Monday, August 24, 2015

Kia Ora!!

This week has definitely had it's UPS and DOWNS. Struggling in feeling adequate in training Sister Boiteux at times, as well as in helping her to get through tough times of her own. I've gone through feeling like a failure in finding people, or in feeling like time has been wasted driving around trying to find a less active member in our records.

I even had a miniature break-down Tuesday night after visiting Jemmeka, feeling like she no longer cared for me - because Sister O'Reilly is gone. And then driving on the way home I hit a flipping possum. (What is it with me and animals LOVING to dive in front of my car?) Sister Boiteux found it hilarious in the moment, but I definitely didn't at the time. Cute- but stupid little things possums are! So... that night was a struggle. Leading up to Wednesday morning when we had a companion study with our Zone Leaders, Elder Gerdes and now Elder Craine. I have to say that it was most definitely an inspired thing that they asked if they could have a comp study with us. They had us "prepare" something to learn about and study together, but I just went in with talking about the "Humpty Dumpty" poem you sent me mom [Atonement poem] — DEFINITELY what I needed to read that morning. So the Elders came, having happened to listen to a talk by Elder Bednar on the way to the chapel we met at. The title is "Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease," and they talked to us about that. They gave me great advice about moving forward and looking to the Atonement of Christ in all things. They helped me to feel better and gave me new things to think about - reminding me that, "There's no growing in the comfort zone, and no comfort in the growing zone." Hard, but true. I hadn't planned on crying in front of the Elders... but ha. That ship sailed. But it helped. And they are wonderful.

Companion study = a wonderful and inspired thing! :)

The week since then - has been slow. But, also good. Sister Boiteux and I are getting to know each other better and learning how to teach with one another. It's weird this week - almost being at a loss of words what to say about what's gone on!

We've found a new investigator though!  His name is Craig.  Sister O'Reilly and I originally tracted into his house and met his mum - who's really not interested in being a part of any religion because "how do you know which is true when there are so many??!" — Ha.. Well, let us tell you ;)   Nah - but her son is pretty into the idea of at least listening to us. So that's been nice! We're hoping to teach the Plan of Salvation to him this week - so we'll see how it settles with him.

I've also been able to introduce Sister Boiteux to a good portion of the members in our areas - most recent being the Tua's last night. Her first meal with the Tuas :) Haha. And Brother Tua already had a necklace all made up for her! "Sweet as," right? He's just wonderful! ["Sweet as" is a NZ expression used like we use, Sweet!... expressing our likes!]

OH! AND GUESS WHAT! So... a couple of weeks ago, Elder Summers and Blandford dropped off a Maori Book of Mormon to our flat for Sister O'Reilly and me. But... that's the thing. Just one. So I let Sister O'Reilly take it. BUT - I HAVE MY VERY OWN NOW! And... it makes no sense, yet. But - I'm coming to learn a bit here and there, and it's super exciting. It's fun to at least see the different names translated into Maori - and a few words that I've been able to make out from hearing people say them here. I just love it. — I know, I know. Dad's laughing right now and saying, "See!?? I told you that you'd be learning Maori!" Yes, yes, you are right papa! I'm loving my Maori - the very little I know. I'm trying my hardest to use it when I can though!

I'm EXCITED and EXHAUSTED as a trainer. It's just made me wonder how Sister O'Reilly really truly was while we were together. I miss her a lot. But - I know Sister Boiteux and I need each other right now as well so that we can find new ways to get members more involved and to get less actives more active! (Which is a struggle I'm learning - with most of them having partners, and not wanting to get married.) But I feel Sister Boiteux is becoming more forgiving as she's realized how small our areas really are. — Just another reason as to why we have TWO areas we cover. Otherwise all the people of Matauri Bay would just be crazy sick and tired of us coming to their doors! Ha!

I have been informed by Sister Beckstead (Area Medical Mum) that my package is waiting for me, so it WILL get to me. :) (And I told her there's things in it that will help me - so I know she'll make sure it gets in the ZL's car!) And I also knew she'd be emailing you! Ha. She's adorable. She calls me from time to time, making sure everything is going okay with the bug situation. It was TWELVE?? missionaries that had chicken pox last year in NZ? I didn't realize it was that many! Haha. And I don't think we've decided what it actually is... Ha. I'm still going to say no to shingles - just cause it's only on exposed skin. So same to no with chicken pox. But Sister Beckstead did call me this week saying that "if they keep showing up, I may be quarantined" ... so that's fun! But no more have shown up just yet, so no worries. :) They really are starting to go away. Most of them have definitely scabbed over, and I just have the curse of looking like I have leporacy or something of the sort now. Yay!

One good thing that came from bugs - for a while I had a couple on my lips - which made them rather plump, if you ask me.  Hahaha... Which was nice, but also less than important being a missionary. ;) (I'm just saying though, people pay good money for stuff that does that.) ;)

And no to GPS - haha. That's definitely  not a thing. We have cute little Nokia phones - like super old school ones.  They're great. But I'm finding my way around pretty fine now. Just struggling to find the houses that don't seem to exist! ;)

And here's the short little poem I wrote a few weeks ago... I wish I could remember when exactly. But it was late at night, after I said my prayers - when I was struggling with confidence and how to teach with the Spirit. It was actually nice to find this again this morning and remind myself of the things I know my Father gave to me that night to think about. :)

My Saviour
I have a knowledge of the Spirit–
I have confidence in thee.
And with these two things,
I can be anyone I want to be!

Short and simple. :)  I'm hoping I'll be able to add a little more to it soon. We'll see. I'm going to actually put it somewhere that I can see it and think on it a bit more.

And a couple of scriptures that I came across in study this morning:

Alma 1:25 "Now, this was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the faith; nevertheless, they were steadfast and immovable in keeping the commandments of God, and they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them."


Mosiah 4:27 "...for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength."

Aaand - I'm up to Alma in the Book of Mormon now. Yay! Have I mentioned that I'm understanding the stories more than I ever have before? It's truly amazing. And wonderful, and a blessing to actually really understand what you read... haha.

Life is good. More adventures to come. More struggles and trials, I'm sure - but also more happy things on their way.

Much love to all. :)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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