Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Very New Zealand Christmas!

Hello my Whanau! It's a beautiful and hot day here in Henderson. How's the snow treatin ya?  Haha.

*Disclaimer:  This one is long.... haha.

OH, my dear Whanau! :)  How SPOILED I have been this week and how grateful I am for all the blessings and miracles I've seen. Christmas time has ALWAYS been special – but it's really true that it's even a bit more special when on the mission. Things are different – but in a good way.

THIS WEEK started off with, as you know – P-day. But, I think I failed to mention: I WENT TO A MALL. Aka: In order to email home we actually walked through the mall (to an Internet cafe). And it was weird to be in a real mall again. Also because people in the mall look at you differently than people on the streets. New experiences. Haha. We also learned what it's like to "walk back to the flat, carrying heavy groceries, because we have no car." Luckily it's not that long of a walk... maybe 2 or 2.5 miles? That night we met the Manukia family, and they're just lovely :) We're spoiled with how lovely all members are no matter where you are!

TUESDAY = first day of BIKING! I actually love it. Yes, it's difficult with the hills being SO BIG in some places. But- we just jump off and walk when we can no longer push our poor tired legs. Haha. So, all's well. However: I do have some nice bruises up and down my right shin/calf now, from banging my leg into my pedal. Good times! (Surprised? You shouldn't be. I'm still my same klutz-y self. Haha) I also made a new planner decoration! (I always decorate my planners each transfer... it's artsy and exciting and fun. ) This transfer's "theme" is "Stay the Course" – It's a talk by President Eyring that I found in an Ensign with a really fun bird picture. I honestly haven't read the full talk yet – but I'm excited to do it! There was also a quote in the article that says:

"When you choose whether to make or keep a covenant with God, you choose whether you will leave an inheritance of hope to those who might follow your example." —President Henry B. Eyring

Truth? Yes! I think so! A lovely thought to keep in mind as a missionary—and not only that, but for all members as Member Missionaries! Has anyone had any little missionary experiences they want to share??

WEDNESDAY. Biking and Baking. Yes – I actually got to BAKE! Our District/Zone decided they wanted to do a "Secret Santa" present exchange, as well as a Zone lunch on Christmas Eve – so, we spent some of our lunch/dinner breaks preparing (and, of course me staying up late to bake cookies... No, I still haven't fully changed in the way of always getting sleep... ha. I do try though!) But really though, – the baking life. I've missed it. I made the famous family Ginger Snaps from Rebecca's mother-in-law, and they were loved. Also – that recipe makes a TON! So... we still have some. #NotComplaining We also got to teach a lesson about "Following the Prophet" with Ivan, and it was WONDERFUL. The Sunnyvale Elders (Christiansen and Le) came over to join our lesson, and it went splendidly. Ivan is SO ready and has so many questions! We LOVE IT. And – even Ivan spoiled us! He gave Sister Hobbs and I each a Christmas/welcome to the area present – Boxes of Favourite's Cadbury chocolates. Brilliant? Yes, I think so! Elder Le also helped me in learning how to ride my bike after the lesson... so that was nice! Ha. #Amateur #NotaCyclist Apparently I've never really known how to use gears properly!

THURSDAY. ALL THE CHRISTMAS EVE JOY! We started off the day with Weekly Planning (usually on Friday – but changed to Thursday this week in order to not interrupt Christmas). And then we had a Zone lunch with all the Elders and Sisters. I brought my cookies, there was pizza, chicken, salad, muffins, fizzy (soda pop), .... And all the things. And we had a grand time :) After the Sister's dropped us back to our flat, Sister Hobbs and I got organized and went out. Honestly – we may not have used all our time as effectively as we could have this day. However, we were also finding that with all the family things going on, not many people wanted us around. But – I did find out one thing that made me feel good. On our walk back to the flat for our dinner break (after finding that not even our Bishop was home...), Sister Hobbs told me one thing she's noticed again – "that she's singing again!" And she does, quite often! Haha. Apparently it's something she would do all the time at home when she was happy – but she's realized that a good portion of the last bit of her mission she's stopped. So she kept saying that she's just "So Happy!!" Haha. And she makes me happy too :) I love her dearly, and I'm excited for the continuing of this transfer with her. (And I also feel like we may be together for another after — so we'll see!)

THURSDAY NIGHT we got our Zone together again and went CAROLLING. Exciting? YES. I haven't been carolling in AGES! We all followed each other around and went to an investigator, less active, or member within everyone's area. Aka: For our area, we stopped by IVAN. Poor little Grace was mortified by the amount of people at her door (she's really shy), but she seemed okay at the end... and I gave her a hug. Haha. But Ivan was gobsmacked (shocked). He's just such a wonderful and grateful person in everything he does. And it's just... so inspiring and exciting to watch him as he learns all these things. The night was wrapped up (or, wrapped down – moreso) with us all exchanging Secret Santas — (some of them turned out to be not so "secret"), but all's well. Haha. I had Elder Le's name – so I had gotten him some little Star Wars Legos figurines, which ALL the Elders went CRAZY over! Hahaha. All the Sisters had a good laugh over that one! And then: fun fact, Elder Le had my name! (I could tell by the wrapping and all the things in it really.) Haha. He got me a SKETCHBOOK (in which he drew something in the front page), Coloring pencils, decorative tape, and a "I <3 NZ" mug with a LITTLE LAMB inside. How is it that he knows me so well? He's clearly got a gift. Haha. After that, Sister Hobbs and I got to go to the other Sister's flat to stay the night! — The one exception to "not supposed to have sleepovers" rule in the mission! WOO! I opened my Christmas Eve present—INSTANT SNOW IS SO COOL!—and then we went to sleep... eventually. Hah.

CHRISTMAS MORNING began at 5:30AM. Why? 'Cause the sisters wanted to open their presents in the morning, and also clearly because we couldn't contain Sister Fornaro any longer after a brilliant night. To start off the Christmas day... we went to the Frost's home for SKYPING and brunch :) The Frost's are a young couple (David and Kim) who have an ADORABLE little 5-month-old boy named Avery. Sister Hobbs skyped in the morning when we first got there at 8am, we helped out a bit in cleaning and preping, and they let us do some puzzles while we waited for their family to arrive for brunch. Brunch = delicious. Pancakes, Fruit, and "Koko Araisa Cocoa Rice"—a Samoan rice dish. It's made with Cocoa Samoa (a somewhat bitter chocolate drink), rice, and I think Coconut milk? It's essentially like a cocoa rice pudding. SO GOOD. After our brunch,... it was my turn to skype :) And I'm just... so glad I got to see you all. Because... that was truly a Christmas wish come true! ...Not sure what else to say about that, as you were there for it!! Haha. It was lovely to see you all and hear all your voices attached to your lovely faces :) So, thank you, thank you for all being there —and Cord, GET BETTER!  ;) I honestly could have just talked to you all for hours and hours and hours... which I'm sure is why they give us a time limit. Ha. But, it was good. Really really good. And.... now we've got Mother's Day to look forward to!  ;) — Not sure if it'll still be a Skype call, but at least a phone one! I love you all heaps, and I'm grateful for the little time we got! :)

After Skype, "The Joseph family" was our next stop! Emery Joseph (a recently returned missionary from Canada), and her brother, TeAhu (spelling? Idk), came to pick us up (a lovely day of not having to walk everywhere!) and we went to their house for a lunch/dinner. Spoiled by the amounts of food, and also: Presents for us! Another box of Cadbury Favourite's chocolate. Haha. It's a classic gift here ;) We had lamb, chicken, AND ham, kumera, salad, and potato salad. Soooo good. For pudding? PAVLOVA. –First time I've had a real one, though they all kept saying it's still "not a real one" because they "didn't put on the whipped cream and fruit on top" – but the meringue part was GOOD! (Kiwis use a lot of meringue in their desserts I've realized...) And a chocolate log, Ambrosia ice cream... and so many other things. So much food!!! But so good. So tired after! Haha. It was SO LOVELY getting to know the Joseph family though. And the Frost's in the morning. We're excited to have more friends in the ward now, and to be gaining their trust. (We've gathered a bit in the last week and a half that not all of the ward super liked the other sisters.... sad, but true. It seems they felt they were a bit lazy and didn't follow many rules. So, our time is also about building trust with them again!) Another plus to being at the Joseph's — we got to meet our Ward Mission Leader, via Skype! Haha. He's their oldest son – currently in the States (Colorado?) with his wife's family for the holiday. So that was fun. But, another fun fact about him: When they get back, they're moving north to Whangarei. So... we currently really just don't have a WML. All goods. We'll get one soon I'm sure!

The next bit of the night was finally filled with Sister Hobbs and I opening our OWN presents. (So, yes – Mum, Dad, and Leesh – I've set a NEW RECORD for opening presents LATE... I think it was like 6pm? Haha!) THANK YOU for all the cute little things—"open when" cards, and pictures and the second part of the study book for the BofM! The SHOES! (I laughed so hard. Haha.) And the cute little stocking :)  (I'd left the companion one packed away for Sister Hobbs.) AND LIZ... THE KIWI ORNAMENT! Did you get that done while you were here? Or somewhere there? Thank you! It's so cute!!! And – I also had gotten a little gift from Sister White – which I ever so patiently waited to open until Christmas... She also got me a little Ornament, one made from wood – from a Rimiu Tree? I think? Something like that. I was spoiled, and I loved the feeling of being home with all the little things :)

After we finished presents, our Zone Leaders texted saying that everyone was invited to the top of a mountain ("mountain") for Christmas night... So, we decided to go — aka: The Sisters said they would go, so we also got to go. Haha. And it was BEAUTIFUL. And I tried my first ever SPICED Ginger Beer. Yum? YES. We had a look-out of all Auckland city area, and beautiful sunsets and a FULL MOON. Cool? YES :)

So... I was spoiled. We had a lovely Christmas, and I wouldn't have changed anything about it if I could have.

BOXING DAY. (The day after Christmas.) There's now quite a lot of people missing from the area – out on Holiday. But, it doesn't really stop the work! And we even saw a few miracles in this day! The morning started with most people we had down to visit not being home, or no longer living in the addresses we had down for them. But: at one of the homes, we found a man named Liberty, and his 2 sons. He talked with us for a bit and we were able to give him a Restoration Pamphlet, AND he gave us his phone number. (That's the one that doesn't happen super often.)  So – we're excited to go back and visit with him again soon. After our lunch break Sister Hobbs felt unwell, so we had to break for a bit. I let her sleep, she slept it off. And then we went out for our dinner appointment. On the way there – we ran into a girl named Salu. Fun fact: She's recently moved here from Samoa, and is a RECENT CONVERT. She said, "Will you invite me to church?" So we said, "Yes! Please come!"
And she asked, "Can I have a ride? I'm the only member in my family." Golden? Yup. So we found a ride for her that night.... *To be continued!...*

Okay. Now... the ULTIMATE ADVENTURE. Little did we know what we were getting into when the Halaapiapi's invited us over for dinner this night! Haha. When we arrived, we went around back to find tables lining the back yard, chairs laid out, a canopy, and..... PIGS ROASTING OVER A FIRE. Yup. I've officially been a part of a Pig being spun and roasted over fire. It was actually really excintg. And yes, I also ate the pig! Sister Halaapiapi is Tongan – so this was her "Tongan Luau" of sorts – which was adorable. We got to know a few more people within the ward, and became friends with the Masiasomua's (President Masiasomua – 1st Counselor in the Stake—has a very similar sense of humor to Dad... so that's exciting! Oh AND he's also a PHYSIO (like a physical therapist/acupuncturist specializing in mobility issues). So.... he told me I could come over and he would help me with my back if I wanted. GLORIOUS!! And he's Samoan. So fun! I'm loving all my Samoan and Tongan families.) It was definitely a night of partying, and much excitedment in trying new things. —I also got KINA again, which was SUPER exciting. And more seafood things. LOVE it.

SUNDAY was exciting too – Sister Virginia Tuta'i picked up Salu for us, and even waited for her when there was an issue with her not being ready and her needing permission from her dad to go...
She showed up and we were just so excited! Ivan was also there, but a little down – because Grace is now up north with her grandparents for the next 3 weeks. But we got to know him a little better, we taught him the law of Chastity for our Gospel Principles lesson (President Masiasomua came in and joined the lesson as well—super helpful!) And .... we just LOVE it here. We're so blessed, and have so many wonderful people around us. Ahh. AND. We have a new family in the ward! They're from Brasil! — They speak very little English, and they'll be feeding us this week. So... adventures to come! Haha. We're excited though. :)

Later we went to the Pauna's for dinner —where I tried my first TARO (I thought I had tried it in the MTC.... I was very wrong) AND I also ate OCTOPUS. Who knew I would be trying all these things here!!! Hahaha. Good times though. And yes, I liked both of them! Also: A dish that I can't remember the name of currently.... But it's the leaves of the Taro root, stuffed with onion and coconut cream, and baked in tinfoil. SUPER good. All the new things. So exciting. :)

Anyhoo.. Now that I've talked all your ears off for the week.... I should probably get going. Haha. But– it's been a lovely week. I can't believe we're already to week two of this transfer – it's already speeding by! But it's good. We're getting to know our way around, and we're getting to know the members. AH – also, I learned that if I'm somehow still here in APRIL – LIVING LEGENDS FROM BYU is going to be performing here!! IN MY AREA.  WHAAA??? ALL the exctiement! LOVE. We'll see if that dream comes true. Haha. ;)

And now, I have an assignment for you all for the week: Something for EVERYONE to look up — Sister Hobbs showed me this little video on her iPod  yesterday, and I FELL IN LOVE. And cried. TOO good. It's a short little video called, "The Butterfly Circus."

I love you all HEAPS, and I hope you have a most wonderful New Year and all the exciting things and wishes come true for you! ;)

MUCH LOVE —Arohanui,
Sister Makikenihi Ottley ;)

Here's a cute poem that my dear, Sister Pam White sent me:

A Candle's Such a Simple Thing
By Author: Helen Custer, 1982

A candle's such a simple thing,
It starts with just a bit of string.
Yet dipped and dipped with patient hand
It gathers more wax upon the strand. Until completed and snowy white,
It gives at last a lovely light.

Life seems so like that bit of string,
Each day we do a simple thing...
Yet day by day as on life's strand,
We work with patient heart and hand. It gathers joy, and makes days bright,
And gives at last a lovely light!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Change is Hard, But Good!

This week. Man. I can't even believe where life takes you sometimes. It's like – a blink of an eye and time FLIES!

Have you all made your transfer guesses?? ;) ;) Wanna know who's right???

The GIRLS are ALL RIGHT! NEW AREA, AND NEW COMPANION! We've been DOUBLE SHIFTED into HENDERSON! We're in the Henderson Valley WARD (What? I have to figure out how to use the term Ward and Bishop again!)

We live at a little flat in Henderson. (Also living within my area? What!?=) Haha. So... all the adventures :) My companion's name is Sister Hobbs, and she's the cutest little British girl you'll ever meet!! 😁

I'm sort of still North? But more  West now. About 3 hours south of where I was before. And I'm definitely in the city now! I can see SKY TOWER from my area!!!!! The sisters taking over my last area are Sister Kilgrow (American) and Kulu (Tongan)! I know Sister Kilgrow pretty well, and I met Kulu Thursday — they're going to be great, and they're also going to be SPOILED by the Paihia Branch on Christmas. So... they're all going to be just fine :)

MY WEEK: MONDAY was filled with Zone P-day, watching the Elders play touch ball (while us Sisters passed our own rugby ball to one another, and I learned Sister Pointer is even less coordinated than me! Hahaha... But she's cute ;) ) We then went back to the Kaikohe chapel and made "gingerbread houses" — but without gingerbread, nor graham crackers (because they don't exist here...) So Sister Pointer and I got creative and got Cruskits. Similar shape to graham crackers....but a cracker. So – super not the same taste-wise, but they all seemed to have fun still!

Sister Pointer and I were then able to visit a few families that night — and we got to TEACH PEARL. (Reminder: Pearl is the daughter of less-actives, Dennis and Nan Honey. SWEETEST family, coming back to activity :) ) So we had a BRILLIANT lesson on Faith, Repentance, Baptism, the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end. And it was just SO happy.

TUESDAY. Whew... Tuesday was a day! We started off with District Meeting – we all basically cried. One, because of the video Elder Shannon shared for Training, and two, because we all knew there was going to be BIG changes to our District and Zone — even though we didn't know what changes yet. (Video: called "Missionary Work and The Atonement" – a compilation of 2 different talks by Elder Holland and President Eyring... I'm trying to find the link... we'll see if I can track it down.) Sister Pointer and I then went out for a lunch at Kebabulous – because we had strong feelings that it would be our last week together. And because Kebabulous is delicious :) We got to drop by Marion's home and share a message with her too, and challenged her to start reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning again. We then all walked out together because Marion was on her way to drop some things to the Op Shop. Sister Pointer started walking down the street to go call Elder Shannon (District leader) because... he had started calling us during our lesson with Marion... Note: During Transfers week, you can get the news of being transferred from pretty much anyone from President Balli to the Assistants, to your Zone Leaders OR your District Leader..... so.... basically we were on edge. Haha. We called. He answered and asked how we were doing. And we just said, "ELDER SHANNON. TELL US WHAT'S GOING ON!" He laughed – and continued. "Sister Ottley...... You'll be going to HENDERSON! And you'll be Senior companion to Sister Hobbs." — Aka: I'd just been Double shifted!

"And Sister Pointer.... You'll be going to Tamaki! Your companion is Sister....." (I honestly can't remember her companion's name now). But it's a Samoan name. Haha. So: My dear Sister Pointer has been sent SOUTH. And not only that, but she's finally been sent back to her Samoan programme, and I'm SO excited for her -—— but keep her in your prayers, please, 'cause.... she was excited and nervous and just kind of terrified all in one! Haha.

Change. It's good :) It's hard – but good. The members we've met already are just lovely, and welcoming and we're excited to get to know them. We've also already set up Skype times! Is it good if I call around 12 noon on Christmas, my time – so 4:00 pm Christmas Eve YOUR time??

FYI: President Balli likes to shift us all around a lot when the mission seems to get a bit relaxed and numbers drop more than they should... He's pretty much fearless :) Haha. And "Double Shifted" means — 2 companions leaving (double shifting out), and 2 companions coming in (double shifting in)! So... I've just done both! :)
Because Sister Hobbs came from East Tamaki. (Before me, she was companions with my beloved MTC companion, Sister Lott!!!)

So – TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY were honestly spent shooting from one place to another, saying goodbyes, and getting in last lessons and talking and just.... saying goodbye to my dear Paihia and Matauri Bay. Ah. Fyi: about 30 steps down the street after that phonecall – I burst into tears. Haha. And – not that it was necessarily a bad cry – just.... a realization that I would have to LEAVE! Sister Pointer pulled me to the side and gave me a hug and said, "No worries!! I'm sure your new area will take care of you on Christmas!" ...And honestly, I hadn't even thought of that. I just started thinking about the fact that I had to leave these people that I've come to LOVE SO MUCH. They ARE FAMILY, and I would now have to leave them. It's honestly stilll hard to think about. My dear Aunty's, Sister and Brother White, the CLEMENTS, the Himiona's, all the Going families..... All our less-actives that I love SO MUCH. It was hard for me to get over. But – we went and said goodbye. And had a last lunch with Sister White Wednesday afternoon – after our LAST singing at BayCare. OH my goodness. That was difficult. I can't even explain.

We had a last dinner with Stella (a less-active coming back) and the Clements Wednesday night, and then ZOOMED around to say goodbye to Aunty's and others around. We then jumped over to the Clements – for one last blessing. And the priesthood is just brilliant! There were actually some things in this one that.... terrified? me? But... also not. I'll explain more later in a letter. There was just a phrase given to me along the lines of "the things I'm going through here will benefit for future higher positions/callings in the church" .... So, ya know. Whatever that means!

Anyhoo, enough sadness. We got to say goodbye – that's what I'm GRATEFUL for. Some people don't hear about transfer news until Wednesday! So we were lucky. And we even got in quite a few lessons within our insane-ness, so that was exciting! :)

WEDNESDAY NIGHT was insane – as the Elders decided they wanted to pick up our luggage that night, rather than Thursday morning..... So, lovingly, the other Sisters came over to help us pack alll the things up. Fun fact:  I've accumulated a lot of stuff! How?  Who KNOWS??! But.... 6 months in a place I guess makes it that way. Also it's apparently a thing that most people that live up north accumulate things. Ha. Once again, why? Who knows!

Anyhoo, my former trainee companion, Sister BOITEUX has ALSO been transferred — and SHE is now companions with Sister Lott in Tamaki!  WHA? ...Basically all my companinos are comps with her. It'll happen again one day for us. I know it!  Prayers. ;)

THURSDAY was an EARLY and LONG day. Ha. 4:30am up – packing last minute things – and out to Kawakawa to meet the Elders to drive to Auckland. Fun fact: Driving to Auckland was the 5th time I've ever been/seen SKY TOWER! EXCITEMENT. I got to see a few other missionaries, meet a few new faces, and meet the sister that had been over the area Sister Hobbs and I would now be taking. Sister Blanchard. She's lovely – and they have a SET in this area!! I get to help in baptising someone in the next few weeks! (His name is Ivan. He has the CUTEST daughter, Grace, and is set to be baptised on the 9th of January.) After we got into our area (only about a 20 minute drive from where we have transfers meeting!), we got settled in a bit, got to know each other and then went out to explore – neither of us having been in Hendersoon before!

Ah. So – now. Sister Hobbs :) Ahhhhh yes—for real, the cutest little British RED-HEAD you'll ever meet! She's 19 and the oldest in her family. Her favourite colour is green, her birthday is 3 January, and yes –she likes "Dr. Who," if anybody was wondering ;) Haha. Things I'm just discovering. We're both pretty quiet which makes walking streets ....a little boring. Ha. But we're getting there. We're getting more talkative and excited about the work together.

Also: Our area is HUGE. And SUPER HILLY. I'm in a BIKING AREA (oh yea! I forgot to mention that). We're the ONLY ones in the entire Zone without a car.... fun!) ...And it' s really hot.  So it's kind of crazy. SO MANY STREETS. And they're all curvy and crazy. Haha. Did I mention HILLS? Ha. Yeah. It's like San Fransisco! So...
hopefully I'll be getting at least a little more fit! Haha.

So... basically these last few days have just been roaming the area, trying to get to know the people, and sharing our excitement. It's also been a little  sad, 'cause we've had a few members express to us that they felt a bit let-down by the last sisters — like they played around more than trying to fully do the work ;( ...So, our job right now is to build the trust with the members again! Woo! It's good though. Bishop got us to bare our testimonies in the ward yesterday, so I think that was a good little intro.

OH. Also: I'm now no longer in Maori land! So... that's different for me. I'm offically with more Islanders.  Not as many as are in the south (as I hear), but I'll be learning more Samoan and Tongan now! Haha! (The girl who didn't want to learn a language, and I'm going to be learning bits and pieces of at least three!!) "Talofa" is Hello in Samoan — I've got that one down. Tongan: "Malo e le lei" – Still have yet to use that one. We'll get there though! Haha.

Names YOU all have to look forward to in the future transfer: Bishop Papali'i (Samoan), Brother Tu'ivai (Tongan), Brother Tuta'i (Samoan), Sister Gaitau (Samoan).

There's the Hakaraia family (well - multiple families)
Halaapiapi, Auva'a, Neioti, Taumafai. ...So... lots of learning in speaking coming my way! Haha.

Also – not to freak you out. But wanna know the new medical struggle of the week? I may be developing a STY. Not sure.... but my eye is swollen. Ha. And is rather sore. But we're going to the Chemist to have them look at it after emails. So no worries. ;) All the joys. But the work moves on! I'm also currently in an Internet cafe – praying that whatever I feel crawling on me isn't going to eat me alive. Fun times! And. Bug bites. I'm convinced that bugs are different in every city. I finally stopped getting bitten as much in Kaikohe.... then Friday night I got bitten FOUR times within 10 minutes while we were talking with the Elders outside our flat that night. And they swell quite easily I'm learning.... so that's also exciting!

Anyhoo. I'm excited to give you new updates as Sister Hobbs and I go about this journey together. Luckily she's considerably better at nagivating and figuring out where to go than I EVER have been –and she has a map! :) I'll be purchasing one today as well. Haha.

The gospel is TRUE, my dear Whanau (yes, I'm still going to be exercising my Maori too!). This Christmas season is TRULY one that we have to remember the reason for the season, and I'm grateful to be a missionary at this time. I've learned so much, and I know I will continue to learn more each and every day. KEEP THE FAITH. It's real, and a JOY! Missionary work is so COOL!

Have a most LOVELY week – aaaaaand.... I'll see you all on Christmas (Eve)!!! ;) I'm SO EXCITED TO SEE YOUR FACES!!
Also: Leesh put in a paper craft gingerbread house in one of my 'open before Christmas' packages. Haha. So I've been working on that, and I quite like it :)


Sister Ottley

New District

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Temple Trip!!!

There's really not a whole ton for this week... But to start off: Does anyone have any PREDICTIONS for transfers this week? We haven't received any news yet... but we can anytime between now and Thursday! (And transfers meeting isON Thursday... fun times!) I'm officially moving into my FIFTH TRANSFER!

Such a joyful week.  Full of sickness. So...that's grand. :P

Ha. But – for reals, it DID start out in grandeur. Why?

BECAUSE I GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE! "And there was much rejoicing and happiness and PEACE in the land."

I honestly don't think I've ever truly realized HOW peaceful, relaxing, and calming the temple is. I mean –I've always known and felt that, but there was something different this time. It was just like – I had no worries for the whole time we were there. There was no stress, no worry,—just relaxing and talking with my Father in Heaven. We were able to do initiatories and an endowment session. And the cool thing about that? I was able to help Sister Christiansen with one of her family names – and I got to do one of them for both initiatory AND endowment. So that was pretty cool. I'm definitely excited to meet her one day. :)

Anyhoo – So, yes. The week began with travel southward Monday night. Tuesday was spent in the temple, then taking pictures, and then back home. On the way back from the temple, there's apparently this tradition of this ice-cream shop we stop at — Pokenos. And it was delicious and wonderful. And exciting :)

And then once we were on our way back from Harbor to Kaikohe area, Sister Pointer started not feeling very well... We both had a nasty headache on and off most of the week before – so it wasn't that new... but she just wasn't doing well. Nor was I.

So... Wednesday we got out into our area, tried to make a few visits (none of whom were home), and then just started to feel awful. Sister Bath, our medical mum, was called and she told us to take it easy. Sister Pointer started feeling better around 4 – but alas, I did not.

And before I forget – thank you for the Christmas Packages of HAPPINESS. OH you spoil me! I'm so excited, and I have LOVED with all my heart the things I've gotten to open so far! ...I'm a slacker, however, and didn't take a picture of how I have it all set up... so that will have to be in next week's email :) Ha. But I LOVE the little tree, and the advent calendar, and the "open me on" presents! And the picture of me and the kids! AND DAD'S LITTLE SNOWMAN.  I thought it was Leesha that wrapped that present... Hahahaha. SIXTEEN LAYERS of wrapping paper!! Sister Pointer was getting frustrated by it. I was just laughing the whole time ;) :P Daddy-O YOUR SNOWMAN makes me all the happy!!And it really makes me laugh to know that YOU were the one that wrapped it that many times!! Hahahah. And I love your Charlie Brown tree and the lights and all the decorations! I love the feeling of being there!! :)

AND THANK YOU FOR THE MP3 PLAYER! Ohhhh the happiness. And the Sesame Street with MOTAB (thank you Audrey!) just makes me all the happy :)

Thursday I thought I felt better enough to go out. So we did. But... alas, I was wrong again. Which was unfortunate – because we had SO MANY APPOINTMENTS lined up. But then – as the day went on and I started feeling worse... our appointments all cancelled on us, except one. Which was with PEARL. And Elder and Sister Clement's so lovingly took over for us and went to visit and teach her a bit. So that was a blessing. We also dropped by Lydia to say, "Sorry! Can't come by." and even she looked at me saying, "You don't look good. Go home!" Yes, Lydia. I know.

Friday I really did feel better. So - we went out. We finally made a couple of visits. We talked with people on the street – and even cleared up a few doctrinal things with people that had heard things about our church.  :) LOVE this work. We were supposed to teach Lucia and the boys Friday night – but alas, they didn't show. Apparently he was sleeping we found out! Haha. He'd been out all night fishing for his brother – so he was exhausted. All good though. We'll get to catch him again soon :)

And then – Saturday hit. And it was a struggle. Starting with Sister Pointer just not being in a good mood – and I'm sure I wasn't the happiest of all either, as ...once again, I was sick. But this time to the point that I literally just couldn't eat and had no desire to because everything I tried just didn't settle well. And I had a weird fever? that kept coming and going... things we didn't understand. (That's kind of how it was Thursday as well.) So I went back to bed. Sister Pointer texted Sister Bath again – and we were to "STAY IN!" And get me some Penadol (ipuprofen) and Powerade. It was a bit of a struggle day though – not only because I was sick, but because my dear companion's constant comments in the day were "I'M SO BORED" and "I'M SO HOT!" ... I'm sorry, dear, that I've completely inconvenienced your entire life by being sick.  But it's fine.  We figured that out together yesterday and all is well now. The Elders (Shannon and Shumate) and Elder and Sister Clements came over later in the afternoon and I got another blessing. (Can we say more in the last 6 months than in the last 2 years?) ...But getting all these different Priesthood blessings is indeed a blessing – cause I've gained more of a testimony of how truly and really brilliant the Priesthood is in this life, and how spoiled we are to have the knowledge and help we do in such a way!

So... after that, I went back and rested. Saturday was a day of sleep basically. There was a point that I made myself stay up a bit though – or I knew I wouldn't sleep during the night! (Which, as we all know is a struggle anyway.)

And then: Sunday—MIRACLE DAY.  I still didn't feel great waking up, but we went to Church and we had HEAPS OF PEOPLE come to the Paihia branch!! We got to meet some new people – and new less actives that found thier own way there! What? #Miracles.

ROZANNE came, Ethan came, Pearl came, and Lucia and the boys came. All the joy!! And then – after Church and branch council (during part of – I was praying pretty much non stop that I wouldn't pass out... 'cause, well, I hadn't eaten in nearly 48 hours...) we went to the Clements' so I could rest again. They made us lunch — and guess what? :) I ATE THINGS! Food is a blessing when you can eat it. I ate cooked carrots and asparagus and some fruit. Everyone was amazed! Haha.

So... All in all, it was a struggle of a week numbers-wise (which was also made very evident that my companion didn't like... I'm just done with the complaining over me being sick). But – I'm GRATEFUL. Grateful for the priesthood, and grateful for the faith that I was able to gain within it.

The mission is hard. And I'm not going to lie to you all — I think my sickness was partially due to stress.  I think my body was just done.  I do also believe there was some sort of virus stuck in me — but there was definitely stress my body couldn't figure out.

But all is well :)  The work will move on, and we have a LOT to do in the next couple days before transfers... in case we are indeed transferred. Ha

The Christmas Devotional sounds SO GOOD. We're still trying to figure out some way to watch it... ie: Watching it with an investigator.  So we'll see :)

It's INSANE that Christmas is NEXT WEEK. What? Also: This means I'll be talking to your faces next week!! :) ALL THE HAPPY!! And I'm allowed to talk for 40 minutes!

Hope all is well at home :) I love you all and miss you heaps!! Love you all!


Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

New Zealand Christmas Tree


I GO TO THE TEMPLE TOMORROW!! There is SO much excitement in all of our lives right now :)

This has basically been the theme of this last week! – And it all tied nicely together this weekend with Stake Conference!

First: I have a headache of the century right now (ok – it's really not THAT bad. It's just worse than it has been.) But my apologies if something doesn't make sense because of it!

It's crazy how some weeks ZOOM by – but then you look back and think, "That was just this week?? It seems like it was ages ago!" But it's definitely been a week of BLESSINGS and MIRACLES. And also: Can anyone else believe that it's DECEMBER? It's insane. And the fact that next week I hit being here for 6 months? What IS THIS LIFE?

First: TRADE OFFS. I love Sister Allen and Sister Pupu :) Sister Pupu took over as Sister Training leader for Sister Paasi, who left us at the end of last transfer. And they're just lovely. We did our trade off a little differently than we have – because we did a trade off on P-day, and Sister Pointer and I had a set appointment with a couple that we BOTH wanted to be there for! We finally got to make Peach Cobbler with James and Taylar (cute young recent convert/less active couple in Paihia branch with a young daughter named Sophie). And it went just SWIMMINGLY!! We all met at the chapel, made delicious cobbler, and watched Mormon messages and talked. We got to know them a little better, as Sister Allen is actually one of the previous missionaries that helped in teaching them, so we had that relationship to help us in getting to know them even better.

After our cobbler, we split up and Sister Pupu and I went to drop a note by another less active woman's home – as Sister Pointer and I have been doing for AGES in hopes that one day we would actually MEET her. And guess what!  Surprise! Sister Pupu and I finally MET HER. And then we were shot down. Not in a rude way – it was one of the more polite ways I've ever been so sternly shot down, but it was a struggle for me. I've been waiting and hoping for SO LONG to meet Vikki – we've stopped by her house SO MANY TIMES. And then it was just disappointing to have her tell us that "the notes are very nice and I know you're just trying to give me good thoughts – but I'd appreciate if you didn't leave them anymore, because it's a safety hazard.  And if I ever wanted to get thoughts from the church – I'll go to my brother. He's Mormon." ...So – I was a little crushed that night. But, it's okay. All in everyone's own time. Everyone has their agency, and all we can do is try!

Anyhoo :) TUESDAY, Sister Ottley was just insanely tired. And I couldn't get out of it. And my stomach started feeling awful... So we stayed in a bit. We did eventually make it out during the night hours – as we had an appointment with our dear Aunty Apiata that I didn't want to miss! But Sister Bath (Mission Medical Mum) instructed us to go get some Gatorade for electrolytes in my life. We got Powerade – which, I learned I actually was fine with. Usually I really don't like all those types of drinks. But the kind I got had magnesium... So that probably helped something. So, my stomach had calmed down, but by the time we actually got to Paihia, I felt kind of awful again. I honestly think I was probably more stressed and sad and just frustrated – in turn making myself sick. But we went to the Clements, and Elder Clements, once again, gave me a blessing. And it was beautiful. And gave me answers (and more questions) that I honestly didn't really realize I was still looking for. So it was super nice. I calmed down, we went to Aunty Apiata's, and then it was time to go home. So – not the most productive day, but still good.

Elder Clements is wonderful btw. And more and more like Dad each time I learn somehting new about him... It's quite funny actually. I'm excited for the day you all get to meet!!

WEDNESDAY I was still a little sick. But we HAD TO GO SING. And we're not missing out on that! It helped me perk up a little – I had a grand headache most of the day, but all's well. Sister Pointer also got her haircut from Taylar during our lunch break! So that was exciting :)

The REAL MIRACLE from Wednesday came from our dear Brother and Sister Dixon though. Wednesday morning as we were sitting down for Personal Study, Brother Dixon called. "Sisters! I have my referral for you, and I've set an appointment with him to come to our house this afternoon. Does that work for you?"

"YES Brother Dixon, YES IT DOES!" So here's our little miracle family of the week: Lucia, and his 2 sons, Elijah and Jairus, as well as Jayden – one of Elijah's friends. The boys (Elijah and Jairus) were baptised a couple years ago in Kaikohe apparently – but Lucia is SO ready. We were able to get to know them all a little bit and then teach the Restoration – WITH MEMBERS PRESENT. This, honestly, hasn't happened much in my mission life with our investigators. It's hard to get them to make set appointments – or it's at difficult times of the day for members. But, all is well. MIRACLE MOMENTS. Lucia listened super intently and just soaked in all we were talking about. The Dixons added scriptures and bore testimony of the things we were teaching and it was just brilliant. We gave Lucia and all the boys copies of the Book of Mormon.  😁 And they were all excited to go read. And then we set another appointment –for ...Sunday! Whaa? Teaching someone twice in one week!?And then: There was a little of a ....downer? But also not a downer, more of a surprise. Lucia thinks he may have actually been baptised as a kid. Like at the age of his boys or younger (10 and 11). But: We're still SO excited, and it's lovely to teach someone that's SO IN TUNE WITH EVERYTHING. ... To be continued :)

Thursday was ZONE TRAINING – I still had my headache, and I was feeling all sluggish and tired again. And it didn't help that Sister Pointer honestly doesn't like zone training... I think it's lovely, but to each their own of how they learn. THEN WE GOT MAIL!! Which also means I got a new lotioney/cream from my dear Sister Bath to try on my rash... (Yeah... it's still there. It's whatever. It's fine.) So we're trying something new again! It was a struggle day. Sister Pointer was homesick, I was just sick and tired. But we still made it through. We visited with Irene (a sort of potential in Matauri) and she said she would teach us to paint next week!  #Excitement

FRIDAY was the MIRACLE DAY –because after the struggle of Thursday, we needed a "KA PAI!" day! ("Ka Pai" = "Good" in Maori.) And I honestly don't know what made it so much better – other than "attitudes" changing. After weekly planning, we moved forward, went out (in the rain!) and caught up with a few people we haven't seen in a bit. We had dinner at the Ngakuru's, and we walked around town a bit. In the rain – the glorious rain! I love it! And it was raining a lot – so our shoes were soaked, but all was well. All it did was make us want to go PUDDLE JUMPING and DANCE in the rain! But no worries – we refrianed. Dignified. Ha. And then: BLESSINGS. I got to STRESS CLEAN. Sometimes I don't realize that I'm stressed. And then I clean and I realize that I am. But Lydia was my saving grace of the night. We got to her house – and could hear her, but she couldn't hear us knocking. So we went to the back door and said, "Lydia! What's all the noise!?" (She was doing dishes.) And she was cleaning out her kitchen a bit – and so I jumped in and vacuumed, and wiped things down and organized. LOVE. (I know, I'm weird. But it was SO great!) It turned into us being happier and more talkative than we had been most of the week, and when we got back to the flat that night, Sister Pointer was singing "Felis Navida" – and I was singing with her – jumping in at "I WANNA WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS!" ...And I reminded myself of Ashley singing at the top of my lungs. It made me laugh a little ;)

OH. AND. There was brilliant news given to us at Zone Training. CHRISTMAS PRESENT OF THE YEAR (along with the Temple, of course). But I'll tell you that in a bit ;)

Saturday was a CRUISE SHIP DAY. One of the BIGGER ones that we've seen! SO COOL. We talked with people on the streets and had a "happy as a clam" day. That night we went to the Saturday night session of Stake Conference in Kaikohe – and it was fun to see ALL THE PEOPLE. I've missed seeing that many members at once! Haha. And our dear Laura and President Himiona of Matauri Bay gave lovely talks—all the things based on family—building the family, strengthening, and learning together.

SUNDAY was much the same as Saturday – but with the addition of another lesson with Lucia and the boys – Plan of Salvation.  (PERFECT to go with the Stake Conference theme — OH. BECAUSE THEY CAME.) And we had dinner at the White's – and taught the Restoration to them! (Something new we're starting to do – teaching member families the lessons.) And our dear White's just spoil us. They're so lovely and so happy. And Brother White now just laughs everytime we come over 'cause I hug Pam forever – he always says, "Oh – there they go again!"

Anyhoo. It's been a lovely week. MIRACLE after MIRACLE, and all the BLESSINGS. I, yes, still have a headache. But – I know it'll go away. (Ah – and I can't sleep this week.... insomnia at night is real.) But It's all good :) Why? We get to GO TO THE TEMPLE TOMORROW. AND I'M SO STOKED. We'll be off toward Auckland tonight, and off to Hamilton to the Temole bright and early Tuesday morning. Christmas time is just brilliant and lovely, and also because people are a bit more receptive to messages – all in the season and whatnot.

OH! So: What's the BIG NEWS you ask? ...I honestly can't remember if I even told you before – but our mission is a "call only" mission – no Skype for Christmas/Mother's Day calls. BUT. GUESS WHAT? THIS YEAR WE GET TO SKYPE!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO US!! So: Yous all back home: Start pondering what time you'd like to Skype, and we'll figure it all out in the coming weeks :) I'm excited to SEE YOUR FACES!!

The gospel is real. I learn new little things about myself and others and the truth we live within each and every day. And I just feel so spoiled. Life is brilliant. Missionary work is real, and I'm somehow almost a THIRD of the way through my mission.  INSANITY.

P.S. We were visiting with Marion (cute little Swiss-German lady) this week – and she shared this adorable poem with us:

"A bell is no bell 'til you ring it.
A song is no song 'til you sing it.
Love is not put in the heart to stay,
Love is not love 'til you give it away."

CUTE, right?? And SO true! Especially as we continuously learn about Charity.... that beautiful and Pure Love! :)

Anyhoo... I should be off.  We must prepare ourselves for a night in Harbor and our day in Auckland!!! I love you all so much. I hope you all have a most wonderfully brilliant, SPLENDID week half-way across the world ;)  and enjoy the Christmas Devotional!!


Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Friday, December 4, 2015

A Week of Thanks!

Thanksgiving in New Zealand! Yes, as our dear little American selves, we still celebrated Thanksgiving – especially since our entire district is American.... but more on that in a bit :)

It's been an interesting week (again). It seems like we hit this rut sometimes – when no one seems to be home, when we get annoyed, and when we just don't know what to do. But it's true that the Lord is always there to help us out and help us up. :)

Thus: brings you my PONDERIZE SCRIPTURE for the week. Helaman 5:30

"And it came to pass when they heard this voice, and beheld that it was not a voice of thunder, neither was it a voice of a great tumultuous noise, but behold, it was a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it did pierce even to the very soul..." —Helaman 5:30

Goal: Understand the Spirit in the ways that it "pierces even to the very soul." I know I've felt it in that sort of strong way many times. But – I think it's also something we can all keep in mind in our lives just in thinking about little ways we can help in serving others through the promptings of the spirit. Food for thought.

Anyhoo. So – interesting week. Ha. We haven't been able to catch our investigators, and we haven't been able to find anyone new super interested. However, the work moves forth – and we visit our less-active members :) And they pick us up. Because they HAVE testimonies, sometimes they just need help remembering and gaining things from little scriptures here and there ;) It's grand, and a blessing.

TUESDAY Sister Pointer and I also went on a little unexpected adventure.... which made me flashback to that time when Audrey, Janelle and I went to Park City and.... accidentally took the scenic route of sorts home :) – I'm sure you all remember that one. Or at least Audrey. I KNOW she does! Anyhoo. We decided to turn down this street we'd never been down in Opua. We expected it to end. Nope. It never did. And we ended up out of our area! Ha! But Sister Pointer came up with a clever way of texting our District Leader to tell him we were on a pathway back to our own promised land. #GoodTimes So: New views were seen, and many km's were driven. We did, however, get to drop by the home of dear Honey –visiting them, playing a game with the kids (well, with two of them). Breeze decided instead to fall asleep on my arm. Haha. (I've missed that life with a little girl falling asleep next to me!)

We also had adventures killing LARGE BUGS that ended up in our flat that night... spiders, a weird long/fat/flying bug, large mosquitoes(?) Good times! But good news: I still haven't witnessed a "wetta" yet (look them up, they're gross). So that's a plus!

WEDNESDAY perked up the week (as always) with singing at BayCare. Grand things. We also had a little miracle of visiting a man named, Lan—who we met a week or so ago, as he was making holes for flagpoles. We stopped by his house, and he straightaway asked if we had pamphlets.  And then tried to give us a donation. Haha. We kindly said no – and just introduced other little things to him. So- we'll see what comes of that :)

And then my first New Zealand Thanksgiving. We celebrated with our district and ate a dinner together. ('Cause, see – while I'm sure many of our members would have fed us for our Thanksgiving, they were all away on their Temple week!) MUCH better, of course, than feeding us ;) The sisters so lovingly cooked for us (with their cute little toaster oven) a meal of champions! Ha. The rolls were slightly undercooked, as well as the green-bean casserole, and the potatoes were a struggle in mashing due to a faulty masher and amount of potatoes in the tiny little pot. The Elders complained. Ha. But I thought it was a lovely meal. And we had a good time, laughing and all the excitement :)  Sister Pointer and I also found little mini pies that we brought for pudding – along with ice-cream, of course. In addition, I'm a sap and made Cornucopia's for Thanksgiving for us, the sisters, and a less active couple we visited that night. ... Btw: It's a LOT easeir making them with waffle comes, unlike when we make them with sugar cones at home! Exciting things and all the love.

Sister Pointer and I (in our cheesy state of mind) also decided to make hand turkeys for companion study that morning, with a little scripture of giving thanks – to give to a few people around that we knew would appreciate a message from the super American sisters. Haha. And it was grand :)

FRIDAY was a hard day for me. It involved tracting, which Sister Pointer I know isn't a fan of.  Which makes it hard at times. But: All is well. There's miracles in everything. And there was indeed a man named, John, that we met who told us we had lovely smiles and could come back whenever we wanted. – This was AFTER we talked about what we do as Mormon missionaries and what our Church is about a bit! #Blessings

SATURDAY things picked up. We did a lot of walking and TWE-ing around Paihia (a fun pass-time for us) and met up with a few people we hadn't seen in a while. Ian Barnes (we've met a lot of "Ian's" recently) is lovely. We found him at home and had a lovely discussion – and while he says he's not really interested, he still seems like he would be okay if we see him again. Little by little. Baby steps.

And then YESTERDAY (well, Sunday – my yesterday), the miracle of "Sister Ottley's visual memory finally kicked back in." There's this less-active that I met and visited wiht Sister O'Reilly... aka: AGES ago. Her name is Llanace. Problem there: We have no address for her. So I've continuously been trying to find her house by memory. And yesterday: it happened! We got to see her, I became quick friends with her little daughter, Lilly (happiness), and she told us that we should come around more often. — Not in those exact words, but she did seem like she had missed us. #Win We then dropped by our dear Himiona's last night. We've sorely neglected visiting them – so we're now repenting. We had a talk with them, they fed us, and I got to play with the kids! President and Laura laughed, saying we had a good routine –Sister Pointer talking with the adults, and me keeping the children occupied. And we also laughed, 'cause that's pretty much how it always is. Haha.

So... little miracles happen all around us. Sometimes we just have to push past the struggles and see only the good in order to make more good things come about.
Things can only look up though. And with the spirit of Christmas SPEEDILY coming our way, there's bound to be more miracles upon miracles.  :)

This week I've actually realized I'm a lot more patient than I've ever realized. And that is something I've realized is a great blessing. I may not always be perfectly patient with myself –but I'm glad that I'm blessed with patience in helping other people through things. It's good. And needed. And I'm truly blessed :)

Please tell all of the Relief Society sisters "HELLO!" for me! I miss them all dearly!   And thank you for Jann Paul's little quote she shared in your Relief Society (paraphrased here). "If you tend to be a perfectionist substitute the word 'EXCELLENCE' for perfection. Strive for excellence—the best you can do, rather than being perfect, because no one is perfect and striving for perfection always sets us up for failure." I shall print that out and keep it in mind daily.... because perfectionism really is a struggle. Even though I don't realize it most of the time.

ALSO. The song you sent on the flashdrive — the 'Somewhere Out There' Medley?? OH MY GOODNESS. I DIED FROM HAPPINESS!! I want to that song with the whole world! LOVE!

Also. I finally got to read the HAPPINESS talk you sent me within my birthday envelope, and then again (the audio version), on my flash drive — the creativity one by President Uchtdorf, that I think you said was his first talk to the women of the Church. OH THE BRILLIANCE! It was everything I needed, and funny too because it's a talk I was actually going to be looking for today because I'd heard a quote from it last Sunday! So —inspired things! Haha.

Life is grand. New Zealand is beautiful! And life here is definitely good. And I know it will continue to be. There are still moments of homesickness lately, but I'm lucky with the beautiful New Zealand families I have gained in my life :) I'm spoiled with the young families I get to serve with and get to know – and the happiness and joy it brings when I've become long-lasting friends with all of them. We spent probably a greater amount of time than we should have at the Himiona's last night – but it was needed for all of us. Laura keeps telling us how much it helps her family for the Sisters to drop by. And we laughed with them last night more than we have in a while... so that was really nice :) Little miracles in everything. I just have to keep reminding myself of that. And the fact that if I don't see anything changing that I want to – clearly there's something I need to do to switch things up!

OH. AND. I almost forgot: We were driving through CLOUDS last night! It was possibly one of the cooler things I've done in my life.  Nearly fulfilling that constant "want" I had as a kid (...and still now) to sit on top of clouds :) ...It was also slightly difficult to see in the driving life. But: Much more exciting than terrifying ;) Haha.

I miss you all!!

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley  😁