Tuesday, January 26, 2016


"...O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt" —Matthew 14:31

"...Seek ye the kingdom of God. ... For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." —Luke 12:31,34

It's been a good lovely week. :) Feeling better, getting out more, and I know there are many miracles to come!

First: Does anyone have any guesses about TRANSFERS Yes. That happens this week! Whaaa? Insanity, right? It seems like each transfer just FLIES by faster and faster each time. 6 weeks is an insanely short amount of time. ESPECIALLY when you and your companion come in at the same time and know absolutely no one! Crazy. Anyhoo. Guesses? I'll find out tonight!

So—MONDAY. Monday began the week with a Zone P-day. We went bowling! Have I gotten any better at Bowling? No. No I definitely haven't. Hahaha. The Elders were all like, "Sister Ottley – have you never bowled before?" Well – it has been a good.... 3 years? At least. And I was also just really bad at it back then too. So... there's that. But I did get exciting little Dr. Who toy figurines afterward! Sister Hobbs, Elder Christiansen and I nerded out for a bit when we saw the toy machine... so that was fun times :) I got a little Adipose and K-9. I'm not sure I took a picture of them.... so that's sad. I'll fix that. (You may actually get pictures today! We're going to the Butler's for our P-day today and to have a little Family Home Evening with them... So I'm going to see if they'll upload my photos to dropbox for me!)

After time with the zone last Monday we went home, had a rest, and some dinner. We then went out to visit some recent converts – and on our way, met up with a most lovely Born Again Christian lady. Hahaha. What did she have to say to us, you ask? Well – after she saw our badges, this is how our "conversation" went:

Lady: "Oh! Are you Mormons?" *pause, with a disapproving look* "But girls, you're SO YOUNG."
Us: "Oh, Thank.."
Lady: "You should really do your research before you get into that church, because you've been deceived! It's a CULT!" *as she jumped up and down in a very dramatic fashion* "I've been healed and saved by the Lord and I know he's there for us!"
Us: "Yes! We.."
Lady: "No – you've been deceived! Please, please, PLEASE, do your research!"

...And then we realised we weren't going to get anywhere. We politely said "Thank you" and went on our way, as she continued to yell at us that we were part of a cult. Haha. It's honestly always an exciting and interesting time meeting with different Born Again Christians. I've met some lovely ones, and others that just decide to go off on why our church is so wrong and a cult. I can tell you this much though—I'm excited to meet up with some of them again in the Spirit World!

Anyhoo. Our night continued.  We had our bikes and we were going along.  Not many people were home – so all our plans fell through rather quickly. We still had an hour and decided to go down Henderson Valley road to visit a less-active we still haven't met. It had started raining, but we weren't letting that stop us! So on our bikes we went. And then... I realised why we generally don't ride in the rain. Sister Hobbs was in front of me, glanced back to make sure I was still there, and when she looked back the front wheel of her bike dropped off the footpath a bit — and in her attempt to get back on.... the bike came out from under her. For me, it was literally like "She's verti--nope. She's horizontal." She got some nice cuts, scrapes and bruises on her knees and toes... but luckily we had just passed the Falefatu's home a few houses before. So... we walked back, and they took care of us with some first-aid :) Adventures! But no worries – I've been bandaging her up, and she's on the mend. This did, however, put us off from biking this week... as her scraped and scabbed-over knees don't like to bend in the way of biking. We're hoping to get her to the Masiasomua's this week to see if President can have a look and make sure one of her knees isn't slightly out of place. 'Cause, well, it still doesn't look super normal. Fun biking times!

After getting all battered up, we had trade-offs on TUESDAY. I went with Sister Cluff into her area (Lincoln Ward) and Sister Hobbs stayed with Sister Fornaro in our area. Trade-offs are a blessing. Why? 'Cause both Sister Hobbs and I needed a different perspective after the last couple weeks had slowed down a bit. We needed that help to get up, get out, and DO SOME WORK. It helped heaps and we were ever so grateful.

I also got to meet some lovely people within the Sister's area and I am hoping that things go places with the new ones we met! We met a man named Raymond. He's the only non-member within his family (and the father as well), but the rest of the family is less-active. Ah – and I guess his youngest son isn't technically a member either. He just turned 9. But: We had a most lovely conversation with him. And: More blessings. I learned something about myself within this little mini message/lesson. He was talking about how he was at a point in his life where he was thinking about going back to school again, because they have the money and he just wants to be back in that mindset. He wants to be learning new things. But then there was a point where he said, "But – education's really a selfish thing, isnt' it? I mean – I want to go to learn... but it just seems selfish." (This was also right after he mentioned how much his two semesters would cost for his programme.. $64,000. Whew!) But then I had this thought come to my mind. And I said to him, "But – I think you need to think of it in a different way of rather – how will you be blessing other people by going to gain that knowledge and information?" —Also because he's going into a healthcare profession type of schooling. And then he paused, and realised that was true. We BLESS other people's lives by the amount of education we gain. We help others by striving to learn new things—not just in this life, but in the life to come! (That's just me talking now. We didnt' go quite that far with him. Haha.) But it was good. I love learning. And I realized it'll be something that I continue on with throughout my life. Forever and ever :)

So... Trade-offs were a blessing. Sister Hobbs and I both agreed on that together. She got some good TWE work in, and I got back my feeling of being constantly on the go—lesson to lesson and LOVING teaching. Good things!

WEDNESDAY was INTERVIEWS WITH PRESIDENT. ANOTHER BLESSING. Why?  Because he always says things that make me think. Also things that make me sad in a way – but not in a bad, sad way, if that makes sense. He was sad to find out that our area really hasn't been doing as well as he hoped it would be over the last couple weeks. And I was clearly sad about it too... (pointless to wear mascara this day? Yes, yes it was.) He told me that I have "great potential to become a great missionary." Potential. I have a love/hate relationship with this word, because this is another thing I've learned on the mission. It's GOOD to have potential to do things, but not when you feel like you progress and digress and progress and digress again. But –like I said. It makes me think. I've gained more in diligence since that moment, and Sister Balli was CLEARLY inspired in what she talked about with all of us as well—the Missionary Schedule. When to get up, when to leave, when to study, etc. Sister Hobbs the entire transfer has struggled in actually getting up in the morning, which makes it in turn hard for me, and then... we just get allllll thrown off for the whole day. I'm not saying it's just her – 'cause I haven't been much help in motivating her ('cause, I hate waking people up.  Always have.) But—like I said. It was inspired of Sister Balli. After that – our week was significantly better. Also because Sister Hobbs had to get up to re-bandage her knees every morning.... so, perks to sadness. We also had a wonderful training from President's Assistants and our Zone leaders, which also helped me to realize the things we need to be doing better. We went to the Butlers for dinner — aka: We bought them dinner and went to their house. I spent a bit of time with Conan—him showing me some new lighting things he'd discovered—moving lights and what not. (I'm loving this learning more about lighting while I'm here thing. Haha) I shared a little message, and it was Wonderful. Conan actually put down his tablet to listen this time, and I even got him to read another scripture :) We're making progress with the boy, and I'm excited. Scriptures of the night:

"And I do this for a wise purpose; for thus it whispereth me, according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me. And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will." —Words of Mormon 1:7

"Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever. ... Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day." —Alma 37:36-37

Is anyone surprised? You probably shouldn't be. Haha. They're words of my life!

After being at their home, Dani (the mom) dropped us to Garelja where we tried to see a few people — but alas, they weren't around or available. So, we ended up on Farquhar at the Kaipos! They're 'real a young member family who have been on holiday for most the time we've been here. So we haven't gotten to properly know them until now! They're adorable though—a young couple with 2 children—Sam and Indie. When we arrived Indie was supposed to be getting in bed... but with us at the door, they said "Ah—Indie, you're lucky. You're off the hook!" Indie and I became INSTANT friends (once again, she's 3). I love the 3-year-old life. She showed me all her legos, and told me colors of all things around us, and just talked and talked and talked. Haha. Sister Kaipo said, "She's usually talkative, but not this talkative!" Ever since then, and we've actually seen them a few times this week, Indie smiles and waves at me and talks whenever she gets close enough. LOVE IT.

THURSDAY was a good day! Out and about. Meeting people—slowly, but surely. Also: A bit more gardening :) — This time getting stabbed with a rather large thistle bush, and finding out that New Zealand does indeed have ONE snake-like-animal. It's like a mini weird grass snake-worm, about 2-3 (maybe even 4?) inches long, and slithers along like a snake mixed with a lizzard—but has no legs. It's weird. And creepy. Does anyone wanna see if they can find out what they are? 'Cause I definitely saw a LOT of them this morning. Haha. A lot.

We met with some less-actives in the afternoon, and went to Sister Jones' for dinner. We felt rather special going to her home – 'cause she told us she's never really had missionaries over to her house before! She usually would just drop something off to the Elders. But she's lovely. And we're spoiled by her. We also stopped by the Patterson's this night – as Felix leaves on his mission to Peru on TUESDAY. We shared a message with them and answered any questions that he had for us. He's going to be SO great and we're SO excited for him. Also: It was insanely hot on Thursday. Insanely. No clouds in the sky. Brilliantly beautiful blue skies! But: no cover. Haha. This is also how the rest of the week continued. (And I'm pretty sure how it is going to be today as well, unless it's changed in the last two hours!)

FRIDAY. MAN. Friday. First: My little BRODY BEAR'S BIRTHDAY! I can't even believe he's ONE! What is this life!?? Toooooo CUTE with those little blonde locks of hair he has! Also: This means it's the ONE-YEAR of when I opened my CALL! Crazy things? Yup. Wayyyyyy crazy. I still remember it like it was YESTERDAY. Literally yesterday. Sitting in the chair with everyone staring at me, wearing my grey shirt/sweater, and purple pants. Holding the call in my hand and bursting into tears so no one could hear what I said when I got to "New Zealand." Memories man. Life comes wayyyy too fast!

Anyhoo. Friday we had a WORLD-WIDE MISSION TRAINING BROADCAST. Aka: It was held in Salt Lake on... Wednesday? I think? And we watched it Friday. For ALL THE MISSIONARIES in the world. I think they said 75,000 of us? Something like that. It's the first time they've done a devotional like that in over 10 years! But it was so lovely and so fun and we received some wonderful council. Elder Neil Anderson is just wonderful. Yes? YES. And Elder Bednar. Just love them. Another fun little blessing for me, was getting to see some old missionary friends for a few minutes. Elder Summers, Clayton and Clark. "Why no Sisters, you ask?" —'Cause they were all at a different chapel. Haha. I just happened to be in the area with the Elders I know. So it was nice to say hello and know that they're all alive and well!

We also met a lady this night at a bus stop named, Teotima. She was indeed not in our area, but we're grateful that we could find such a wonderful referral for the missionaries up by Pah chapel!! Haha. She's ready, searching, and I hope I get to see her again one day!

FRIDAY was also Brother David Frost's birthday. Fun fact: On Christmas when we were at their house and we found out that "we're the same age!" I didn't realise that was a LITERALLY the same age! Kim and David are now both 25. (I'll be 25 by the time I come home!) WHA?  Weird things. They're adroable people though. And Avery is just getting bigger and cuter each and every day.

SATURDAY. YOUTH TRADE-OFFS. So, here's a cool thing our Stake does for the youth preparing for missions. A Mission Prep weekend! They do a whole bunch of workshops and testimony meetings and things to help the youth get more involved with missionary work. And the fun part for us? We got to go on trade-offs with them that morning. I got paired up with Sister Leina Tu'ivai! (Aka:  A girl in my ward!) The Lord truly knows us. Haha. It was so fun to go out with her though. We met a less-active woman named, Aroha, that neither of us knew (she's only been in the ward for about a year) and she's just WONDERFUL. I'm excited to go back and get to know her better. Sister Hobbs and I also agreed that we'll now be bringing youth out with us more often! It was so fun and great! (Also: Greatly helped us in the way of getting our "numbers" of the week up and meeting people!) We met with Colin again this afternoon – I honestly think he's kind of just a lonely man and likes to talk with us. Haha. But, I do have faith that one day he'll read the pamphlet and we'll get to start teaching him!

SUNDAY. We gave talks! Woot! It actually was really fun. Though: A bit more terrifying being in an actual church chapel with a legitimate amount of people to stare at me. So... that brought back memories of how I used to be! Haha. We'll see how I do when I come back home to a ward of 300! #DontKnowIfICanDoIt.

Miracles that happened on Sunday? No, we didnt' get to have a lesson with Liberty... he's actually starting to make us feel a little uncomfortable.  Continuously trying to convince us that it's "okay to have the lesson at his house without his partner there" and that "rules are meant to be bent." ...No, Liberty. No they're not. So.... we're still working to figure out how to best teach him. Hopefully at the Kaipo's home, since they live just a few houses down. But: The real miracles came from the LESS-ACTIVES that showed up to church! Aroha (who I saw with Leina) and a lady named Marion. We hadn't yet been to Marion's home – but she showed! And we got to know her and her needs a little better, and I'm excited to go by and help her out in any way that we can.

Fun fact: Over the last while, I've been having crazy amounts of dreams about less-actives. So.... I told Sister Hobbs and we both agree that it means we need to be working with them more. So: That's a focus this week!  Excitement!

After Church we went to the Leato's for dinner, and played a few church games with the kids.  One an "Armor of God" card game that's actually really quite fun! Haha. And–AND. They put on the Church video, Mountain of the Lord! And I laughed a little bit knowing my dad was in it, and then pointed him out when we got to that point in the film. (Heber J. Grant in his bow-tie and top hat.) Pretty sure Sister Leato took a picture with me pointing at the TV! :) Good times!

So.... That's been our week. It's been lovely. And I just love missionary work. It's amazing, really. Miracles happen each and every day.

I talk too much.  I just love words though! (Thanks Mum! Haha.) All the length of emails. I think they just get longer and longer each week.

I love you all HEAPS, and hope you have beautiful weeks of happiness and joy! :)

P.S. If you can – you may want to empty my Dropbox just because I know I have HEAPS of pics from the last....6 weeks. Haha. I'm just realising that you haven't even seen all the pictures I took from the end of last transfer with my dear Auntys and members and everyone!

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Thursday, January 21, 2016


The beginnings of learning Samoan! Talofa means "Hello" in Samoan, btw! Ha. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully a little Tongan will get in there as well!

But, back to the Maori life: Sister Joseph's mum speaks Maroi FLUENTLY. So....She said she could teach us :) And also that she would translate a testimony for us! BRILLIANT.

THIS WEEK has definitely had it's ups and downs...and really just moments of not moving at all!! But, all is well :) We move forward and hope for better things to come!

MONDAY was filled with the usual. Email, Shopping, ah - and GIANT spiders while cleaning. #ReallyThough. The daddy-long-legs here are HUGE. And they show up magically in corners without you ever noticing them anywhere else! It's crazy. AH! And I got my first LAVA LAVA! Aka: A wrap-around-skirt/piece of fabric thing that islanders wear around home. And it's great. I also found fabric for the day I find someone to make me a Puletasi!!!! It's red, black and white. (Surprise! I'm still the same person.)

That Monday night we met up at Ivan's with the Elders, as he wanted to have dinner with us as a "thank you" for all we've done.... ha. Silly Ivan, it's not us – it's you and the Lord ;) But it was fun to hang with him and share a message with him AS A MEMBER. Excitement :D

TUESDAY we had district meeting, during which we found out a new policy (which we think may be world-wide, since hearing from different missions having the same rule now) about Transfer Meetings. They're not happening anymore. :( We understand why, and I know it really will be better in the long run – but it's just a little sad. Clarification: On transfer days, we used to get together and have a little meeting/council from President and Sister Balli, and testimonies from other missionaries. But now, there will just be time enough to transfer your stuff to a different car and then off to the area! It'll be good. I just enjoyed the council from other people part!

Anyhoo. It rained, and the elders (Le and Christiansen) came over to FIX my bike! Yay! – Something was loose, making the gears STRUGGLE in the life of changing. And then we got out and walked to Starforth. (Wanna stalk how far that is Pop?) ...It was very wet. We generally don't bike in the rain – cause, well, it could be dangerous... But yes. very wet. And cold. But all is well. Then the Butlers came and picked us up for a visit, and then dropped us off to visit the Donnaldsons, who had told us to come by at church on Sunday. The Donnaldsons are adorable. We had dropped by earlier in the transfer to meet them, but they were busy with family being over, so we didn't get to say much. We didn't think much of it and just said we would come back later! But... alas, we never actually went back, not because we didn't want to, but because we just got busy getting to know others! So.... we think they felt bad and wanted to let us know that they wanted us to come over! Ha. We felt bad on our part too for making them feel that way though! Anyhoo. They spoiled us. Sister Donnaldson came out with a bag of presents saying, "We wanted to have you over to open these for Christmas, but our crazy lives took over!" Haha. So... she gave us presents. And it was the most wonderful of miracles for that day. Why? She gave us PAMPERING things.. I.e: Pedicure things – which was a blessing because of how much our feet HURT after being soaked with rain allllllll day long. She's a gem :)

WEDNESDAY was back to a bit of GARDENING at the Frost's :) Their garden/yard is coming along nicely. (I knew you'd laugh at me and gardening at some point mum! Haha.) But yes – even though I'm still definitely my jumpy, I-hate-bugs self, I do indeed LOVE getting my hands in the dirt and clearing out weeds! Even though it's difficult here sometimes, because weeds are just as cute as plants! (I.e. Little daisies are weeds here!) I must say though, we also love getting to know them and little Avery a little bit more each time we visit, so it's exciting :)

We got out that afternoon, with intentions of visiting many many people on our potentials list — and ended up meeting maybe... 3? Haha. But it was still nice. BECAUSE we met a man named Colin. He's an older man, loves model airplanes and seems to be a bit bored. Haha. He has kids, but the wife is no longer in the picture — he didn't really talk about her much, so we're not sure what happened there. I'm also honestly not entirely positive just how interested he is in the church, but he invited us to sit on his deck, have a drink, and talk for a bit. We discussed many different things about different religions, and how his daughter has been a  missionary of sorts for her church. He even expressed being happy with his life – but searching, in a way. So.... we'll see how things continue with him :) We gave him a pamphlet. So... we'll see :) I have hopes!

After that, we had a lesson with Ivan and the Elders, where we had the Elders talk about the priesthood – in prep for Ivan getting the priesthood! One thing that TRULY touched me, was as Elder Christiansen talked about the Melchezidek Priesthood he talked about how he was "challenged" in a way to have the first blessing he gave be to his mum. Cutest? YES. Why else cute? 'Cause he got a little choked up. I also did. 'Cause... the Priesthood is just amazing. We're SO SPOILED to have it in our lives. And I think sometimes... I know I've definitely taken that power for granted. But... it was just a great moment. This is the other thing that's fun for me – watching the Elders who ARE so much younger than me (well – not SO much, but – ya know...5-6 years. ...weird), who have this true and wonderful understanding of the power they can hold if they're worthy of it.  And he GOT that it was dependent upon the Spirit and his faith to speak through the Spirit in giving blessings. So- I loved just realizing that and seeing how it's changed Elder Christiansen's life in that way.

Then, Ward Council :) Love my ward. They're just lovely. Our first Ward Council here in Henderson Valley, and there was talk of hopefully us having a new WML soon? We'll find out! :)

THURSDAY – a bit more gardening! This time though, it was at our own flat. Sister Hobbs wasn't feeling well, so we stayed in. But we also went and sat in our yard for a bit of fresh air - and pulled a few weeds in our adorable little garden while we were at it! Have I mentioned that we have an adorable little backyard? 'Cause... we do :) (I'll take pictures.) And....hopefully one day you'll see before I'm transferred away from Henderson.  Hahaha. #Paranoid ... and also because I forgot my SD card converter again in order to actually put pictures up on the computer :P Sorry Whanau!

Thursday night we did manage to make it out to visit the family who had put us down for dinner though — the Millers. And it was grand. Why? Well, one – just because they're wonderful people. But two – because I found yet another mutual-lover of all things herbal and natural! Shardeen Miller (its a daughter and her father that are in the home) had invited her friend over for dinner as well, and she started sharing different herbal things she'd found to help her dad – and then I got involved too, as they realized I knew about the super power Vitamin C packets and all the things they were talking about as well. Hahaha...I was laughing hysterically at myself inside. But, mum, you'd be proud — I taught them about Essential Oils. And Colloidal Silver. Hahaha. Silver was something Shardeen I think had just started researching – so she asked if I knew what it was, and what I used it for. The thing I suddenly realized was, "What DON'T we use it for?" Ha. #Truth? #IThinkSo. So... it was exciting. Also because more natural/herbal things is what Sister Hobbs really wants to get into as well. So – when we got home that night, she made me pull out all the vitamins and oils and things I had so she could take more of a look. I laughed, and did, and told her the few things I could. And this also helped me to realize the things I've been neglecting, and I've now repented and started taking things  that help me again. (Ha)

FRIDAY we had weekly planning. Which I was grateful for ... as then, it was me that really didn't feel well. It was good having the morning to calm my body down before we walked to Edmonton to visit Rosanna (a less active) and her boys. Funny story with that? Rosanna's a character. She seems to really enjoy talking with us, and last time we visited she told us how she wanted us to come by and keep teaching her boys lessons. She also claims that she goes to Lincoln Ward, because "it's closer" than Henderson Valley. –However, we really think she just doesn't go. 'Cause... we've never heard about her from anyone else!! Anyhoo. It was interesting Friday because as we sat talking and catching up with her, she was really open. Then, as we went to pull out our scriptures for  a message, she said, "Ah! Let me go get my boys!" So, she brought them in, we met them (Patrick – 10 years old, and Leo – 14 years old) and we talked with them a bit. Then, as we went to actually read the scripture, she said, "Ah! I'll be back – I forgot about something in the other room. I'll leave you here with the boys." ...What? Rosanna! No! This is for you too! Ha... But we continued talking with the boys, reading Alma 37:37, and talking about prayer. Then, once we finished the scripture, said bye to the boys, and were about to leave – Rosanna shows up again! Imagine that!? Runs away from the lesson. #Classic. So... we'll be figuring out little ways to get things actually to her :) Fun times.

That night the Butlers had the Elders and us over for dinner. I helped Conan in the kitchen cleaning up the messes he made in the kitchen while his mum was in the shower (ha). OH. AND CONAN. Ah. He just... loves to make me miss my lighting life. Ha. So – for Christmas? or something one year – his dad helped to get him a small lighting console so he could start doing free-lance things and just learning to programme and whatnot. So, this week he had downloaded a free version of "Capture" (a lighting visualiser) onto their Mac, and he programmed a little light show/concert for show. He makes me SO happy. I really want him to come to BYU one day. For. Reals. AND. And... they've got kittens. Cutest. EVER. Bowie and Zoe (Bowie in memory of David Bowie.... Which brings me on a rant.... WHAT'S WITH THE CELEBS DYING THIS WEEK?  I mean, ALAN RICKMAN TOO? TEARS. OF SADNESS.) Anyhoo, they SPOILED us more than they should have (they really don't have that much money, but we had a lovely time, and shared happiness and joy in their company.  Sister Butler even dropped us off on a street in our area afterwards.

That was also the night that I started feeling like we had just been insanely lazy this week. "Have I Done Any Good" just kept popping into my head. The idea of laziness this week is sad - but also kind of true in different aspects. Also, not as true as I was making it out to be in that moment, now that I think back. But... it was just a hard moment for me. I think back to when I was in the north and I felt like I was always going, always doing, and I haven't felt that during all of this transfer. But – I know my Saviour is here. I know how I need to better myself and our missionary work, and I know the blessings that come from it. I just need to get myself better physically in order to bless the lives of others spiritually! (Thank you for the lighter weight garments. They are more comfortable, and will help me to want to be healthy so you don't have to keep sending me things!) Also, I'm determined that I will NOT put on the 20 kg. everyone does, 'cause that's just ridiculous. Anyhoo.  Just side thoughts.

SATURDAY was a day of sickness. I woke up with a headache that just got worse as I sat in lit rooms. So in the flat most of the day it was. But – we still managed to make it out that night to visit a family and our dear Salu (a less- active we met on the street in the beginning of the transfer). I just love making new friends and relationships with the people here. They're all so sweet and just lovely people. I'm 'spoiled-as,' man ;)

SUNDAY we had SORE FEET. Which – was honestly a good thing. Because of the whole lazy-feeling thing that had hit me. But before the sore feet part there was Church. ______GOT THE AARONIC PRIESTHOOD.  WOOT! It's so fun watching him as he makes these different steps within the church. Because you just see the glow that pops in his eyes, and the ways in which it strengthens and gives him confidence! Joys :)

Then we had dinner at the_______ (and they made Maori bread! MISSED IT). And afterwards, as we walked around a part of our area we hadn't yet been to (aka, where our sore feet came from) we met a lovely couple – Reza and Zahra.  They're muslim, and the sweetest couple we've met in a while. They talked to us for quite a while and thanked us for the work we do in helping people to know the Lord. Also:  Reza definitely, kind of, hit on Sister Hobbs and her cute England-self.  Hahaha. Yes, in front of his wife! So... that was sad, and funny.  I also found out that Sister Hobbs has also previously been 'proposed to' by a Samoan man on the mission!!!! Lol!!!!

So... It's been a good week. A slow week, and a struggle week, but a good week. It's mostly been headache life this week. Sometimes to the point of my head hurting by opening my eyes... And I get this weird cold and hot feeling all over. So... fun times! My headache comes and goes – but, I know it'll eventually just go. It's all goods. And it's alll worth it for finding new people and planting seeds along the way :)

And mum, our family is very fortunate and definitely closer BECAUSE of all the trials you've been through — defintely not "in spite of."  I know for me, growing up, and even now, – people ask, "Has that been hard for you?" And, while, yes – it's always going to be hard to watch my mum go through things that I don't want her to, and things that I just always want to take away – I also just found myself fortunate. Because I always had a mum that was AT HOME. I had friends that never knew if their mum would be home as they went home from school – or if they would be alone for the day. And not only that, but I have the greatest example there could possibly BE for patience and enduring! You're always so positive and have a beautiful light, giving that light to our family to endure to the end :)  It's beautiful, really!

The gospel is beautiful, and simple and just... exciting. I love it all :)

I hope you have a most WONDERFUL week at home, and that there is much joy and brightness in your adventures :)

P.S. I got a package from SISTER PAUL. Please THANK HER for me. She sent me a card and a cute scarf! All the love! I miss your ward heaps and I hope all the Sisters there know how much they're loved by me!

Ah: And Fun fact?  Today (Monday) = 7 months. Also: 200 days since I entered the field (aka: Not including the MTC/limbo days before being in my area). Crazy? Yes. :D Life flies at ya fast!!

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Faith, Patience, and Love

ALL THE LOVE for this week! There's nothing like a baptism to make you want to bring ALL THE PEOPLE to the waters of baptism!! — This is what I learned this week :)

So... It's been a good one. Also filled with a bit of heat stroke between Sister Hobbs and myself... but all is well. Nothing can ever fully stop us!

—John 20:30-31; 21:25

30 ¶And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:

31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name. —John 20:30-31

25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I supposethat even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. —John 21:25

LOVE this. Also... It's insanely fitting with a man we met this week.

TUESDAY was really where our week began – with an exciting District meeting on "The Importance of Planning" Aka: We got to do an "object lesson activity," making things out of marshmallows and toothpicks. We were split into groups, and the first round we weren't allowed to communicate with our group at all – no sounds, no pointing, no words, no drawing... we just had to build something together. (Honestly, ours still turned out pretty dang good! Haha.) And then we got to do it again – by first planning out what we wanted to build on paper, and then talking with each other before the actual building process. Good times :)  I hoenstly don't know why I found this so entertaining... haha. But I definitely did. Marshmallows and toothpicks. That's all it apparently takes to amuse me! (Also: Side note: Marshmallows are different here! It's a little weird!)

The afternoon continued, and we hurried our little selves over to Ester and Jaden's (a Brasillian couple in our ward) for Lunch.  It was definitely an interesting afternoon. Jaden speaks English – luckily, even better than Sister Hobbs and I were thinking he did. But... it was also still hard to understand him at times. Haha. So – we left really excited to get to know them, as well as a little tired. As we left and were on our way out to another street—rather far away, we passed by the mall and realized how much we needed a drink and toilet facilities suddenly. ...Luckily having a mall can help with both of those thigns! Ha. So we stopped in quickly, and on the way out – someone honked a few times and then suddenly we heard, "SISTERS!" It was the Butler family :)  (From the Elder's area.) They were on their way to get their car fixed, saw us, and asked if we wanted a ride somewhere! Obviously – we couldnt' say no. And it's just good to talk to them for a bit :)

Tuesday night we met a girl named Jacquie. And, goodness. We're still a little bummed out that she didn't end up coming to church yesterday.... but we're hoping that we'll at least be able to see her again. She was packing her car up when we found her, and so we stopped to chat for a bit and ended up helping her out with putting stuff in the car. She and her fiance (who's in the Military) are moving out at the end of this month, so she's getting a jump start on a few things. But we got to talking religion, and she started asking about what we beleive. Her father used to be a Mormon — but never really continued it while she was growing up apparently. So she was interested to learn at least! We talked about a few different concepts between the Restoration AND the Plan of Salvation and gave her pamphlets. So.... hopefully we get to teach her a bit more before she actually moves away! ...She's not moving too far, but far enough that it's out of our area!

WEDNESDAY.  :) WE GOT TO GARDEN. We've been telling the Frost's that we would help them out with weeding their garden in the morning. And.... we finallly got to :)  I LOVE THE GARDENING LIFE. Yes, even with the creepy, crawly bugs. It was just lovely.

WEDNESDAY was a little slow after that... but also included a lot of calling people and getting prepared for .... IVAN'S BAPTISM!!! Haha. And that night we also met Ivan at our chapel (which we found is about half an hour bike ride from our flat) and President Reid (Pres. Balli's counselor) for Ivan's Baptism interview! WOOT! And it went super well. Ivan had been stressing HARD CORE from Sunday until that moment.  and.... so it was truly the best thing for President Reid to conduct the interview instead of our District leader.... Because, while I love Elder Seelos – President Reid, as Ivan said, made the interview into more of a conversation rather than just asking questiosn. And ....that's just truly what Ivan needed! He needed to feel that ease and calm about himself to realize that he was really truly ready to make this next step,.  And, yes. :) He PASSED. Haha. But: Fun fact – during their little interview, Sister Hobbs and I were scrambling! Haha. There was this funny thing called "We forgot to bring a baptism record with us" ... Oops. So... since it would have taken us an HOUR (or more) to get back to our flat and back to the chapel again (and we honestly didn't even know if we HAD any forms at our flat) — we scrambled, calling ALL THE PEOPLE. Not only in our District – but our Zone. Ha. First: Zone leaders. But they didnt' answer. District leader: "We're in a lesson, can you call the Zone leaders?" ..And then just started calling everyone. Ha. We then got ahold of the Swanson Elders (Elder Hunter and Blandford). Who are most wonderful and came to our rescue :) – Impressively quickly as well! So... we're eternally grateful for them :)

THURSDAY! (Lots of words this week!  HaHa.) We did a bit more gardening in the morning to finish up the weeds, and it ....was just lovely. Also: The blessing of these two specific days was that the sun wasn't super hot out and it was a bit breezy. #LoveIt However... It also turned into a bit of heat-ish stroke for the two of us. Mostly Sister Hobbs in the day - mine didn't hit until that night. Ha. And it was because the back of my EAR got burnt I think.... Or something bit me. Still not sure. But my ear was definitely super red, a little swollen, and ...CRAZY hot starting that evening. And, well... just painful. Nothing else got burnt though – that's why I was confused. Just that one little area of my ear. No worries though – it's gone now :) Mostly. Ha. Faith and prayer make all things better though – so it's all goods :) Also: Swanson Elders came to the rescue, YET AGAIN. They were originally going to come pick up our bikes from us that morning to bring them somewhere to be pumped up... cause – man. The tires were FLAT AS. And making it REALLY DIFFICULT to get up the hills... and just all the things. But what did they do instead? They went and PURCHASED A BIKE PUMP. Ha. Elder Hunter said, "Ah– I figure I'll need it one day anyway. So might as well get it now!" TOO SWEET. They're wonderful. And now it's significantly easier to ride our bikes :)

FRIDAY - Rain, biking, and meeting ALLEN. It rained A LOT. Ha. And it made it hard, But it was all right. We had our last little mini lesson with Ivan around noon - and man. It rained. So... we walked to his house instead of biking, since it would help us to be a little less wet........ but we were definitely still drenched by the time we got there (...I'll also be getting an actual RAIN jacket today..... 'cause, while my coat is wonderful for the rain, it's also crazy hot for this weather...) Ha. Exciting things in the rain :) But yes – our last mini lesson with Ivan before the BIG DAY. We (or, more so, the Elders, since they come to lessons with us) brought Ivan's favourite pizza along from Pizza Hut (Meat lovers with stuffed crust and a BBQ swirl — it's actually really nice.) and we just talked about the last few things. The Elders so kindly gave us a ride home after that..... 'cause, while it's technically "against mission protocol" – it's also given from President that if it's for safety reasons, the Sisters can go with the Elders..... and it had started rainging even HARDER. Ha. It was INSANE! So as we all walked out, Elder Christiansen said, "No, Sisters, we're just giving you a ride." We were GRATEFUL. That afternoon it finally calmed down a bit, and we made our way out to find a few potentials as well as a less-active! She says she wants us to come by now and teach her son.... so we'll see how that goes!

The Tuta'i's picked us up for dinner that night and brought us to a Chinese/noodles place. Really nice, actually!And they're just adorable. We found out he's half Maori and half Cook Islander – when we'd both thought he would have been Tongan! Nope. Ha. They're super sweet though. SUPER newlywed – and Virginia is super quiet. You all think I'm quiet? Nope. Haha.

Ah! Another fun adventure about Wednesday — we had gotten a weird phonecall Tuesday from someone down in the Hamilton mission, giving a referral! But – alas, it was in the Elder's area. So we forwarded the info to them. Then –Wednesday, the mother of the person who was referred the day before CALLED US. She said she needed someone to visit her daughter because she was struggling with food and needed the Church to step in and help - and that someone needed to notify the bishop. We TRIED to tell her that it was the Elder's area - but she just said, "But wouldn't she need Sisters because she's a girl?" So..... we decided to just call the Elders and go over WITH them. ('Cause - it wasn't too far out of our area, so we could still make it there on our bikes.) ...So we set that up for Saturday night, with the Elders and just went over ourselves in the meantime to at least meet her. When we got there – there was no one home. We called the mum back, and she said, "Oh, she'll be there in 15 minutes. She's just dropping the 'cat' off somewhere." Okey-dokey? ...Nope. Never showed.  But... the partner did! His response? "Ah – sorry guys, but this is the second lot of Mormon's I've had at my door today, and I'm just not interested." Hahaha. Because – the Elders had indeed also stopped in earlier, tryin' to figure out what house it was. So... we explained what was going on and that we were looking for Ora. He said, "Ah – okay. She's at work and won't be home until really late." All goods. We went back Saturday. Still wasn't there! Partner just kind of laughed at all of us showing up together. Ha. We'll figure it out sometime!

With our little time we had left after Ora not being home, we decided to drop by this man we have on our potential's list – "Allen and family." And... wow. It turned into a very loooooooong conversation. Ha. He's a member of the "Church of the Brethren." ...And if someone could more fully explain to me what exactly that means, it'd be cool. Hehe. But the main thing we got was that "Men are saved by faith alone. Works have nothing to do with it." ....So.... yes.  It turned into a very long conversation. But - at the same time, one that I walked away from REALLY EXCITED to go back to. Because... man, I left with so many different questions to figure out — things I'm starting to study now. It also helped me realize a little part of a blessing that Elder Clements gave me before I left the North. In it he said something along the lines of how I'm not afraid to share my weaknesses with people, and that through that they'll become strengths. And.... yup, that was evident in this conversation with Allen. 'Cause – he knows Bible scriptures. He was pulling them out of everywhere. I, however, really don't know the Bible that well. Or at all really.  (Sad, yea, but... i'm gettin there.) But – I left knowing I'd learn because of the things I have to study now! Also: Because it's going to take some MAJOR faith to go back and have another conversation with him! But.... here's the thing of why I'm not necessarily scared of going back to him — he kind of started stumbling over his words, almost mentioning "works" instead of "just faith" ...Ha.  ;) I had to try really hard to not just laugh..... it was good though :) The Spirit definitely works in mysterious ways, and .... I just love it!

So.... SATURDAY :)
It was just... beautiful. It was fun to watch him before he made this step. 'Cause he was truly and really ready. He arrived with two of his very best mates (who he originally said he wasn't going to invite! Haha) and introduced us to them. Theyr'e just lovely – and SO COOL that they wanted to come to support Ivan. Once Ivan got changed into his White clothes, he just sat in front of the font, watching the water heating and circulating. It was so exciting to just watch him ponder and think about what was about to happen. Brother Taumafai got there and went through with Ivan what was going to happen – how he was going to baptise him and whatnot. The Baptism program was just beautiful. Short and simple, just as Ivan wanted! We had Sister Gaitau speak, Elder Christiansen, and then the  baptism took place. It was the coolest feeling - watching him walk into those waters, be placed under, and – when he came out, he continued splashing himself with water! Haha. After he said, "It just felt so good!" Haha. So Sister Hobbs and I then spoke about the Restoration a bit to the audience while Ivan and Brother Taumafai got ready again. Nice, sweet, simple. And ....so exciting. Oh! And President and Sister Balli also came to the baptism!!! SO FUN. Perks of being closer to the actual city I guess! Haha.

So.... It's been a wonderful week :) OH. AND SUNDAY. We have a new investigator! :) Blessings! 'Cause... Ivan was our only really strong investigator. But – we know this new one will be solid as well. His name is Liberty. I may have talked about him a couple of weeks ago? We found him on Boxing day at a house that we thought someone else lived at. But, he had just moved in. He lives there with his 2 boys (Joshua and Joel) and his partner. We still haven't met the partner.... nor do I know her name, but we're exciting to be teaching him! Also:  He's from ZIMBABWE. Who knew how many different races of people I'd meet coming here! Haha. And, yes. He has a rather thick accent and a rather soft voice.... so it'll take some getting used to and very careful listening. Haha.

Sunday Ivan also got confirmed :) Which... was just lovely. He's so bright and strong, and we're excited 'cause he's going to hopefully be receiving the priesthood soon as well!

Life is just exciting, isnt' it? We got to see the Butlers again last night as well, and talked with them about Patriarchal Blessings, as .... I definitely have a testimony of the guidance that comes from that :) The kids are all old enough now/baptized  – and ready to get them. So, it was fun to be able to talk about that. LOVE THEM.

I love this :)  It's just... so exciting here in Henderson. I still miss my Northland like CRAZY sometimes ...but it definitely is true that the Lord knows where you need to be at what time in your life. It's interesting being a missionary and being told 'where you'll be going' —rather than saying "ah, maybe I'll try this next" Haha. Different kinds of ways to learn I guess :)

Life is beautiful, and we're excited to keep finding people, and excited for another week. Can you believe that I'm already HALF WAY through this transfer? Life man. It comes at ya fast! Also: next Monday is 7-months! Weird sauce. I'm now starting to think sometimes... "No! Wait! Slow down!"  Haha.

I love you all and miss you alls at home :) THANK YOU for all the prayers and all the things this week. — I know they helped HEAPS in calming Ivan and bringing about so many different miracles! :) Life is grand! :)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Master, the Tempest is Raging

Literally. It's been CRAZY stormy here the last few days!! It's finally calmed a bit – yesterday just more misty rain. But it was insane for a bit! And our Zone usually forgets that we don't have a car. So... they say, "Ah!  It's crazy! We got so wet!" ...You did? Oh really? Ha. Jokes. It's all fine :) Luckily both Sister Hobbs and I enjoy the rain.  So it's all goods. :)

THIS WEEK has been filled with PUZZLE PIECES OF LIFE beginning to fit in, and just ... blessings all around. It's just made me think of those puzzles that you have a piece that you can't figure out for the life of you where it goes—and then suddenly it clicks. It honestly wasn't the most amazing or awe-inspiring week by all means, but it was filled with little things that have helped to build us in different ways. The jigsaw of life being put together, piece by piece!

So... when I last left off, it was p-day. Wanna know what we did? We went to a park :) Haha. I love how many little parks there are throughout Henderson. Little reserves on, what seems like, every street. And it's lovely :) But we played Ultimate Frisbee! ...Sort of. Ha. It lasted maybe 10 minutes. But I did play! Even though I still am definitely not coordinated in that way. The Elders just laughed – and I told them I had warned them! A Good day though. Ending with a bit of UNO with the District, and a few visits that night.

TUESDAY was a brilliant day. And the beginning to Sister Hobbs' and my adventures in the real and true TRACTING life. 'Cause, well... the "potential investigators" lists we have from previous missionaries are... well, old. Ha. Most of them were found 2-3 or even 7 years ago. So.... a lot of the people don't actually live in the homes anymore. But some of them have definitely come in handy and help! So – we decided we'd go to the tracting life in hopes of finding new people to teach as our investigating life with Ivan comes to a close... And it was grand. Because even though tracting may not ALWAYS be the most effective way of getting work done, it definitely is all up to your attitude. If you make it exciting – it WILL BE. So, Sister Hobbs and I tracted, and biked, and found some new potentials. We're going to be starting to return to some of the people we've found this week – so fingers crossed that they're truly interested and ready for a message! We're ready to teach some really for real lessons here! Ah – and also, in case you're wondering, I'm realizing that each area has a different "dominant" religion – or a couple, that people attend. Here in Henderson the main one we have seemed to find people attend is "Church Unlimited." It kinda looks like a Christian "rock" type religion? Not positive, but a lot of people seem to like it! –At least it's Christian, right? (Also Catholic. And Methodist. We've run into quite a few of them this week.) Anyhoo. We were also able to get to know the older girls in one of our member families – the Taumafai's. LOVE THEM. Names will come later on, as they have 6 girls, and they all look similar– so their names have now become mumble-jumbled in my head. Haha. But: Getting to know this family (they also brought us out to eat — Butter chicken! It's big here in Hendo) was a BLESSING this night. Why? Because there was a BAPTISM going on in Massey Ward — and we had invited Ivan along so that he could see what it was like before he has his own this week.

But: of course, Satan works his little works, and tried to keep Ivan from coming – making him stuck in traffic on the way back from the beach that morning, and then making him miss his bus that was going to take him to the stake center for the baptism that night at 6. But – no fear, the missionaries are here! Because we were with the Taumafai's, we could PICK IVAN UP. So we popped on over after dinner at the mall, grabbed Ivan, and went to the baptism. And it was a good night. Mostly because we learned what Ivan DIDN'T want for his baptism. Ha. He wants it as simple as it can be. Because the baptism we attended went for an hour and a half – which Ivan wasn't expecting. So, the rest of the night he just kept saying, "The buzz word is SIMPLE! I want a simple baptism! No frills." Haha. He's wonderful.

It was a blessing in more than one way attending this baptism though. Good to get Ivan to one – but also good for Sister Hobbs and me. The girl that got baptized (Emily) is part of a family that's gone through a few different struggles over the years. Her mum has been a member allllll her life (originally from California!), but struggled with different things—divorce and whatnot over the years. So, for Emily (14 years old) it was hard deciding whether to be baptized or not. But she made it, and they're wonderful. The reason I say this family is a blessing to us – is because they're oddly familiar to me. And this was only the 2nd time I had really met them (first being when we went caroling to their home on Christmas Eve as a zone). ...But, super familiar to me. And we were all INSTANTLY friends. Danielle (mum), Corban (16-yr-old boy), Emily (14), Eliza (11? 12?), and Oscar (the family dog) ...And there's more to come why they're such a blessing at this point in time for me :)

WEDNESDAY = more tracting. We met this lady tracting Wednesday morning, named Julie. And even though she super wasn't interested, we became great friends with her. How? HER HOUSE. The most COLOURFUL house I've seen in a lonnnnnnng time. Haha. And so we asked her about it - and she had all these pots with brilliant flowers, that were all decorated with tiles—mosaic-ified, and it was just beautiful. She even invited us in to show us what she was working on right then, and to see her backyard of colour Haha. So.... friends. We're probably going to go back. And I'm tempted to purchase one of her small flower pots.... even though I'm not entirely sure what I'd do with it. Or how I'd get it home in the end of things. Ah – and she also kept telling us she's "not an artist or even artistic" — hahaha. Funny funny people like that ;) We're excited to be friends with her.

THURSDAY. Last day of the year. Whaaaa? That's just insane. I still can't get over the fact that it's 2016 now. But it was a good day. But Also: A CRAZY HOT DAY. Really though. And guess who failed and ........ forgot sunscreen? Yup. You got it! It was me. All goods though. We're fine. Well...sorta. Ha.  #Life. The day started off with Zone Training—really nice, and fun lessons taught. But then... kinda saddening for me once it became one of those days that was not quite as effective tracting. So...that was unfortunate. But, the Butlers had invited us over for "New Year's Eve" (the early version) – and our dear Zone leaders gave us permission to go over (since it's outside our area). Woot! We got to know their family a bit better, and.... then they also invited us over for Sister Hobbs' birthday SUNDAY night. Exciting things. We also think they miss having sisters a lot. Haha. They lived in a different ward for a long time with Sisters, and recently moved into Massey—with Elders. So... theres that.

FRIDAY. Well- remember the sunburn? I'm fairly certain I got a little bit of heat stroke.... But don't worry! I really am all goods now! Ha. I just... felt very narcoleptic Friday. 'Cause.... I literally couldn't keep myself awake! I ended up sleeping it off most the day and, yes – lathering myself in Aloe and Silver gel. (No worries – I do still take care of myself!) So... that began the new year! OH. AND it rained. RAINED. ALL DAYYYYY LONG. We think it was just a nice "cleanse" to the new year! Haha. Wanna know what else occurred to me that's funny? I was in an entirely different YEAR from you guys for a whole 20 hours!! CRAZY!

SATURDAY – more rain. Went out, and found that everyone told us that we "shouldn't be out in this!" Ha. True – but the work must go on! And it was good. We met a few potentials that we hadn't been able to catch before, and enjoyed the rain together. That night we got to go to the Masiasomua's for dinner. Blessings? Yes. It was a pre-birthday dinner for Sister Hobbs – with a delicious chocolate banana cake, aaaaand.... remember how I told you President Masiasomua is a Physio? (As in a physio therapist.... just incase your'e reading that as "psycho" instead of "physio" Ha.) Yes.  He works in the brilliant art of "clicking" as they call it here. Anddddd clicked my back in a few places for me. He thinks it may be more muscle related though – soooo, he said next time we come back he'll actually help me work my muscles to like my bones in the correct spots again :) YAY! Blessings. Allllll the blessings. And he told me I had a lot of tension in my upper back — Sound familiar Brother Hayes? Hahaha. *No one is surprised*

OH. And... I've also decided that the best kind of guys I attract are the young ones. The REALLY YOUNG ONES ;) Haha. The Masiasomua's have a set of twins they're in the process of adopting – a girl and a boy. Almost 3-years-old. And.... Jason is the CUTEST little thing. We became instant friends. He was giving me hugs and kisses! Hahaha. It made me happy – like I have a little Bishop Himiona again! (President Himiona's youngest boy.)

And then. SUNDAY. SISTER HOBBS' BIRTHDAY! (The big 2-0 and no longer a teenager birthday!) Sister Hobbs has a deep love for "bunting" – aka: the little triangle-flag trim of sorts that you see hanging at birthday parties or stores and such? Know what I mean? So Saturday night I made her a "Happy Birthday Sister Hobbs" bunting for our window :) She was rather proud of me. Haha. Too cute. We opened presents and all the joy :) No food though – because, well, Fast Sunday. We also found out where the storms were coming from (or at least – we assume where they came from). There was apparently Cyclones in the Samoan and Tongan islands.... so we're thinking we must have gotten the after-shock of that (or something?).

Anyhoo. Things that help make sense: I learned that having 1 pm church is significantly easier for me in fasting. Have I ever told you that fasting on the mission has seemed to be more difficult than ever in my life? My body doesn't like walking and running and moving so many places with low bloodsugar. And I get crazy tired, really easily. So... that's been a new and fun adventure on the mission. But – 1pm was nice yesterday. 'Cause it seemed easier to have my body up and moving and tracting around in the morning, and then sitting in the afternoon when my blood sugar was super low.

We also got to teach Ivan, and go over the baptismal questions with him again before his interview and baptism this week! ...And this is the point where I would love to say "everything went great, and he's not freaking out, and he's just SO ready!" ...Only part of that is true. Ha. He IS just SO ready – he loves the teachings he's learning in the Church, he loves the idea and he's excited for his baptism, but.... we got to the question of "if you've ever commited a serious crime" ...And, well, at some point in his SUPER PAST life – Ivan did indeed, almost end up in jail. But – that's the thing. ALMOST. He didn't actually. So... he was a little gutted that was a question he would have to be asked, and got quite stressed out about it. :( We tried to help calm him down a bit, and we did – a bit. But... he was still stressing. He just keeps saying he's "just ready to get Saturday over with" ...he's sadly kind of a high-stress/anxiety man, which makes it hard to calm his nerves. So... there's been lots of prayer and fasting. He's also had difficult things with his great nephew being in the hospital this past week with seizures and the doctors not quite figuring out what is going on (sad face). We left him after our lesson, sad, but hoping all would be well. We found out after church that our WONDERFUL Brother Tuta'i (2nd counselor in the Bishopric and currently acting as our ward mission leader) found him leaving after Gospel Principles – and insead of letting him walk all the way home or catch the bus, he just gave him a ride. He talked to him on the way there and helped to calm him a bit more. OUR MEMBERS ARE BRILLIANT. So... Ivan is currently still stressing. And especially now since we have to push his interview back a bit so we can have an older Elder (one of President Balli's counselors) to conduct the interview because of the nature of that question... But: I have faith that everything will work out. Ivan TRULY is SOLID. There's been a little hiccup, but it's nothing we can't deal with. It's all going to be okay :) Ah – and the other thing that super hasn't been helping this week is the fact that his daughter, Grace, is out on Holiday visiting her grandparents. So.... we know he misses her like crazy.

...Also: Prayers would be appreciated for Ivan's mind to calm :) Much love :) <3

The continuing of Sunday was dinner at the Renner family's home – man, they can talk! As well as... the Butlers (as I said - they invited us over for Sister Hobbs' birthday night!) They came and picked us up on Sturges Rd. (the edge of our area – ha. (Have I mentioned that our chapel isn't even technically in our area?) The Butler's are wonderful. And... ready for the puzzle pieces that have fit into my time here even more? It was Danielle (Dani) and Corban that came to pick us up. On the way to the house, there was something mentioned about "concert lighting." ... I stopped them and said, "Wait. Corban.  Do you do lighting??" YES. YES HE DOES. I GOT TO BE A LIGHTING NERD AGAIN WITH SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTOOD. So – part of that night was spent with me getting to know Corban a bit better and talking theatre and concerts and allllll the excitement. And ...I also kept telling him that he needed to come to BYU one day! Haha. 'Cause, well — they would want him. He knows HEAPS, (wayyy more than me) and it would just be SO great. Also: I have connections, so...as long as he works in school, he's definitely in ;) Haha. That night, Dani and Emily drove us home. And Dani started telling us how grateful she was for us, and how much of a blessing it was that I could talk lighting with Corban. She had been fasting and praying for not only Emily – with getting confirmed in church that morning – but also for Corban (because he hasn't come to church for quite a while now... I think maybe 2 years? That could be totally wrong. I feel like it was when he was 14 though). And she said that this could be a way to help him.  #GRATEFULTHINGS.  Another interesting thing Dani brought up is that lately (last 6-7 months) she's had this prompting that's "calling her back home" — as in, to California. And she told us that she's thinking it really may happen in the next 1-2 years. It's truly interesting where life takes you.  And how moving forward brings blessings and puts you in places you wouldn't have imagined!

Cause: Here's another little tid-bit into my life that's finally clicked after this all happened last night and as I was writing in my journal. Toward the end of school, I was honestly bored. I loved it – because it was comfortable and I love the people and they made me soooo happy. But – I had also lost my desire to actually LEARN how to do lighting.  I lost the 'want to learn' about how to put things together and fix things and truly figure out what would look best on stage in the way of design. And.... it was sad. But I realize that's also why I didn't know what I was doing once I got close to graduation. I didn't really want to do the things I loved anymore. So..... The mission is a blessing. Because I've already started missing and craving that life again (clearly), and last night was just... happy. I'm gaining that desire and want for knowledge again – and not only that, but to move forward and actually act on the things I learn.

Anyhoo. This email is forever long. Haha. But.... it's been a good week. We're still praying and hoping to find people who are ready – as Ivan getting baptised this week will result in us having no investigators! Good – and sad, all at the same time. But – we truly do have some nice potentials, and we're excited to go get'em ;)

Ah – and another random thought: I got the weirdest small sunburn of all time yesterday: Even though we weren't outside long – a burn that somehow reflected off my white shirt onto the very top of my shoulder right under my sleeve? Things that don't make sense. Haha. #Talented

But: It's time to move forward with faith, to let our light shine, and to just.... help where we can.  Because that's where the people will be found :)


"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, they whole body shall be full of light." —Matthew 6:22

My dearest Whanau, this gospel is beautiful. It's REAL and TRUE, no matter where you are in life or in the WORLD. And... it's just great :) I'm grateful that I get to meet and gain new family wherever I go, and that I get to share the message of our wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ. He blesses and helps each and every one of us on our journeys in life, and helps us to put the puzzle pieces of life together. LOVE. ALLLL THE LOVE :)

I hope you have a most WONDERFUL week ahead, and that you find joy, wonder, and little miracles in each and every moment — even the hard ones ;)

Arohanui, (My Maori will never leave me.... Ivan started throwing out Maori words to us yesterday in church and I was insanely happy. And Sister Hobbs had no idea what was going on.  Haha.)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley