Thursday, June 2, 2016

Winter Time!

My dear Whanau :)

Winter is in FULL SWING here in Aotearoa! Well.... kinda. It's really not that cold yet. It's just suddenly become VERY RAINY. All the time. And I kind of love it. The only part that makes me sad about it is the fact that I can't just stop and go dance in it.... I guess technically I could. Agency and all. But it would result in being wet and soggy all day.  Consequences.

Anyhoo. It's been a good week :) Also a week that at the end of hearing about it you're going to be thinking, "WHO ARE YOU, and WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY DAUGHTER?" I promise. Outgoing things to come. ;)  HaHa.

This week has been good though. Showers of Blessings and happiness. Even though it really hasn't been all that eventful... just a bunch of trying to find people at home (which hasn't been very successful this week) and some tracting. Tracting life! Woo!

ALSO: TRANSFERS are THIS WEEK! Wha-?? How did that happen? Did I not just get to this area? So...guesses anyone? ;) Staying, going, new comp, same comp, still covering both wards - or just one? Alllllll the possibilities with this one :) 'Cause Sister Gila goes home part way through this transfer.  (Exactly a month from yesterday! Crazy!)

This week we've met some new people, helped out some people in our wards, and we've gotten to know some more members—which is grand, because I'm becoming more and more convinced that the work in our areas is going to be best coming from members bringing people in, and then us teaching.  I've learned that it goes over much more smoothly with friends involved ;)

And YES! Our car is pretty. We've named her Abish. She's a 2014 Toyota Corolla, and she's blue, and she's beautiful. She even has one of those camera/screens that when the car is in reverse, you can SEE WHERE YOU'RE GOING FROM THE CAMERA.  It's great. We're spoiled.

WEDNESDAY I found a brilliant quote in a TALK I read during personal study: "Move Forward with Faith" by Elder Brent H. Nielson (June 2013 Ensign). Funny thing, the talk is about when he and his wife were in New Zealand on assignment, and he talks about the great amount of round-abouts here. He goes on to make an analogy of how sometimes we get "stuck in a round-about," and don't really progress anywhere! It's quite brilliant. Anyhoo. At the end of the talk, he says, "If we sit and worry all the time about whether we are making the right choice, we will miss opportunities that will present themselves along the way." ...TRUTH.  Love. I love personal study. All the happy.

I also got to use my artsy/crafty self a little this week in decorating the bulletin board for "Missionary Work" in the Hibiscus Ward this week, while we were there for volleyball! (We have Volleyball every Wednesday night –alllllll are welcome, and usually more non-members come than members!) Anyhoo. It was exciting. The artsy. I miss my artsy things. And our WML (Ward Mission Leader) laughed at the OCD side of me - and made fun of me at the same time as saying, "It's great!"  Haha.

THURSDAY we had Zone Training, and then we got to go help one of our members who's "moving house," as we say here in NZ. Cleaning!!!! Yes, I"m still the same me, and I still LOVE cleaning. It was exciting. Cleaning windows, floors, walls—all the fun things, getting it ready for pictures this week :) Love the service life.

FRIDAY was a lot of planning, and helping the Sunset Ward Sisters (Sisters Taylor and Rarawa) prepare for the Fireside their ward was putting on for the stake on Sunday.

And SATURDAY we went over to help with more cleaning at the Prendergast's home—as it was the day Sister Prendergast posted on the Ward Facebook Page a "Come help when you can, please!" day—but only one family showed up.... Sad. But we were glad to be there :)  Also: Perks of cleaning/servicing?  Pants :) I miss wearing pants!!

We also had a lovely member lesson with our dear Alesha (Brother Maire's daughter) on Saturday night. Love her. Love the teaching life. Love the Plan of Salvation :) Allllll grand things.

And then... SUNDAY.  The day we've all been waiting for :) Excitement! We had church in Hibiscus, a lovely MCM (Missionary Council Meeting), and visited (or - tried to find) people to tell them about the Fireside going on that night. We had dinner at the Woods'—a family that's recently moved here from Arizona! They made Mexican, and I was in HEAVEN! They're the cutest little family who moved here—"just because"!  Adventurous!

The Fireside came..... and why was this Fireside so big?  Well...first, because one of our members brought along SIX PEOPLE with him to enjoy the Fireside... SIX!! And he said, "And hopefully, after this Fireside you'll be able to teach all of them!" BRILLIANT! And the second big reason for the Fireside excitement: Sister Taylor last week was looking for a backup musical number, 'cause one of theirs didn't work out.  So - she was just going to sing.  But she really didn't want to on her own.  Ha.... So.... what did Sister Ottley do? ..."I'll sing with you!" ...Wha? Since when? But it was good :) We sang a song called, "Someone He Can Count On,"—an EFY song from 2015. It was actually quite fun! Grand adventures here in the mighty NZAM (New Zealand Auckland Mission) :)

Anyhoo.  So.... things are good :)  Still slow at times, but I know it'll pick up. As we continue to get more organised and search our little eyes out for people, I know they'll come!! And our members are great! They're all starting to learn from the "Power of the Everyday Missionary" book by Clayton C. Christiansen (?...I think that's what it's called/the name of the guy? Check that mum!) and it's getting people more involved in the work!  Grand things to come :)

Clearly really not the most eventful week.  Ha. Really not much to say. But the people WILL come, and we're excited to see what happens with the people Brother Hutchinson brought along with him to the Fireside :)  Good things to come :)

I love and miss you all :) And I hope you have a most amazing week!  Much love!

Ofa lahi atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley
"Never give up on anyone. And that includes not giving up on yourself." —President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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