Friday, November 4, 2016

Learning, ALL THE TIME

Anyhoo. Good week. Also slowish - due to sickness. (Always.) But we still got out. Still got to teach our investigators, and still got to meet some lovely people, and gained a companion for a day—whose name is insanely similar to mine—who helped us in remembering how to tract effectively ;) Haha.  Good times.

MONDAY: FHE with the Talavave's. Love them. Plan of Salvation day. And it's always fun when people have questions.

TUESDAY, District Meeting! Then a surprise lesson with an investigator—that we were just dropping in to see if we could set an appointment—that told us it was good right then! Haha. We also picked up a former investigator (who actually might just have the same questions/comments as he has had previously...but we'll see)! And we met many other former investigators. This has proved to be more helpful than just tracting at the moment, so we'll see how we continue with these investigators :) Ah, and this was also the day that my companion started getting this weird cough...which she referred to as "just a cough"....

WEDNESDAY: We went around, visiting, trying to find new people, and meeting one of our referrals who's just brilliant and lovely.
We'll see her again soon. And my companion's "just a cough" started getting worse... -- I should really know by now that nothing is really ever "just a cough." But she was all goods as we ran around all day whatever. But then (regardless of the fact that, yes, I did start taking vitamins and all the things) I started coughing........ My immune system here just isn't quite as strong as it used to be when around sick people - even if they "aren't really sick."


THURSDAY then became "Sister Ottley's sick day" and Sister Tauiliili is "still just coughing."  So what was "just a cough" for my companion became something my body wouldn't take as that. Ha. I was all achy and tired and cold and my throat hurt like no other. So.... a call to Sister Bath, and another to the Elders to pick up some medicine for us, and a bit of sleep, we were golden. Still sick, but okay enough that when the Maifala's came to pick us up for our lesson with the girls we were okay (translation: I could stand up without wanting to just sit back down).  We had a lesson on The Gospel of Jesus Christ with Vaituli, Kilika, and Fay – and it was grand! :) However, when we went out after that lesson I discovered I had zero energy. So... back home. Elder Brown called that night and reminded me of Sister Bath's saying of "If you don't rest now, you WILL rest later." Ha.... Truth. All good.

FRIDAY was still a bit slow, due to my body still not being fully happy. (Ha) But we still made it around a bit, 'cause I couldn't handle being in the flat long after our weekly planning. And... we came upon a few blessing people, who the Lord clearly put in our paths for us - as well as one for us to pass on to the Samoan Elders! :)

SATURDAY MORNING we got a call from a sister talking about coming out with us—apparently the zone leaders were supposed to mention this to us...but alas. They did not. Haha. But all good. Her name is Sister OBLEY and she had just returned from the London England Mission Friday night, but wouldn't be released until Saturday around 5pm, so she wanted to make the most of her time while she was sill a missionary.  Haha. Anyhoo. She came out with us for the afternoon, helping us in a situation of a family that spoke better Samoan than English (she's Samoan), and was able to help Sister Tauiliili, when normally I would have just had to stand there, not understanding anything that's going on....ha. And, as I said above, she helped us in our tracting efforts. I've learned—coming here—that I'm not as "in tune" with tracting as I used to be - coming up with questions to ask people to peak interest and whatever. Why? 'Cause I got used to people just saying "NO" and closing the door in Harbour..... Hahahaha. Good times :) So it really was grand. The Lord truly does put people in your path for a reason.

We also had a fun moment Saturday night when I (pathetically) forgot my coat....even though I was sick....and it was a WINDY, and therefore a COLD, night. So, we decided to run over to the Faapuea's after our dinner to see if I could borrow a jumper from their daughter. When we got there we discovered 2 investigators from our book were there!  So we got to meet them and get to know them, and even had a little lesson! :) Blessings of not taking my coat when I was already sick.... Haha.

SUNDAY was what Sister Tauiliili and I called "Maifala Day." 'Cause....we had 1 lesson with all the girls, and 2 with Fay (the oldest daughter), after church. We went to our dinner appointment, and then back to the chapel with the Maifala girls again so they could have their interviews with our District Leader for their BAPTISM THIS WEEK! Yes, it's this week! On Friday all our dear Maifala girls will be getting baptised! :) They're the sweetest, and we just love them to pieces.

So, my dear whanau.  It's been a good week. Life moves insanely fast. But it's good. The learning never ends, so that makes it all the better!

I hope you have a brilliant week ahead :)
Love you and miss you all HEAPS!

Alofa Atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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