Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Life. Is. Beautiful.

I am OVERWHELMED with all the LOVE and SUPPORT I feel from all of you each day. I apologize, for I don't know that I'll be able to get through all the temails this week... Too many!  And not enough time for emailing here in the MTC.  ---We didn't email yesterday for the reason of leaving TOMORROW.

It's good to hear that all went well with Grandma's funeral!  While I wish I could have been there - and especially to be in Bear Lake again with you, mom - I was lucky enough to have Gram's here with me too.  I have felt her spirit everyday here in the MTC.  I KNOW she's been here, cheering me on and picking me right back up even in my smallest moments of fear. 

Also:  SO glad dad got his card.  I knew Leesh would find it ;)  AND also glad Maddy's got my back in being the mini-me for a year and a half!! Love her to death! (And beyond!)

Life. Is. Beautiful. 
And we are so lucky to have the instructors we do here in the New Zealand MTC.  Sister Niutua is truly one I will never ever forget.  She will always be in my heart.  And - like I said, we LEAVE TOMORROW.  How CRAZY is that?? There is NO possible way that it has been a week and a half already. 

But: Cool experiences for the week. 
. Wait.  A few more things.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY PARENTS!  (4 days late...) I love you!  And, regardless of the fact that I know Grandma's funeral fell over the day, I know it was a beautiful day because of that.  So lucky to have all the family and friends around ;)  Love you so much!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KESLER!  (...8 days late. Sorry- Fail.)
And thank you for putting together the poster Leesh and Rach! 

Can someone tell me what a "Taro Root" is?  ..Tarro? Tayro?  Idk how to spell it.  But it's DELICOUS.  You shold find it and try it.  Also - being here, I've eaten more meat than I think I have ever in my life.  It's weird. 

I sent home another letter yesterday... with a letter for Shauna in it.  ....I fail at the fact that I had already asked for her address.  But thank you!  It will come in handy later :) - Also, Mariah.  One for Mariah as well.

SOMEONE TELL CAYDEN TO EMAIL ME. (slacker face) And to tell me his favorite scripture :)

Okay.  Now things of the week:
RAINBOWS.  I've never, in ALL my life seen one so brilliantly vibrant.  Especially when you look out and see one while singing "How Great Thou Art."  It just goes to show you how beautiful this world is, and how much our Savior and Heavenly Father love us to give us such wonderful and amazing creations in this life.  Also: I'm sure you're all wondering "WHY in the world has Kenzie/Sister Ottley not sent any pictures home yet??? That's SO NOT LIKE HER."   --- Oh, no worries.  I KNOW.  But, sadly - cameras aren't exactly allowed here in the MTC.  But, no worries- Soon friends, soon. 

TEMPLE.  Oh, the New Zealand, Hamilton temple.  I've never realized that the NZ temple was one of the earlier temples built.  It doesn't have an Angel Moroni!  But it's SO BEAUTIFUL.  The artistry is just simply elegant in it's simple nature, and beautiful in the peace that it brought to my soul.  It was a GORGEOUS blue-sky day, allowing us to all be able to bask in the sun.  The temple is a beautiful place.  I encourage you all to set goals to go more often.  It's definitely something I can tell I'm going to feel rather deprived of when I get back.  I know we get to go once a year?  Maybe?  But... I miss it already. 

HOLA PESE.  So, here at the MTC we have "investigators" - aka, teachers that act as investigators to help us gain experience.  But here's the great thing.  It truly does help us learn just perfectly how to love people.  Because in these meetings, they truly are someone else.  They have new needs, questions, concerns and ...it's just a testimony that there ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE.  And not only are there people out there (who I already know I'll love.  That i DO love.) who are READY for ME.  Anyhoo - tangent.  Hola. She's one of mine and Sister Lott's investigators.  She was baptized 4 years ago, but fell away after her grandma passed away in a terrible accident.  ...So, this hit home. I had a wonderful experience talking with her about the scripture 2 Samuel 22:33.  ...It was just a night of realization that grandma is truly always here with me, helping me along. 
Hola Pese = Sister Niutua.  And thus, my great connection to her. 

TALKS.  I gave another talk this week - in a Fireside this time. And it was great.  I talked about the book of mormon and how it answers questions of the soul.  I can tell you that I TRULY BELIEVE THIS. 

Phil. 1:6 - look this up.  It's now mine.  Forever and ever.

I have to leave.  But I love you all. The gospel is TRUE.  The work is REAL.  And I'm grateful for you all.  Forever and ever :)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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