Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Another Week and A Hedgehog!

My dear whanau, I miss you all dearly.  But New Zealand is beautiful, and beginning to bloom into the SUMMER MONTHS. Is this still weird for me? Yes. Yes it is. Because the concept of "Summer in October" is just weird. Also: New Zealanders don't super celebrate Halloween. So that's throwin' me off a little. We were talking with one of our Young Women, Kaea Ngakuru, a week or so ago about it, and she was rather jealous about the fact that we actually DO Halloween. Haha. I told her she'd have to come visit Utah and I'd bring her around for a real Halloween!

It's been a good week though. Trade offs, talking with Pounamu (a sneaky member), dinner with President Going & Family, and a CRUISE SHIP in Paihia. Whaaaa. Cruise ships are HUGE! I never even thought about just how BIG they would be in for real life.

Oh. And a hedgehog. :)

We started out the week with Tradeoffs with our dear Sister Training Leaders, Sister Allen and Paasi. Fun fact: Sister Paasi was suppposed to go home last transfer.  She extended. Ha. But – she's also FROM New Zealand, actually from within our mission boundaries next to Auckland. So – that'll be interesting for her to go "home!" But I traded off with Sister Paasi, and it was brilliant. She helped me in new ways of how to talk with all the people on the streets, including tourists and people in the area. It was brilliant. (Also: Thank you for all the answers from everyone else!! SO super helpful!) I'm slowly but surely coming out of my shell a little more in loving talking with everyone. I just have to have faith that there will always be someone that will actually stop and talk with us!

Wednesday and Thursday were a bit "slap-happy" due to Monday night's lack of sleep waiting for the STL's to get to our flat and get settled in. Ha.... But: One exciting thing that came from the slap-happiness was finding HARVEY THE HEDGEHOG. Fun Fact: Hedgehogs just roam in the wild here. And they're adorable. And I love them. But Sister Pointer found one on the side of the road in a patch of grass as we were getting out of the car Wednesday. And there was much rejoicing and picture taking. It's the little things in life folks! :)

We bumped into our friend, Pounamu, this week again as well – did I tell you about him? He's in Paihia working until December, normally from Whangarei. But we TWE'd him one day to find that he's indeed a member. He just got back from his mission at the beginning of this year actually. (Ha) But he knew about general conference - so that's what clued us into the fact that he HAD to be a member. Yes. Truth. Anyhoo. He's lovely. We're hoping to catch him again to see if he wants to come to our church while he's here for work! Also to see if he wants to be a missionary again and find people for us to teach!

Friday was a 'SLOW AS' day in Matauri. Man. Struggles. Still trying to figure out best ways to work in Matauri. But the work moves on. Sister Pointer saw Daniel this week while she was with Sister Allen, and it seemed to go well. They talked about prayer. We're hoping that by repeating concepts now, that he'll come back along in the way of wanting to set a baptism date again. But little by little – it'll all work out. :)

So, Friday was discouraging for me. In all honesty. Because it was a day of "no one is home, no one wants to talk to us, and even the members are on their way out right now." But – all is well. The work continues on. And I moved on. :)

Saturday we had dinner at PRESIDENT GOING'S (Paihia Branch President).  President Going is great. It's just been a little more difficult for me to get to know him than it has been to get to know President Himiona (Matauri Bay Branch). But we were at the chapel for lunch when Mel  (Sister Going) came over to clean. And she invited us over for dinner – because "it's President's night to cook." "President cooks??"  "Yes. And tonight is probably BBQ." WIN. Yup, it was delicious. And he definitely does cook. Haha. But it was fun to get to know their family a little better, and he also gave us a referral! A little family in Haruru Falls. We called them Saturday afternoon, and set up an appointment for SUNDAY. He was ready – we were a little shocked at how fast he gave us a day and a time for said appointment But it was good.

So Sunday we asked in Relief Society if anyone would be able to come out and teach with us – because our dear referral told us his "partner would be out – so it would just be him and the boys." Aka: We need a woman to come with us. Come to find out, Camilla knows the family quite well. So she came! And she drove us there. (Happiness because we have to keep track of the amount of km's we drive each month....we're only allotted 2700. Which sounds like a lot, but is sometimes difficult with how large our areas are.) So we went out. Anddddd Brendon and the kids were'nt there. :( Sad face. But we gave him a call, and he apologized, because "something came up" – but all is well. We set a new appointment for this Thursday. And it's going to be great. :) We're SUPER excited. Because: FAMILY.

Anyhoo. It's been a lovely week. :) Oh yeah – and once again, there's a Cruise Ship in Paihia.  (Or at least there was yesterday.) And it's HUGE. Apparently there will be about 50+ that come in between now and ....March? I think? I'm still getting used to what months are summer..... But the crazy tihng about it is that Camilla was telling us that it's not the biggest one that comes either! There's some that aren't allowed to go past the Russell Island because of how big they are!  Aka: You can SEE THE SHIP OVER THE TOP OF THE ISLAND FROM PAIHIA. This just blows my mind. Anyhoo. I'm hoping to get a picture of some ships for you this week, as I'm sure there will be more coming in now!

Please assure Brett and Ashley that I know he was serious with his TWE replies! I understand the Brett talk – I have known him for most of my life!

And also: Bugs are still the death of me.
This week went like this: I washed my sheets and then the following night I got bitten by something all over my arm. Isn't that supposed to happen BEFORE the washing of the sheets?  #makesnosense.  Haha. But all really is okay. I just am sick of all the itch. I'll just have to keep learning to embrace the buggy-ness!

Tell the girls I miss updates from them! I would also like an update of Cayden specifically. Because: HAPPY #18 TO THE KID THIS WEEK! What?  This cannot be a thing!

Much love and blessings. :) I hope all is well back home, and I hope yous all are enjoying your PONDERIZING. I know I am. :)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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