Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I Love Mission Life!

[Just before Sister Ottley wrote this email she received devastating news in another email about a dear friend of hers she went to high school with, that had, unfortunately, overdosed and passed away this week. So she was struggling to write.]

I'm struggling to find words today now.... so we'll see how this goes.

FIRST: I hope Neen, Hannah, and Josh had HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!

SECOND: Mum. I found out Sister Lott is trying to SURPRISE her mum with getting home earlier than expected.... So if you somehow ever come in contact with her.... maybe don't tell her when we're coming home? Haha. (Obviously, I'm not one that can keep secrets like that from my mum. ;)

THIS WEEK has been filled with moments of happiness, meeting new people, and getting to be companions with my dear Sister Lott again – even if it was only for one day :)

MONDAY: A lesson with the Kumar's.  They'll never cease to make me laugh. Explosions of JOY everywhere with that family! The Plan of Salvation was a fun one to teach with them, and we're excited to continue with the Gospel of Jesus Christ tonight.

TUESDAY: A beautiful afternoon with Jo – getting spoiled with food, and helping her out in washing windows around the house.
This week we'll be doing gardening :)

WEDNESDAY was one of those days where most of our plans definitely didn't actually go the way we had planned. However, they worked out just how they needed to! We were able to visit with our dear Maiema—who in turn asked me to say the opening prayer at her wedding that weekend! (Wha!?)  Her fiance, Kometa, isn't a member, so we had a little service at our chapel this weekend. They're the cutest. And I'm so happy for them :)

The rest of the day folllowed with us dropping in to see Branden and his mum (yes, It's BrAndEn, not Brendon). So, we don't actually have 2 Brendon's like I said we did last week. Different spellings. Ha. His mum, Sandra—who originially we had planned to see earlier in the day—most likely when Branden wouldn't  have been home, was also there due to a different appointment she'd had cancelling. So we were able to see the both of them! We chatted a bit, and then set an appointment for Friday, as Branden had to go to Cadet training.

And then began .... TRADE OFFS :)

My dear Sister Lott [MTC companion] came to Torbay, and we were able to spend a day together on THURSDAY! It's also fun being with someone who's served in your area before—getting new insights as to what they did before, who they met, and who you could possibly go back to. It was also PRICELESS to see the member's faces when I brought her in with me. Haha. "What are you doing back here!!??" Loved it :) Love my Lott. Miss her heaps :) Good thing we'll have an entire plane ride to fully catch up when we come back home together. Ha!

FRIDAY: A beautiful lesson with Branden.  It's exciting teaching someone who's SO KEEN TO LEARN. And so willing as well. He's ready for anything that comes at him, and for that, I'm grateful :)

SATURDAY was full of lots of activities. First, the baptism of Maria Luiza Santana—a little 8-year-old girl in our ward. We were invited to help, and we brought Philip along :) Then, Maiema and Kometa's wedding, AND finally, the Torbay's "Got Talent" ward activity :) LOTS of things! But we LOVED all the things!

SUNDAY followed with our Fast Sunday due to the stake changing it because of our Father's Day last weekend. Ha. I bore my testimony. I cried, knowing that this ....could potentially be my last Fast Sunday in Torbay (as the next Fast Subday we'll be in Hibiscus, and then it's transfers....) And apparently that was shown in my testimony with people coming up after asking, "Wait - are you leaving!?"  Hahahaha. Fail on subtle-ness on my part :P

I LOVE my mission life. It's still weird that I"ve been out this long. But I'm grateful. I LOVE LEARNING, and I LOVE the PEOPLE. I LOVE MY ever-growing FAMILY AROUND THE WORLD :)

Life is grand - LIVE it up my friends :)  Because, it's the only one we've got!

Love you lots! Hope you have a brilliant week, and I"ll catch you next week! :)

Ofa lahi atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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