Monday, December 12, 2016


[*NOTE: This is Sister Ottley's FINAL LETTER! She'll be home in four days—LATE, THIS FRIDAY NIGHT, December 16th. Her homecoming talk will be NEXT Sunday, December 18th @1:00PM during Sacrament Meeting. Feel free to munch and mingle with her at our home later that afternoon.]

Highland 4th Ward
(LDS Avonmore Chapel)
5848 West 11000 North
Highland, Utah

Dear Family & Friends,
18 Months of my life has literally NEVER gone by SO FAST. As Sister Tauiliili and I walk from place to place (or mostly when we're walking home at night) I get caught up in thoughts of alllll the mission memories, and just start laughing to myself about so many different things.
Then Sister Tauiliili starts laughing at me 'cause to her it seems like I'm laughing at nothing! Hahaha.... Good times :)

This week has been grand though :) And resulted in miracles of 2 investigators coming to church, who hadn't been yet.

LAST MONDAY we played BUBBLE SOCCER for P-day. Seriously though, I could have played that for hours and been just fine with life :) Haha. I've never been so excited for a sport! We also had an exciting FHE with the Talavave's again... love our nights with them!

Skipping ahead to WEDNESDAY, because Wednesday was a trial day. #ForReals We had a lesson with one of our investigators, and it was going great! Talking about the Restoration. And then we met his older brother.... aka: Bible basher, with a lot of "I'm not trying to be rude, but..." in between each of his "questions." ...And that's where I willingly stopped the lesson. What did I learn here? When the Spirit is present, and when it is NOT. What else did I learn? ...Well, a lot. I could probably go on for DAYS. But I'll spare you all. Haha. But I've honestly never left a lesson so.... stressed. But it was okay. Because it brought up a lot of things that I continued to learn from over the next couple of days....

THURSDAY we had a most brilliant specialised training with President and Sister Balli and the assistants. Was it needed? YES. Was it a complete BLESSING? YES!! We talked about LIGHT. President Balli showed us two different torches and gave us this scenario: "You're walking home late at night on a dark, lonely road..."

Then President told us to choose between the two torches: one a big, hefty one, the other a small little hand-held one. Most of us, being the missionaries we are and liking small things, went with choosing the small one - 'cause we don't like carrying heavy things (ha). But then President pointed out to us that the big one could also give us protection.... haha.
But then he showed us the light between the two The smaller one was LED... aka: WAY brighter than the bigger torch. He then asked, "Elders and Sisters, WHICH LIGHT ARE YOU?"

...We all have light about us. But how BRIGHT that light is - is dependent on our willingness to follow what the Lord wants us to do.

It was a brilliant training. And gave me answers, and made me feel better about all the things. Haha. I just love President Balli and his counsel and... just greatness. Haha.

That was a weird moment for me! But it was a good day, getting to see some people we hadn't been able to get in the house of.  :)

SATURDAY was a day of teaching! And also the day I realised just how much I'm going to MISS teaching. We taught three lessons to investigators this day, and a few to different members. I love teaching. So much. This was also the day we got PROMISES from certain investigators to come to church :)

SUNDAY: CHURCH.  Also: My LAST NZ Sunday. Last time teaching our Gospel Principles class—all on Family Responsibilities. It was all very surreal for it being the last day. But so wonderful because of our brilliant members. I'm going to miss all my sweet members here in Tangaroa Ward! They've spoiled me with love and kindness - even with being the only palagi in the building! ;) Haha.

And the bit of this week left that I have before returning home, will continue to result in MORE TEACHING, MORE FINDING, MORE VISITING, and definitely MORE LEARNING :)

It's amazing how much can happen in a year and a half, and how quickly it can all pass by. I never truly realised in the beginning how much my New Zealand would actually become HOME to me. I honestly can't remember what it's like to not live here.... so that's going to be different.  But it's time for a new adventure again. Like I was saying last week - it's always just when you start getting comfortable that you get transferred :P.  But new adventures await. And for that - I'm actually excited for once (I think? Ha.)

I've been INSANELY blessed with beautiful people who have become family to me here in NZ, and I know they'll continue to be my family for all time. I'm grateful for this mission, I'm grateful for all my blessings. I'm grateful for all the family and friends I have and have gained. But most of all I'm grateful for this beautiful gospel we live in. For the blessings it brings, and the MIRACLES I have seen that come about because of it. It's true my friends.  It's true :)

That's all, Folks! See you THIS WEEK!

Alofa tele Atu,
Ofa Atu,
Love yous all HEAPS!

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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