Monday, September 21, 2015


Before anyone freaks: No worries. Ha. There hasn't actually BEEN a "real" Tsunami. But: I have officially lived through my first "Tsunami warning" ever! Exciting things!

Now, backing up a bit... This week has been wonderful. Possibly not as "successful" in "amount of people seen" - but still wonderful and filled with a lot of learning, comfort, and realizations of how I can become a better missionary.

First things first though: Have I mentioned that I officially tried scallops last week?  I can't remember.  Scallops = good.  Muscles = not good.  Oyster? = okay. :) #allthenewfood

Also: Mud (as in - Redmond Clay mud) is a miracle worker.  And IF I were more faithful in actually remembering to put it on my hand-bite-scars I know they would be gone. But...until I do, I'll just look like a leper for a bit longer. :) Ha.  It truly works miracles though!  And I guarantee you it'll be all over my legs to take away the bug scars 15 months from now!

Anyhoo: On to more important things. :)

This last week for Zone P-day we had a "minute-to-win-it" day. And it was great fun. Even though I had to put a nylon on my head with an apple in it and hit an orange across the floor.... I'm sure someone got a picture of it. Ha. I'll have to find that one ;) But it was a grand day with the Zone. Also because it means I get to see Elder Clark. And he's just wonderful. One I'm super excited to see one day in Utah and give him an actual hug instead of the handshake we both just pretend is a hug. He's honestly like my brother now and I just love it. Anyhoo. Did I also ever mention last week that I've offically mended an Elder's pants?? Ha... Elder Clayton (Clark's companion), his hem had come undone. And so I fixed it... super not perfect, because of the lack of clear thread... but it worked. And he can wear them again without being stabbed by a rusty pin! Ah - and this P-day also resulted in Sister Pointer and I learning that we shouldn't be put in charge of things involving math.  Because when you're purchasing $5 pizzas with $80 - you can't get 40 - you can get 16. So, there ya go. #fail #mathishard #disappointedinself But no worries - we figured it out and ordered the correct amount for the Zone. :)

Tuesday we GOT INTO A MARAE (Ma-rie - and the "r" is rolled - almost like a "d" sound). Which is essentially the Maori grounds for gatherings: mostly funerals ("Tangi" in Maori). The thing is that you're not really "allowed" unless you're invited - because it's disrespectful. But we were at a loss Tuesday, because of a HUGE Tangi going on (ah - and Tangi's also last 3 days...) - and therefore, everyone in the town (and probably towns surrounding) was at the Marae - not at home. So, desperate as we were  we thought "what if we asked if we could just help with dishes in the back of the kitchen?"  So we found a nice lady who was at the tangi, she invited and directed us, and we helped with dishes for the night.  And it was way cool.  It's fun to watch how the Maori people work together and just know how everything runs and when someone needs a break and when to take over in other jobs - without saying anything. It just happens. It was super fun. And nice to do a little service. :)

This week also resulted in what I'm calling "coldergies" - because it's finally getting to be spring, thus: pollen and things, but I'm also not convinced that I experienced just allergies.... thus, "coldergies" has become a new word in my vocabulary.  But the airborne, along with oils and vitamins, AND this great stuff called "LemSip" that everyone raves about - and I agree, it totally does work - I've worked through the coldergies. And the Clements also love me enough to give me their LemSip - partially because Elder Clements said, "Really - take it. I hate it." Ha! But it was kind of them. :)  They take care of me :)

We were also able to help our dear Sister Pam White this week by putting together some little treat bags for a seminary activity she put on for her online students - watching 17 Miracles at the Kaikohe chapel. It was a refreshing afternoon being with her and Aubry (Brother White) and helping them out! I just love them. And I never want to leave them. So... that's gonna be a struggle one day when I really do end up having to leave this area.

They also so lovingly called us that night after helping, to warn us about the "Tsunami warning" in New Zealand. So...apparently there was an earthquake in Chile? And we get the repercussions of it. But - luckily nothing got too bad.  There's just been a LOT of storming over the last few days - mostly at night.

Then: Yesterday. We traveled to WHANGAREI. (Again.) Because President Balli was in the area and wanted to meet with Sister Pointer to see how she was doing - and then with me as well to see how I was doing with all the things in life. :) President Balli is just wonderful. And so comforting and happy and you know he wants to help you in all the ways he can. But: Within these meetings, Sister Pointer and I also found out that we will indeed be staying together for this next transfer. :) (SO I GET TO STAY WITH MY PEOPLE. ...I was real worried for a bit there, thinking they were going to take me away from my dear Paihia and Matauri. I've come to love the people and areas so much. I just can't even fathom the idea of leaving them!) ...But then I also found out that Sister Hauglid (from Utah - and went home last transfer) was the same as me - starting here in Paihia and Matauri, and spent 6 MONTHS here. So... there's hope that I get even more time! But... where the Lord needs me, he needs me. I'm just glad it's here for at least a bit longer! :)

Other news this week: Ethan's "set" baptism may not be so "set" anymore: (...He's been out sailing and apparently won't be back until Friday... which is the day before when we had set his baptism). And President also doesn't feel like he's "as ready as he could be" — when in reality, he TOTALLY IS.  But - we're working with it, and he WILL be baptized before I leave this area! (For reals though.) Exciting news though: JEMMEKA WENT TO CHURCH YESTERDAY. As in: Without US being there. We asked our dear Aunty Gloria (YW leader) if she would be willing to pick Jemmeka up - and she did. And Jemmeka went, and... we're excited to talk to her and see how that all went. :) Also: DENNIS AND THE KIDS came to Church as well!! ...Here's the thing with our areas.  We actually just have a lot of less actives. I'm sure I've mentioned this before. But it's true.  And we're working on them. Because I just love them and want them all to come to Church. So.... it's crazy exciting when they do. :)

And Dad, I'm SO EXCITED about your watercolour class!  One suggestion I have - and honestly, I guess I don't really know what you'll get on the Internet- but one place I haven't been able to take pictures because we don't really stop (and I have to be the one driving instead of taking pictures out the window...) is in Whangarei.  Specifically the sunsets - or right before sunset. OH. My. Goodness.  There's just beautiful areas of never-ending green hills, and the lighting on them is GORGEOUS as the sun is setting! So... maybe you can research a few of those to paint! ;)

Anyhoo. Life is grand in the Northland, and it just keeps getting better.  I'm excited to continue working with Sister Pointer and to continue learning new things each and every day.  The work is real - the Church is TRUE. I feel it each and every day, and I learn more and more each day of how I can better share it with all those around me.

Challenge for all you at home: SHARE THE GOSPEL. Ha. It's broad - but stand for what you believe, stand up for those things you know to be true, and through this, I promise you will grow closer to your Father and Saviour. :)

Much love and have a wonderful week!!


Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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