Monday, June 13, 2016

Be of Good Cheer!

VISION. Something we've been focusing on A LOT in our mission—how to "Raise Our Vision" to do the work. It's actually been really cool, and we're all currently in the process of bettering/writing our vision statements. Fun fact: I never actually WROTE a legitimate "vision statement" for my mission. But - I've been writing one now, and I'll let you know when I finish. It's based on Moroni's Title of Liberty, and a bunch of other things. It should be good.

Also: this may have to be a short email, as we have to go get my license... Yes, as in my NEW ZEALAND DRIVERS LICENSE. I get one!! My American one is still fine for another two years, but once you've been in New Zealand for a year, you have to get a NZ license to drive legally. :D Am I excited? YES. YES. I AM! Silly, I know. But you know.... #Memories

This week has been good though. Lots of visitng less-actives and helping out the Sunset Sisters to meet some of their appointments. (They get sick quite often, so we help them out by doing tradeoffs for appointments sometimes.) Which means I also got a bit of extra study time this week, which was nice and needed.

We've visited some former investigators (Brian & Jo), and have already become great friends with Jo! So we'll be dropping by to see them again soon.

ZONE CONFERENCE is always wonderful.  This transfer's theme was a lot on "focusing on the doctrine" and teaching simply, but making sure you get in all the points needed for our investigators. So there was a lot of role playing and talking - and it was good :) And it makes sense you got pictures on Facebook from Ashley's neighbor who was visiting NZ, 'cause I think it was the Relief Society in her mum's stake that made all the food and things for us :)

We've been able to meet some more lovely members (well - getting to know them better at this point). And helping out with more moving-out things, and all the service :) I love it. We've also received a new referral from a lady the Elders met in our area one day —who sounds pretty keen! Woo!! We still haven't met her, as she wasn't there when we popped in. But - all goods. She'll be there soon enough :)

And then: The day all missionaries wait for. Haha. Sunday morning we had Ward Council in Hibiscus at 8am - and then, before church around 9:30, one of our bishopric counselors asked us, "Would one of you like to give a talk for me?" Haaaaa... And then he asked me, specifically. So - impromptu talk! First time. It was good. Short and simple on how the Book of Mormon strengthens our testimonies :)

So...more things to come. Yes, it's true. The mission is hard, but more miracles coming our way. And this week we're going to Warkworth!  (North part of Hibiscus area) so that should be exciting. One of our members is bringing us so we don't have to get lost or use our km's! :)

And I definitely look at the happy cards the girls sent me a lot... This week? I think - I opened the "When you need a lift" one - with a minion in it that says "Sometimes you just gotta hold on!" It was hilarious, and definitely made me happy! :)

Love you alllllll and miss you all heaps :)

Hope you have a most brilliant week!

Ofa Atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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