Friday, November 13, 2015

Life Just Gets Better!

I miss you all dearly.  But I hope you're enjoying life in the states! It's slowly getting warmer and warmer here each day. It's actually quite similar to home in the way of there being sudden days of coldness, then jumping back into hotness. So that's fun. The only difference is the humidity – obviously. Today's CRAZY humid. It's definitely gonna be raining at some point here.

It's been a good/weird week. Mostly because Sister Pointer and I keep switching off between who's sick and who's stressing and whatever. But – it started with me on Monday, sick from the medication I was taking for my "UTI" (Still don't believe I actually had an infection.) But when all was done with P-day, right before we were supposed to go out to Paihia, I was just ill. So we called our dear Sister Bath, and stayed in. Because –the stomach was just a struggle of life.
No worries though!  I'M DONE WITH THE MEDICATION! Aka: I don't feel like there's a KNOT in my stomach anymore. Wooooo! *Choirs cheering*

Anyhoo. Monday/this last week/the week before has also been a bit of a struggle for Sister Pointer, with her sister, Annie, having just returned home from her mission. I think that's honestly the thing that sets us off into homesickness –watching others go home. Because, watching Elder Crane die last week ("die" – meaning: leaving. Going home from his mission.  Not in the literal sense) was hard. Also because he's just a wonderful missionary, and he's helped me through a lot. He's one of those people that seemed to see into what I was struggling with more than I did at times. But no worries – it's not getting me down. I've overcome the homesickness, and I will continue to do so in future struggles with it. Because I feel like I've realized this week more than ever that this really is just a short time of life. – I mean, in another month I'll have been here for SIX. MONTHS. What IS that? It's a THIRD OF MY MISSION.  #craziness #canthandleit

Oh. And if you haven't guessed yet – I'm still in the North :) AND with my dear Sister Pointer as well. My dear Paihia and Matauri Bay get to have me for yet ANOTHER transfer. And I'm SO excited. The Lord grants wishes – because I honestly may have prayed that I could be with my whanau here for my birthday..... #selfish.  But – I'm excited for SO many other reasons.

OH. But OTHER fun news about transfers – Sister Tapuala has left us. That's not the exciting part. But the person who's taken her place? Sister Christiansen :) Aka: As in the Sister Christiansen that I very FIRST met at the AIRPORT and started my mission journey with in the first place :) So it's been SUPER lovely to see her again. She's Sister Boiteux's companion in the Waihau Branch. #districtbuddies

Anyhoo. Continuing on. Tuesday was a struggle day. But okay. ...That's really all we need to say about that.
Other than we got to have dinner at the Armstrong's. And they perked us up for the rest of the night. So that's good :) They're the sweetest couple.  They both served missions – And Sister Jacinda just talks to us all the time about how lucky we are and how jealous she is of us. Haha. She's the most adorable. Hopefully I'll get pictures with all these people soon. :P

Wednesday was our DAY OF MIRACLES. It started out as a struggle – me still feeling sick from the lame medication. (But – no worries, this was also my last day of having to take the blasted stuff.) And I could tell Sister Pointer was also not 100%. But we pressed forward – as the Clements had invited our district over for breakfast before we were split apart in transfers on Thursday. So it was good to see everyone one more time. Sister Tapuala and Elder Blandford have both left us now to more southern areas.  (Elder Blandford has been in the north/Kawakawa for.... 5 transfers I think? So I think he was excited to see other people, and other missionaries. Ha) We then stopped by the chapel to do a bit of study, as we didn't get any that morning – which turned into Sister Pointer crying.  I knew she wasn't feeling 100%. So we took a minute. We figured a few things out, and we continued on. This is where the miracles were made... We actually got to TEACH James Puru. (Miracle #1 of the day.) James has been a sort of potential for quite a few weeks now. He has a daughter that's a member in the Waihau branch, and another who's also investigating (Sister Pointer taught both of them). He's sent us away a couple weeks – because he doesn't like it when he hasn't done the reading we give him. Or he's had work. But this week we got to teach the restoration to him, and it was BRILLIANT. He kept saying that he's ready for this – and sharing that he really means it because normally he wouldn't let us just teach him on his porch where his neighbors and others can see us. He "just doesn't care who sees he's visiting with us" now! Haha. He's wonderful, and we're excited to continue teaching him. We were then running late (cause, James has a lot of words) for our appointment with KAYLA. But as we were rushing to the car, I looked at the phone – and: Miracle #2: a text from Kayla saying she was running a little late and wouldn't be there until 2:30. *Perfection!* We then got to teach Kayla :) The Plan of Salvation. And then at one point her sons came home from school, Kingston came over (age 6) and she asked if he'd like to hear the story of the Plan of Salvation. He said, "Yes please!" So we shared it with him as well. ...The best part of it all? Kayla hepled us in teaching it to him! CAN WE SAY GOLDEN? #golden. He then bounded off to go play and we continued talking with Kayla. During this lesson she was talking about always getting this "tingly feeling" when we're around or during certain things she's done in the week to do with service or bettering herself.  *DING DING DING!* So I asked her if she knew what the Holy Ghost was. We taught her. And she recognized that IT WAS THE SPIRIT SHE WAS FEELING! (Once again: golden.) I just love her so much. And we're excited for continuing lessons. Hopefully tomorrow?  If not – then on Wednesday :)

Then – (Yes, Wednesday was FULL-ON). We were almost late to our meeting with the Cunninghams (a family referral from President Going). But, once again – Miracle #3. Brendon texted us asking if we could come a bit later – cause he was running late. We couldn't stay at their house long, but we got to be there long enough to meet Brendon, his partner, Dana (not married – most people in New Zealand aren't it seems like), and their boys – Mason (well, he was asleep), Taquin, and Andrew. And they want to know more.  WE HAVE A FAMILY TO TEACH! The only hard thing is going to be working with their schedules. They both work at a restaurant – he's the head chef, and she's a manager. But: We have FAITH. Because FAMILIES ARE FOREVER :)

Ah - and we had dinner at the Ngakuru's :) Love them. So much.

Anyhoo. Thursday was "Guy Fox Day" (which apparently they celebrate here with lots of "fire and fireworks." Ha). A day of a man who burnt down Parliament – and it's celebrated with fire! #loveit

A bit slower in comparison, Wednesday – but we got to visit Daniel and the Himionas, and teach lessons with both of them —we're starting to teach lessons to member families, to not only help us, but to teach them that they can be missionaries too!

Friday and Saturday both became struggle days. Friday – a lot of people not really being home, but we did get to talk to people on the streets, as well as visit with our dear Marion :) It's been a while since I've talked about her – she's not really one we've taught a lot.  And right before Sister O'Reilly left the area, she kind of crushed us and told us that she "wasn't reading the Book of Mormon anymore!"  – and put it away on her shelf (after trying to give it back to us). But: This week she took it back out. And read a scripture we had left for her on her door one day. Soooo once again: little miracles!
We'll probably be thinking of small things to teach her here and there again. We talked with her about "time" this week – and there being a time for everything. (And yes, I thank "Footloose" for helping me in remembering that the scripture about there being "a time to dance" is in Ephesians 4. :) ) It was good.

Saturday morning we went to a mini "Time Out For Women" that the Stake Relief Society put on – all about Family History. And it was wonderful. And our dear Sister Pam White (who was teaching one of the workshops) did a little missionary work and invited one of her friends along. And so we got to have a bit of an investigator with us as we went through different workshops and talked to her about the temple and different reasons we do family history. Her name is Angie, and she LOVES Family History (thus, how she and Pam became friends). She's lovely, and I'm hoping we get to see her again one day. ...Even though she technically lives in Kaikohe. :P All good though. We have hope. Or – maybe the Elders there will meet her one day and teach her ;)  We're also helping Pam in new steps to take with her, so it's pretty exciting :)

The rest of Saturday was spent at the flat, Sister Pointer not feeling well — and I put together a little care package for the other sisters, because Sister Boiteux is struggling not being with Sister Tapuala anymore :(  I gave her lots of hugs at the TOFW.

Sunday — the Sabbath is just always wonderful. And our members spoil us. We had lunch at the Whites with the Clements along as well (fresh smoked fish —caught Saturday night! SO GOOD. And Brother White Smokes it himself as well :D) Dinner at the Going's (mostly just with Mel, as President Going went with Trey to a YM fireside) and a few visits to some people that night. Just... lovely :)

And the lady with me and the picture of the boat last week? She is my dear Rozanne. She's one of our investigators – or, kind of as they get called "eterni-gators" – because she likes learning things, but is not necessarily interested in joining the church. But we love visiting her because she's just a lovely lovely person :) She makes me SO happy. And that's her and her husband, Peter's boat behind us :) They were getting her ready to sail and invited us to the club to see her! Isn't she pretty!?? I'm hoping to get a real picture of her actually on the water at some point.

So life is grand in Kaikohe :) I'm excited and spoiled here in the north. I'm excited about the continuing stories of our new investigators, and the fact that we now actually have a branch mission leader to work with in Paihia! It makes things a little better – gettng to talk with Brother Boss Going (President's brother) about things we're working on and how to better help the branch and whatnot.  It's wonderful :)

Anyhoo. LOTS of words this week. Maybe a few too many. But I'm realizing more and more each day all the things that this mission is helping me with for my future life. I hope all is well at home — even with the colder weather settling in.  Ha. And here it's getting more hot and humid. Definitely weird, and definitely throwing me off that it's almost Christmas. Just doesn't quite feel like it.

"Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth. ... The Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead..." —2 Nephi 2: 6,8

I love you all so much!!!!

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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