Friday, November 4, 2016

Studying, Learning, and Patience

I love how by preparing to teach a lesson, you learn more than the ones who are actually being taught. I also wish that it wasn't really that way. But I'm grateful too.

This week has led me to do a lot of reflecting about my mission. I know I say this every week (or...nearly every week?), but I seriously can't believe it's already mid-October. Ha. It feels like I just got here still! I remember my Kaikohe days with Sister O'Reilly like they were yesterday. And I've been thinking about my first days of tracting as I've brought out my new daughter over the last two weeks, and it's just ...weird. Life and time are weird. And they don't really make sense in my brain. Ha.

Anyhoo. It's been a good week.

We'll start with a scripture this time. :)

D&C 18:26-28

"And now, behold, there are others who are called to declare my gospel, both unto Gentile and unto Jew; Yea, even twelve; and the Twelve shall be my disciples, and they shall take upon them my name; and the Twelve are they who shall desire to take upon them my name with full purpose of heart. And if they desire to take upon them my name with full purpose of heart, they are called to go into all the world to preach my gospel unto every creature."

Realization with this scripture this week:  At baptism, ALL of us take upon us the name of Christ. We ALL become His disciples—the difference is that we have to choose to what extent we take that calling. But every single one of us is CALLED to the work. To bring our brothers and sisters home.

So...this is what my week has come to. I've honestly stressed out a lot coming to this area.  Ha. Partially due to the expectations of others and therefore comparison in my life. (Ha) And yes, I realize we just had a conference talk on comparison being awful for all of us. Ha. Life. This transfer has also been all about another form of patience. Ha. 'Cause, well, with my companion not speaking very much English, there's lots of patience. Anyhoo.  It's good. We live, we learn, we grow.

MONDAY. FHE with the Talavave family :)  Love them heaps. They spoil us with their love.

TUESDAY. Highlight: SO many of our members coming to help out with a service project at an investigator's home :) We got there and the priesthood had already gotten most of the yard work done. It was also a blessing because our investigator had gone into hospital that morning to have her baby! Good timing—and she was glad to come home to a spruced up yard : )

WEDNESDAY. A lesson with our dear Maifala girls :) These are the 4 sisters who are set for baptism, and they're just BRILLIANT! Only 3 of them have been able to be at lessons though, as the oldest works HEAPS.  But we'll get her soon :)

We also attended a stake training for "Ward Councils" because our ward wanted us to attend.
Still not sure if it was super worth missionary time, but hopefully we'll be able to figure out how to help the ward with it more. It was on a new section of self reliance called "Success at School Begins at Home." And, in all honesty, I did quite enjoy the things shared!

THURSDAY. We met a lot of people. And a blessing of a returning-member of the ward. Seriously. So sweet.

FRIDAY. Maifala girls again! Love them heaps. And they're GOLDEN AS. Why? 'Cause they keep their commitments! We gave them three things to do on Wednesday:1) to come up with 2 questions, 2) to read the pamphlet we gave them, and 3) to teach their sister that wasn't in the lesson. And they DID ALL OF IT! They're just great. I wish everyone was as keen as they are. But....I guess if everyone was that way they'd all be members. So... there's that. Choice and whatnot. Ha.

SATURDAY. Tracting.  Meeting people. We found a lovely member who recently moved into the area. :)

SUNDAY. We gave a talk introducing ourselves and then talked about missionary work! (Surprise!) Ha. Then we taught Gospel Principles. And found great love for our ward :) —It definitely helps actually getting to see your ward all together and speaking to them.
They're all lovely, and give hugs and kisses, and when you give your talk they RESPOND when you say, "Good morning brothers and sisters!" with, "GOOD MORNING!" It's been a while. I loved that about Henderson. Islanders. Ha. Love.

We visited with Skye, now that she's home with baby :)  TOO CUTE. And we helped her in cleaning up the house a bit, as they nearly got robbed while she was gone in hospital :( People are lame sometimes.

After we had a lovely dinner with the Vakalahi family (Brother Vakalahi used to be the WML), they lovingly brought us to 'Come and See Fireside' with our cute Kilika :) (One of the 4 girls.) And it was a grand night. Beautiful music. Grand testimonies, and we—as in all the missionaries that were there—got to sing too! We did the EFY Medley. and it was exciitng :)

So... good week.
Lots of learning.  Lots of good studies. Lots of patience. Patience is a constant. Ha.

Anyhoo. Many new things to come :)  I hope you all have a brilliant week! Much love –

Alofa tele Atu!
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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