Thursday, July 28, 2016

Time Flies!

Whanau! I miss you all dearly. Time will never cease to amaze me though with how quickly it goes by. Anyhoo. You hear enough of that from me every week though. Haha.

THIS WEEK. Sick moments (#LactoseProbs), miracle moments, and lots of NEWS moments!!

MONDAY. Bowling again! This might become a thing. We like it. Haha. Not every week, but it's fun with the district. We were also finally able to meet another of our referrals—James. From Zimbabwe, and he's SUPER cool. We're going back soon to meet the fam — they have their own religion currently, but he seemed intrigued by a few different things we shared with him, including the fact that we have older couple missionaries who go out and serve in different countries! Service in any way really does soften hearts of people.

And. Reasons I print out emails. 'Cause, Mum - I was looking back on a couple and found, again, a quote you sent a few weeks back that said, "Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there."  —Elder Holland. And..... I needed that Monday night :)

TUESDAY! My sickly companion. Sad face. In our RUSH around that afternoon after District meeting, she accidentally ate dairy....for lunch.....and we forgot to give her a tablet. So...her poor body became ill rather quickly. So we stayed in the flat. But, we got some other things done, and we were at least able to talk to quite a few people on the streets before that point - so it was good.

WEDNESDAY. In the afternoon, we were able to go visit with Linda, helping her pack away and get rid of a few things in the house to get ready for her move.
So that was good. (And by "get rid of" I mean - she donated quite a few things to us/other missionaries/the church. Haha. She's great.) And then: KAUKAPAKAPA. The WEST side of our area in Hibiscus. First time we've been out there—and it was all nostalgic for me. It was like BEING BACK UP NORTH. Long dirt roads, gorgeous rolling green hills, lots of cattle, sheep and farms..... allllllll the happiness :) Miss it. So it was lovely. We had dinner with one of our members who live out there - the McCallum's. They're Scottish. And MAN. I love the Scottish accent. SO MUCH. Alllllll the happiness!(once again). And they got us laughing up a storm, telling us all about their adventures as newlyweds, and then in joining the church and the missionaries they'll never forget :) Boosts your spirits a bit ;)

Another thing I found out: GILLS FARM IS IN MY AREA. Aka:  It's a large area of ginormous art sculptures, and GIRAFFES and things to feeeeeed. Just gotta figure out when it's OPEN and when we can go. Hopefully open on a Monday? Otherwise... sadness. :(

THURSDAY. Patience day. It still amazes me that regardless of how much you can learn patience, you can stilllllllll learn more. But it's fine. It's just hard when there's clearly things your companion is thinking about, but she suddenly won't share anything with you and just sits there being in a bad mood. And THEN: Sister Jackson calls saying, "Hi Sister Ottley! We have a consulate appointment for Sister Lemalu in the morning in the city, so we'll have to pick you up around 7:45. Is that okay?" And then Sister Lemalu broke down in tears a little bit. Ha. 'Cause...see... "consulate" = "getting her Visa for Hawaii." The funny/sad part of it was the fact that she told me after that, "Last night I actually prayed that I WOULDN'T get my Visa." #WhenYouGetComfortable. But... it helped me in understanding more things that were going through her head, and it finally got her a bit more to her less-cranky-self. Not fully...'cause, now she doesn't want to leave. Ha. But...inevitable things. So- It was a good day

I was greatly happy when Sister Prendergast called, asking if we could help in packing her house, now that it's been sold - we all know how I like the cleaning and packing life (well  - when it's for other people). My stuff during transfers? Not a huge fan of all the packing. We had our usual dinner at the Rapata's, and MCM at the Wharemate's :) Love them all.

FRIDAY. CONSULATE. IN THE CITY. "Fun times!" - aka: It was a struggle of a day at the consulate. Sister Lemalu's appointment was supposed to be at 9:30, but we got there at 9! So..we thought, oh - maybe that'll help it go faster. ---- and then we ended up not leaving until maybe.... 12:30? 1-ish? Why? Because, usually there's two officers on duty to do the interviews for visa things. But... there was only one that day. So....all the people were taking ages to get through. But, all is welll. Reasons I'm grateful that I'm a patient person. I got to hang out with Elder and Sister Jackson (office missionary couple). Sister Jackson and I chatted about our families, read scriptures, and had a nice little window shopping time together in some of the shoppes down the street. (There was even a LONDON LOLLY SHOPPE [imported British sweets and chocolate]. I was in Heaven.)

After all was said and done, and Sister Lemalu was finally released, she came back with good news that she was APPROVED! She's also sad. But - she also knows (well - most likely) that she'll be staying till the end of the transfer, as to not mess up me not having a companion and all that jazz. And then my posterity will, once again, be continued on in another mission :) *Proud Mum Tears*

There's also many perks to being with Sister Jackson for a morning. Why? - you ask?

She deals with missionary flight things.

My News?



You can officially start singing the song......

"I'll be home for Christmas" on my behalf! :)

Our outtake will be coming home the WEEK OF DECEMBER 19TH :D Still not sure what day yet - but ya know. You won't have to just look at my face on a screen on Christmas, 'cause you'll just be able to see it in person ;) ;) #YesI'mExcited!

Anyhoo. The rest of Friday consisted of Dinner with Sister Lemalu's aunt (who's in Hibiscus Ward) and then a funeral in Aeroview Ward. And this funeral was a blessing in many ways. Why? 1) Samoan referral. So my companion was in heaven, speaking all her Samoan, and translating for me the things that were spoken during the service in Samoan :)  Love. 2) I began to realize how much I've learned about eternal perspective and the difference between the feeling of different spirits in different religions. There were lots of people from different faiths at this funeral, and so they kind of put their own "spin" on their talks - a few of them. Mostly 7th Day Adventist. Just a lot of back and forth between speaker and audience of "God Is Good!" "All The Time" "All The Time" "God Is Good!" Ha. Interesting :) But.... it's quite brilliant how we have this eternal perspective in our gospel. We KNOW where they're at – and we KNOW the things that are going on in the Spirit World to help our Father's children even MORE. It's just.. sweet as. All the missionary work. Eternities. I love it all.

Also: Samoan funerals are full on. And apparently this one we went to wasn't even a fully "proper" one - it would have apparently been much longer if it was! Haha. Alll Islanders are really quite family and time oriented. I love it.

SATURDAY we helped out the Sunset Sisters with service at the home of a lady named Caroline. She's the SWEETEST lady, who's been through a LOT in life and is just struggling with moving. So...we were able to go help her with packing and cleaning and giving her some love :)  It was grand.

Then...the sickness of Sister Lemalu settled in again, and I journaled and things for the rest of the day.  :)

SUNDAY was our little day of miracles.  The main being a man named ROGAN.
We were in Torbay for church yesterday. Sister Lemalu and I were at the door, greeting people as they walked in - when a Korean man I didn't recognize walked up. "Do you have to be a member? Or can anyone join the service?" ...What
ANYONE. Anyone can come! He walked on in and our dear WML lovingly jumped up and headed over to meet, friendship, and talk with him. Rogan apparently just moved into the area, got this miracle job opportunity, and decided that he needed to thank God - so... he googled the closest church, and came up with ours! By the end of the meeting (because Brother Wharemate sat with him the whole time) Rogan said, "I loved the spirit of this meeting. How do I join this church?" .....When do things like this happen?  Hahaha. So.... GOLDEN miracles. Brother Wharemate got his info — he doesn't live in our area boundaries for us to teach, but we're grateful nonetheless. It's just SO COOL to see how people CAN feel that spirit immediately and want that same love from God. Brilliant. Grateful. Love watching the miracles of people :)

So.... a good week. Time just flies, because... I'll now actually be home at this time in 5 months. What? How does this even happen? It seems like YESTERDAY that I was still back in Kaikohe, emailing you from my dear Kerikeri library. Ha.  And then running across the street for Subway for lunch.  Every Monday with Sister Pointer. Memories :)

I love you all, and I hope you're having a beautiful sabbath - and I hope you have a most brilliant week ahead as well! Soak up some sun for me — and try and save a little for when I come home 'cause I'll be freezing my little butt off in YOUR winter. #NotExcitedForThatPart #Acclimated #Wussy

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Long Week!

PONDERIZE for the week: Alma 26:27. "He will grant us success." :) It's grand! :)

It's still amazing to me how certain days—or WEEKS, in this case—can seem long. But.... the mission still is just flying by. 13 months? What? Where did that time go? Was it not just January 2015 yesterday? Weird.

Anyhoo. Regardless of how long the week has been, it's still been good. Just chaotic with transfers and moving people and saying GOODBYE to people, and alllll the things! "Killing" missionaries [saying goodbye] is still the hardest of things for me I think. But it's part of life :) And it's all good. And if you haven't already guessed by now, Sister Lemalu and I have not been transferred.

Last MONDAY we went BOWLING. I'm still really bad at it, but I enjoy it :) It's always nice to just get out and do something to shake things up a bit. It was also the wish of Sister Taylor to DO something for her last P-day :) Saying goodbye is....always hard. Especially with Gila, and now Rarawa and Taylor. But, we have pictures. So that's all okay :) And... it just means that I'll have to go to Melbourne and Fiji one day now, so..... #WorldTravels

TUESDAY we picked up my dear Sister Boiteux from the Sunset Sister's flat as she was dropping her companion (my granddaughter, Sister Fonua) there to be picked up by Elder Garth. Because... Sister Fonua finally got her Visa to go to Mississippi! Wooooo Visa's! So, my posterity is officially being continued on in a new mission :) Exciting things! So we were lucky enough to have Sister Boiteux with us for the day, until she got her new companion at transfers. We all went to District Meeting - to find.... Sister Anitema!!!  (She was companions with Sister Hoiesi for the day, since Sister Taylor and Rarawa were at orientation at the Mission Home before leaving.) So... Anitema and Hoiesi decided to come to our district meeting instead of chancing missing Anitema's in Henderson. We also said our goodbyes to the elders leaving the zone... specifically our district.... Chatwin and Murdock. Gonna miss them!

Then we had lunch after district meeting, and I got to catch up with Sister Anitema on the Hendo life, before they were off to their crazy lives, of moving flats!

Tuesday afternoon.  NEW INVESTIGATOR!  Brendon :) Yes, as in New Zealand's "Brendon Thomas and the Vibes!" [Look them up.] Hahaha...... We've been dropping in to say hi, and last time we stated our real purpose and he said it was "cool" and that we could totally come around and share things! We haven't actually met his mum yet, but his dad is lovely and we're hoping to meet all of them :) They're South African like so many in this area.  He's actually the most CHILL person you'll ever meet, but he's also keen to LEARNING - so power to him!! And there will be interesting things in the future. He's already brought up the Word of Wisdom thing so we'll see how continuing things go! :) Ha. He invited us into his house (and since there were THREE of us that day, we could, even though his mum didn't seem to be home). And then he invited us into his part of the house - aka: his bedroom. He told us to "make ourselves comfortable" (in his super chill surfer-dude type voice).  Haha.. He's hilarious. And so... we awkwardly sat on the floor. But he's good. And he's understanding more now what our purpose of missionaries actually is. So that's all good too :)

Tuesday night....we had to say our LAST GOODBYE to our dear Sister Taylor.  Gonna miss that one! But she's served a brilliant mission, and it's her turn to go about the new adventures back home in Melbourne now ;)

WEDNESDAY.  Transfers! And all the confusion thereof. Dropping Sister Boiteux off, picking up new sisters — originally thinking we would end up having to drive back to Panmure to pick up MORE sisters after driving out to Waterview.... but no worries. It all got sorted out and we only had to do a little bit of crazy running around. It was a bit sad in the sense of "I didn't get to bring my baby (Sister Boiteux) to the bus stop to pick up her new companion" — aka: Sister HOBBS.  But it's all good :)  Ha. I love how all my companions have been companions with each other for the most part now. It's great.

Later we had volleyball in Hibiscus with a couple of the potential investigator non-members, and ....they even got me to play this week. Haaaaa. Struggle is real. Haven't played in AGES. But, they were all very supportive and loving and cheered me on, even and sports. Enough said! Ha.

THURSDAY... struggle. Sickness.  It's fine. No worries. And to answer the question you asked last week — no, no aches or pains anymore, just get itchy still :) Ish. A little. No worries. It's nothing the clear pills you sent aren't taking care of for me :)

FRIDAY! Planning. Saw Philip, and Sister Lemalu's family – Hahahaha. And with Sister Lemalu's parents "waltzing in," as you put it, no, it's definitely still not allowed. It's just a thing with Islander families "happening to be in the right place at the right time" Haaaa..  But it's all good :) If I somehow do run into the Ostenson's when they come, then, ya know - power to it! Haha. Aaaand... We had a sort of appointment with our NOW, NEW INVESTIGATOR. Her name is Linda. She called us about a week ago, asking if we would have any use for an air hockey table at our church.  We asked around and found someone to take it (Sister Lemalu's family) so -we all went to pick it up :) We were able to stay a bit after and get to know her a bit. She said we should come by again soon for a "cup of coffee or something" (hot chocolate? ha.) But, apparently neither of us felt prompted to actually set a for real appointment.... But it was a blessing in disguise, because later that night she texted us asking if we "could come over tomorrow for some takeaways or something, and to chat" .... :) The Lord's timing. It's the best when people get to act for themselves, instead of us just prying into their lives. (Okay, not prying, but sometimes prying.) A lovely member lesson with our dear Sister Erin Matla followed :) And it was just grand. Love her to pieces.

SATURDAY our lunch date with Linda — and this is how prepared her heart is. We went out to Pita Pit, and her first sentence to us as we sat down to eat was, "So.... tell me about your faith."  :)  She's brilliant, and we're just so excited to keep working with her.  :)  Miracles always abound. It's true. And they keep us going and going :)
Oh. And Torbay Ward activity. I learned to check the oil and change the tyre of a car. Haaaa.  It was good :) (The whole activity was based on self-reliance with little workshops on education, health, car maintenance, food storage, etc. complete with a bit of zumba and a potluck at the end!)

SUNDAY. President Balli came to the Hibiscus Ward to speak :) And it was exciting and brilliant and according to Brother Maire, he's already seen a bit of change in excitement to get into the life of missionary work from some of the members. So.... all the excitement :) There was also a brilliant talk given by one of our members (Sister Greening) in which she mentioned a portion of this quote....and it's just one of those things that you NEED sometimes.

"You are LOVED. You are dear to your heavenly parents.
The infinite and eternal Creator of light and life knows you! ... He is not waiting to love you until you have overcome your weaknesses and bad habits. He loves you TODAY with a full understanding of your struggles. He is aware that you reach up to Him in heartfelt and hopeful prayer. He knows of the times you have held onto the fading light and believed—even in the midst of growing darkness. He knows of your sufferings. He knows of your remorse for the times you have fallen short or failed. AND STILL HE LOVES YOU." —President Uchtdorf, Ensign November 2014

Brilliant. Isn't it? We are LOVED, no matter what. And that's what He needs us to know. Through His servants and apostles. So - Sunday was good. We also had a brilliant dinner with our dear Elli Duncan :) (less-active, with many-a-goals in coming back), a brilliant meal (but also with a lot of dairy, which resulted in Sister Lemalu being...rather ill, regardless of the tablet she took. Ha. Sad things. But also not surprised). And... it was just good getting to know her and her needs even more.

One of the main things I would say I've learned on this mission is just how IMPORTANT the LITTLE THINGS are.  It's not the big things we do that keep us strongly standing within this gospel—I mean, no doubt that the big things are what help us grow and gain the most—but it's the LITTLE THINGS that keep us grounded in order to gain that little bit of strength that we need each day. CHURCH. PRAY. READ. Our SPIRITUAL CPR. Church: for us to renew our covenants, and to uplift and strengthen us each week. Pray: to always have that connection with our Heavenly Father and to learn through personal revelation.  And Read: Well - 'cause we need that knowledge and revelation through the scriptures DAILY, for our testimony and foundation in Christ to be strengthened. It's so simple. And I KNOW that these are the things that our Heavenly Father needs us to do to return to him. I still have yet to figure out/remember/go back through my notes to figure out what apostle said this - but, "If you read the Book of Mormon EVERYDAY, you will never go less active." (I'm fairly sure it was shared at either a mission conference, or the regional conference...or some sort of conference we had.) But I DEFINITELY have gained a testimony of that.  It's there for us for a reason, and we need to STUDY it's brilliant words.

Anyhoo. You're all lovely, and wonderful and I love you and miss you heaps. I hope your upcoming week is filled with joy and happiness, and that all your wildest wishes come true ;)

Alofa Tele Atu, (This one's Samoan for "I love you all heaps!") #SamoanCompanion

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Friday, July 15, 2016

Miracles and Faith

It's been a lovely week :) There's always ups and downs—but I'm grateful for it—'cause without the downs the ups aren't as exciting. And our week DEFINITELY ended with a BANG of an UP last night. :)

The week was fairly normal though, still trying to find more people to work with in our areas, and visiting people we've already met. And, of course, our lovely members. :)

MONDAY and Tuesday we were able to catch up with Wilma, Rachel and Liam. Most adorable family ever, and I just love them. And what's this I hear? There's a new Tarzan movie as well!?? When we were visiting with Liam this week I found out about a live action LION KING coming soon? Liam is OBSESSED with animals, so he shows us anything and everything to do with them. His favourite movie is the new Jungle Book. Haha.

TUESDAY we went on a bit of a trade-off after District Meeting, due to Sister Lemalu not feeling well, and Sister Taylor also not being well - so the sickies hung together and I brought Sister Rarawa and Hoiesi out into our area to try and meet some of the potentials that previous missionaries found in the area. It went pretty well. Hopefully we'll see some of them again soon too :) Sister Taylor and Rarawa leave us this week, sadly. We're all anticipating transfer news tonight, but right now I'd just rather live in my own little bubble of not knowing.

Anyway, after meeting our potentials, I traded back to my dear companion and we went out to Hibiscus to have a lesson with one of our members, and help out with a YW activity based on Integrity and missionary work!  They had us answer some questions for the girls about different missionary work things and whatnot. Good times :) And we got the phone numbers of the Laurels who want to come out with us sometime.  #Win. Fun times :) And I want to work in a YW calling one day. LOVE.

WEDNESDAY was a whole lot of "people aren't home," but it was okay because we were still able to contact one of our referrals that we've been trying to catch for a while now. And, she called us back IMMEDIATELY! Brilliant! That doesn't usually happen! We set up an appointment for Sunday. KEEN AS.

We had Volleyball that night at the chapel in Hibiscus, and....who shows up? Sister Lemalu's parents!! Hahaha.  Have I mentioned her uncle and aunty are in our ward? Yup.  Well, they come to Volleyball on Wednesdays, and because her parents had heard about said Wednesdays, they decided to come up for a visit. (They live just over an hour's drive south of here.) It was fun to meet her parents and one of her little brothers - and to hear her in all her Samoan-speaking-ness, since....she really doesn't get much of that in our areas. Haha. #WhitePeopleAreas

THURSDAY we had an appointment partially set up with a former investigator, but we ended up just talking with him on the phone and having a sort of "mini lesson" about a bunch of different things.  He's one of those "eterni-gators" and you can tell he agrees with everyting we's just the action of progressing that's a struggle. Anyhoo. It was fun to have a lesson with him on the phone. We also got to see a few other people that afternoon, and had a lovely dinner at the Rapata's - as always. Love them. SO much.

FRIDAY morning was an adventure, getting our car serviced while we were supposed to be doing our studies.... Ha. But, we got our car in, and then purchased a hot chocolate and muffin so we could study in a cafe down the road. It was a nice time. We even met a few lovely people while there - some who actually recognized us as "Mormons"!

That afternoon we had a lovely lesson with Philip. I love seeing little bits of progression within him. He KNOWS the things within our gospel that are true.  He knows it. But - slow and steady wins the race. Patience and things will come. Miracles will abound :) And then a lesson with Sister Matla. I LOVE our member lessons. They give us strength, and practice - especially in this time when we're looking for people to teach. And it's just lovely to have gospel discussions with people who understand why you're on a mission.

SATURDAY... Tracting. Allllllll afternoon. And our "Love Soup" gathering In the night :) And getting to know a new family that's just moved into Torbay Ward. Fun things.  Productive things.  And meeting a lot of people.

SUNDAY was our real HAPPINESS DAY though! We had Ward Council in Hibiscus, bright and early. Taught Gospel Principles class (Restoration and object lesson style), and enjoyed a lovely lunch for a bit staring over the beach. And then: our brilliant lesson with our now, NEW INVESTIGATOR(S). Aka: Our lesson with our referral, Rochanna. Love her dearly. She's SO KEEN. We went in with the intent of just getting to know her, and ended up teaching the Plan of Salvation, based on all her questions she was asking – along with a brief overview of the Restoration as well. And at the end, she brought her partner into the lesson as well, and told him some of the things she'd learned. And so....we get to teach both of them! :) These are the MOMENTS you YEARN for in the missionary life.  Teaching people who are KEEN and purely PREPARED. One thing that was amazing within the lesson, that Sister Lemalu and I just looked at each other in amazement, was when Rochanna asked, "Why is it that Jesus keeps popping up in my life?" And then she mentioned AGES in which she remembers Christ coming up in things.  "...8, 14, 18, 23, 26, 29..." (now). Our JAWS DROPPED when she said "8" - and we then explained to her why we were so amazed by all the ages she'd just said to us, - 8, obviously, being the time we're able to choose to be baptised. She's brilliant. And the spirit was so strong.  And she's just ready.

So.... MIRACLES ABOUND :) Maybe not always from our physical efforts in tracting all the places, but - in other ways as we continue to at least try and find people of our own. Love the referral life from members, it's just a blessing. Rochanna herself even said that she's turned missionaries away before - but once she talked to our member about meeting with the missionaries, she was open to having us over. Having those friends is a grand and helpful connection :)

Anyhoo. Grand things. ILove it all. I hope you all have a most amazing week, and that all your wildest dreams come true :)

Love you forever and always!

Ofa lahi atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Kia Ora!

Another week has come and gone. Sometimes it's just crazy how quickly time moves! We email now at the stake center—Sunset Chapel—where we attend the Torbay Ward in the Family History Center.

The beginning of this past week consisted of helping my dear Sister Gila packing up to move on to her new adventure back home :) She left us mid-transfer, thus why it's been a good thing that Sister Lemalu is here Visa waiting! So our trio life was short, but it was fun—also hard when you become just 2 again and your companion—who's been in only trios (MTC and here)—tells you how "difficult" it is to be in just a 2-person companionship! Haha. Patience. It's all good :)

Anyhoo. MONDAY, teaching Gina. She's lovely and we missed her heaps. And it was good for Sister Gila to be able to see her one more time before she left, and to be able to make the transition into Sister Lemalu being here instead of Sister Gila. It's awesome Mom about your friend, Renee, meeting Sister Gila's dad and making that connection. I got to meet her dad for a second on the mum's day Skype chat as well :) I love them all :) And I'm hoping that my Gila will actually EMAIL me soon.

TUESDAY we went to the Sunset Chapel bright and early to meet President and Sister Balli for Sister Gila's "exit interview" before leaving on Wendesday. And then, after lunch, we were on our way to Warkworth. We had a lesson with Ngaire, and we got to meet her daughter, Trista. She's a very sick little girl, but the most adorable thing you'll ever meet. We got to know her and her mum a bit better, and learned about when Ngaire first met the missionaries and all that jazz :) It was a lovely afternoon and a blessing for us. This night's dinner consisted of the Sunset Sister's coming over to our flat for a pizza and chips dinner for Sister Gila's last night, and it was good times :) Oh.  And P.S. I FOUND the RED SAND BEACH, Dad! It's at the very edge of Orewa on the way out to Puhoi/Warkworth. SO COOL!! We saw it as we were driving back :)

We also had more Sisters (Hobbs and Placedo) come to stay with us (from Whangarei), due to Sisters Lott and Smith coming down for a MLC [Missionary Leadership Council] and Sister Smith leaving, so Sister Lott needing companions to go back up to Whangarei with! Ha.  Confusing, I know. But it was exciting to see them all. And that night I helped Sister Gila with all her packing. And it was a blessing.  'cause we got a bit of time to ourselves one last time before she was off :) I'm gonna miss that girl more than anyone knows.

WEDNESDAY. It all began with bringing Sister Gila to the mission office to be wisked away from us back to Vanuatu. We cried. I probably would have cried harder had we not been there with Sister Lemalu and the Garths. Haha.
But bittersweet things. I'm excited for her new adventures back home though, and the grand life she has ahead of her. And for the fact that when she left her home she left a BRANCH behind, and is now going back to a WARD – and a newly organised STAKE!  #MissionaryWork #LoveIt

So after that was the first day of Sister Lemalu and I being companions! Not gonna lie – it started off a little rocky. Ha. But just because we didnt' know how to talk to each other yet. Plus we had a struggle of a day with one of our investigators dropping us, and having to drive back and forth from Takapuna, dropping off the other sisters and whatnot. But it was all good.

Volleyball that night was good for us, talking with one of our members who wants us to come help with a YW activity this coming Tuesday. The activity should be good and will all be based on missionary work :) Anyhoo, by the end of the day Sister Lemalu and I were talking and figuring each other out and just laughing and all the things. Many heart-to-hearts this day. All good things.

THURSDAY was Sister Lemalu's first real experience tracting. And it just so happened to be on a street where ...almost no one was home. And the ones that were – didn't speak English.  #NewZealand

We had dinner at the Rapata's, along with the elders (because they're in the single's ward, and the Rapata's have a daughter that's in the ward). It was grand fun learning more about our zone leaders via-the questions that were asked of them.  Haha.

FRIDAY we had a lovely lesson with Philip, always always. He TOLD us that "he would be baptised TOMORROW if it weren't for one thing." (I've always known this.) #Beer Not even the other alcohols. Just beer.  Bah. Satan. It's okay though. He still comes to all the things and one day we'll figure out other things for him.

And our dear Maiema. She's from Tuvalu and a convert of a few years back when she lived in Warkworth, and a lovely one too. She's just recently started coming back to church, as she couldn't because of work for a while. She told us her conversion story.  Things we LOVE hearing as missionaries, 'cause it gives us more motivation and drive to keep doing what we're doing! To find those that are waiting, just as she was. Love her to pieces.

SATURDAY....Sister Lemalu was ill. Sad face. Remember how I mentioned (or at least I think I did...?) that she's lactose intolerant?   Yup. That caught up with her Saturday.  So we got some other things done—she slept some, and we got to know each other better.

Yesterday was a BRILLIANT FAST SUNDAY.  Peace. And a Sunday all based on missionary work within our Torbay Ward. We also met a couple of people and visited a few less-actives that caught our interest – because of prayer. Prayer is real, and I KNOW that Heavenly Father leads us to where we need to go THROUGH that beautiful power :)  And I love it.

So.... all in all, good things and more good things to come. We're also loving our new flat, nice and warm, because...carpet.  Haha.

I hope you all have a beautiful week and soak up some extra sun for me (though - I do still see the sun quite often... it's just deceivingly chilly even with it!)

Much love from Aotearoa,

Ofa atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley