Monday, July 6, 2015


WHANAU!! (Fa-nu) Aka: FAMILY! — The first "a" actually has the flat line accent over it, however, I don't know how to do that on these computers.... So, that's what you get!

I'm trying something new this week. Telling you about things, and THEN I'll read the rest of your emails. I think it'll be easier.

I've been assigned to the Kiakohe zone, which is the FARTHEST NORTH sister missionaries are allowed to go!!!! It was about a 4-hour drive from Auckland - but also possibly the most BEAUTIFUL drive I have ever been on! – Sister missionaries aren't allowed to go out to the Cook Islanda or places like that, for safety and what not... which is a little sad, but I also understand because - well, President doesn't want us all alone and secluded on an island or whatever. ;) Haha.

Wednesday began with being picked up from the MTC by the AP Elders and President and Sister Balli (our mission president/wife) and they are WONDERFUL.  Definitely a cute little mum and pop for while we're out here in New Zealand. This past week also was the aniversary of their first year completed out here in the mission field! So exciting for them! After we were picked up, they brought us around to do a little sight seeing. Our first stop was ONE TREE HILL. LOOK UP PICTURES (memorable volcanic mountain peak). Oh, the beauty! And SHEEP!! Up until now we've only seen cows. But we have finally found the cute little sheep, who have all just been shaved! (Another reason why winter here is VERY different from back home). We were then brought to the mission office for some orientation, thinking "ooh- maybe we'll be getting our new companions!" Nope. Not true. We had to wait a WHOLE day. Haha. But it's okay.  It gave Sister Lott, Christensen, Nakibae and me another night in a motel to say our goodbyes.

Thursday morning was the transfer meeting. My new companion and TRAINER? SISTER O'REILLY! Oh, she's adorable. She's 19, from Brisbane, Australia, and is READY for it! And the crazy thing? She's only been out here for six weeks! Yup. She's a smart one. And I love her already.

Within our zone, Kiakohe, (Kee - a - kway), we cover two different areas. Matauri Bay (Ma - toad - ee Bay) and Paihia (Pie - he - a) And "r" is kinda rolled... IT'S BEAUTIFUL. And all the people are just amazing. We switch off days as to where we go - starting in Matauri on Friday. The people are so kind and loving and happy. We only have a few investigators right now, but the ones I met seem to be positive and excited for the teachings of the gospel. Paihia is a little more sparse in the area of investigators, but still wonderful. We went tracting yesterday after church, which was kind of a struggle because people are very set in their own religions, and some seemed a bit offended that we would "try and change it"... nope. Not our purpose. But we still offer service :) Also: Atheists. They seem to be abundant here.

...And the time on my computer is going to run out. I'll try and get more time and continue on!

The gospel is true. I'm loving and getting more excited by the work each day, and I'm so very grateful for the strength that I feel here in the members of the Church. ...

[More computer time] ... We're in a DRIVING area [no bikes], because Kerikeri (the Bay area where our flat is) is about half an hour away from the two areas... so driving it is! And it's also not bad because it's about the same distance I was driving back home everyday, going to and from BYU to work... Haha. :)

[No worries about the crazy driving you may have heard about.] Luckily I'm not the one driving - or it WOULD be. But Sister O'Reilly is great. It's definitely different driving on the "wrong" side of the road - but something I know I'll get used to.

Also: Sadly, I have no way to get pictures to you once again.. :(
As, the Library computers were packed and the church computer doesn't have an SD card slot - and I didn't bring my camera cord [with me today]..... Next week though (ALL the pictures)!

The area I live in is quite a nice little area! It's just a struggle to find a place for Internet. We get two hours, but the library is packed (because of children being on holiday from school at the moment). Oh- and we get kicked off the computers at the library every half hour.  So maybe longer stories should be snail-mail. However, I also only get mail every two weeks—and that's if it has come in. Because our ZL's have to go get it from the mission office and they only go every other week.

ALSO: RLS = Restless Leg Syndrome
hahaha. It was just difficult in the MTC sitting. ALL THE TIME. ;) Love you all.  And all your crazy ideas of what that stood for!

OH! And one more thing. The first person I met upon coming here to Kiakohe. [We call her] Aunty Lydia. She's a part of the Piahia Ward, and the most adorable woman you'll ever meet. She ended her testimony yesterday in church with, "Feed the missionaries! They're TOO SKINNY!" Haha... Love her so much!

Another member I've met is Katrina: She makes the BEST Hot Cocoa ever - with cream and all! She joined the Church almost four years ago and has a lovely spirit - which definitely helped Sister O'Reilly and me on Saturday night after a long day of everyone being gone, dropped appointments, or just straight up no one wanting to listen.  She's wonderful, and so kind and loving.

We're also teaching a man named Daniel in Matauri Bay who's set for baptism on the 18th of this month—hopefully it works out!  He's a super major smoker, but we were able to teach the Word of Wisdom to him my first day and he seemed to take it well enough. Hopefully we'll get to go see him tonight!

We've also met with some lovely ladies who strengthen me each day with how much they know and understand.

Also. Artists: "Mark Mabry" — he's a BEAUTIFUL photographer. He does creations of Christ's life. My favorite of the ones i've seen is Christ being baptized.... SO MUCH LOVE! And the artist, "MJ Deas" —also gorgeous! :)

Anyhoo. That's really all I have time for —but I love you all, and I hope all is well back home!!

Life is beautiful. The gospel is true! I have felt it here on this mission more than I have ever felt it in my life. But I have also ALWAYS known it to be true. It's kind of an amazing thing, isn't it? That we have a Father in Heaven who looks down on us each day, rooting for us to do His will. I know He has a BEAUTIFUL plan for each of us—all resulting in being able to live with Him and Jesus Christ again.  We can all do this! We can endure to the end! I know Joseph Smith was called on at that specific time to bring the Gospel back to this Earth for a reason. And the realization of that perfect timing has made me see how perfect this time has been for me to come on a mission now, rather than when I could have originally, two years ago. The Lord has a plan for each of us. His plan is perfect. We have to put our faith in that!

Kia Kaha! (Be Strong) (Key - uh- ka-ha)
Aroha, (Love) (Uh-ro-ha - "r" rolled)


Sister Mckenzie Ottley :)

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