Monday, August 10, 2015


Goodness gracious. It's been one INSANE week! I'm fairly certain I say this every week, but I honestly can't believe that another week has gone by. Time has never moved this quickly before.

So - First, as a district with our Zone leaders, and the senior couple (the Clements) in our district, we went to Rainbow Falls last week. OH THE BEAUTY. I'm hoping to go back again someday when it's actually sunny, rather than rainy. But it's gorgeous, and it was so fun to have that last get together - as Elder Reinen leaves TOMORROW. So sad. He will be missed! But all is well - the work continues on, and we will receive another inspired Zone Leader this week at transfers....
Yes. Yes, I did just say transfers. It's already been SIX WEEKS. What is life?
Anyhoo - more on that later.
Tuesday we had a wonderful district meeting and watched a talk given by President Eyring in a priesthood session of conference titled "Act in All Diligence." The talk is addressed toward priesthood holders, but it is also pretty great advice toward missionaries as well (and could definitely be just applied into anyone's life, really). Anyhoo - It's definitely worth a read! Or watch, or listen :)
We were also able to see Daniel this week!! - I don't think I mentioned it, but we haven't been able to see him for the last two weeks. And it was pretty sad, cause we kind of felt like he was running away from it a little bit. But he got back from visiting his aunt, and we were able to catch up with him. And yesterday we started reading the Book of Mormon with him - as he had started, but didn't understand it.  Sooo now he said that he kind of gets the storyline, that he will read so we can talk about what he's read more! Yay!
Wednesday. They never cease to be amazing. EVEN WHEN they start out crappy. So: Fun fact, this cold I've had is a struggle to get rid of this time around. And by Wednesday my bug? bites were a confusion and annoying and itchy and painful. So... Sister Ottley became a bit overwhelmed. And so at the beginning of companion study, which consisted of reading a section in the white handbook about Priesthood blessings, Sister O'Reilly asked if I would like the Elders to come over and give me a blessing. Definitely the best thing she could have offered. So - Elder Summers and Elder Blandford came over  before going on their way that day, and gave me a beautiful blessing of comfort - that I WOULD get better and that my bug bites WOULD heal. But - just so long as I had patience with it. I laughed a little at that part in the blessing. But I know it's true. I was also told that my Father is mindful of those things that I want to accomplish, and that I will through Faith. The Priesthood is wonderful, isn't it? And then, of course - singing at BayCare Rest Home. Even with my poor sick voice, it was wonderful. Their happy faces are just bright and wonderful.  After singing, we dropped by our dear Marion's home to help her cut down a flower-tree-bush-type plant, which was wonderfully exciting.  The service life is exciting - mixing it up a bit from teaching lessons and just sitting down!
And then - Wednesday night. We had a conference call with all the new missionaries in my intake. SO - I got to HEAR THEIR VOICES AGAIN. (Note: See picture of me excitedly pointing to our phone.) This is me when Sister Lott was on the line!!!! We were able to share "miracle moments" we have had so far on the mission with each other, and it was just so truly wonderful! :)

Thursday came with MUCH new adventure: RUSSELL!  So: Fun fact, Russell is also another area I cover. But it's counted within the Paihia Branch. However, we don't go to Russell super often because you either have to go around the bay - making it a crazy long trip, and probably not worth the petrol - OR you take the BOAT FERRY. ALL THE EXCITEMENT. Why is this cool you ask? Because Missionaries aren't allowed on boats. Haha. But we are - with our little car, taking us across the bay over to Russell. It was great. And terrifying. And I'm a little terrified for the day when I have to drive the car onto the boat ferry. But Russell is BEAUTIFUL. Paihia is quiet, but Russell is even MORE so. Gorgeous views, and lots of lookouts to see beautiful views. (See pictures of a flag memorial, a large sundial, and just...beautiful things.)We were able to meet a girl named Faith here who apparently attended Seminary with her friends in high school—true dedication and friends she really must have been fond of to go to early morning seminary when you're not even a member! But she's super sweet, and I'm hoping to see her again one day! We also met an 85 year old man named Peter, who referred to himself as a "Bush Baptist" - aka: A "nothing," but he still took our Book of Mormon when he found out it was free and told us he would read it for more knowledge!

FRIDAY. Here's the real exciting stuff. A day that I kind of ...really disliked. Because it was much too focused on me. This morning we called Sister Beckstead (our mission medical "mom" of sorts) and told her about my bites — because after asking quite a few locals, and ALL of them saying, "That's no flea bite," - I started getting a little annoyed with the things. And paranoid. Let's be real. So, she told us to head to the Chemist (aka: pharmacist) to see if they could look and determine what kind of bites they were. Nope. (Mysteries of my life.) But they said it "could be an allergic reaction to having Strep..." So we called Sister Beckstead again, she said, "Let's go to the doctor just in case." ...And she got me an appointment at an impressively quick speed at Kerikeri Medical Centre. So we went. They said, "It could be chickenpox...?" and then, "But it didn't come with a fever... and didn't go all over your body," and then "Your throat looks fine — not strep" ... and then, "Well, we'll give you a prescription for calamine lotion and an antihistamine." Because the only thing they could think it would be is an allergic reaction from something else that bit me.#thisismylife#nooneknowswhatswrong#ever. Hahaha... I laughed.
But all is well. The bites are still annoying - and they look more like tiny blisters than bites. Fun times! They'll go away though. :) And I'm getting over the cold. Slowly but surely. — Did I ever tell you I found something similar to Airborne? It's called "Berocca" - and has Vitamin B, Zinc, Magnesium and... something else. It's actually quite nice!
Saturday was a struggle - as Sister O'Reilly became a little sicker. So, we spent a bit of the day resting, trying to get over the exhaustion that came over life. But: This was truly great, because we felt better Sunday and were able to go to church, have a wonderful lesson with our dear Jemeeka (I believe I spelled her name wrong last week...) and then to dinner at the Tua's!  — Because, fun fact: It was BROTHER TUA'S BIRTHDAY! — And we made him a cake. Which was also an adventure in and of itself, because well.... lets just put it: We're glad our flat is still standing. Haha.  Dodgy oven, that doesn't so much have any indication on it as to "what temperature the oven is at in this current moment." .... But we got the cake cooked! And it was delicious. :)
NOW. (Goodness - I'm sorry I'm insanely wordy today.)
LAST NIGHT (Sunday). Well - preface: Sister O'Reilly had told me that, "If you're getting transferred, President calls Wednesday, and we leave Thursday for the transfer meeting in Auckland. But if you're becoming a trainer, he'll call Monday." ...So - SUNDAY night: We're planning for what we're doing today, yes? And "PRESIDENT BALLI" pops up on the phone. My stomach jumped and Sister O'Reilly's face LIT UP.  I was just thinking, "But - wait! It's not Monday OR Wednesday!"
"Sisters! I have new assignments for both of you! You'll BOTH be training again!  - Sister Ottley, for the first time of course."
Family and friends, I'm going to be TRAINING a new missionary by the end of this week! WHAT IS THIS LIFE.
I have no more words for this moment.
Sister O'Reilly is being transferred to Papatoetoe - the farthest SOUTH you can go in our mission (haha), and I will be staying in the Kaikohe zone, but training a new sister. Life is exciting. And terrifying. And so great. And weird. ALL THE EMOTIONS!!
And... Will someone also update me on Rach and Gordon and Cord and Janine?
(Many prayers appreciated. ;)...)
I'm excited to report how the rest of the week goes — Oh, and also: I may be seeing David Archuleta. :)   haha... life is great.

ALL THE LOVE!!! <>  — (That's a hug, by the way)  <> <> <> <> XOXO
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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