Thursday, June 18, 2015

Safe Arrival

Life is insane.  And you're all so sweet.  I agree that I couldn't possibly be any luckier to have such a wonderful and loving family and set of sisters in my life.  I literally don't know what I would have done without them last night... or I suppose 2 nights ago...ish.  (ha)  But as I've unpacked a few things, I've realized why it was SO crazy full.  Apparently I'm INSANE in the things I put in that room to be packed.  Like a jean skirt -- definitely too short for the mission.  But all is well!  I truly couldn't be more grateful for the help I received from my sisters. :) 
*Side note: Slightly jet-laggy.  So- expect scatter-brained-ness.*
We arrived safely this morning, and man we've already become great friends.  In SFO we ran into a brother who took a picture with me because I guess he used to coach/work/something with Brother Bailey-so he sent him a selfie of us together!  Oh, the small world we live in.  Then, when we arrived at our actual gate in SFO to go to New Zealand we came upon a mom and dad who were on their way to Samoa to pick up thier son from his mission.  They were the sweetest little couple, and if I'm not mistaken mom- sent you a picture of all of us!?  I hope it actually got to you.  Our group traveling from the states consisted of -- Sisters: Christensen, Lott, Liataoua (spelling = not correct there.), and me - Elders: Oakes, Dailey and Clark. And, like I said, they're all wonderful.   And of course daddy-o started looking up the flights ;)  You're adorable!!!  But you also need to stop making me cry... ;)
Landing in Auckland was a little diferent than I expected, because it was still SO DARK.  So- we didn't really see anything out the windows :(.  But oh well.  The little pieces I've seen now are gorgeously green, and beautiful!  Also: the Kiwi version of "cold" and Utah version of "cold" are two VERY different things.  So we'll see how many of those leggings I actually end up using....
The people here are insanely kind, which I already knew would be the case -- but the women all give hugs and kisses on the cheek!  I love it.  A lot.
Anyhoo.  My companion is Sister Lott--and we're super similar, which I'm very grateful for.  I'll send pictures later when we actually have a little more time.  Also: Surprise!  We've already been asked to be "Sister Training Leaders" together here during our time at the MTC.  (What is this life??)  We're basically the "moms" in a sense over the sisters (15-ish of us), making sure everyone is okay, has everything they need, and is comfortable.  It'll be a great opportunity! 
Traveling here on the plane from SFO was exciting, and I was able to sit next to a Tongan man who was very sweet and knew what a missionary was.  Ha - come to later find out he has 2 nephews out on missions right now! 
Guys, the gospel is true. 
And now I must bid thee farewell - my time is almost up!  I believe my true P-day is Monday... But I could be wrong...? We'll see :)
Much love!
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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