Friday, September 30, 2016

Miracles Upon Miracles

FIRST: I got my HAIR CUT today. No, Rach, it's not as good as when you do it... people here also make you pay extra for a wash and dry. (Is that normal? Am I just spoiled?)
BUT, nonetheless, I am grateful. And the lady that cut my hair was really nice :) And had purple hair. So what's not to love? Haha. Sister Tcheou was getting her's cut, so I thought, "Well, Rach can always fix it when I get home if it goes badly. " Haha. But it didn't. It's pretty good :) And it's healthier now and I don't feel like I've been electrocuted anymore :) #Bonus

MONDAY. Allll the appointments CANCELLED for Monday night. (We originally had 2!) But, it was okay. 'Cause instead we got to see Brian and Jo :) And they will always and forever make me the happiest of happy.

TUESDAY. The miracle! We had District Meeting.  And then we went to visit Sister Maher to return a pot she had given us with some food a few days before. As we were talking with her, she was saying, "Sisters, hmm... I really wish I had someone for you to
teach!" (Golden words to a missionary's ears from a member) ...and then: "Ah! Wait! I do!" A lady named Robyn.  She found Robyn when looking for a different house on the street, and instead knocked on Robyn's door! Haha.  They became friends, and now WE'RE friends with Robyn as well. Love her to pieces. We're excited to continue getting to know her too. :)

WEDNESDAY. A GOOD DAY of tracting, and dinner with the Heaps', and RAIN. Lots of RAIN. (That was most of the week though, so ya know. #NZWinter Yes, transitioning out of winter ...ish.)

THURSDAY. Kaukapakapa! To visit the Heta's!  Harper Heta is a MIRACLE CHILD! I hope to have one like her one day. She's an inspiration to all, and clearly loves learning and knowledge and all the things. She's 8 (well, now she is. It was her birthday when we went over!). But - due to an unfortunate accident while doing a backflip, Harper is now paralyzed from the hips down.  Apparently it's not a permanent thing - but she's still got a bit of time ahead of her, and a lot of faith and blessings ahead. Anyhoo.  Harper has been thinking about getting baptized, but still isnt' sure (her mum's a convert of about 4 years ago).  SO - she has ALL THESE QUESTIONS.  She literally wrote out her own "mind map" of "Things I wanna know about God" — so now we're on a journey to answer the questions for her, and teach her the rest of the lessons so she can continue learning while she's not super able to come to church.  Their family is adorable, and we're so excited to be teaching them. (We're ALSO grateful that we have the amount of km's we do for the car...'cause Kaukapakapa is pretty far out from Torbay. Ha.)
SECOND MIRACLE of Thursday: James and Scho. Sister Lemalu and I had met James (a referral) quite a while back - but it's been hard to catch the family since. But Tuesday night we had caught Scho, and she said we could come back around Thursday night. Fun fact: they've HAD the discussions before, and Scho says they still actually read the Book of Mormon! So... Interesting things. We're excited to see how things continue, especially since she said she would love to have us come around - it's just a struggle with time (always).  Everyone has crazy busy lives. But - MIRACLE. Love.

FRIDAY. Visited Jo, helped her in getting down and re-arranging some things in her garage, and found a lizard in her house. (Ha.) –Which I had to warn Sister Tcheou of before she saw it, as....she strongly dislikes them. :P

SATURDAY. Warkworth! And BUCKETS OF RAIN!  Still good. People not super home, 'cause...well, school holidays have now started. But all is well. We did still have a miracle moment of a family that let us in as we doorknocked an area! Cass was the girl's name. She goes to a baptist church, and her mum is JW. But they let us in and we talked with Cass for a good while, sharing different beliefs and whatnot.  She wasn't super interested in learning or "becoming mormon" (ha) but still said she'd have a read of a pamphlet.  :) Love open minded people.

This night was also our Hibiscus Ward Talent Show (yes, both wards decided to make their activity this month a talent show. Haha). And it was grand :) Lots of talent here in North Shore!

SUNDAY. Was a CALMING day. Also a BUSY-AS day. Seriously. We ran alllll over the place.  But it was good. Met some LA's we haven't been able to catch, and met the MUM of one of our referrals. (Still not the referral yet, but her mum said that she would be excited to see us when we do catch her.)

My quote at the beginning of this email also comes from Sunday. Our lesson in Relief Society (given by my dear Sister Amende) was on Elder Holland's "Tomorrow the Lord Will do Wonders among You" talk from last conference. FAVOURITE. Peace, calm, love. Why?  'Cause it definitely brought back the feelings that I felt and the memories of sitting next to Sister Anitema in Henderson as we watched that BRILLIANT talk. Relief.

It's funny how something as simple as a quote or a memory can bring back such feelings of peace. Heavenly Father just keeps bringing them back to me lately, and for that - I'm very grateful, and very aware of Him always watching over EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US. Truth :)

Anyhoo. I'll stop with all the words. (Ha)

But I love you all, and I hope you're having a most beautiful beginning to fall, as I make my beginnings into spring here! Woop!

Alofa tele atu!
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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