Thursday, January 21, 2016


The beginnings of learning Samoan! Talofa means "Hello" in Samoan, btw! Ha. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully a little Tongan will get in there as well!

But, back to the Maori life: Sister Joseph's mum speaks Maroi FLUENTLY. So....She said she could teach us :) And also that she would translate a testimony for us! BRILLIANT.

THIS WEEK has definitely had it's ups and downs...and really just moments of not moving at all!! But, all is well :) We move forward and hope for better things to come!

MONDAY was filled with the usual. Email, Shopping, ah - and GIANT spiders while cleaning. #ReallyThough. The daddy-long-legs here are HUGE. And they show up magically in corners without you ever noticing them anywhere else! It's crazy. AH! And I got my first LAVA LAVA! Aka: A wrap-around-skirt/piece of fabric thing that islanders wear around home. And it's great. I also found fabric for the day I find someone to make me a Puletasi!!!! It's red, black and white. (Surprise! I'm still the same person.)

That Monday night we met up at Ivan's with the Elders, as he wanted to have dinner with us as a "thank you" for all we've done.... ha. Silly Ivan, it's not us – it's you and the Lord ;) But it was fun to hang with him and share a message with him AS A MEMBER. Excitement :D

TUESDAY we had district meeting, during which we found out a new policy (which we think may be world-wide, since hearing from different missions having the same rule now) about Transfer Meetings. They're not happening anymore. :( We understand why, and I know it really will be better in the long run – but it's just a little sad. Clarification: On transfer days, we used to get together and have a little meeting/council from President and Sister Balli, and testimonies from other missionaries. But now, there will just be time enough to transfer your stuff to a different car and then off to the area! It'll be good. I just enjoyed the council from other people part!

Anyhoo. It rained, and the elders (Le and Christiansen) came over to FIX my bike! Yay! – Something was loose, making the gears STRUGGLE in the life of changing. And then we got out and walked to Starforth. (Wanna stalk how far that is Pop?) ...It was very wet. We generally don't bike in the rain – cause, well, it could be dangerous... But yes. very wet. And cold. But all is well. Then the Butlers came and picked us up for a visit, and then dropped us off to visit the Donnaldsons, who had told us to come by at church on Sunday. The Donnaldsons are adorable. We had dropped by earlier in the transfer to meet them, but they were busy with family being over, so we didn't get to say much. We didn't think much of it and just said we would come back later! But... alas, we never actually went back, not because we didn't want to, but because we just got busy getting to know others! So.... we think they felt bad and wanted to let us know that they wanted us to come over! Ha. We felt bad on our part too for making them feel that way though! Anyhoo. They spoiled us. Sister Donnaldson came out with a bag of presents saying, "We wanted to have you over to open these for Christmas, but our crazy lives took over!" Haha. So... she gave us presents. And it was the most wonderful of miracles for that day. Why? She gave us PAMPERING things.. I.e: Pedicure things – which was a blessing because of how much our feet HURT after being soaked with rain allllllll day long. She's a gem :)

WEDNESDAY was back to a bit of GARDENING at the Frost's :) Their garden/yard is coming along nicely. (I knew you'd laugh at me and gardening at some point mum! Haha.) But yes – even though I'm still definitely my jumpy, I-hate-bugs self, I do indeed LOVE getting my hands in the dirt and clearing out weeds! Even though it's difficult here sometimes, because weeds are just as cute as plants! (I.e. Little daisies are weeds here!) I must say though, we also love getting to know them and little Avery a little bit more each time we visit, so it's exciting :)

We got out that afternoon, with intentions of visiting many many people on our potentials list — and ended up meeting maybe... 3? Haha. But it was still nice. BECAUSE we met a man named Colin. He's an older man, loves model airplanes and seems to be a bit bored. Haha. He has kids, but the wife is no longer in the picture — he didn't really talk about her much, so we're not sure what happened there. I'm also honestly not entirely positive just how interested he is in the church, but he invited us to sit on his deck, have a drink, and talk for a bit. We discussed many different things about different religions, and how his daughter has been a  missionary of sorts for her church. He even expressed being happy with his life – but searching, in a way. So.... we'll see how things continue with him :) We gave him a pamphlet. So... we'll see :) I have hopes!

After that, we had a lesson with Ivan and the Elders, where we had the Elders talk about the priesthood – in prep for Ivan getting the priesthood! One thing that TRULY touched me, was as Elder Christiansen talked about the Melchezidek Priesthood he talked about how he was "challenged" in a way to have the first blessing he gave be to his mum. Cutest? YES. Why else cute? 'Cause he got a little choked up. I also did. 'Cause... the Priesthood is just amazing. We're SO SPOILED to have it in our lives. And I think sometimes... I know I've definitely taken that power for granted. But... it was just a great moment. This is the other thing that's fun for me – watching the Elders who ARE so much younger than me (well – not SO much, but – ya know...5-6 years. ...weird), who have this true and wonderful understanding of the power they can hold if they're worthy of it.  And he GOT that it was dependent upon the Spirit and his faith to speak through the Spirit in giving blessings. So- I loved just realizing that and seeing how it's changed Elder Christiansen's life in that way.

Then, Ward Council :) Love my ward. They're just lovely. Our first Ward Council here in Henderson Valley, and there was talk of hopefully us having a new WML soon? We'll find out! :)

THURSDAY – a bit more gardening! This time though, it was at our own flat. Sister Hobbs wasn't feeling well, so we stayed in. But we also went and sat in our yard for a bit of fresh air - and pulled a few weeds in our adorable little garden while we were at it! Have I mentioned that we have an adorable little backyard? 'Cause... we do :) (I'll take pictures.) And....hopefully one day you'll see before I'm transferred away from Henderson.  Hahaha. #Paranoid ... and also because I forgot my SD card converter again in order to actually put pictures up on the computer :P Sorry Whanau!

Thursday night we did manage to make it out to visit the family who had put us down for dinner though — the Millers. And it was grand. Why? Well, one – just because they're wonderful people. But two – because I found yet another mutual-lover of all things herbal and natural! Shardeen Miller (its a daughter and her father that are in the home) had invited her friend over for dinner as well, and she started sharing different herbal things she'd found to help her dad – and then I got involved too, as they realized I knew about the super power Vitamin C packets and all the things they were talking about as well. Hahaha...I was laughing hysterically at myself inside. But, mum, you'd be proud — I taught them about Essential Oils. And Colloidal Silver. Hahaha. Silver was something Shardeen I think had just started researching – so she asked if I knew what it was, and what I used it for. The thing I suddenly realized was, "What DON'T we use it for?" Ha. #Truth? #IThinkSo. So... it was exciting. Also because more natural/herbal things is what Sister Hobbs really wants to get into as well. So – when we got home that night, she made me pull out all the vitamins and oils and things I had so she could take more of a look. I laughed, and did, and told her the few things I could. And this also helped me to realize the things I've been neglecting, and I've now repented and started taking things  that help me again. (Ha)

FRIDAY we had weekly planning. Which I was grateful for ... as then, it was me that really didn't feel well. It was good having the morning to calm my body down before we walked to Edmonton to visit Rosanna (a less active) and her boys. Funny story with that? Rosanna's a character. She seems to really enjoy talking with us, and last time we visited she told us how she wanted us to come by and keep teaching her boys lessons. She also claims that she goes to Lincoln Ward, because "it's closer" than Henderson Valley. –However, we really think she just doesn't go. 'Cause... we've never heard about her from anyone else!! Anyhoo. It was interesting Friday because as we sat talking and catching up with her, she was really open. Then, as we went to pull out our scriptures for  a message, she said, "Ah! Let me go get my boys!" So, she brought them in, we met them (Patrick – 10 years old, and Leo – 14 years old) and we talked with them a bit. Then, as we went to actually read the scripture, she said, "Ah! I'll be back – I forgot about something in the other room. I'll leave you here with the boys." ...What? Rosanna! No! This is for you too! Ha... But we continued talking with the boys, reading Alma 37:37, and talking about prayer. Then, once we finished the scripture, said bye to the boys, and were about to leave – Rosanna shows up again! Imagine that!? Runs away from the lesson. #Classic. So... we'll be figuring out little ways to get things actually to her :) Fun times.

That night the Butlers had the Elders and us over for dinner. I helped Conan in the kitchen cleaning up the messes he made in the kitchen while his mum was in the shower (ha). OH. AND CONAN. Ah. He just... loves to make me miss my lighting life. Ha. So – for Christmas? or something one year – his dad helped to get him a small lighting console so he could start doing free-lance things and just learning to programme and whatnot. So, this week he had downloaded a free version of "Capture" (a lighting visualiser) onto their Mac, and he programmed a little light show/concert for show. He makes me SO happy. I really want him to come to BYU one day. For. Reals. AND. And... they've got kittens. Cutest. EVER. Bowie and Zoe (Bowie in memory of David Bowie.... Which brings me on a rant.... WHAT'S WITH THE CELEBS DYING THIS WEEK?  I mean, ALAN RICKMAN TOO? TEARS. OF SADNESS.) Anyhoo, they SPOILED us more than they should have (they really don't have that much money, but we had a lovely time, and shared happiness and joy in their company.  Sister Butler even dropped us off on a street in our area afterwards.

That was also the night that I started feeling like we had just been insanely lazy this week. "Have I Done Any Good" just kept popping into my head. The idea of laziness this week is sad - but also kind of true in different aspects. Also, not as true as I was making it out to be in that moment, now that I think back. But... it was just a hard moment for me. I think back to when I was in the north and I felt like I was always going, always doing, and I haven't felt that during all of this transfer. But – I know my Saviour is here. I know how I need to better myself and our missionary work, and I know the blessings that come from it. I just need to get myself better physically in order to bless the lives of others spiritually! (Thank you for the lighter weight garments. They are more comfortable, and will help me to want to be healthy so you don't have to keep sending me things!) Also, I'm determined that I will NOT put on the 20 kg. everyone does, 'cause that's just ridiculous. Anyhoo.  Just side thoughts.

SATURDAY was a day of sickness. I woke up with a headache that just got worse as I sat in lit rooms. So in the flat most of the day it was. But – we still managed to make it out that night to visit a family and our dear Salu (a less- active we met on the street in the beginning of the transfer). I just love making new friends and relationships with the people here. They're all so sweet and just lovely people. I'm 'spoiled-as,' man ;)

SUNDAY we had SORE FEET. Which – was honestly a good thing. Because of the whole lazy-feeling thing that had hit me. But before the sore feet part there was Church. ______GOT THE AARONIC PRIESTHOOD.  WOOT! It's so fun watching him as he makes these different steps within the church. Because you just see the glow that pops in his eyes, and the ways in which it strengthens and gives him confidence! Joys :)

Then we had dinner at the_______ (and they made Maori bread! MISSED IT). And afterwards, as we walked around a part of our area we hadn't yet been to (aka, where our sore feet came from) we met a lovely couple – Reza and Zahra.  They're muslim, and the sweetest couple we've met in a while. They talked to us for quite a while and thanked us for the work we do in helping people to know the Lord. Also:  Reza definitely, kind of, hit on Sister Hobbs and her cute England-self.  Hahaha. Yes, in front of his wife! So... that was sad, and funny.  I also found out that Sister Hobbs has also previously been 'proposed to' by a Samoan man on the mission!!!! Lol!!!!

So... It's been a good week. A slow week, and a struggle week, but a good week. It's mostly been headache life this week. Sometimes to the point of my head hurting by opening my eyes... And I get this weird cold and hot feeling all over. So... fun times! My headache comes and goes – but, I know it'll eventually just go. It's all goods. And it's alll worth it for finding new people and planting seeds along the way :)

And mum, our family is very fortunate and definitely closer BECAUSE of all the trials you've been through — defintely not "in spite of."  I know for me, growing up, and even now, – people ask, "Has that been hard for you?" And, while, yes – it's always going to be hard to watch my mum go through things that I don't want her to, and things that I just always want to take away – I also just found myself fortunate. Because I always had a mum that was AT HOME. I had friends that never knew if their mum would be home as they went home from school – or if they would be alone for the day. And not only that, but I have the greatest example there could possibly BE for patience and enduring! You're always so positive and have a beautiful light, giving that light to our family to endure to the end :)  It's beautiful, really!

The gospel is beautiful, and simple and just... exciting. I love it all :)

I hope you have a most WONDERFUL week at home, and that there is much joy and brightness in your adventures :)

P.S. I got a package from SISTER PAUL. Please THANK HER for me. She sent me a card and a cute scarf! All the love! I miss your ward heaps and I hope all the Sisters there know how much they're loved by me!

Ah: And Fun fact?  Today (Monday) = 7 months. Also: 200 days since I entered the field (aka: Not including the MTC/limbo days before being in my area). Crazy? Yes. :D Life flies at ya fast!!

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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