Monday, July 20, 2015


Mom, you are SO right. LOVE is DEFINITELY the answer. Something I have learned a lot about this week. And it all begins with the love our Heavenly Father and Saviour have for us. A love that I don't think I'll ever be able to comprehend, but I know is there.

One of the things the Church has given us as missionaries is a booklet called, the "12 Week Program,"  using different ways to study and whatnot during your first 12 weeks in the field. It follows along with Preach My Gospel and eight main principles. One of the video clips Sister O'Reilly and I watched this week was of Elder Holland, and a quote he gave to "teach with love."  It's really a true testimony to me that the only way we can truly teach is through the spirit. As missionaries, WE are not the teachers — the SPIRIT is. He is what guides us on what to say, 

and we have to have faith that He will put those words into our mouths. Therefore, by having love and charity for all those around us, we are able to teach with that spirit, and fill them with the things they need to hear.

Paihia and Matauri Bay are truly the places I NEEDED to begin my mission.  While it is difficult because there really aren't a ton of people out here - which makes it difficult to find people - it's helped me to realize how important the work is, that we have to love the people we do have, to help them along.

LIFE MOVES TOO FAST!! How has it already been a month?? I don't even know! (Well, over a month now... technically. crazy things!) 17 months left! Wha?

LAST Monday. P-Day.  What did Sister O'Reilly and I do with our district you ask??  We went to HARURU FALLS. (OH THE BEAUTY) and then....

NERF WARS!! With little tiny guns like these...  Haha.

My District (composed of myself, Sister O'Reilly, 3 other sisters, and 2 elders), is literally the best ever. Truly. And even more so after this day.  Not only was it exciting - it gave us a chance to get to know one another a bit better, as well as excite us for the week ahead. Oh- and exercise. It was DEFINITELY a workout. Sister O'Reilly and I were sore the next day and the day after that! Just from playing different games involving shooting each other!

And what are we doing today now? Nerf War with the ZONE! Yup. All of the Kaikohe Zone (our two zone leaders and two districts combined). And my district has all purchased "onesies" to wear together. We're pretty cute!

Anyhoo. Moving onto more important things...

DANIEL. Will you all pray for Daniel? He has so much WANT for learning of the gospel, AND to be baptized - but we just don't know how to truly help him with kicking this smoking habit. It's a struggle.  But it's also okay, because we know that as we keep contact with him that he will gain more of a knowledge of his Father and Saviour that are here to help him and guide him - whenever he may be ready to make the next step into the gate of baptism.

Have I mentioned that Sister O'Reilly is wonderful? And that we "sing" at a resthome each Wednesday in Paihia? How are these two things related you ask? -Well, Sister O'Reilly is always wonderful, but she has helped me SO much in gaining confidence - one of the ways being with my singing voice. We all know that Kenzie -- er, Sister Ottley - doesn't like to be heard. But, when there's only 2 of you......well, clearly I will be heard. And not only that, but it's helped me in developing my ALTO SINGING. Oh it's lovely, and makes me so happy and feel so accomplished.  Because acapellla has never been my strong suit - but it's getting there more and more each day! ;)

This week we also had the lovely opportunity to meet with President and Sister Balli for interviews. They are wonderful. And I truly know that I was sent to this mission at this time to be under their direction specifically. They have so much insight into the things this mission needs, as well as what we need as individuals. Sister Balli shared with me the word "assurance" — And I want to challenge you all to go study more on it.  It's a great word, and has much more of a meaning than I've thought before. It also pops up at GREAT times in the scriptures, (i.e. 1 John 3:19-24). All about assurance and looking to God, because he will never let us down - EVEN WHEN WE FEEL LIKE OUR HEART HAS. He will NEVER let us go.

I would also like to announce that Aunty Lydia has invited me *and my spouse* to one day come back and live with her while I *and my spouse* build a house there in Paihia. Hahaha. She is the cutest. And I'll definitely have to get a picture with her one day to show you how sweet of a lady she is. ;)

Sister O'Reilly and I were also the luckiest of luckies (slight sarcasm) to give talks in the Paihia branch this week (last week Matauri Bay, this week Paihia!). But - our wonderful Branch President told us we could speak on the same topic... cause he's great. Ha. But I was able to learn even more. Our talks were on our "Favorite Book of Mormon Missionaries" - I chose Lehi. Because, he's wonderful. And had SO MUCH FAITH.  And had the beautiful vision of the Tree of Life, which I have studied so many different times in my life, and done multiple art projects on. But I came to know more, because when you ask - you receive! And I found/Sister Balli was inspired in sharing a bit of this talk with me — Elder Pearson from this last General Conference, called, "Stay by the Tree" Beautiful. You should read it. ;)

Anyhoo. Life IS beautiful. The work IS hastening - we just have to look to the Lord and ACCEPT the strength and confidence He willingly gives to us. —Something I'm definitely working on.  Cause, well - confidence in talking to people has never been a super strong point in my life (ha).   But it's getting better each and every day.  And even with the doors we get shut in our face - it just makes the ones that don't, that much more precious and special.  (Yes, yes, there have been many doors slowly but SURELY closed in our faces.) But life is beautiful, the GOSPEL IS TRUE.  Sometimes - the people within our church say things that may confuse, offend, or bring about doubt - but the thing we have to realize is this: Our Heavenly Father LOVES us. And what He needs from us is to continuously go back to what we KNOW.

I love you all!! I can't believe it's already been a MONTH that I've been in this BEAUTIFUL land of New Zealand. ISN'T IT INSANE!!!??? On the 14th I was thinking "weird, I gave my farewell talk a month ago..." It seems like yesterday! And also.... a long time ago at the same time. Weird how that happens. It's insane how fast life goes when you're on the Lord's time.  ...Something to think about! ;)

Thank you for your prayers — I definitely feel them each and every day. I pray for you all at home as well! I know that it is at this time that the Lord wanted me to be here - and specifically in this mission as well. Life is just...interesting that way, isn't it?

And last — but never least: The other morning I was listening to my music and stumbled upon a BEAUTIFUL rendition of "Goodnight Sweetheart!" :) Basically — you all are the cutest ever.  And I'm so crazy lucky to have a family that puts little "treasures" on my iPod like that for me to find! ;)


Much love!!!
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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