Wednesday, November 23, 2016

When Satan Reminds You of Your Past

"The next time Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future —because he has none!" #BestQuote #True

Last MONDAY we had a wonderful Halloween 'Trunk or Treat' with our ward, and excitement with everyone playing games at each boot [NZ slang for trunk] of the cars. And ALL the sugar highs! Ha.  We were even given lollies [NZ slang for "sweets"] from kids in the following days, because they all had bags and bags of treats!!

TUESDAY was our day for Interviews with President Balli —always a blessing.  Council this time? To make a study plan, set goals, and adopt a thought process of "just for today" for the rest of my mission.

We also met some lovely people
tracting. Love the people who will take a minute to listen! It's also helpful when they have friends who are Mormon... ha ;)

WEDNESDAY we did a bit of service in the morning, helping to clean up a part of the community and paint fences! —No joke, this has actually been a "bucket list" thing for me on the mission. To paint a fence. Haha. #Excitement. And we met some lovely people as well :)
We got to meet Rovine! The sister of one of our other investigators, who seems to enjoy learning about... everything! So that's exciting.

We had a FHE with the Talavave family. Always an exciting time.  Even when the boys just stare at you at times and don't say anything and Priscilla gives all the answers. It helped them pipe up this time though when I brought out chocolate... Sometimes I feel like people learn more when there's chocolate involved! Ha. ...But then I felt a little guilty as we went over the Word of Wisdom....and giving them chocolate. Haaaa.... #TheirChoice

THURSDAY was Zone Training—apparently my last one. ...Things I didn't realise until the Elders were asking for a volunteer for an activity, and Elder Brown piped up saying, "Sister Ottley! It's her last zone training!" ...Rude. #ThePlaneIsNotThatClose

That afternoon we got to have a lesson with Kyleigh and Raymond—baking scripture cookies and talking about the importance of scriptures—how we can find answers by reading our scriptures when we have questions. Love scripture cookies. (Even though they turned out more like... Scripture muffins, because... "self-rising flour" and no cookie pan, just a muffin tin.) Haha. They were still delicious though :)

And then my sickness came back (cough). All's well. We keep plowing through!

FRIDAY was teaching CJ and Jasmine. They're wonderful, and Jasmine's fun to teach. She's a young girl, CJ's daughter, and she's excited to learn more about Jesus and the Gospel. Love her questions, and how she has primary songs that pop into her head that have to do with our lesson. Brilliant.

SATURDAY. Mostly a day of Skye :) Haha. We did some service for her in her yard, and had a lesson. It's hard when your investigators all have insanely busy lives, especially when one—like Skye—is a full-time mum, and now has her full-time job back. #NoSleep #PoorGirl  We're grateful to have her though :)

SUNDAY was church—a beautiful testimony meeting, we taught Gospel Principles on Tithing, and were able to teach Jasmine again that night. She's adorable in learning, and I love teaching the Plan of Salvation. I was pretty spent by the end of the night.  Coughy sickness resulting in "if I breathe too fast then I cough again and it makes everything hurt." But! Then Elder Saulo and Elder Ruth came over to give us some teaching materials.
And I got a blessing.  And Heavenly Father gives wonderful counsel. It's great :)

Ah. And the other thing about this week? Guy Fawkes Day (also known as Gunpowder Treason Day - with English history origins) was on Saturday.  Therefore: fireworks! Allllll the time. Starting, I think... Wednesday? All the fireworks. All the  "money to go up in fire" as Brother Faapuea puts it.
Hahaha. It was exciting though. And also made it difficult to sleep. But all's well :)

TODAY—my Monday, your Sunday—Zone P-day. We'll see how much I actually participate. Ha.
'Cause apparently we're doing ....I just forgot what it's called. Human/life-size games? I'm sure I can explain more next week. #SicknessIsAStruggle. But It'll be all good. Sister Bath is going to try and get me into see Dr. Shepherd this week (she's like...the main doctor that everyone goes to in the mission, except for those in Kaikohe, 'cause...too far. Ha.)

This week I've learnt mostly about how Satan knows our weaknesses, and how he will do everything to work on them. It's something we end up sharing with a lot of people that say they can't do something, or say they don't see how it will help. Thinking about how Satan tries to keep us from good things—things that will bring us closer to Heavenly Father—our perspective changes a bit. Learning to focus on what the Spirit wants us to do, rather than giving in to what we're comfortable with. ...Things I still learn everyyyyyy day. #TWE [Talk with everyone.] Just as President Monson said: 'Choose the harder right, instead of the easier wrong.'

Btw, have I mentioned that I found another Samoan version of our family? The Faapueas. The more we get to know them, the more I'm like "wow, this is my family!"

Hope you all have a grand week :)
Much love —

Alofa tele atu, [Love to you in Samoan]
Ofa atu, [I love you in Tongan]
Arohanui... [Big love in Maori]

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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