Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Think Big!

E pe heana a koe?(How are you?)

Kel te pai! (Very good!)


Yesterday and the day before, my answer to that first question was the following:

Kei te mawiwi ahau  (I am not well.)


Kei te nge nge ahu (I am very tired.)

Sickness, man. It gets ya. I used to never get sick! But, alas—a different lifestyle, climate, and food (and parasites?)—all go hand in hand in changing things within the body I guess. But all is well now, and we'll get to that in a bit :)

"Yea, I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I ask not amiss; therefore I will lift up my voice unto thee; yea, I will cry unto thee, my God, the rock of my righteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine everlasting God. Amen." —2 Nephi 4:35

AND... a quote of the week that I got from our "specialised training" this week:

"Don't let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do.  Believe in yourself and then live so as to reach your possibilities." —President Thomas S. Monson ("Living the Abundant Life" Ensign Jan 2012)

It's been a good week :) Regardless of getting sick—because the fact that we have prayer and the Priesthood within this gospel makes all things better. I can't imagine life without it.

MONDAY. Dude. The insanity but funnest of P-DAYS!! Emails, Shopping, then: Zone P-Day. "The Amazing Race: Henderson!" Haha. We had a grand time. We were split up into teams, given clues, and then GO!  We ran around the church grounds and around Henderson (in cars) doing different tasks and competing against one another. All the excitement! The Samoan Sisters  (Liataua and Pita) set it all up, and it was truly brilliant. We had to do tasks (and document with photos along the way) such as basketball shot-making (I let the other sisters do this one. Ha), getting our car washed, getting a picture on a slide in a park, pictures hugging mannequins at the mall, going to the bowling alley and getting one of us to get a strike, going to the Falefatu's house and doing the "Weet-bix Challenge" [where you try to eat as many dry Weet-bix—a popular breakfast cereal made from shredded wheat—as you can in one minute, without spitting it out or drinking water), ...and other things that aren't coming to mind right now. Haha. Basically, it was a super crazy exciting day. And.... we even came in second :) EVEN WITH BEING GIVEN A "ROAD BLOCK" - aka: One of the other teams got to sabatoge us to slow us down. The extra challenge given? To go to Mackers (McDonalds), get LARGE frozen drinks (luckily a "large" here isn't as big as at home. It's maybe the equivilent of a medium, if not a small drink at home....) and drink them while sitting at McDonalds. Aka: very fast! #BrainFreeze But... like I said, we still came in second.  And just BARELY.  We saw the red team just getting out of their car as we drove into the chapel... so by the space of a few minutes we were beat. But - it was all fun and games and exciting! :)

Sister Hobbs and I ended the night trying to find a few potentials in the area around the Masiasomua's home (we originally had a plan to have a lesson with them... but, alas: They ended up all having to work and whatnot). And...apparently it truly wasn't the right night for us to meet them. 'Cause most people weren't home. OR in the case of the main referral we were looking to find: We couldn't remember where the street was. So we called the Elders to look at a map for us. And...well, the directions that both sets of Elders gave us were the exact same, and ....were both incorrect! So we ended up going in a really large circle. Ha. But - all is well. We tried. And then we moved forward. We tried to find someone at this point to help us in getting home, because it would have taken... probably an hour and a half to walk home from that side of our area. But: alas, once again, no one we called in our ward was answering. So... we started walking! At about... half to 9, we were still on Sturges Rd. ...when who drove up? Sister Masiasomua :) She was on her way home from work. And this was a miracle moment when we all knew the spirit definitely works within us and all around us. Because Sister Masiasomua was telling us that normally she would have just stayed at work to finish up the few things she had left to do, but this night, she thought, "Nah - I'll leave it for tomorrow." And came home.  #Blessings #LittleMiracles 'Cause... Sister Hobbs and I were exhausted. She graciously drove us home and we were able to plan and get ready for the next day in a timely manner, rather than an hour later than we would have wanted!


Phew. (A man that definitely smokes just came and sat down by me. Fun times!) #InternetCafeLife

TUESDAY. We had District Meeting! Then lunch. And ..cancelled appointments. *Sad face*. We met with a less-active, and with Ivan. Ivan is just wonderful. We were supposed to have dinner wtih the Sekona's this night, but - Sister Sekona was taken by sickness... so they purchased food for us and dropped it off. #ButterChicken #Spoiled And... we had our final lesson AND the interviews for Eli and Hakeian's baptism :) Yes, they passed, and yes, we had a wonderful lesson. They're just ....so fun! :D

Also: BUGS. They need to stop biting me. I have over 13 bites just on my left arm right now, 7 of which surround my elbow. We think they're all coming from my bed suddenly... and it got worse AFTER we sprayed the bed down with Permetherine on Tuesday. So...that's fun. Apparently it just angered, rather than killed the bugs this time around. I'm confused as to what makes them suddenly appear. It's fine. I'm over it. I apparently just need to start lathering myself in oils before I get in bed, rather than in the day when it would make more sense to get bitten. :P #TheBuggyLife

WEDNESDAY ...Sickness. Truly. I never got this sick at home. Or at least not as often as I feel sick here. But - we stayed in the flat at the beginning of the day - but still made it out for the night, attempting to meet some referrals - with one success! She wasn't able to talk with us then, but we did make an appointment for this week. So... good things :) We also met another member who lives in our area, but attends... Sunnyvale! (I think) Ward. Anyhoo. The Singh family.  Apparently the sister of the Singh girl we met works at the MTC! I... honestly don't remember her.  Haha. She was never one of my direct teachers. But I'm sure I'll recognize her when I actually see her again. They're a wonderful family :)

THURSDAY started out differently than usually - with weekly planning, because Friday we knew we would be in a training meeting with president.... So - we planned, and we went out. This time with COURTNEY from Sunnyvale Ward.  OH she's adorable. She met a potential with us - Yami. He's... definitely an interesting potential!  He's muslim - but still open to learning new things. Ah. And he doesn't blink. Ever. That's what kind of weirded me out about the whole situation of talking with him. Ha. Literally doesn't blink when he's lookin at you. Eyes WIDE open. So - it'll be fun to see where that goes. He WANTED a Book of Mormon to read though, so we'll see!

We also visited Aroha and her family, and went to the Millers for dinner. I feel like she always feeds us some sort of American-ish meal.  Ha. It makes me laugh. This time it was burgers. Really good burgers though! And chocolate mousse. #Mmm

We had her drop us to Sturgess Rd. so that our dear Danni Butler could pick us up at the edge of our area and it wouldn't be so far for her to drive :) It was a good time with the family. We went over the Restoration, and I think it was good. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I wish I could do more for them. They're the best people and make our lives so happy.

FRIDAY. "Specialized Training" Day at Sunset Chapel! It was a good training, it really was. We got together with Waterview and Harbour Zones and were just given some council from President and Sister Balli, and the assistants. Our dear Elder Hunter and Sister Cluff from our Zone also gave a talk! So that was fun.  Ah - and Elder Clark, Saulo, and Peihopa sang a BEAUTIFUL verson of How Great Thou Art together.  So, yes. I got to see Elder Clark again - and it was wonderful. I also met another Elder - Elder Fermanis. Haaaaaa. #BiggestFlirt #ElderWeAreOnAMission We had gotten there early—before the chapel was even open, so we were out chatting for a bit, and this is when I met Elder Fermanis.  After he found out where I was from (he's from NZ), this is how the conversation went:

Elder Fermanis: "Are there any beaches in Utah Sister Ottley?"
Me: "Yes! ...Well, I mean, there's Bear Lake."
Elder Fermanis: "Is it nice?"
Me: "Yes!"
Elder Fermanis: "So - is that us?"
Me: *Silence, but thinking, "Wha?" *
Elder Fermanis: "Ah - but wait. we coudlnt' be alone. Hey, Elder Shannon! You're from Utah, do you know Sister Ottley?

* Elder Shannon, who I was talking to before Elder Fermanis, comes back into the conversation *

Elder Shannon: Yeah!
Elder Fermanis: Is Bear Lake nice?
Elder Shannon: Yes!
Elder Fermanis: Is it clear?
Elder Shannon: Yes!
Elder Fermanis: Ah - so is that all of us? Going to Bear Lake?

*And this is where Elder Shannon just kind of left me hanging... there with Elder Fermanis. Ha.*

Elder Fermanis: "Ah - so when do you go home?"
Me: "December."
Elder Fermanis: "Ah... it's not meant to be."
Me: What?
Elder Fermanis: I'm coming to visit Utah - in October. And I LEAVE in December.
Me: *laughs* thinking - "Who does this Elder think he is?"

...And it continued through to the beginning of the meeting, with him trying to get me to come sit by him and whatnot. Haaaaaa.  #ToughLuckElder #ProbablyThinksI'm19. It's truly classic to see Elder's faces when they find out i'm 24! Sadly, I didn't get to a point in the conversation that I could have told him that. Ah well.

Moral to the story: I'm on a mission.  And I learned (more like, FULLY realised) in this moment that I do indeed have my head set IN THE MISSION - 'cause I had no idea what the flirting life was anymore. Lol. I did receive word from a Sister afterwards that he really is a good Elder and a great missionary - he just likes to "act" like that. Also - he's going home next transfer.  Thus... there's gotta be some trunky-ness in there. Silly Elder. Oh. Wait. I have a maori word for that. Porangi Elder ;)  (Silly, giddy, or "Blonde")

Ha. Life. Fun experiences meeting different kinds of missionaires. Ah - he's also Maori. I think Maori/Greek.

The Training Meeting was grand though. That's where my "THINK BIG" title and the quote at the beginning of my email came from.

"Don't let others convince you that you are limited in what you can do.  Believe in yourself and then live so as to reach your possibilities." —President Thomas S. Monson ("Living the Abundant Life" Ensign Jan 2012)

And... here's the thought that I got from this quote. It doesn't mean just not letting OTHERS convince you that you're limited in anything — but it's about not letting even YOURSELF convince you that you're not able to do anything. I thought of it this way because I've started realising that sometimes I think "this must be what this person is thinking about me right now, because that's how they're acting to me" ...if that makes sense.  Sometimes I bring myself down by thinking about things I think others are thinking about me. And then I drive myself crazy, and it's never worth it.
So: YOU CAN DO IT!  It's going to be a great year....or 11 months, almost now 10... of missionary work :)  I can feel it!

Ah - and the Goal of Baptisms for the mission this year? Is 950. Last year we accomplished: 522.  But... can we get 950? YES. Why?  'Cause it's just under 5 people per missionary. Psh..... TOTES possible! [Normally unlikely, but totally doable!] And, our Heavenly Father needs us to bring His children to Him. And I need my Kiwi, Maori, and Islander brothers and sisters in the Celestial kingdom, man. I love them all so much.

Continuing with the rest of Friday. We HAD an appointment set with a potential for after the training... but it fell through.  'Cause the training went a bit longer than we had intended, sadly enough. But... hopefully soon! We WILL get to meet Vale one day!

And this is the point in time when I ACTUALLY started feeling legitimately ill. As we were walking around, nope, BIKING around the area, and our appointment with Marion also fell through. So we stopped by the Leato's. They fed us, 'cause they love us, and I was grateful.  However.... alas, it didn't help the sick feeling. It made it a lot worse. Probaby partially because it was Chinese takeaways (all of which here I'm beginning to gather are rather similar to "Panda Express" back home... the taste, at least, and... the fact that I can taste the MSG life.) Anyhoo. We made a last visit to Aroha Henare - whom I love, SO dearly, and then... we went home. Somewhat more slowly than I usually bike, but... my body was just done. Done done. I slept that night - but... definitely not well. I honestly felt like I was going to puke all night long, and literally prayed and talked to myself the entire night – that I wasn't going to throw up. (Yes, that's how much I hate it. Reasons I could never be bulimic!)

I didn't. But... I still felt absolutely disgusting and SO TIRED SATURDAY morning. But... we still got up and got ready and whatnot, 'cause, well, we had ELI AND HAKEIAN'S BAPTISM. #Win. :) So - like I said, I felt gross, and mostly pretty much everyone could tell.  Luckily, they just kept asking if I was tired... rather than ill. So I guess that was good in a way! But - I honestly didn't know if I was going to make it - I knew I HAD to, 'cause - I wasn't missing the baptism! But... I was struggling. So, Sister Hobbs said a prayer for me that I would be able to make it through the next few hours. Anddd.... I did! :) Prayer is REAL, folks! Love it :)  Ha.

So... Eli and Hakeian are adorable, and they're now baptised :)  It was a fun baptism program with a lot of family surrounding and happiness. And... because I didn't know if I would be able to stand for longer than 5 minutes without wanting to pass out, our lovely Elder Hunter and Gulliver took over talking about the Restoration for us ('cause, that's what we do for baptisms while the baptised people are getting changed after the actual baptism).
Then - at the end of the baptism program, I had my head down on a bench, and the Sisters came over to figure out what was up - and then said, "We have 6 Elders here who could all give you a blessing." ... Yup. Done. Priesthood power is real. I think, along with SO many other things, I've learned this most on my mission. I received a blessing from Elder Hunter, annointed by Elder Saulo. And it was one of those miracle moments when I felt peace in a different way than I thought I would during the blessing. It was in the simplest of phrases. "Heavenly Father is proud of what you have done on your mission." ...It was one of those moments that I honestly hadn't fully realised it was an answer I was looking for - until I got the answer.

Heavenly Father looks out for us. He HEARS our prayers, and sometimes... He hears the things in our thoughts that we don't even realise we've been asking for!

The rest of SATURDAY was spent at the flat. 'Cause... like I said.  Illness. I slept a lot, ate ...nothing, and just tried to not be exhausted. The Elders (Hunter and Gulliver again) loved us enough to bring over dinner - as Sister Hobbs had none, and... I was finally feeling up to some broth of sorts at least. What did they come over with? A pasta dish and soup for me—both homemade! #Spoiled and #Delicious I only had... like half a bowl... of the soup, but it was filled with veggies and happiness. Which made my stomach grateful for the lightness.

SUNDAY was better.  Still stayed in during the morning time - as... my stomach still wasn't happy with the moving life, and I couldn't stand for long. I slept it off more and luckily was much better by the time church time came around. Eli and Hakeian were confirmed, and were given some pretty grand promises within their blessings. The Holy Ghost is cool, right?  I just love it.

We went to the Joseph's for dinner - which was like a dinner from heaven.  LIGHT, and like home. (Can you tell I'm getting sick of the heavy meal/meat life? ...I still like it, but... I think it's just become hard on my stomach.)  Quiche, salad, and Maori bread. (Which I found out is made with a potato base, and a "fermintation" process, similar to Dad's yeast thing. So I'm excited to get that recipe :) Sister Jones (Sister Joseph's mum) has started teaching us Maori, and I"m defintiely excited for continuing lessons. :) She said she'll teach us a full prayer next time!  Haha.

The rest of the night was spent trying to find some potentials again, and me struggling to push my tired body up hills. So, Sister Fischer lovingly picked us up, and dropped us at the flat so we could pick up my whiteboard and markers for the lesson we had planned for the Donnaldson's.
We love them, they make us happy. And we become better friends with them a little bit more aech time we visit. I just love all our ward.

I'm finally getting better. I actually got up and moved around like a normal person this morning - and... I'm insanely grateful. I hate being sick. It WILL be overcome though.  We WILL find new people to begin fully teaching this week, and.... we WILL set someone new for baptism. Sister Hobbs and I have decided that for us, a goal of one baptism a month is definitely doable.  And we're excited.  We just have to work hard to find that golden one for next month ;)

Another quote I got this week that I really like:

"Sometimes FEAR SHOUTS SO LOUD in our ears, that it almost drowns out our FAITH. ... But God knows who we are. We cannot go anywhere that he cannot find us." —Emma Smith: My Story

IT'S TRUE! We have to let FAITH overcome the fear in life! :)

I hope you all have a most amazing week.  I know that our Heavenly Father watches out for us in every move we make, and LOVES it when we talk to Him about anything and everything. Prayer is beautiful, our GOSPEL is beautiful, and Missionary Work is super exciting!

ALL THE LOVE, from your dear Kiwi Missionary —

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Helping Hands and Fish Heads!

It's been a good week. Filled with new things and bright new lights. We got to be part of a Helping Hands project! As in - I got to wear the cool yellow vest!  #EasilyEntertained Haha. It was exciting for me. :) Anyhoo. Carrying on...

MONDAY. Emails, shopping - and the blessing of seeing one of our neighbors, Tash and Motti, as we were leaving the shop, and them offering us a ride home! Woot! We didn't' have to walk with our groceries! Haha. And it also helped us get back to the flat faster so the Butlers could pick us up :) —And we went on a hike! To Fairy Falls. It's beautiful, and I'm definitely going back one day. You get to cross over little rivers and see the city skyline from the trees, and all the nature and happiness, and... the beautiful falls. There's also little pools you can even swim in! But, clearly we didnt' do that part. Haha. One day. #BucketList However, at the end of Fairy Falls, we returned to the car –which had been struggling on it's way up the hill/"mountain" area, to the trail head in the first place. They thought it was just 'cause there wasn't enough coolant in the car. Nope. It's 'cause there was zero oil left. But: Once again, miracles and blessings.  There was a couple that had just driven up as we (and by "we" I mean Danni and Conan) were looking under the hood of the car trying to figure out what to do.

"Do you need anything?" they said. "Ah, we just discovered we have no oli. So... we'll be getting some when we get down the hill, hopefully!" And then... "We have some oil you can have!" —And they also said "no charge!"

So, blessings. Because Sister Hobbs and I also knew that Danni didn't have money to pay them even though she wanted to. We made it down and back to our flat safely, and then hurried to get ready to go to the Masiasomua's for a Family Home Evening with the family :)

We taught the restoration, and it was SO great. I love the feeling of knowing that by having the Spirit with you, you can guide people to learn new things —even within "member families" who know the initial knowledge of what you're teaching. It's also glorious because we have a beautiful relationship with their family now, and the TRUST of them –to the point that they're good with us to keep coming over, and help us all the time in giving us rides places and whatnot. Trust is a big thing. Especially we've learned, with the Masiasomua's.  They're a pretty "straight to the point" kind of family. Ha. And so there's really no beating around the bush. —If they don't like something you're doing, they're just going to tell you. Or not invite you back. I love them dearly. And tonight (hopefully) we're going back for another FHE.  —Depending on President's meeting schedule and whatnot.

TUESDAY we had District Meeting —our first one with Elder Hunter as our District Leader! And he did wonderfully. He related making balloon animals to "how we see our investigators" — if they're just a balloon, or if we see them with the potential of becoming a dog in the end. Ha. Meaning - potential of seeing them in white, and how we can help them progress to be like our Saviour. Loved it :) Super creative, and we got to learn how to make a dog out of a balloon!

The day continued with service at an investigator's home of the Elders, an appointment we had with a less-active family, and then dinner at the Venu's. She's the sweetest lady. Her husband has dementia, and I know she, herself, is now a little worried about going the same direction. But... she's lovely, and fed us a delicious (and LARGE) meal. Ha. #Stuffed

We were able to teach Eli and Hakeian again, and they're just wonderful. —Also: They get BAPTISED THIS WEEK. CRAZY things, right? It's gone by so FAST teaching them! Still have one more lesson to get in this week... but it'll be grand. Theyr'e excited.

After their lesson—since we taught them at the chapel, we stopped for a bit to help Leina Tuivai set up the bulletin board for Primary in the chapel. Good things. Why? 'Cause we got to know her a little better, and it's opened many things for us! Haha. ...To be cont. ;)

WEDNESDAY we stopped by Seng's house. We asked if there was anything we could help her with - to which she replied, "There's actually this email that I haven't replied to that I need to..."  It was from a professor at her University - because she's been looking into switching programs. All those years of school where I learned to email different professors for different things, paid off in that very moment, friends! Haha. We helped her word an email to reply to the one that had been sent to her.... 2 months ago. Ha.  #Procrastination #JustLikeMe But it went well — 'cause later she got an email back saying yes! She could indeed still switch courses. Even though they start like.... next week. Haha.

We had a lunch break, did some tracting (actually, a LOT of tracting) and then had dinner and a lesson at the Kaipo's. Wanna know what we ate?Fish. Wanna guess what PART of the Fish?

The Head.

Yes. We had "Fish Head Soup" Haha! I've been told by MANY people that the head, especially the EYEBALL - is actually "the best part of the fish!" Yup. Finally tried it. And, it is indeed good! (I was also singing, "Fish heads, fish heads, rolley poley fish heads, fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!" in my head the entire night during and after that. So, thank you Aleesha for bringing me up on a song that has now become so applicable in my life!)

That night we had ward council, and then dropped by Julie's house to pick up my Mosaic flower pots! Have I told you about this? Julie is someone we met... a few weeks into this area. She says she's not super interested in learning anything, but we love visiting her and seeing all her mosaic projects and colours of her house. Then, when Sisters Hobbs and Fornaro visited her on trade-offs, Sister Hobbs asked if there was a small pot she could purchase —Julie made her one and we picked it up a couple weeks ago - and I said, "I want one too!" So..... she made me one. But, because we couldn't decide on colours.... She made two, so that I could "choose" between the them.  Welllll... I ended up buying both! Haha. I just love them too much!

THURSDAY and FRIDAY were sickness days for Sister Hobbs. Thursday we were still able to go out to dinner at the Tuivai's and to visit Ivan and Grace that night. Most of these days were spent, for me, though, in cleaning, organizing, reading, and putting together what I'm calling my "Whatever Journal" aka- putting together the random little "Keepsake" or "Sentimental" papers and things I've gathered over the last 8 months of the mission. And it's coming along nicely!  I made it through the first 6 months in the 2 days, so... just gotta catch up and paste in all the things from Henderson and Christmas :)

Other things I learned as we sat inside ALL day on Friday, after doing weekly planning — I was sore from not really moving all day.  INCLUDING MY JAW.  My jaw actually gets sore now when I don't TALK ALL DAY.  Crazy. Things that a mission does to you!  Haha.  #MissionaryProbs

Also, a funny conversation that was had Thursday, as we were at the Tuivai's for dinner.  Leina is the oldest in her family, as is Sister Hobbs - yes? Yes. Leina was telling her younger siblings to "go do this and that" - while she, herself, sat on the couch doing... nothing. Ha. Sister Hobbs started laughing saying, "Ha! It's just like me with my siblings!" And not only that, but she's like that with ME! And yes, she KNOWS it! She says it all the time. "Sorry, I'm so lazy. Will you get this for me - since you're up?" She generally does this right as I get up to get something for myself. And, I know – lets be real, we all do it. I do it too - I'm SURE with Cayden and Hannah! Ha. But - it also made me realise something. I know that the girls would do it to me, as the youngest, because well - apparently it's just the right of the older siblings. But I realized I'm grateful for it, because it's helped me to GET UP MYSELF AND DO THINGS. To NOT be lazy, and to be helpful. Yes, clearly it still gets annoying to me with Sister Hobbs at times and her not wanting to get up, so she tells me to instead (including times when she's using something of mine - and asks if I have a different one I can go get to use...) but, I'm also grateful that I can serve her in this way. I'm grateful for patience, and I'm grateful for the ability to do things myself.

SATURDAY was better though. HEAPS better. :) Why? It was the beginning of our Stake Conference weekend-ness. Starting off with HELPING HANDS. There had been a few different projects put together, with the main one at the chapel where participants put together dog and cat toys for the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), an animal shelter in Auckland. Anyhoo, then there were 2 other "clean-up"/gardening groups for different parks around the area. We went to South Kensington Park - which is actually in our area, and over by where the Masiasomua's live! So fun. We got to relieve poor trees in this little forest/park areas of "morning glory" vines that were taking over. Morning glory is apparently a weed... although it's beautiful! It grows up and around tree branches, weaves itself all over and if left too long can choke a tree to death! So sad. So, we spent time getting that off trees, as well as another vine like weed that grows on the ground and does the same thing to smaller plants (I think it's called something "Wandering Jew"). Anyhoo. It was fun :)  And also meant time spent with President and Kahlii Masiasomua. 'Cause they were our ride everywhere for the day. Haha.

The afternoon continued with a DELICIOUS lunch out with Sister Rachelle Lekasa. Originally it was going to be a "birthday lunch" with her and her husband because it was his birthday! But sadly, he ended up having to work. #SadDay So... we went out for his birthday without him! Haha. We went to a restaurant called Gangis Khan. And.... whoever comes to visit New  Zealand with me after the mission? Yup. We're going here. It's a Mongolian BBQ restaurant. And it's delicious. And so fun! You choose the food (raw) you want, put it in a bowl with sauces and spices and all that jazz, then you bring it to a man who puts it on the grill to cook in front of you. BEST KIND OF PLACES. And there was pancakes and ice-cream (yes, pancakes) for dessert. Delicioius things.

After lunch .... we went on tradeoffs with girls in our ward! Kahlii Masiasomua and Leina Tuivai came out with us. SO FUN and SO HELPFUL. Ha. Because we needed to get ourselves going again after being in the flat that long. (Also: Sister Ottley went a little stir crazy.... is that the right phrase/term for that? ...being in the flat that long. Really though.) It was a good afternoon though. I was with Leina, and we tracted up some streets, finding some good potentials - or at least people who would be okay with some service! #Win We're excited to go back, and also that Leina is getting more confident in the idea of a mission.

The rest of the night was at the adult session of Stake Conference, and it was wonderful. Our dear Emere Joseph from our ward spoke, and did a lovely job. Also, President Masiasomua - who came up with a lovely analogy about all the Morning Glory we'd been pulling at the service project that morning. Haha.

SUNDAY was STAKE CONFERENCE - and Ivan finally made it to church again! We were so excited for him. It's been hard lately, as he had told his job he would work certain Sundays - FAR before he knew he would be getting baptised and going to church! Ha! But it was exciting for him to be there and in that environment again.

We taught Eli and Hakeian again, and once again - they're just golden. We went to the Hakaraia's for dinner - and it's confirmed that we truly meet a new child of the family everytime we go over. Ha. There's only 1 we haven't met now - and he apparently lives farther away? or something? idk. We'll see if next time we go he's there!  (It's a family of 8, and we've met 7!)

We also had a lovely lesson with the Donnaldson's again. And... once again, learned how teaching members the lessons can result in miracles and blessings. We were given a referral from Brother Donnaldson - of one of his previous students. He got her information and the "ok" to send missionaries over apparently last November... but never gave it to the last sisters. So... once again, trust and getting to know the members really helps :) We're excited to go meet her, and so... hopefully I'll have something to report back on that next week!

So... it's been good.  Tiring moments, but also many many good moments. Stake Conference was BRILLIANT, and the speakers brought many thoughts and joys to help us in the work. Hahaha.

And, the NEW FLAG issue? Yes! Indeed New Zealand is trying to decide about a new flag. And spending HEAPS of money trying to do so. It's a rather large argument around here, actually. Haha.  And the "feather" on the flag isn't a feather... it's the Silver Fern ;) Basically like the classic plant New Zealand is known for! It also makes me laugh that you found this out watching The Big Bang Theory. Haha

I'm so insanely grateful for all the families I've gained in my life, and for the love that I feel from them. That's one thing I've thought on more this week - is just how amazing it is and how you can gain a true love for someone, so quickly.  Charity. It's a real thing.

I hope you have a most bright and wonderful week!  You're all wonderful :)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Monday, February 15, 2016

Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust!

"All the world is made of FAITH,
So I'll try,
'Cause I finally believe!
I'll try,
'Cause I see where you see!
I'll try. ... To FLY!" 
—"I'll Try," "Return to Neverland" Peter Pan Lyrics

This is something that keeps coming up in my head this week. – And I love it.  Also 'cause it makes me think of my dear Sister Mariah Hatch!  I can't believe she comes home so SOON! Insane! I guess it does make sense though... since I hit my 9 month mark as she returns. (What!!!?) 

It's definitely been a most WONDERFUL week though. Full of HAPPINESS, FINDING, and JOY!


Here's my interpretation of these three. 

Obviously FAITH is faith. We must have faith to keep going and to find! 

TRUST. We all have to learn Obedience.  Then we have to trust the Lord in the things He helps us to plan out for the future (goals we set), and then be obedient to those things he brings to our mind. 

PIXIE DUST. DILIGENCE. Through being obedient and having faith, I've learned more about diligence, and in turn, become more diligent. Diligence is like the little extra push we get (of pixie dust) to help us fly and soar round the room (and around our area)! Brilliant things :) I love Peter Pan!

MONDAY. And suddenly I've realized the week actually started out kind of rough. Haha.  But the rainbow always comes after the storm. We went to Piha Beach for P-day. Which... we honestly didn't feel super comfortable being on the actual beach anymore. It was fun when we went to Bethels Beach the week prior with the Butler's after the Zone Leaders gave us permission – but.... when Sister Hobbs and I got to Piha Beach last week with the District, we, and Elder Hunter (our actual District Leader) didn't actually feel comfortable about being on the beach. Elder Hunter had been under the impression that there was some sort of hike trail that would allow you to look over the beach.  The other Sisters in our district, and Elder Hunter's companion went off frolicking through the sand like nothing was wrong.... so, we sat off to the side in a sort of grassy area and just talked – looking out on the water and talking about the day we'll come back and run down the beaches to wade in the water! Good times. Also: Fun fact, it was a super hot and sunny day, and then as we got to the beach – it started raining. Coincidence? Nope. Just God saying, "BE  OBEDIENT!" Haha. Ah – another fun thing about last Monday's P-day? Remember how I told you about a less-active member who I think could do a HECK of a lot better with her choice of partner? Yup. Well, that partner asked Sister Hobbs and I if we "do lap dances." Um...no, Eli. No we don't. 

The night perked up though as we went to visit another less-active family and did a little Family Home Evening about Church, Prayer, and Reading with them (CPR). Super fun – but the kids also started getting tired at the end, so we're going to be going over more in the afternoons now.  That'll be good. 

TUESDAY. Tracting. Our days that begin with tractiving, I've realized, generally are the best. Even though – this day I was honestly ...in a mood. I was fed up with things Sister Hobbs would say (because – there are certain times when I do have to remind myself that she's only just turned 20, and... can be rather immature. ha), and it was hot and humid and ...just ...well, I was onery. But – like I said. Tracting somehow makes things better for me. We didn't find anyone super interested – apart from maybe one? But it was good. It got us out and talking to people.  

We had a lunch break, and then went to visit Ivan – since he still hasn't been able to come to church lately. We honestly stayed at his house longer than was probably needed, but = it was also good. 'Cause, he's missed church. #StupidWork But: Luckily: He gets to come again this coming week! Woot!! 

We had dinner at the Samuelu's :) Aka: The less-active family, who are coming back to support their son who wants to go on a mission. And man, they're just
wonderful. They're offically no longer less-active as of this last Sunday though – cause apparently once they've come 3 weeks in a row, they're no longer less-active! Who knew? I didn't. They're so wonderful though. We then raced ourselves UP THE HUGE HILL (yeah, we ended up walking our bikes most of the hill—it's Palamino that turns into Sturgess Rd, in case you're wondering Dad!—'Cause it's an insane hill) and over to the chapel to teach the Burgess boys. OH goodness. They're so cute and ready to be baptised! Eli and Hakeian are their names. Eli is 9, Hakeian 8. And...
they're officially SET for the 20TH OF FEBRUARY!! Yes. Yes – I repeat, we have a baptism THIS MONTH. Because Eli is 9, he counts as an investigator for us, and we're lovin' it! Eli has so many questions all the time and is so excited to learn. He's started reading the Book of Mormon himself – even though he doesn't really super understand. The faith of a child, man.  It's so true! Tuesday we taught them both about the Restoration, and they gobbled it up! Hakeian is pretty quiet – but we try to get him to talk as much as we can between Eli's questions. ;) Funny Story: Eli is SUPER keen to be baptized. So when we were teaching him on Tuesday and we asked if he was ready to be baptised, he said, "YES! I was supposed to be baptised LAST YEAR!!! But we weren't coming to church!" Children really are blessings, aren't they?

So, that talk that says, "Obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles!" — TRUTH! I honestly can't remember who said that right now, but I know it was someone... (Ha.  Great memory there, yeah?) 

Also: MY NEW PLANNER theme, because I officially finished decorating it Tuesday: "Worlds Without Number"—'Cause I found a cool picture and article in an old Ensign :) And the quote? From President Uchtdorf!

"This is a paradox of man: compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are everything to God.  While against the backdrop of infinite creation we may appear to be nothing, we have a spark of eternal fire burning within our breast. We have the incomprehensible promise of exaltation—worlds without end—within our grasp. And it is God's great desire to help us reach it." 

Love it? Yes. Yes I do!

WEDNESDAY. So –earlier or... I guess at the end of last transfer, we received a referral from the Sisters (as in our STL's) who used to teach this lady named Priya. We finally got over to her part of the area to meet her! ...To find out that she's being taught by the Swanson Elders (aka: our District Leader) in Rinui. Haaaaa. And she super seemed like she didn't want us there. But she was also nice about it? In a slightly sassy/bothered way. So... she's an interesting one. Not sure what to do there! After meeting her, we had more spare time than we planned (that's what biking fast does to you!), so we decided to tract a bit. After nearly having a few heart attacks from some dogs, we found a lovely little house –to which a young Chinese girl came to the door, saw us, and said, "Ooh! Come in! Come in!" Her name is Seng. She's 24, and ADORABLE. She's apparently been having lessons from the Chinese Elders (because they cover basically the whole of Henderson) for the last... year? ish. (Aka: What we call an "eterni-gator.") So... basically we're hoping to steal her from the Chinese Elders and teach her ourselves :) We talked a little bit about weakness, fear, and insecurities, as they all seemed to be concerns for her when we approached, "Why aren't you getting baptised if you like the Church!?" 'Cause – see, she also goes to church and activities and things all the time in the Chinese Ward. She's just wonderful though. We're excited to continue at least dropping in to see her! 

We had lunch, visited the Lekasa's, and had dinner with the Kaipos (unplanned, but grateful for it!) ...Aka: The rest of this day was... slightly less than productive. Which struggled for me. Also because Sister Hobbs' British Pride was shining when Brother Kaipo brought out Scones, cream and jam for us to eat. "This is how you eat a British scone. ... No, you need more jam than that."  What if I don't WANT more jam? Ha. Anyhoo. The British Pride is real sometimes. But... it also helps me to realize the things I'm prideful in, and has in turn helped me realize more about humility and how fully and truly patient the Lord is with all of us. Like when at times we say, "Dude! I'm so cool that I did this thing!" When in reality, it's because of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that we are even able to DO those cool things. Ha.  

Anyhoo. It was still a good night getting to know the Kaipo's a bit more, and specifically Sister Kaipo for me. I saw that on her shopping list she had written "Colodial Silver" –hahaha... And so I asked, and she said, "Yeah! Do you use it? What do you use it for!?" ...Everything, my dear, everything! So – I also told her about DoTerra, which was something she said she'd been hearing about and thinking about looking into more lately. So... I told her she should.  
(How is it that she would get into that anyhoo, mum?  Without becomiong a distributer or something?) 

THURSDAY began with Zone Training. And then.... a lot of cancellations of appointments (Really. 3 cancelled this day). AND I experienced my first real day of, "I've eaten so much food, I may just POP and die" on the mission. My mistake? We got fish and chips for lunch—later than expected, and then we had dinner scheduled at the Gaitaus. Aka: Samoans. Ha. TOO MUCH FOOD. I was ...just ill for the rest of the night. Ah, And I also FELL OFF MY BIKE! ;) Ha. No worries. Not anything bad. 'Cause I caught myself!  I did something similar to Sister Hobbs though — my bike tire (or "tyre" as they spell it here in some places) slipped off the footpath, and into the grass. But... see, I was turning DOWNHILL at the time, and the grass I slipped into was... rather a deep-ish hole. But, like I said - I indeed caught myself (or – more so, I guarantee you there was an angel pulling me back) from flying forward/over my handlbars. Woooo! 'Cause that's what it felt like probably should have happened. However, the catching myself with my foot was slightly unfortunate, and I twisted my ankle pretty nicely. #WeakAnkles So... we made it to an area of the park with a littel bench, I gave it a rest, and rubbed it out a bit. Then we went to the Taumafai's, visited with them, and left our bikes at their house, and... walked places. Slash – they drove us for a bit as well. Love our members! :) 

FRIDAY... all the rain again. But, honestly I LIKE the RAIN, much more than the BLAZING sun here. But – it did also cancel our service that was planned for the day. And Caroline—because of the protesting that happened here Thursday (...a whole different can of worms about the signing of government documents). Caroline had to go to work that day instead, because she "physically" couldn't get to work on Thursday because of all the people! [An estimated 5,000 people calling on the New Zealand government to “walk away” from the TPP agreement. Many held placards reading “Don't trade our needs for corporate greed,” and “Enough is enough.”] So, anyhoo... our lesson with her was cancelled too. :P And my ankle was a struggle. But, we were able to get our bikes back from the Taumafais, and visit the Pattersons and Victor (Felix's twin brother) just put in his papers! So... he should be getting his call soon. Excitement? YES!

SATURDAY. Comp study with the Elders. Helped with our TWE role plays and ...Elder Hunter is just grand. He and I found out we're basicaly the same person – ah, and he's from Provo! Shy, never talked to people before, and still struggles with it now! Woo! But we all are working on it together. So... life is good. We started out the day after comp study tracting. Crystal Ave. Fun fact: The people we found this day ...were interesting. Ha. A Jehovah Witness, some slamming of doors in our faces, and some... just ignoring us. And then. The SHINNING RAY OF LIGHT! As we had turned around to go back down the other side of the street before going home for lunch, we found Sentosa and her family. She's part of the Bahai Faith – and just... SUPER OPEN to everything. [Their faith believes in unity, one God, the creator of everything. And that our purpose is to learn to know and to love God through prayer, reflection, and being of service to humanity.] So she brought our hope and love for the work back after a struggle of less-than-excited people!

This was also our day of running from one side of our area to the other. We had an appointment with a potential named Vale (Vah-lay). Yup. Definitely wasn't home. But... it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because we still met someone on his street that is potentially interested. AND we had time to make it to our dinner appointement with a member who... doesn't actually live in our boundary. Ha. He lives by our chapel! But not in our boundary. His name is Michael Jee.  Malaysaian man, and super kind. But, also doesn't fully understand the missionary rules. Ha.  We had called Friday night to confirm dinner with him and he said he had found out that he couldn't have us over if there wasn't another woman in the house.  "Yes, that's true!" So he then asked something about going out to a restaurant and mentioned "eating ouside his house" and we said, "yes! That would be fine!  We can be there if we're outside the house." ...Well, he still took it as, he could bring us out to a restaurant. #LanguageBarriers (His English isn't super great. Haha.)  So we got to his home and he said, "Okay! Get in the van!" We felt bad, so we just said prayers in our hearts and just stayed by each other in the back. He then told us we were going to a Malaysaian place! ...Then as he drove further and further toward the edge of our area, we said, "Where is this place?" ......"Kelston!" ...So... Sister Hobbs was texting our District Leader during this whole thing. Ha. And, well, apparently where we ended up was not only out of our AREA, but out of our ZONE! So... we went to Waterview Stake area for about an hour! Fun times. But, no worries, we weren't in trouble, Elder Hunter was just glad that we were okay. And I knew Heavenly Father was keeping us safe. But: We also have to find a way of sharing the FULL RULES with Brother Jee. Haha. Good times. All the adventures of a missionary :) 

SUNDAY. Ohhhh Sunday. It was the day of teaching the Plan of Salvation.  It's a great thing, isnt it? We had some study in the morning, as usual, prepared our lessons for the POS, and went out tracting a bit before church. We met a man named Dan —who, originally when he said hs name, we thought he said "Dam" – even after he spelled it out for us! #ChineseMen But then luckily, he said he would give us his number, and as I got my pen ready to write it down he said, "Oh, I'll do it." And took my pen and paper, wrote down "Dan" and his number. Brilliant.  :) Ah, the other grand thing about Dan? He's moved here pretty recently, and the FIRST thing he said to us when we said we were missionaries for our church was, "Do you have some reading material? 'Cause I've been trying to figure out what church to join. There are so many!" ...Yup. He's GOLDEN. We're excited. 

Church was lovely. We taught Eli and Hakeian the Plan of Salvation. I had drawn out a little daigram with blank spots they could fill in as we taught, and then we copied it for them. Super fun :) THEN, Eli and Hakeian got a double dose of the lesson that day, because Sister Rasmussen had us come in and teach the Senior Primary about the Plan of Salvation for Sharing time! So, during our morning prep, Sister Hobbs made up my same diagram in big pictures for the kids to come and put up on the board and write in things.  So... All the fun :) 

AND I just... don't see how I was so BLESSED to end up in this area! Ha. 'Cause... since my ankle was still... bothersome, we were fortunate enough to have dinner with the Masiasomua's last night. Aka: President Masiasomua is the Physio. So after dinner, he checked out my ankle, back, shoulders and neck.  (You can let Brother Hayes know that he's not the only one that notices the insane amount of tension in my shoulders and neck now!) He said my ankle felt like it was fine, but maybe just weak. #Truth. So... he K-taped it together for me! And he's getting a big rubber band or something from his clinic today for me to do strengthening exercises with.  #Excitement So I'm all K-taped together, AND he did some pressure-point muscle/tension-relieving work on me and Sister Hobbs last night. MAN it was painful. Pressure points. Gah. But... once again, I'm also grateful, 'cause.... I think it may also help with the headaches. He really was amazed at how tight I was though.... he couldn't get my neck, or really much of anything to pop. So that's fun. Hahaha..... 

And another funny thing from last night: When President Masiasomua was working on my back muscles, I learned that the tickle-ish-ness on the right side of my back is... back. In full force. Ha. Explanation: I've always been slightly more ticklish on my right side than my left. Not sure why, but it's like that. Before the mission I'd finally gotten to a point that I could deal with it, minus one little point on my back that was super ticklish. ...Welp [Kenzie-ism meaning "well"] ...all that ticklishness is definitely back. So I apparently almost kicked President Masiasomua in the head... haha! I was laying on my stomach on his massage table, and as he hit the ticklish points, my legs FLEW up. (Like –bending at the knee – but because I was on my stomach.... well, he almost got kicked. Sister Hobbs and Sister Masiasomua were laughing HYSTERICALLY – and apparently I gave President a bit of a scare! They said his face was priceless. Ha. The uncontrollable ticklish spots of Sister Ottley! But so GRATEFUL for the Masiasomua's :)

And, MORE BLESSINGS? We're going back tonight to start teaching member lessons with them. Why is this a blessing, you ask? Apparently the last sisters had started doing the lessons with their family... and then President basically said, "We just never invited them back after!" ...Sadly they really didn't get along with the previous sisters (as a lot of the ward didn't it seems...) So, the fact that he keeps inviting us back is an honor of sorts. So – lots of prayers that the lesson goes well with them tonight ;)  Haha. I know it'll be fine. They've definitely become our family – and for real, they're just like our family, but... islander style! They even have 6 kids! Two boys – but that's because one of "their twins" is a boy. (They also just recently adopted, or are in the process of adopting? their twins though, so they're the youngest. And SO CUTE. #3YearOlds #JustLikeHome!Haha. 

Phew. Long week. Lots of hard things — but they've all been overshadowed by the better things.  Because... there's truly been more blessings than struggles. AND WE HAVE A SET. Alllllll the excitement :) 

Life is grand! Through Obedience, Diligence, and FAITH, Miracles Happen! FAITH, TRUST and PIXIE DUST surely goes a longgggg way! I KNOW, that this Gospel is true. I KNOW that our Heavenly Father has a grand and brilliant plan for each and every one of us. He protects us from the unknown, and for that I'm also grateful. Our Saviour suffered for us, that we would be able to have someone to understand our pains and struggles – as well as our strengths and happinesses. I also know that our Heavenly Father LOVES hearing about the things we do in our days. He loves us just talking to Him at night, and loves us listening as well. Life is grand — and not only that, but a GRAND and beautiful PLAN! :)  

FUN FACTS & QUESTIONS ANSWERED: Have I mentioned at all that my hair is... SUPER blonde now? Well, compared to what it used to be. Ha. Idk if you can tell in any of the recent pictures, but it's kind of gone ombre now. Still semi-sort of "normal" up top, and just blonde at the ends! I sometimes glance down and do a double take, thinking, "Is that MY HAIR?" It's weird.  #NewZealandSunProbs

Also, FYI, at the pace I'm writing in journals, I may have 14 when I get home.  I'm half-way through my THIRD. Crazy! 

Oh, and have I mentioned yet that hugging and kissing-on-the-cheek is DEFINITELY a thing here? (And – I mean New Zealand.  It was the same in the North.) So... when I get home and hug and kiss everyone? Yeah... #ItsAThing #InAllTheCultures

Also: I don't think I've mentioend this either. So, don't think I'm a total "apostate" missionary. "Hell" and "Damn" are most definitely NOT swear words here. They're both quite commonly said amongst the members. Haha. And Sister Hobbs. 'Cause... they're not in England either!  (Which makes me a little jealous that songs like "Gives You Hell" and ...is it Up Town Funk? I think. They wouldn't be considered "bad" songs.) — Not that I've started saying the words or anything. But.... if they somehow ever slip in when I get home? Well, I've been around the New Zealanders too long. Haha. #MyLifeNow It's interesting how different cultures see things differently! [Grandpa would have enjoyed it.] #Repetitive #AndRedundant. 

Dad, How do I polish shoes? Ha. I have shoe polish. But... I"ve never really known how to actually do the polishing part. 

And.., the Spirit World confusion? 
It was the way Sister Hobbs began to describe it that I became confused in the lesson, and it made me realise I needed to study it out in a bit more detail as well. She just made it sound like "anyone who even heard Christ's name here on earth won't be able to hear or learn more in the Spirit world" – or at least, that's how I was taking her explanation. So... it brought in a bit of stress. So: Thank you Liz and Casey for the articles and talks, they're greatly appreciated, and will definitely be printed out and studied!!

AND, the "stern" talk before Elder Christofferson? Haha. Basically, I've learned that Islander missionaries (and Islanders in general) are kind of.... Partiers? (Aka: They like to have fun). So, it was basically just him saying, "When he walks in, you stand up. You WILL be reverent, and IF he wants to shake your hands, we'll call you up row by row. AFTER the conference is over, you'll all vacate the premises in an orderly fashion. This conference is not to be a social event with all the other missionaries here." ...And things like that. HaHa. 

Another Fun fact: Root Beer floats, or rather Root Bear, is not really a thing here. When we saw a can one day, Sister Hobbs was like, "Ah!! Can we get it!?" And I laughed and said, yes. But people here think it's gross for the most part! They think we're crazy for liking it so much in the States!

And Cayden getting his Eagle... I forget quite frequently that the scouting program doesn't exist anywhere else but in the United States of America! So when you told me about Cayden getting his Eagle I got REALLY excited. However, Sister Hobbs was like, "....That doesn't really mean anything to me." And it was rather anti-climactic.  Haha. All goods though. Congrats! 

And I'm so glad you're finally getting all the photos! Haha.  The Butlers (Conan, specifically) have had my camera this week, figuring it out for me. – Ah. Which reminds me, I must clarify names of their family. I have a feeling when I told you originally—when I was still getting to know them—I said names wrong.... Danni (Mum) is indeed NOT Danielle. Don't know where I got that. Her name is just Danni. Haha. Then Conan (....not Corban, which I'm sure I've put before), Emily, and Eliza. Love them all
heaps :) 

Anyhoo, I must be off. We're off to Fairy Falls with the Butler's for a hike today for P-day, so we're super excited!  

LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU ALL HEAPS. You're all the best of all the best, and I"m so grateful for all the things you do for me :) Have a most wonderful week!!!

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley
"Never give up on anyone. And that includes not giving up on yourself." —President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Me & Sister Hobbs

The Butlers

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mission Conference!!!

Longest email ever, now coming your way!! :)

Haha... I accidentally  wrote "weed" at first instead of "week" in the subject line. Although, there was also a rebellious/stubborn weed we worked on this week as well.

Kia Ora, my dear Whanau! (Clearly you can tell how the "learning Samoan" is going.... haha. I'm just stuck to my Maori forever!)

It's been a nice week. I still have moments of feeling like we're not as busy as we could be though... so there's that. But, regardless, it's still been a very good week :) Many miracles and fun things, and.... meetings of exciting people :D

MONDAY—P-day, began the week as a "day with the Butlers" – loveeeee. We went to Bethel's Beach, and I saw BLACK SAND. Cool? Yes. I don't really know why it's so cool to me, but it is! And Conan and I have become even more like siblings now, so that's great. And he's helping me to learn new things about lighting each time I see him. So that's lovely to keep my mind from forgetting! We also went back to their home at the end of Monday's P-day and had Family Home Evening with them, and watched The Best Two years. Fun fact: First time I"ve ever seen the whole movie all the way through in one sitting! It's a good one! Haha.

When we returned to our flat Monday night, we still hadn't heard from Elder Long (Zone Leader) about transfers—whether we were staying or whatnot. ...Guesses?

Haha. I started thinking, "Ah, we must just be safe since we haven't heard anything." ...And then the phone rang. "Zone Leaders" – And my stomach jumped a little.

"Sisters! Would you like transfer news? Well... You'll both be staying!" Ha. All that for telling us we're staying ;) But we're excited, and ready to continue in our lovely Henderson Valley area!

TUESDAY — Happy Australia Day! (And our dear Australian Sisters definitely let us know it was Australian day. Bashing on America included. Fun times? ...Sure? It's fine. Whatevers'.) However, Tuesday was definitely a bit of a testimony builder for me in losing myself in the work again. I was struggling that morning with... just thinking too much. Worrying too much, and not knowing how to truly focus my mind on anything. We had our last district meeting together as "that district" on Tuesday and it was good. It was sad, but good. I'll definitely miss the Elders who left us to go out into other parts of the land! We had a little testimony meeting and that was good. We had a training on TWE and "Finding People" (again — it's really being hit hard throughout the whole mission... apparently we're all struggling in finding new people and really teaching lately). But it's good to have these trainings. Building ourselves up and just... learning to rely more on the spirit, and focusing on the work instead of the "social" side of things. (There's was actually quite a bit of drama in the last mission transfer... a lot of Emergency transfers of missionaries in South Auckland and whatnot. So...
President's kind of seeming to be hard on us lately. But for good reasons. I've learned that Islanders really kind of like to party. Thus... why I feel like my companion, Sister Hobbs, may struggle with laziness sometimes – since most of her companions have been islanders! And so... that's how things have been for her.) Anyhoo. #TangentMuch? Testimony built of losing myself.

After district meeting we got back to the flat, had some lunch, and went out to work. I was honestly still a bit down – just trying to refocus my mind. We stopped by DORA'S house. I'm fairly certain I've talked about her before - when we first met her. We had knocked on her door, originally looking for someone else, but she said she was interested! We assumed she was older because she had a baby in her arms. Well – we all know what assuming does! We went back Tuesday, and found her at home again – with the baby. She invited us in and we started getting to know her. Fun fact: The baby is her LITTLE BROTHER. And she is 15. Yup. She's FIFTEEN years old. So... technically, in order to teach her, we need someone 18 or older and permission from her parents. But... she still had us stay and teach her about the Restoration. And she LOVED IT! She told us beforehand how she's really come to know how Christ has helped her in her life, and how she knows that she's alive today because of Him. (Why can't everyone be like her?) And then, as we told her about the First Vision, she was literally in awe. And THEN. She loved it even more when we brought out the Book of Mormon and told her she could have the copy we handed her. I've never seen someone SO EXCITED to read it! She kept saying how she wanted to read it "right then." TOO cute. So... we're hoping to go back and see her soon and meet her parents :)

After that lesson, we wanted to conquer the world!!! So we went to see Kathleen Va'a – who we had a scheduled appointment with. I hadn't officially met her yet, 'cause she's hard to catch – but Sisters Hobbs and Fornaro had finally caught her when they were on trade-offs and made an appointment. Unfortunately, when we went by she said it really wasn't actually a good time, but we still talked for a bit. Sweetest girl, and we're excited to get to know her better. We also stopped by Aroha Henare (less-active) before dinner with the Pauna's. I just love Aroha. She's so talkative and wonderful. And I have faith that she really will come back to church soon!

That night we stopped by Ivan's because... Elder Christiansen had to see him one more time before he was transferred to Whangarei on Wednesday morning :( (Gonna miss that Elder! – and so will Ivan!) So we went over as well. The Elders couldn't stay long, but we did get to share a little message and talk a bit with him and Grace! (Yes, she's finally home.) It's amazing how much Ivan opens up to us now. It's like there's no worry for him anymore. He just tells us all things. He's definitely had a life full of experience, that one! And: He spoils us. There was one day last week we stopped by his house to fill our water, 'cause, man, it's been hot lately. And he gave us an ice-pop (like an ottor pop) to go with it! So on Tuesday night he gave us our very own ice-pops to put in our freezer! Haha.  He's the best!

WEDNESDAY! Another struggle day for me. Just 'cause... we definitely didn't see as many people as we could have. But – still good. Emere and Arihia Joseph brought us out to lunch, and it was lovely to spend some time wtih them again. We did a bit more service in the Frost's garden – and I finally got the giant THISSLE out of the garden! I definitely got stabbed a few times, but it was exciting. Also: Amazing how easy the root comes out once you clear all the pokey stuff away!

After our afternoon service, we definitely had to go home and shower quickly... 'cause once again, hotness. And the Frost's invited us over for a quick dinner before Ward Council. We also got to witness Avery trying his first little bit of curry! Haha. It's hilarous watching babies faces trying real food. Brother Frost put a little bit on his binkie — and he was no longer fussy! He likes his food ;) Ah. Another thing I learned this day? It's amazing how fast you can feel the air get humid here. It rained for a bit – then suddenly stopped and the sun was out. And then: It was like you could feel the water evaporating around you. Crazy.

THURSDAY! (I really wish I could type faster than I already can...) "The BIG MOVE." So... once upon a time we found a little couple named Nellie and Richard. They live in a house on Newington Road. We had stopped by a couple weeks ago, and Richard mentioned they were moving – just down the street on Great North Road. So we offered our help. Wednesday night we brought it up in Ward Council, hoping we coudl get some of the ward involved to make Nellie and Richard known! But... alas, people really weren't available. So... we called upon the missionaries! And man, are we glad we did! It was a MUCH bigger move than we had anticipated. Why? Because apparently the house they live in is actually a house that belongs to an organization of sorts that houses people with disabilities (Nellie has Down Syndrome, and Richard... something else?) SO... there were actually about 4 other people also living in this house! Aka: HEAPS of stuff to move! A good portion of our Zone showed up, and it went much faster than the residents thought it would (it easily could have taken them two days...) and we had HEAPS of fun with service life :)

The exciting thing about this is: Through this service, Sister Hobbs and I were able to introduce the Book of Mormon to Richard, share a little more with Nellie, and share some with their care-takers as well! The sad part: Their new house is BARELY OUT OF OUR AREA. So.... at the end of the day, we very reluctantly handed them over to the Elders to teach :P But. We're also excited for them, and we've also been given permission to VISIT them. Not really teach... but visit. And the Elders said they'd let us know when they go over, so that's good :)

We also discovered on Thursday that our District's have been swapped around a bit! Elder Hunter is now our district leader, and we're in a district with the Samoan Sisters, rather than our Sister Training Leaders. In complete honesty: Sister Hobbs and I are rather excited about the change. We love (okay... well, I love) our Sister Training Leaders, but ... we do kind of feel like they look down on us a lot, rather than trying to build us up and help us to be better. So... I think it'll be a good change to be separated a bit more from them so when we have trade-offs it'll actually be telling them things they don't already know about our area (because they would hear about it all in district meeting every week...). And hopefully it'll be one of those "distance makes the heart grow fonder" types of relationships.

Later in that afternoon, we stopped by Julie's house. Julie is a ....sort of potential.  Haha. She always says that she's not interested, but we still go over just to talk, and to see all the new artsy things she's up to! She claims to not be an artsy person... but alas: She definitely is. She does MOSAICS. Like – brilliant things. She loves all things that are colorful, and her yard and home is FULL of it. — All things she's purchased and repainted and made her own. I love it. And I want to learn how to do mosaic tiling things when I get back now :) Anyhoo. She makes pots (as in flower pots) — mosaics them and makes them colourful and pretty. She had made one for Sister Hobbs to buy, and... now she's making me one too!!!! SUPER excited. Hopefully photos to come. ...Clearly we're still working out the glitches on that!

We were invited Thursday night to go over to the Butlers for one last night before school starts up again. We roasted marshmallows, and I tried to help Conan not be a teenager and not be mad at his mum for lame things. I'm hoping we figured it out a little? Who knows. And his mum Dani needed to talk too, so it was good for the family I think. They're all just wonderful.

FRIDAY we went to Marion's home (less-active). I talked about her in church last week. She's lovely, but ... it's interesting how much more you can see into a person's life when you actually visit their home. They struggle, they really do. And we found out her son was actually taken from her about a year ago – due to him being home alone too much I suppose (he was 6 at the time and turns 8 this year). We met her partner officially, and .... it just makes me sad when you feel like someone you know and love is with a partner who is clearly just taking advantage of her being there, and also that they don't feel like they're good enough to be with someone else. Aka: Her partner is just... not really there. Fairly certain he's always drunk, or looking for drugs. And she's been with him for 13 YEARS. Anyhoo. It was good to see different things we can help her with and whatnot. Ah:
Also, she has a dog... It's a Pitt Bull! His name is Broncs. And he's a little terrifying. :P

CAROLINE. Ohhhhh how I love Caroline.
She was actually one of the first people we met when we came out – a woman who's been investigating for... over a year now.
Haha. She knows lots of missionaries. But we actually got to have a real conversation and whatnot with her Friday evening, and it was lovely. She's the SWEETEST. She's partners with a less-active, and has an 18-year-old son. And man. We can tell that she really feels goodness from our Church — but, fun fact: she hasn't actually been to church yet. So, *crosses fingers* we're hoping that changes. She said she'll come this next week. So... we'll be working for that! And then to continue teaching lessons and whatnot :) Glorious. Little miracles.

Our Dinner appointment Friday night was supposed to be with the Pattersons, but they called us up and said, "Hey! We're going to the Halaapiapi's for dinner because they're having a High Priest's dinner with wives and family, and they said you could come!" Ha. Meaning: Island food! I love island food. And everything at the Halaapiapi's (or involving them in general) is going to be a party. Love them all so much. We also got to catch up with the Masiasomua's – who hopefully have someone for us to start teaching They're a crack-up. Ha. Also because they remind me of you, mum and dad, more and more each time I get to know them. This time? Learning Sister Masiasomua is super OCD, and President's favorite dessert is Apple Pie and Ice-Cream (HOT Apple Pie, he said).  Love it. :)

SATURDAY. Man. Saturday is the day to live for. Why? We had a MISSION CONFERENCE. And not only our mission, but with Hamilton Mission AND the MTC as well. "Why?" you ask? ...Well, ELDER CHRISTOFFERSON WAS THERE. AND Elder Pearson (South Pacific Area President) and their wives. So... we all (my mission) first met at Fergueson Chapel in Otara (the "dodgy" part of South Auckland)—we were told to "STAY IN YOUR CARS!" —unless you needed the toilet. Sister Hobbs and I did. And... during those few moments, I was lucky enough to get to see Sisters Pointer, Lott, Boiteux, Christiansen, AND O'REILLY!! [Sister O'Reilly was my trainer that I call, mum.] It's been too long, folks. I know the Mission isn't about the social life and about seeing other missionaires. But... it was good. Just to see, hug and say hello for a few minutes. I missed my Mum, HARDCORE. And guess what? She's a Sister Traiing Leader now! In Panmeur! (Or... maybe she said Penrose, actually...? Too many Zones that start with P. — Hey, Liz. Leesh. "P is yellow" Remember? Hahaha.) Anyhoo, so apparently it "runs in the family" — so I'm probably next! Terrifying. Ha. We'll see there.

After that, we all (the mission) went together to Redoubt Chapel (in Hamilton!  We got to be "REBELS" and leave the mission! Haha). #RebelliousMissionLife We settled in, were warned soundly by the Hamilton Mission President, and then Elder Christofferson came. Before we even started the meeting, he wanted to shake all of our hands! GAH! Excitement!! And then... we had much council and enlightenment from Sister and Elder Pearson, and Sister and Elder Christofferson. Heaps on "Focusing on the Work" and our purpose as missionaires. Good for all of us :) ...I'm hoping to write a letter with more things in it... so we'll see when that comes to you. But it was brilliant! And man. Elder Christofferson is one HAPPY person. Haha. Crack-up, he is!

After the mission conference, we went out. And we met the Samuelu's. :) A Less Active family that converted... I'm not sure when. But I assume sometime after the parent's first two children were born. 'Cause... all the rest are named after missionaries! Haha! So, they love the Church. They still follow everything as they should, they just struggle with actually coming to church lately. "Laziness" they say. But: Their son wants to go on a mission.
So, last week they decided to start coming again so that their son feels their support. (Amazing what missions can do, isn't' it?) So we decided to go over and properly meet them all. And they're the SWEETEST family ever. So super humble, and definitely the New Zealand way of relaxed life. Haha. We shared a message about church, and we know they know what they need to be doing (repetitive and redundant much?). We're excited to get to know them better. It'll be grand :)

After the Samuelu's, we were looking for another person on a potentials list... didn't find him, but found another! His name is Mata. And does he have some cool tattoos? Yes. Yes, he does. Including a giant one of Christ. So... ya know, it helped in bringing up gospel topics! Also the fact that he's talked to missionaries before. That helped. He also told us he wouldn't convert, but... we definitely see potential with different things that are going on in his life. He's grown up Catholic — but not currently going (that seems to be a trend among most Catholics I've met here in in Henderson!). But definitely believes Christ has done everything for him and helps him every day. We're excited to see him again. Also:  A little miracle that we even met him, 'cause... it was his ONE DAY of the week he has off! And the first day he's had off in a while. So... blessings :) Ah: And
HE has a dog... A Rottweiler! (Yup. A Rottweiler.) His name is Harley. And he is the NICEST ROTTWEILER I've ever met. I was a little terrified at first, and Sister Hobbs is still terrified. But... so cute. Weird to say that I petted and played with a Rottweiler without my hand being bitten off. Ah – he's also only a year old. So that helps, 'cause Mata has raised him to be a cuddle dog ;) Love it.

[Not sure what's with me and telling you about everyone's dogs this week too... apparently it's been a big thing. Haha.]

SUNDAY. We finally got to teach Liberty again! Woot woot! "How did we make it around him not wanting other people to come to lessons and trying to make us bend the rules of his partner not being there?" You ask? ...Well, we brought along Naynay Taumafai. Haha. She's about our age, and lovely. So she came to the lesson with us and we taught the Plan of Salvation. It was good. Though... as Sister Hobbs and I taught, we seemed to have different thoughts of who the people are that are able to be taught in the Spirit World........ #Awkward. But it's good, 'cause it's giving me something to study up more on now. Currently reading D&C 138.  Any other suggestions? :D  Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Church was lovely yesterday, we taught a primary class! A class full of BOYS, as... all the girls were on holiday. And come to think of it, I really don't think we have that many girls within that age group. Anyhoo— They're all a crack-up though—8-11 year olds. We taught about the Liahona, Nephi breaking his bow, and how prayer and faith help us to know where to go. Good times. We had them act out the story :) Love it.

TASH and MOTTI (Natasha and Mordihai)—the CUTEST little couple we met that lives on our street. We've talked with them a few times now, and we know they're going to make the cutest members one day... But it will also take some time. She used to be christian, and he's Isralie ...so Jewish? Jewish. But he's not practicing either. And they've both chose that keeping away from Religion is the better lifestyle for their marriage. (Yes: I repeat, they are indeed, actually MARRIED! When does that ever happen?) But they also tell us how they "look for our church" sometimes ....so we're hoping they decide to just show up one day. Haha. We got to teach them a little bit about what our church service is like – so that was fun. We'll just keep praying for little and subtle opportunities with them :)

So.... A lovely week. Many blessings, and many people. But.... I know there's still more. More we can still find, more we can help in different ways. We're excited for the less-actives that we've been meeting with, that are starting to come back though. So.... life is good :)

Missions are crazy. In a good way. I don't think life has EVER gone this fast before. Ha. Sometimes I truly wonder if someone has actually just moved the clock hands to make it a little faster because nothing is slow anymore. I mean – 7 months. I'm closer to half-way than not. Weird, yea? Yeah.

Life is good. Things continue to look up. I know through focus and diligence, miracles happen. And focus and diligence come through obedience and faith. It's great, isnt' it?  Ah – and studying and praying. Those both bring about amazing things!

I love and miss you all HEAPS, but... I know this is but a small moment for me to not be with you ;)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley