Friday, July 15, 2016

Miracles and Faith

It's been a lovely week :) There's always ups and downs—but I'm grateful for it—'cause without the downs the ups aren't as exciting. And our week DEFINITELY ended with a BANG of an UP last night. :)

The week was fairly normal though, still trying to find more people to work with in our areas, and visiting people we've already met. And, of course, our lovely members. :)

MONDAY and Tuesday we were able to catch up with Wilma, Rachel and Liam. Most adorable family ever, and I just love them. And what's this I hear? There's a new Tarzan movie as well!?? When we were visiting with Liam this week I found out about a live action LION KING coming soon? Liam is OBSESSED with animals, so he shows us anything and everything to do with them. His favourite movie is the new Jungle Book. Haha.

TUESDAY we went on a bit of a trade-off after District Meeting, due to Sister Lemalu not feeling well, and Sister Taylor also not being well - so the sickies hung together and I brought Sister Rarawa and Hoiesi out into our area to try and meet some of the potentials that previous missionaries found in the area. It went pretty well. Hopefully we'll see some of them again soon too :) Sister Taylor and Rarawa leave us this week, sadly. We're all anticipating transfer news tonight, but right now I'd just rather live in my own little bubble of not knowing.

Anyway, after meeting our potentials, I traded back to my dear companion and we went out to Hibiscus to have a lesson with one of our members, and help out with a YW activity based on Integrity and missionary work!  They had us answer some questions for the girls about different missionary work things and whatnot. Good times :) And we got the phone numbers of the Laurels who want to come out with us sometime.  #Win. Fun times :) And I want to work in a YW calling one day. LOVE.

WEDNESDAY was a whole lot of "people aren't home," but it was okay because we were still able to contact one of our referrals that we've been trying to catch for a while now. And, she called us back IMMEDIATELY! Brilliant! That doesn't usually happen! We set up an appointment for Sunday. KEEN AS.

We had Volleyball that night at the chapel in Hibiscus, and....who shows up? Sister Lemalu's parents!! Hahaha.  Have I mentioned her uncle and aunty are in our ward? Yup.  Well, they come to Volleyball on Wednesdays, and because her parents had heard about said Wednesdays, they decided to come up for a visit. (They live just over an hour's drive south of here.) It was fun to meet her parents and one of her little brothers - and to hear her in all her Samoan-speaking-ness, since....she really doesn't get much of that in our areas. Haha. #WhitePeopleAreas

THURSDAY we had an appointment partially set up with a former investigator, but we ended up just talking with him on the phone and having a sort of "mini lesson" about a bunch of different things.  He's one of those "eterni-gators" and you can tell he agrees with everyting we's just the action of progressing that's a struggle. Anyhoo. It was fun to have a lesson with him on the phone. We also got to see a few other people that afternoon, and had a lovely dinner at the Rapata's - as always. Love them. SO much.

FRIDAY morning was an adventure, getting our car serviced while we were supposed to be doing our studies.... Ha. But, we got our car in, and then purchased a hot chocolate and muffin so we could study in a cafe down the road. It was a nice time. We even met a few lovely people while there - some who actually recognized us as "Mormons"!

That afternoon we had a lovely lesson with Philip. I love seeing little bits of progression within him. He KNOWS the things within our gospel that are true.  He knows it. But - slow and steady wins the race. Patience and things will come. Miracles will abound :) And then a lesson with Sister Matla. I LOVE our member lessons. They give us strength, and practice - especially in this time when we're looking for people to teach. And it's just lovely to have gospel discussions with people who understand why you're on a mission.

SATURDAY... Tracting. Allllllll afternoon. And our "Love Soup" gathering In the night :) And getting to know a new family that's just moved into Torbay Ward. Fun things.  Productive things.  And meeting a lot of people.

SUNDAY was our real HAPPINESS DAY though! We had Ward Council in Hibiscus, bright and early. Taught Gospel Principles class (Restoration and object lesson style), and enjoyed a lovely lunch for a bit staring over the beach. And then: our brilliant lesson with our now, NEW INVESTIGATOR(S). Aka: Our lesson with our referral, Rochanna. Love her dearly. She's SO KEEN. We went in with the intent of just getting to know her, and ended up teaching the Plan of Salvation, based on all her questions she was asking – along with a brief overview of the Restoration as well. And at the end, she brought her partner into the lesson as well, and told him some of the things she'd learned. And so....we get to teach both of them! :) These are the MOMENTS you YEARN for in the missionary life.  Teaching people who are KEEN and purely PREPARED. One thing that was amazing within the lesson, that Sister Lemalu and I just looked at each other in amazement, was when Rochanna asked, "Why is it that Jesus keeps popping up in my life?" And then she mentioned AGES in which she remembers Christ coming up in things.  "...8, 14, 18, 23, 26, 29..." (now). Our JAWS DROPPED when she said "8" - and we then explained to her why we were so amazed by all the ages she'd just said to us, - 8, obviously, being the time we're able to choose to be baptised. She's brilliant. And the spirit was so strong.  And she's just ready.

So.... MIRACLES ABOUND :) Maybe not always from our physical efforts in tracting all the places, but - in other ways as we continue to at least try and find people of our own. Love the referral life from members, it's just a blessing. Rochanna herself even said that she's turned missionaries away before - but once she talked to our member about meeting with the missionaries, she was open to having us over. Having those friends is a grand and helpful connection :)

Anyhoo. Grand things. ILove it all. I hope you all have a most amazing week, and that all your wildest dreams come true :)

Love you forever and always!

Ofa lahi atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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