Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Helping Hands and Fish Heads!

It's been a good week. Filled with new things and bright new lights. We got to be part of a Helping Hands project! As in - I got to wear the cool yellow vest!  #EasilyEntertained Haha. It was exciting for me. :) Anyhoo. Carrying on...

MONDAY. Emails, shopping - and the blessing of seeing one of our neighbors, Tash and Motti, as we were leaving the shop, and them offering us a ride home! Woot! We didn't' have to walk with our groceries! Haha. And it also helped us get back to the flat faster so the Butlers could pick us up :) —And we went on a hike! To Fairy Falls. It's beautiful, and I'm definitely going back one day. You get to cross over little rivers and see the city skyline from the trees, and all the nature and happiness, and... the beautiful falls. There's also little pools you can even swim in! But, clearly we didnt' do that part. Haha. One day. #BucketList However, at the end of Fairy Falls, we returned to the car –which had been struggling on it's way up the hill/"mountain" area, to the trail head in the first place. They thought it was just 'cause there wasn't enough coolant in the car. Nope. It's 'cause there was zero oil left. But: Once again, miracles and blessings.  There was a couple that had just driven up as we (and by "we" I mean Danni and Conan) were looking under the hood of the car trying to figure out what to do.

"Do you need anything?" they said. "Ah, we just discovered we have no oli. So... we'll be getting some when we get down the hill, hopefully!" And then... "We have some oil you can have!" —And they also said "no charge!"

So, blessings. Because Sister Hobbs and I also knew that Danni didn't have money to pay them even though she wanted to. We made it down and back to our flat safely, and then hurried to get ready to go to the Masiasomua's for a Family Home Evening with the family :)

We taught the restoration, and it was SO great. I love the feeling of knowing that by having the Spirit with you, you can guide people to learn new things —even within "member families" who know the initial knowledge of what you're teaching. It's also glorious because we have a beautiful relationship with their family now, and the TRUST of them –to the point that they're good with us to keep coming over, and help us all the time in giving us rides places and whatnot. Trust is a big thing. Especially we've learned, with the Masiasomua's.  They're a pretty "straight to the point" kind of family. Ha. And so there's really no beating around the bush. —If they don't like something you're doing, they're just going to tell you. Or not invite you back. I love them dearly. And tonight (hopefully) we're going back for another FHE.  —Depending on President's meeting schedule and whatnot.

TUESDAY we had District Meeting —our first one with Elder Hunter as our District Leader! And he did wonderfully. He related making balloon animals to "how we see our investigators" — if they're just a balloon, or if we see them with the potential of becoming a dog in the end. Ha. Meaning - potential of seeing them in white, and how we can help them progress to be like our Saviour. Loved it :) Super creative, and we got to learn how to make a dog out of a balloon!

The day continued with service at an investigator's home of the Elders, an appointment we had with a less-active family, and then dinner at the Venu's. She's the sweetest lady. Her husband has dementia, and I know she, herself, is now a little worried about going the same direction. But... she's lovely, and fed us a delicious (and LARGE) meal. Ha. #Stuffed

We were able to teach Eli and Hakeian again, and they're just wonderful. —Also: They get BAPTISED THIS WEEK. CRAZY things, right? It's gone by so FAST teaching them! Still have one more lesson to get in this week... but it'll be grand. Theyr'e excited.

After their lesson—since we taught them at the chapel, we stopped for a bit to help Leina Tuivai set up the bulletin board for Primary in the chapel. Good things. Why? 'Cause we got to know her a little better, and it's opened many things for us! Haha. ...To be cont. ;)

WEDNESDAY we stopped by Seng's house. We asked if there was anything we could help her with - to which she replied, "There's actually this email that I haven't replied to that I need to..."  It was from a professor at her University - because she's been looking into switching programs. All those years of school where I learned to email different professors for different things, paid off in that very moment, friends! Haha. We helped her word an email to reply to the one that had been sent to her.... 2 months ago. Ha.  #Procrastination #JustLikeMe But it went well — 'cause later she got an email back saying yes! She could indeed still switch courses. Even though they start like.... next week. Haha.

We had a lunch break, did some tracting (actually, a LOT of tracting) and then had dinner and a lesson at the Kaipo's. Wanna know what we ate?Fish. Wanna guess what PART of the Fish?

The Head.

Yes. We had "Fish Head Soup" Haha! I've been told by MANY people that the head, especially the EYEBALL - is actually "the best part of the fish!" Yup. Finally tried it. And, it is indeed good! (I was also singing, "Fish heads, fish heads, rolley poley fish heads, fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!" in my head the entire night during and after that. So, thank you Aleesha for bringing me up on a song that has now become so applicable in my life!)

That night we had ward council, and then dropped by Julie's house to pick up my Mosaic flower pots! Have I told you about this? Julie is someone we met... a few weeks into this area. She says she's not super interested in learning anything, but we love visiting her and seeing all her mosaic projects and colours of her house. Then, when Sisters Hobbs and Fornaro visited her on trade-offs, Sister Hobbs asked if there was a small pot she could purchase —Julie made her one and we picked it up a couple weeks ago - and I said, "I want one too!" So..... she made me one. But, because we couldn't decide on colours.... She made two, so that I could "choose" between the them.  Welllll... I ended up buying both! Haha. I just love them too much!

THURSDAY and FRIDAY were sickness days for Sister Hobbs. Thursday we were still able to go out to dinner at the Tuivai's and to visit Ivan and Grace that night. Most of these days were spent, for me, though, in cleaning, organizing, reading, and putting together what I'm calling my "Whatever Journal" aka- putting together the random little "Keepsake" or "Sentimental" papers and things I've gathered over the last 8 months of the mission. And it's coming along nicely!  I made it through the first 6 months in the 2 days, so... just gotta catch up and paste in all the things from Henderson and Christmas :)

Other things I learned as we sat inside ALL day on Friday, after doing weekly planning — I was sore from not really moving all day.  INCLUDING MY JAW.  My jaw actually gets sore now when I don't TALK ALL DAY.  Crazy. Things that a mission does to you!  Haha.  #MissionaryProbs

Also, a funny conversation that was had Thursday, as we were at the Tuivai's for dinner.  Leina is the oldest in her family, as is Sister Hobbs - yes? Yes. Leina was telling her younger siblings to "go do this and that" - while she, herself, sat on the couch doing... nothing. Ha. Sister Hobbs started laughing saying, "Ha! It's just like me with my siblings!" And not only that, but she's like that with ME! And yes, she KNOWS it! She says it all the time. "Sorry, I'm so lazy. Will you get this for me - since you're up?" She generally does this right as I get up to get something for myself. And, I know – lets be real, we all do it. I do it too - I'm SURE with Cayden and Hannah! Ha. But - it also made me realise something. I know that the girls would do it to me, as the youngest, because well - apparently it's just the right of the older siblings. But I realized I'm grateful for it, because it's helped me to GET UP MYSELF AND DO THINGS. To NOT be lazy, and to be helpful. Yes, clearly it still gets annoying to me with Sister Hobbs at times and her not wanting to get up, so she tells me to instead (including times when she's using something of mine - and asks if I have a different one I can go get to use...) but, I'm also grateful that I can serve her in this way. I'm grateful for patience, and I'm grateful for the ability to do things myself.

SATURDAY was better though. HEAPS better. :) Why? It was the beginning of our Stake Conference weekend-ness. Starting off with HELPING HANDS. There had been a few different projects put together, with the main one at the chapel where participants put together dog and cat toys for the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), an animal shelter in Auckland. Anyhoo, then there were 2 other "clean-up"/gardening groups for different parks around the area. We went to South Kensington Park - which is actually in our area, and over by where the Masiasomua's live! So fun. We got to relieve poor trees in this little forest/park areas of "morning glory" vines that were taking over. Morning glory is apparently a weed... although it's beautiful! It grows up and around tree branches, weaves itself all over and if left too long can choke a tree to death! So sad. So, we spent time getting that off trees, as well as another vine like weed that grows on the ground and does the same thing to smaller plants (I think it's called something "Wandering Jew"). Anyhoo. It was fun :)  And also meant time spent with President and Kahlii Masiasomua. 'Cause they were our ride everywhere for the day. Haha.

The afternoon continued with a DELICIOUS lunch out with Sister Rachelle Lekasa. Originally it was going to be a "birthday lunch" with her and her husband because it was his birthday! But sadly, he ended up having to work. #SadDay So... we went out for his birthday without him! Haha. We went to a restaurant called Gangis Khan. And.... whoever comes to visit New  Zealand with me after the mission? Yup. We're going here. It's a Mongolian BBQ restaurant. And it's delicious. And so fun! You choose the food (raw) you want, put it in a bowl with sauces and spices and all that jazz, then you bring it to a man who puts it on the grill to cook in front of you. BEST KIND OF PLACES. And there was pancakes and ice-cream (yes, pancakes) for dessert. Delicioius things.

After lunch .... we went on tradeoffs with girls in our ward! Kahlii Masiasomua and Leina Tuivai came out with us. SO FUN and SO HELPFUL. Ha. Because we needed to get ourselves going again after being in the flat that long. (Also: Sister Ottley went a little stir crazy.... is that the right phrase/term for that? ...being in the flat that long. Really though.) It was a good afternoon though. I was with Leina, and we tracted up some streets, finding some good potentials - or at least people who would be okay with some service! #Win We're excited to go back, and also that Leina is getting more confident in the idea of a mission.

The rest of the night was at the adult session of Stake Conference, and it was wonderful. Our dear Emere Joseph from our ward spoke, and did a lovely job. Also, President Masiasomua - who came up with a lovely analogy about all the Morning Glory we'd been pulling at the service project that morning. Haha.

SUNDAY was STAKE CONFERENCE - and Ivan finally made it to church again! We were so excited for him. It's been hard lately, as he had told his job he would work certain Sundays - FAR before he knew he would be getting baptised and going to church! Ha! But it was exciting for him to be there and in that environment again.

We taught Eli and Hakeian again, and once again - they're just golden. We went to the Hakaraia's for dinner - and it's confirmed that we truly meet a new child of the family everytime we go over. Ha. There's only 1 we haven't met now - and he apparently lives farther away? or something? idk. We'll see if next time we go he's there!  (It's a family of 8, and we've met 7!)

We also had a lovely lesson with the Donnaldson's again. And... once again, learned how teaching members the lessons can result in miracles and blessings. We were given a referral from Brother Donnaldson - of one of his previous students. He got her information and the "ok" to send missionaries over apparently last November... but never gave it to the last sisters. So... once again, trust and getting to know the members really helps :) We're excited to go meet her, and so... hopefully I'll have something to report back on that next week!

So... it's been good.  Tiring moments, but also many many good moments. Stake Conference was BRILLIANT, and the speakers brought many thoughts and joys to help us in the work. Hahaha.

And, the NEW FLAG issue? Yes! Indeed New Zealand is trying to decide about a new flag. And spending HEAPS of money trying to do so. It's a rather large argument around here, actually. Haha.  And the "feather" on the flag isn't a feather... it's the Silver Fern ;) Basically like the classic plant New Zealand is known for! It also makes me laugh that you found this out watching The Big Bang Theory. Haha

I'm so insanely grateful for all the families I've gained in my life, and for the love that I feel from them. That's one thing I've thought on more this week - is just how amazing it is and how you can gain a true love for someone, so quickly.  Charity. It's a real thing.

I hope you have a most bright and wonderful week!  You're all wonderful :)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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