Friday, May 27, 2016

Chasing Rainbows

Winter is FINALLY settling itself in, here in my beautiful Aotearoa. I think NZ is actually a bit worse than Utah sometimes - in the sense of being one season one day and then another the next! We've jumped from about 20 degrees to .... less than that - basically overnight! So... pretty cold. But it could also be the fact that I think my body has just acclamated nicely to the tropical weather.  So....winter when I get back may be a struggle. Ha.

Anyhoo. The PLUS side to the winter settling in is the fact that it's been RAINING ALL THE TIME. And therefore, there are BEAUTIFUL RAINBOWS! Sister Gila and I, on our way down this morning were literally chasing rainbows—MASSIVE AND VIBRANT RAINBOWS!! Let's be real. It'll never get old.

I LOVED HEARING ANGELINE'S VOICE.  Allllll the happy :) And I have indeed received my package now. So, THANK YOU! It's definitely a beautiful little package of sunshine and happiness! It was so sad to hear about her car though :(  I felt so bad! And I'm pretty sure the missionaries she met were actually my Sister Training Leaders, O'Reilly and Anderson! Haha. So - small world!

It's been a good week :) Things always look up. The work is still a bit slow, but we're getting to know our members better and better each day, and I know that the investigators WILL COME. Just lots of searching and finding those beautiful prepared souls :) Also, I realized that since I've been in this area I really haven't done many crafty/arty things, other than putting together the map on our wall of the area. So....that's something I'm trying to put in a little more of in the week—my little outlet to bring out my happy creative side! :)

After our brilliant Zone P-day last MONDAY—Laser tag running around, excitement—I was ready to go. So apparently I just need more laser tag in my life. We met some members we hadn't met before (after getting lost on the way to their house....we reallyyyyyy need to get a new map. Ha.  #OutDated And we had a FHE/birthday celebration with the Niu family. Love them so much. I also learned a little more POI. I'm obsessed with the Poi life. I just wish I was better at it. Ha. It'll come. I'm learning how to do a butterfly poi! It's exciting :) (Thank you, my dear Aejah Masiasomua for teaching me my first few things.) (Whanau: I can't remember if I've explained Poi....but I'm sure if you YouTube "New Zealand Kapahaka" you'll come up with HEAPS of dances with poi.) [Although Poi is a wallpaper paste-like food in Polynesian cultures, Poi is also a form of dance where weights on the ends of tethers are swung through rhythmical patterns. It is rooted in the culture of the Maori people of Aotearoa, a.k.a. New Zealand, who dance with poi poi in traditional ceremonies.]

OH. Also: Sister Taylor, in all her brilliance, came up with making zone/MISSION hoodies.  And I love it. SO MUCH. We're going to see if she has enough fabric to put our names on the bottom as well—but for now it's "NZAM" (New Zealand Auckland Mission) on the back and the pocket on the front—made in "SWEET AS" MAORI FABRIC. Love. All the love!

TUESDAY we got some BRILLIANT news. Elder Jackson called as we were leaving the flat for District Meeting saying, "So, I'm retiring some of the cars in the mission, and yours is due to be retired! So after district meeting, we got a NEW CAR!! District Meeting was also exciting with a little surprise party for Elder Summers at the end for his birthday! Woo! #20 #SoLittle ;)

I had a headache for...most of this day. The struggle is real lately with the headache life. But... we're all goods! No worries. Life moves on. We also met another member family that we hadn't officially met yet and had the most DELICIOUS dinner with them. And then we dropped in to visit our dear Elli Duncan. I love her to pieces. Everyone is easy to love here though, so...there's that :) Ha.

WEDNESDAY was a blessing. Our Zone (or most of them) gathered together in Hibiscus to "blitz" our area. Aka: they came to our area and we split them into different areas to tract and help us find potentials! Each set of missionaries came away with at least one potential, so that was SUPER exciting :) We're going to be going back to contact them again this week to see where we can be of help. is good.  Blessings! That night we also had an exciting Relief Society activity in Hibiscus with the theme—"In Her Shoes." It was based on the scripture of D&C 18:10 ..."For the worth of SOLES is great in the sight of God."  HaHaHa....I cracked up ;) Also, there was a story shared (not sure if it came from a talk or an Ensign or what?) called, "DROPS of AWESOME." ...And man, did I need it!! The activity was a blessing in SO many ways—also because we were able to help the sisters set up beforehand—which allowed us to get to know a LOT more of the ward as well as meet one of the potentials that we've been trying to track down for a while!  (Still have yet to find her actual house - but it was exciting to meet her.)

Ward Activities. They're a blessing! :)

THURSDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM!!!! I hope you had a most BEAUTIFUL day and that people spoiled you senseless ;)  Haha. I was thinking about you all day long. Also: You'll be proud, because I taught Emma a bit more about oils. 'Cause...her email has apparently been struggling and she hasn't been able to look up your email yet. But soon. Or I may just print it off and give it to her so she can at least read the info she needs. Every Thursday is dinner at the Rapata's in Torbay which is LOVELY, and then MCM [Missionary Committee Meeting] with our wonderful WML [Ward Mission Leader] and Ward missionaries. Just love 'em all.

FRIDAY. Weekly planning, visited Emma and GAVE her a few oils... (so...I no longer have peppermint. But she needed it more than I do. And I also gave her my little bottle of wild orange.) It was quite hilarious to watch someone trying oils for the first time. She was so excited and felt like she was on a different kind of high! Haha. Love Emma so much :) We also tried to catch a few people at home, to no avail, but we were able to meet more members again. So it's just been a wonderful week of meeting members, showing them our love, and showing them WE ARE HERE. And also a member lesson with our dear Alesha and Aalyana Losefa. LOVE THEM.

SATURDAY. We had a MEAN lesson with Philip - and Maggie came. (He's our investigator that's been investigating since...2007 I think?  Something forever like that.) And another Ward Activity helped us, once again, get to know more of the ward and meeting the people who could have some potentials to be taught! Aka: This week we've learned there are great amounts of potentials that fall within our areas.  It's just about seeking them out and ...patiently looking for those that are ready. :)

SUNDAY Ssiter Gila and I Spoke in Torbay Ward, "introducing" ourselves....even though we've been here for 4 weeks and know....a good portion of the people in Torbay already.  Haha. (Torbay's the smaller ward.) But it was good. And two former missionaries came to Sacrament meeting as well! Sister Dixon (Tammy) and Elder Manarangi (Gabriel)—and news: They're dating. Precious! Haaaaa.... Mission Love.

Anyhoo. Life is good.  The rainbow always comes after the storm, and looking for the sunshine always brings about those that are prepared – or at least the finding of new little things we can do in the area to help!! I love it all :)  New Zealand is beautiful, and I'm grateful to be here :)

Love you all, and hope you have a most beautiful week!  —As you go into your spring/summer-ness.....and I go into freezing weather! Haha.

Ofa lahi atu
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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