Thursday, April 21, 2016

Oyster Pearls!

[To all of you wonderful Kiwi family and friends, who hang in there each week with Kenzie's incredibly long, detailed letters, we LOVE you. Thank you for sharing her life and for the meaningful influences you have been. This one is SHORT! Plus TRANSFERS are coming this week! Reply with your GUESSES!!]


This may be a quicker email than usual, as we have Zone P-day today - so.... less email time :P Ha.

But ....TRANSFER WEEK! What? Another one? How!? Also: Today's my 10-month mark. WHA>???? Time is speeeeeeeding past my dear whanau. I can't even believe it. And I know I say this every time I hit a new month mark, or possibly every week, but... it's true. It's just crazy in my mind.

Elder Le and I were talking last night about how fast time goes - and sometimes we have to look back through old pictures to realize, "Oh yeah! That really was a thing!" It's allllll like a DREAM sometimes!

Anyhoo. It's been a grand week :) ... Significantly better than last week. And also great insight in learning about how to set goals, and put them in a VISUAL form that acutally... makes me remember them :) Haha. 'Cause that's one thing I've realized on the mission... and in my life in general. I'll make goals - but then....>I forget about them. Ha. But I've made artsy things to make me less forgetful now, and I'm just excited!

MONDAY was pretty normal. It was SUPPOSED to be Zone P-day, but... due to mixups with people getting flu shots, and then not, and whatever... it was postponed. But it's okay! It just means we get a grand day today! Also, we experienced a miracle Monday night when visiting with Kokea, Paua and family. We were on our way to their appointment after our p-day dinner, and realized.... we didn't have enough copies of the Book of Mormon on us for the whole family. We debated between being late and getting the Book of Mormons or just going without them. And man - are we glad we went back! Ha. We messaged Kokea to tell him we'd be a bit late, which he was all goods with — his family is super chill. It's nice. Them we ran back to the flat, grabbed alllll the BOMs and went to Kokea's. We had a little catch-up moment, and then Kokea asked how long we were going to be there that night. We said we had another appointment (which was actually cancelled) - but we also just didn't want to take up their whole night. But he surprised us when he said, "Oh - it's fine. My cousin is just on his way back from work, and HE wanted to be here for the lesson too!"  And that's when we realized the miracle connection. (Originally we were worried that he didn't really want us there! Ha.) Nope! It was just 'cause someone else wanted to hear the gospel too! :) Brilliant!

Anyhoo. So - this is where the blessing came from our appointment with the Papali'i's being cancelled came in - 'cause instead we were able to wait for Kokea's cousin to get back, and shared the message of the Restoration with ALL of them! And MAN is he KEEN. I LOVE people who are searching. They're just golden, and intent and REAL in their learning. Anyhoo. We had a brilliant, spirit-filled lesson and testimonies of Christ and the ways we are helped in our lives through prayer and study. And we committed them all to begin reading the Book of Mormon. Oh - also: plot twist. We found out Paua (the wife) is actually a member! She said she was baptised back when she was in intermediate school. So... fun things! Their family is just so lovely though. We're excited to see them again :)

TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY were spent visiting, getting help from Alisha to choose a song for our Sister's Conference (because Sister Anitema was asked to do a musical number), MCM, ward council, and all the fun :) Ah - and companion study with Elders Hunter and Raymer. Haha. Always a joy with those two!

And THURSDAY.  Sister's Conference.  Aka: Like another "Time out for Women" thing - but with just the sister's of our mission :) LOVE. Apparently they've started doing this once a year. So that's fun :) And uplifitng and happy. The theme for our conference was "We Need Women Who..." - based on a talk Elder Nelson gave last October conference ("A Plea to My Sisters"). And Sister Balli put a visual symbolism to it of how we can all become pearls. Pearls are made layer by layer over the course of 10-15 years in an Oyster - thus, likened to how we all become pearls little by little by doing things that please our Heavenly Father.  I LOVE visuals and all the exciting things :) A brilliant day. :) Also: I got to see all my Sisters. Aka: O'Reilly, Pointer, Hobbs, Boiteux, Lott, Christiansen... All the peeps :) OH. And to go along with the theme of our pearls - a poem called, "The Oyster," which, fun fact: Sister Donnaldson actually showed to Sister Hobbs and I two transfers ago! Haha.  We laughed with each other when they started reading the poem. Love it!)
I love Sister Conference things - 'cause, while there are pieces of council that are like, "You can be better at doing this!" There's also just a lot of "You're great. Keep up the good work." And it just gives... a better sense of peace and less anxiety in life during moments of feeling like a failure.

Anyhoo. Life is good :)

SATURDAY I overcame a fear—ish. Ha. More like - the Lord blessed me in an unexpected way. Last week when I told the story about the Singh's and how I was stressed and felt like a failure and then we were late and Sister Singh chewed us out so I stopped talking.... yeah? Yeah. So... just thinking about her, let along being in her presence, stresses me out now. Like... really anxious. But Saturday was a blessing. We had an appointment with them and Rachit. So there was lots of preparation so I would have a line of focus to go to, even though we've taught the Restoration SO many times. But - when we got to their house, Sister Singh (Joy) was nowhere to be seen.... just her sister and their parents and the boys. We taught the lesson and during the last... 5 minutes?ish - Joy came out.  She had been asleep 'cause she wasn't feeling very well that day. Sad that she wasn't feeling well - but also a blessing for me because.... my anxiety of teaching there went away! So... the Lord definitely blesses us in different little ways. He KNOWS each and every one of us, and blesses us in the way that is needed. At all times :)

That's....the main events of my week :)  Little miracles, and lots more to come. Just... praying that I get to stay in Henderson a bit longer..... the anticipation of transfers kind of kills me. I dont' wanna leave... Struggles :P Haha. But all's well :) I'll let you know what happens next week! Reply to mum with your guesses! ;)

Anyhoo. I must be off :) Tell everyone I"m printing and reading their letters over the week and I'll attempt to reply to ALL the things next week :) I miss you and LOVE you all, and I hope you have a most MARVELOUS week full of miracles and happiness! :)

Ofa Lahi Atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

The Oyster
Author Unknown

There once was an oyster

Whose story I'll tell,
Who found that some sand
Had worked under his shell.

Just one little grain,
But it gave him a pain.
For oysters have feelings

That are very plain.

Now, did he berate
The harsh working of fate

That left him in such
A deplorable state?

Did he curse the government,

Call for an election,
And claim that the sea should

Have given him protection?

No! He said to himself
As he lay on a shell,
Since I cannot remove it,

I think I'll improve it!

Well, the years passed by,
As years always do,
Till he came to his destiny,

Oyster stew!

And the small grain of sand

That had bothered him so,
Was a beautiful pearl
All richly aglow.

Now this tale has a moral;

For isn’t it grand,

What an oyster can do
With a small grain of sand?

And what couldn't we do

If we’d only begin

With some of the things

That get under our skin.

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