Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Wise words in a closing prayer this week from my dear Sister Pam White. I can't express to you how much I love all my New Zealand parents. They're all too good to me! Yes, my legs still itch like no other – but there's little miracles that have come away from it, which you'll hear soon. And luckily – I think the garlic (and maybe B-vitamins too?) do indeed help with the bug bites. 'Cause I haven't noticed as many bites lately – and summer is supposedly
supposed to be "worse" for getting bitten. Definitely haven't found that to be true. Definitely got attacked in winter.

It's been a good week :) Learned many new things – starting with "humid + hot and 'dry' (for New Zealand) = resulting in just really really HOT." Ha. I know. Profound. (We have also never been so excited for ice-cream... and it also melted! Really quite fast! Haha) But that's how last Monday's P-day was. Today's a little less-so, hot wise, because it's been raining like crazy all morning!!

This week has been filled with little miracles throughout. A few of which have to do with less-active members coming to different realizations of what the gospel really is in life. And we're excited. We love seeing them coming to church – even if just for a bit, and things continue to look up with them each and every day :)

TUESDAY somehow resulted in a theme of "prayer" – no matter where we went or what we were teaching. Ha. So it was really quite lovely. We got to teach Charmayne and her kiddo's (love them dearly) and we played a little game of "hot and cold" relating it to prayer and how sometimes we need help to find answers – we used my handy-dandy Lego-missionary self as the hidden object ;)  Haha. It's come in handy many places on the mission! And the girls, Rapika (Rae-pick-a) and Jenny and Tiakina (Tee-ah-key-nah), loved playing – so that was wonderful :)

We were also able to visit with Sister Bignell (Brother Bignell was out at work late) and her daughters, Ameila and Arianna, for dinner — they're just the loveliest of families :) (Also: Members of the Paihia branch.) Sister Bignell actually has quite an amazing story. She went on a mission when she was young, came home, and never really found the chance to get married – until she was 44, when she met Malcom Bignell, who she hated at first (ha) – but he still managed to sweep her off her feet ;). And the other miracle in this? The two daughters are theirs. She was able to have two kids! And they're the cutest. I get along with them quite well – as they're crazy shy. Haha. Anyhoo. Miracles in life :)

WEDNESDAY was the marker for SISTER POINTER'S HALF-WAY MARK! Weird things, right? Also: I hit 5 months this week! It will be on my birthday actually, so that's cool. This was also the day of miracles among a less-active family – who when we went to visit, told us about different things they're now doing to better themselves, because they've decided they have to be "all in" or "all out" of the church — luckily they're choosing "all in" ;)

THURSDAY. Ha. It's now in the books of having "one of the funniest lessons of my mission" – and it will probably continue to be in the books for a long time. It's "what happens when the person you teach is really really tired." We were in Matauri Bay, making a few visits around, and decided to stop in to see Flo. She's one that I was originally told was a less-active (or so I thought?) Nope. Jk. She's not a member at all. But it's been hard to actually get into her house. However, over the last few weeks we've seen her outside her home and talked to her and gotten to know her a bit. So – guess what? She let us in! And we talked and got to know her and shared a little message of family. And then we asked if we could sing a song. She said yes. So we sang "Count your Blessings" – pretty up-beat, yeah? Yes. So we sang. And she seemed a bit tired – but still okay. I asked after the song if we could share a scripture as well. She responded, and said, "Yes, sure! So I read Mark 11:24 – about prayer. You can look it up. It's not that long of a scripture (really). But when I looked up after reading, starting into "why I'm sharing this scripture" – she was ASLEEP! FAST asleep. I paused. Sister Pointer and I looked at each other and started laughing – silently of course, but hysterically! What DO you do when that happens??? We don't know. Luckily after a couple minutes of trying to decipher what to do, she coughed – waking herself up, and I continued on as if nothing had happened. Haha.  #NewAdventures #TiredLady

We were also able to visit with our dear Uncle Hohepa Thursday afternoon – and we sang many wonderful songs of joy with him. Including "his version" of Amazing Grace. He's actually got a pretty good voice and he enjoys singing gospel-ish songs with us. So he also taught us "Wha Kari A Mai" (aka: How Great Thou Art in Maori) *Videos in dropbox – hopefully. They're struggling in uploading.* I also made friends with a new little one :)  Aunty Gloria's moko (grandchild), Ezra. Her daughter, Tracy, was up from Whangarei for the week/last couple weeks and DANG he's a cute little kid.
We had fun with big foam puzzles and Sister Pointer talked with Gloria. Ha — no worries. I was paying attention there too. But I miss having little child friends around :P

Also: Fun fact: Thursday was the one year mark from when I officially decided to serve a mission! Crazy, right??? (Which makes today – the 16th for me – the one year of when I met with bishop!)

FRIDAY. "We just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter – wonder who it's from??" AND "A brown paper package, all tied up with strings — this is one of my favourite things." (Blue's Clues phrases that will always be ingrained in my mind.) Haha. But I got my mail!!! And the packages and happiness! Also: lucky things: The birthday package was at it's end. As I cut open the tape, the side completely died. Haha. But it all made it! I'm also impressed with the amount that was strategically arranged in the package!!! Thank you for the garments  (the DryLux garments are great for the heat btw), and the soap, powder, deodorant (which – btw – that was Heaven sent.) 'Cause I keep forgetting to tell you "I strongly dislike New Zealand deodorant. It's all weird-roll-on-ness. Also: DoTerra deodorant? WIN! The presents I have yet to open on Wednesday.... and all the things. AND THE ALEESHA CARAMEL. Oh the happiness in me! I'm also excited to try the oil diffuser necklace! Sounds fun and it's cute too!

SATURDAY was filled with not as much productiveness – per-se, but we did find a few new people that said they wouldn't mind us coming by! So.... all the miracles. And one man who enjoys talking ALL religions and not dissing any of them. So that's cool. We're excited to go back and talk with him :)

Also Saturday. In the area book there's been this name, "Robyn" – a lady who lives up in Opua as a potential investigator. We've tried to find her house a couple times and weren't successful. Saturday, however, we FOUND IT! (It was down a hidden driveway, of course.) We met her son, Liam, and her mother, Lynne – who was up from Hamilton for the weekend. She knew who we were, as she lives by Templeview (aka: where the Temple is). We got talking with her for a bit and she was lovely. She then had to go in the house for a bit and we got chatting with Liam (7-year-old boy), and man is he a FIREBALL of information!! Haha. He made us laugh, and taught us many things, Ie. the difference between a "bus" and a "coach," all about certain plants around their yard, what their house used to be like before they fixed it up, all about his trip to America that he went on this year... it was a BRILILIANT converstaion! We became quick frieinds with him. Alas though – his mother wasn't home. But: I'm hopeful. We're going to return soon to meet her, and hopefully the rest of the family as well. (It's indeed a family of 4 –mum-Robyn, dad-Charles, sister-Ella (9-years-old) and brother-Liam (7), as a friend of mine recently predicted I would soon meet.) All the excitement!! :) Life is grand! :)

But: the MAIN MIRACLE from Saturday was in the PRIESTHOOD. Sister Pointer and I stopped by Elder and Sister Clements for dinner (mostly because the chapel was occupied by men in a meeting of some sort... and no women, so we're technically not allowed in.) But then – it ended up being more of a blessing, partially because they fed us salad *choir angels sing* I miss salad. And then – Elder Clements looked at me itching my legs and asked, "Have you had a priesthood blessing for that yet?" —No, not specifically. So, he called Brother Aubry White over (and of course our dear Pam came too) and they gave me a blessing. (Also cool because these two couples are the ones I consider as my "New Zealand Northland parents"). I think I've had more blessings in the last 5 months on my mission than I have in the last 5 years of life! But it's DEFINITELY a testimony builder in the Priesthood. Because I can't express how BRILLIANT it is and how much I've gained in knowledge of it through these experiences. The main miracle from this? I slept through that night. (It's been difficult lately –always waking up itching) and then Sunday morning I wasn't as itchy as I have been! (Wha???)  #PriesthoodBlessings. #Miracles. The itching is definitely still there – but more controllable than it has been. I'm also thinking of getting and trying a new laundry detergent this week.... ('cause we just buy what's cheapest at the market at the time!) And my skin is probably too used to all of your organic things! So we'll see if that helps at all. 'Cause the itch-creams really don't do much. Silver gel? YES. That helps – but also partially dries it out, so it makes it more itchy.  So I've been switching between putting on gel and lotion. It's good.

Anyhoo. Little miracles. And goodness. Prayer is definitely real :) I can feel yours each and every day and I thank you dearly for them :) Ah – and side note? Within the next 23-26 days I'll be GOING TO THE TEMPLE. Merry Christmas to us! :D

So it's been a lovely week. We weren't able to catch Kayla or James this week, but we're still praying for them and hoping all is well with them always. We're excited to continue in the work and find new people!

I love all the little grandkid stories. They make me so happy! I can tell those littles are still just little peas in a pod – making trouble wherever they go ;)  I can also hear the classic line of, "What are you doing!??" As I read about them! Haha.

I hope you have a most lovely week! And I'm excited for the continuing of family history stories from you. It's so fun to hear about little things like that!!

And your stake conference with President Bailey?? When did that happen? #OutOfTheLoop Love President Bailey! Making a personal and family "Mission Statement!" That's so great! Ha. Having a "Family Mission Statement" is actually something that our stake here in Kaikohe is REALLY starting to push. So: Challenge to all at home: Come up with a family mission statement! I also love that about creating a personal mission statement!

The gospel is true. It helps me gain faith and strength daily, and I couldn't be more grateful for the chance I have to be a missionary! :)

I hope all is well at home and that your'e enjoying the snow! Haha.

And: PONDERIZE SCRIPTURE of the week: Psalms 37:3-5

3 Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

4 Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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