he needs me. I'm just glad it's here for at least a bit longer! :)

Other news this week: Ethan's "set" baptism may not be so "set" anymore: (...He's been out sailing and apparently won't be back until Friday... which is the day before when we had set his baptism). And President also doesn't feel like he's "as ready as he could be" — when in reality, he TOTALLY IS.  But - we're working with it, and he WILL be baptized before I leave this area! (For reals though.) Exciting news though: JEMMEKA WENT TO CHURCH YESTERDAY. As in: Without US being there. We asked our dear Aunty Gloria (YW leader) if she would be willing to pick Jemmeka up - and she did. And Jemmeka went, and... we're excited to talk to her and see how that all went. :) Also: DENNIS AND THE KIDS came to Church as well!! ...Here's the thing with our areas.  We actually just have a lot of less actives. I'm sure I've mentioned this before. But it's true.  And we're working on them. Because I just love them and want them all to come to Church. So.... it's crazy exciting when they do. :)

And Dad, I'm SO EXCITED about your watercolour class!  One suggestion I have - and honestly, I guess I don't really know what you'll get on the Internet- but one place I haven't been able to take pictures because we don't really stop (and I have to be the one driving instead of taking pictures out the window...) is in Whangarei.  Specifically the sunsets - or right before sunset. OH. My. Goodness.  There's just beautiful areas of never-ending green hills, and the lighting on them is GORGEOUS as the sun is setting! So... maybe you can research a few of those to paint! ;)

Anyhoo. Life is grand in the Northland, and it just keeps getting better.  I'm excited to continue working with Sister Pointer and to continue learning new things each and every day.  The work is real - the Church is TRUE. I feel it each and every day, and I learn more and more each day of how I can better share it with all those around me.

Challenge for all you at home: SHARE THE GOSPEL. Ha. It's broad - but stand for what you believe, stand up for those things you know to be true, and through this, I promise you will grow closer to your Father and Saviour. :)

Much love and have a wonderful week!!


Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Changes in the Northland

"Winds from the east... Mist comin' in... Like somethin' was brewin', about to begin." —Mary Poppins

Weeks just FLY BY here in the Northland. It honestly feels like I was just barely sitting here in the library emailing yesterday! But alas- it was a full week ago! 

Do you realize that my 3 month mark is this week? Weird? Yes. Yes it is. 

So - this week has definitely been full of ups and downs, especially for me. Struggles in feeling a little bit like a failure, struggles in not knowing how to help other people around me, and struggles in feeling like I'm not good enough or don't have enough faith to be the kind of confident I want to be. BUT THE LORD HEARS OUR PRAYERS. It's true. He listens to our concerns and finds new ways to help us!

I don't want you to think I'm depressed, because I'm not. It's just that the start of this week began with seeing Sister Boiteux's progression after she had been with Sister Tapuala. She was suddenly "talking" with people and had less "fear" than before. ...Things I'm still working on. 

So: LESSON #1 that I learned - You can't compare your weaknesses to the strengths of others. It's just not fair to yourself or the other person that you're getting annoyed with because they're just plain awesome. All you can do is WORK ON YOURSELF. So - my envious moment came from Sister Boiteux inviting TWO people to be baptized this week! The FIRST being Pearl. She's the sweetest of sweet, and we knew she wanted to be baptized. She's the daughter of Dennis, a less active in the Paihia branch, and they're just wonderful. So we've set Monday nights for Family Home Evening with them now, to not only teach Pearl, but to also try and get Dennis (and Honey/the family) back to church! It's going to be great! :)

So... that was our P-day Monday. Ah - and seeing the Stone Store (which: fun fact, sounds like "Stone Stall" in a British accent... it took us a long time to figure out what it actually was. But it's a beautiful little iconic tourist area with cute little cottage-type buildings—some of the oldest in New Zealand's history, and a beautiful river and bridge. :) 

The week continued on with Sister Boiteux and I—the work is slowly getting more difficult in our Matauri Bay area, and in searching to find new ways of finding people. I started feeling a bit like she thought I wasn't working hard enough to find people, but I was honestly trying my best.  

Anyhoo. Then came ...Wednesday? The day Sister Boiteux invited her SECOND person to baptism - Tunisia! I love Tunisia. And I'm so crazy excited and grateful that she was able to do that, because she said "yes," but wasn't quite ready to set a date. Just a "when I know it's true, I will get baptized." So... This resulted in me feeling a little down on myself again because my brain is telling me "I'm the older one/trainer and she's only been out for four weeks, and I should be better at having this confidence in myself by now (because I had the same prompting/feeling that she needed to be invited to baptism)." ...And then I realized I sounded like a jerk in my head! But - it did lead me to LEARN AGAIN that you can't compare others strengths to your weaknesses... and also, LESSON #2: It doesn't matter WHO asks the question - the work is all about helping our brothers and sisters!

Thursday came and went with me ending up feeling like I just straight up wasn't good enough for Sister Boiteux anymore. ...This was after receiving the news that we all had to drive our own separate cars to the Whangarei area for Zone Conference, rather than driving down together (because of car inspections) ...Thus crushing Sister Boiteux's "fun" of being with Sister Tapuala again. (At least that's how it felt to me.) But all was well. We stayed at the flat for an early lunch and cleaning the car for Zone Conference the following day, and I'm so glad we did - because Sisters Tapuala and Pointer showed up! And... I got to have a mini pitty party moment with Sister Pointer while the other two were talking outside. I got to tell her how I'd felt like a bit of a failure that week, and like I wasn't doing anything right, and how Sister Boiteux wasn't getting anything from me when I was trying to give advice to the questions she had. It was nice... and then I got over myself! Then Sister Boiteux and I ventured out to do the Lord's work — discovering that we couldn't get in to a good portion of the people we had set out to see, and ending the day with Jemmeka getting offended by something that was said and running away from us... Struggles!! But, I had a moment, as we were driving home (much too early for the night) of feeling like we needed to go visit the Puru's—a less-active older couple in Takou Bay. And I'm definitely glad I did. It was a LITTLE LIGHT at the end of the night for me, helping me to feel like we HAD accomplished something! And it just made me happy to get to know her a little better. I truly hope she'll come back soon, because they're just so sweet! This day ended with me singing, "One Prayer Away."

But it also ended with seeing Sister Pointer and Tapuala again because we still didn't have a phone for mid-week reports, so they came to our flat so we could talk with the District leader. Sister Pointer came in, put fresia flowers in some water on my desk for me, and made me some strawberry tea — isn't she wonderful? And the night was even better. :)

FRIDAY. ZONE CONFERENCE. We all drove to Kawakawa junction to meet up... at which point Sister Pointer realized she wasn't feeling well at all and that it wouldn't be the best idea for her to drive... therefore, she and Sister Boiteux switched places so that the other car could have a legal driver. (Sister Tapuala doesn't have a drivers license.) Zone Conference was LOVELY. And OVERWHELMING, and INSPIRATIONAL. President has been putting a large emphasis on "raising your vision" and focusing on the doctrine of Christ and obedience. So it was a lovely meeting. 

Following the meeting, Sister Tapuala and Pointer met with president to work out more through their struggles together —and then: President called in Sister Boiteux and me. He asked if we would be okay with doing an "emergency transfer" type of thing with the sisters — Me going with Sister Pointer and Sister Boiteux with Sister Tapuala! So: It's official. We've switched companions, and Sister Pointer is now my new companion.  

I've honestly struggled with this as well, just because it's almost like I "failed" at training... But I've also come to realize that NO, I didn't fail at training - It's just what the Lord knew all of us as sisters needed at this time. To help each other at different times and in different ways. It's all truly been a blessing in disguise.

AH! Happy Birthday to Janine and Hannah and Josh last week, and Brett coming up.

And thank you Mom for your stories about Dad, and about quiet energy. You definitely know exactly what to say when I need it! I don't know how I got so lucky to be with such a beautiful set of parents and the wonderful family in my life, but Heavenly Father sure spoiled me long before I ever realized!!

MUCH LOVE! And kisses and hugs to all the peeps!!

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

DRIVER'S TRAINING with the Reeve's... They purchased McDonalds for us afterwards. :)

Sister Pointer and Me! 

ZONE CONFERENCE with Kaikohe and Whangarei Districts (Whangarei is the northernmost city and the northern regional capital of New Zealand.)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Phew! It's definitely been a week! One of those kind where you look back and think, "That was last Monday? How did we fit ALL of THAT in just one week!?"

MONDAY. It started on Monday with Zone Devotional, which was going to be a beautiful testimony meeting, but instead turned into Sister Boiteux and I hurredly running back to Kerikeri from Kaikohe because our flat was being sprayed for bugs! So....exciting and frustrating. I probably told you about this before but - all is well! Haha. Our flat is officially clean and there shouldn't be anymore scabies attacking our poor little Utah selves. :) The rest of p-day was nice though, playing Volleyball with the District and ending the night visiting Aunty Lydia. (I truly need to get pictures with these members and people so I can show them to you.) They're just my heart and soul.

AND MONDAY NIGHT: BRIGHT ORANGE MOON! And it was GIANT TOO. There's pictures... but they only kind of-ish capture it. Not really actually. Hah... Ah - and another result of Monday: "RIP to our poor little phone." Sister Boiteux dropped it accidentally - and in spite of ALL the times it's been dropped before (MANY... that poor little thing went through a lot), this one single time resulted in it never again turning on.... Ha. So, we've been phone-less for the week. Unfortunate, yes - but also nice in some aspects.... :P

TUESDAY started off with District meeting (as usual) and should have gone straight into Trade-offs with the Sister Training Leaders (Sister Allen and Sister Paasi).  However, Sister Pointer and Tapuala have been struggling as of late - so they ended up having a bit of a meeting with the STL's to figure out some things about their companionship.  As a result - we had trade offs with them as well! So I spent the day with Sister Allen and Sister Tapuala. :) We went to Matauri Bay while Sister Boiteux covered Paihia with Sister Paasi and Pointer. And it was definitely a beautiful day - beginning our trade off with some Fish 'n Chips all together at Vinnie's in Paihia for lunch and a little bit of frozen yogurt from Kababulous ("kabobs" are definitely different here, by the way. haha). I was able to visit, find, and learn some more from being with Sister Allen and Tapuala for the day - and gained new "light" of how to tract.... Tracting is a struggle for me. Because - knocking doors is just difficult. However, it's easier than just talking to random people on the street I suppose. All things that I know will continue to come better in time!

I always love showing new people around Matauri Bay - just because their faces are priceless with joy as they see the beautiful Bay when we drive down. :) We spent our dinner break on the grassy side of the bay and enjoyed the breeze. I was also able to meet with our investigator Jemmeka that night - who is finally seeming to get over a bit of the girl drama she's been going through lately. YAY! AHHHHH! **Literal rejoices from the angel choirs above!** She also committed to me that she'd start doing her reading and whatnot - and I told her we'd plan a fun activity of making chocolate oreos to go along with the gospel of Jesus Christ. *Excitement!*

When WEDNESDAY came around, Sister Boiteux and I picked up our dry cleaning (coats are clean and definitely bug free!) and went back to our flat - which ended up being a good thing, because sister Tapuala and Paasi showed up, asking if we could go on a bit of an "extended trade offs" for the week with the sisters. So - Sister Boiteux packed up all her stuff and went over to the other Sister's flat to be with Sister Tapuala, and I took in Sister Pointer. Honestly - I get along with Sister Pointer really well. She's been struggling on the mission with some depression which she's never had to deal with before. And I guess her and Sister Tapuala have just been struggling with not the best companionship ever lately. Anyhoo — We traded for a bit. And I think it gave Sister Pointer a bit of time to re-focus. A bit of time to talk with me, and time for us to also get to know each other better. I actually came into this area with Sister Pointer - she's from Cedar City and technically in the Samoan speaking program - but has been in the English program for a while now. But she's wonderful - and we actually get along really well. We have a lot in common with theatre and happiness and joy. :)  So that's lovely because I got to "nerd-out" a bit with her.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT we also caught Aunty Apiata (we were supposed to have a lunch date with her but she wasn't home... due to having to go to the dentist! sad things). But we caught her at night - and she taught us FLAX WEAVING. Flax plants... I failed at actually taking a picture of one for you. But look it up! And then they get turned into CRAZY COOL things! We learned how to make a a Sting Ray flower and a fish. :) And technically a headband too. But neither Sister Pointer nor I can remember how to actually start that one... so I'll have to relearn. :)

Anyhoo. THINGS I LEARNED from Sister Pointer: To not be scared. To just talk to people. Go up to their doors and say 'hello' and know that YOU ARE IN CONTROL. And if the Spirit says otherwise, then follow that instead - obviously. We taught really well together, and have the same level of patience with people - which was also nice. Ha. Random thing I learned from her: Vicks Vapor Rub TAKES AWAY THE ITCH OF BUGS. Whaaaa? Yeah. I know. But it's grand.  Try it.

THURSDAY we were back in Matauri - Finding some people, and actually getting to know Eddie Jones for the first time. He's a somewhat new(ly activated) member who's been quite sick up until now, so he's been in Auckland for different treatments.  But he's wonderful!  We got to hear a bit of his story - and: *drum roll* he WENT TO THE TEMPLE THIS WEEKEND TO GET HIS ENDOWMENT. Definitely excited to hear how that went for him!

At the flat that night Sister Pointer and I had some herbal tea together - because, once again - we learned we're more of the same person than we knew before. And listened to music and had a relaxing night before bed.

Because... FRIDAY was a big day!

ETHAN IS SET FOR BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...I couldn't handle it anymore. We taught Ethan after their Mutual activity - Brother White and Sister White helped us set it up, because it's difficult to get President to be there with us. And I ASKED HIM IF HE WANTED TO GET BAPTIZED AND HE SAID, YES! Honestly: We already knew this before, but he's apparently been going to church for SIX MONTHS now. (I definitely didn't know it had been that long.)  And he's just "GOLDEN." He's set for the 26th of this month. SWEET AS! RIGHT?? It was a great feeling. And it also felt so right to be teaching that lesson with Sister Pointer. We needed that moment of encouragement together - and it was grand! :)

SATURDAY we traded back to our normal companions. :) But not until AFTER Personal, and Companion Study, and .... "Language Study!" :) - Because Sister Pointer is in the Samoan program. And so she taught me some Samoan!! And it's wonderful! :) "Talofa" means hello! ...That's what I remember right now.  But I can some-what read it a little now, so that's pretty "sweet as" too!

Then Sister Boiteux and I, having learned new things about ourselves, as well as new things to do... We tracted Turner Street in Kaeo, met a few new people - and found some potentials! Then we went to Aunty Luanas for dinner - good and sad thing. Ha. 1) I've learned I don't like muscles. Not a great food in my life. 2) The rest of the food was delicious! And she sent us home with more! 3) The bad part: Her dog ate my shoe. Favourite shoe. The grey, comfy, sketcher.  :( But... It's just a shoe. And life will move on. Even though Skechers are INSANELY EXPENSIVE here.  But: once again, I'll live. :)

After dinner we decided to continue on, to find a referral in the Te tii area. So we went to this house, knocked on the door - and DOGS came BARRELING to the door. Then the SLIDING GLASS DOOR started SLIDING OPEN - to which I said, "SISTER! THE DOOR!" and she pushed it shut. We immediately both didn't feel anything was right after standing there a few more seconds - and decided it was time to leave. The Spirit prompting you "where to go and what to do" is true!

On SUNDAY we arrived at church - and the first thing Sister White said to us is, "Hey! There's a family visiting and they're from Utah!" Small world? Yup. So we went over to talk to the Sister: "Oh, where are you from?" Sister Boiteux answers, "I'm from Herriman - where are you from?"  "Highland!" Me: "What!? ME TOO!" And then there was rejoicing, and we talked with the Fackrell family for a bit and sat with them during Sacrament Meeting. :) They are on vacation, which started in Australia, and then they had to try out New Zealand as well! They take all their kids on vacation after they graduate and before university. :) We were also able to teach Ethan again - by teaching all the Young Men! Brother White had us come and teach the Ten Commandments, which went over really well. I actually came up with sign language things that helped me in the MTC, but have now switched it up a bit to make sense for other people. Ethan honestly taught and answered more than the others, because: once again - he's Golden! Haha.

The White's also invited us over for dinner - because they love us. And who else had they invited? The Fackrell family! All the joy! It truly was a blessing and MIRACLE to have them show up to our little Paihia branch - and the fact that we went to the Paihia branch this week as well! Had we kept with the "every-other-week" thing, we would have been in Matauri this week.  But - it was inspired that Brother White asked us to teach their class. And it was nice to have a little piece of home, even though I didn't know them before! Their daughter, Serena Fackrell just graduated from Lone Peak High School and is heading to BYU-I where she'll be studying Nursing (Phew!) And she's wonderful. And adorable. And thinking about serving a mission!!! So we got to talk, and tell her stories about university and how to prepare for a mission and all the joys. And I say: "Watch out world! Serena's comin' your way!" Because she's Golden, and truly ready for whatever is coming her way next! ;)

Anyhoo.  So... that's my week. In a nutshell. And it was grand.

Weird obsessive things in my life:
- I've started collecting shells. - That's actually not new. But it's exciting. (Big shells here!) And I've got the couple sister missionary, Sister Clements, who helped us with our massive wash issues last week, also helping me—since she's actually "allowed" on the beach itself... I just reach for shells and find them in places that aren't actually the beach! (Ha)
- And also... Dominoes obsession. There's a grocery store called Countdown - and they do promotional things to capture your heart and make you spend money. Currently: Dominoes. There's 50 of them. And they're DISNEY! So I currently have 4. So... we'll see how that continues on.

Scriptures and things I've found/learned this week:
Alma 17:13-14 - <3 Missionaries!

"They separated themselves and departed one from another, trusting in the Lord. ... Great was the work which they had undertaken. ... For they had undertaken to preach the word of God." —Alma 17:13-14

Alma 13:28 - Things to pray for.

"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering." —Alma 13:28

Alma 14:2615:10 - Everything in life is "according to our faith which is in Christ." ... It's so true. And I'm continuously learning more and more about it every day!

"How long shall we suffer these great afflictions, O Lord? O Lord, give us strength according to our faith which is in Christ, even unto deliverance." —Alma 14:26

"O Lord our God, have mercy on this man, and heal him according to his faith which is in Christ." —Alma 15:10

1 Cor. 13 - CHARITY.  It's a beautiful chapter. And just... happy. Charity is definitely something that continuously comes up in my studies, and I'm grateful for it.

"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. ... is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil. ... rejoiceth in the truth. ... Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. ... Charity never faileth!" —1 Cor. 13

CHALLENGE: One more thing I want to share, that can be kind of a "challenge" for all "yous" at home. :) This week I've started writing in a little "gratitude" journal book 3 different things daily. 1) Something I was grateful for that day, 2) A miracle, no matter how small, that happened, and 3) Something I learned. It's helped me realize there are truly exciting things even in the smallest of moments! :) It's also helping me realize the things I learn everyday.  Because each of us learn something new everyday. Plus it's also a nice way to make your mind work a bit!

Life is good. It's all about learning.

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Me and my Companion and the Fackrells

Trade-offs with Sister Pointer

Big Bright Orange Moon. Seriously, the picture doesn't begin to capture the beauty!

Missionary Lego Me!! Thanks Leesha!