Monday, December 21, 2015

Change is Hard, But Good!

This week. Man. I can't even believe where life takes you sometimes. It's like – a blink of an eye and time FLIES!

Have you all made your transfer guesses?? ;) ;) Wanna know who's right???

The GIRLS are ALL RIGHT! NEW AREA, AND NEW COMPANION! We've been DOUBLE SHIFTED into HENDERSON! We're in the Henderson Valley WARD (What? I have to figure out how to use the term Ward and Bishop again!)

We live at a little flat in Henderson. (Also living within my area? What!?=) Haha. So... all the adventures :) My companion's name is Sister Hobbs, and she's the cutest little British girl you'll ever meet!! 😁

I'm sort of still North? But more  West now. About 3 hours south of where I was before. And I'm definitely in the city now! I can see SKY TOWER from my area!!!!! The sisters taking over my last area are Sister Kilgrow (American) and Kulu (Tongan)! I know Sister Kilgrow pretty well, and I met Kulu Thursday — they're going to be great, and they're also going to be SPOILED by the Paihia Branch on Christmas. So... they're all going to be just fine :)

MY WEEK: MONDAY was filled with Zone P-day, watching the Elders play touch ball (while us Sisters passed our own rugby ball to one another, and I learned Sister Pointer is even less coordinated than me! Hahaha... But she's cute ;) ) We then went back to the Kaikohe chapel and made "gingerbread houses" — but without gingerbread, nor graham crackers (because they don't exist here...) So Sister Pointer and I got creative and got Cruskits. Similar shape to graham crackers....but a cracker. So – super not the same taste-wise, but they all seemed to have fun still!

Sister Pointer and I were then able to visit a few families that night — and we got to TEACH PEARL. (Reminder: Pearl is the daughter of less-actives, Dennis and Nan Honey. SWEETEST family, coming back to activity :) ) So we had a BRILLIANT lesson on Faith, Repentance, Baptism, the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end. And it was just SO happy.

TUESDAY. Whew... Tuesday was a day! We started off with District Meeting – we all basically cried. One, because of the video Elder Shannon shared for Training, and two, because we all knew there was going to be BIG changes to our District and Zone — even though we didn't know what changes yet. (Video: called "Missionary Work and The Atonement" – a compilation of 2 different talks by Elder Holland and President Eyring... I'm trying to find the link... we'll see if I can track it down.) Sister Pointer and I then went out for a lunch at Kebabulous – because we had strong feelings that it would be our last week together. And because Kebabulous is delicious :) We got to drop by Marion's home and share a message with her too, and challenged her to start reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning again. We then all walked out together because Marion was on her way to drop some things to the Op Shop. Sister Pointer started walking down the street to go call Elder Shannon (District leader) because... he had started calling us during our lesson with Marion... Note: During Transfers week, you can get the news of being transferred from pretty much anyone from President Balli to the Assistants, to your Zone Leaders OR your District Leader..... so.... basically we were on edge. Haha. We called. He answered and asked how we were doing. And we just said, "ELDER SHANNON. TELL US WHAT'S GOING ON!" He laughed – and continued. "Sister Ottley...... You'll be going to HENDERSON! And you'll be Senior companion to Sister Hobbs." — Aka: I'd just been Double shifted!

"And Sister Pointer.... You'll be going to Tamaki! Your companion is Sister....." (I honestly can't remember her companion's name now). But it's a Samoan name. Haha. So: My dear Sister Pointer has been sent SOUTH. And not only that, but she's finally been sent back to her Samoan programme, and I'm SO excited for her -—— but keep her in your prayers, please, 'cause.... she was excited and nervous and just kind of terrified all in one! Haha.

Change. It's good :) It's hard – but good. The members we've met already are just lovely, and welcoming and we're excited to get to know them. We've also already set up Skype times! Is it good if I call around 12 noon on Christmas, my time – so 4:00 pm Christmas Eve YOUR time??

FYI: President Balli likes to shift us all around a lot when the mission seems to get a bit relaxed and numbers drop more than they should... He's pretty much fearless :) Haha. And "Double Shifted" means — 2 companions leaving (double shifting out), and 2 companions coming in (double shifting in)! So... I've just done both! :)
Because Sister Hobbs came from East Tamaki. (Before me, she was companions with my beloved MTC companion, Sister Lott!!!)

So – TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY were honestly spent shooting from one place to another, saying goodbyes, and getting in last lessons and talking and just.... saying goodbye to my dear Paihia and Matauri Bay. Ah. Fyi: about 30 steps down the street after that phonecall – I burst into tears. Haha. And – not that it was necessarily a bad cry – just.... a realization that I would have to LEAVE! Sister Pointer pulled me to the side and gave me a hug and said, "No worries!! I'm sure your new area will take care of you on Christmas!" ...And honestly, I hadn't even thought of that. I just started thinking about the fact that I had to leave these people that I've come to LOVE SO MUCH. They ARE FAMILY, and I would now have to leave them. It's honestly stilll hard to think about. My dear Aunty's, Sister and Brother White, the CLEMENTS, the Himiona's, all the Going families..... All our less-actives that I love SO MUCH. It was hard for me to get over. But – we went and said goodbye. And had a last lunch with Sister White Wednesday afternoon – after our LAST singing at BayCare. OH my goodness. That was difficult. I can't even explain.

We had a last dinner with Stella (a less-active coming back) and the Clements Wednesday night, and then ZOOMED around to say goodbye to Aunty's and others around. We then jumped over to the Clements – for one last blessing. And the priesthood is just brilliant! There were actually some things in this one that.... terrified? me? But... also not. I'll explain more later in a letter. There was just a phrase given to me along the lines of "the things I'm going through here will benefit for future higher positions/callings in the church" .... So, ya know. Whatever that means!

Anyhoo, enough sadness. We got to say goodbye – that's what I'm GRATEFUL for. Some people don't hear about transfer news until Wednesday! So we were lucky. And we even got in quite a few lessons within our insane-ness, so that was exciting! :)

WEDNESDAY NIGHT was insane – as the Elders decided they wanted to pick up our luggage that night, rather than Thursday morning..... So, lovingly, the other Sisters came over to help us pack alll the things up. Fun fact:  I've accumulated a lot of stuff! How?  Who KNOWS??! But.... 6 months in a place I guess makes it that way. Also it's apparently a thing that most people that live up north accumulate things. Ha. Once again, why? Who knows!

Anyhoo, my former trainee companion, Sister BOITEUX has ALSO been transferred — and SHE is now companions with Sister Lott in Tamaki!  WHA? ...Basically all my companinos are comps with her. It'll happen again one day for us. I know it!  Prayers. ;)

THURSDAY was an EARLY and LONG day. Ha. 4:30am up – packing last minute things – and out to Kawakawa to meet the Elders to drive to Auckland. Fun fact: Driving to Auckland was the 5th time I've ever been/seen SKY TOWER! EXCITEMENT. I got to see a few other missionaries, meet a few new faces, and meet the sister that had been over the area Sister Hobbs and I would now be taking. Sister Blanchard. She's lovely – and they have a SET in this area!! I get to help in baptising someone in the next few weeks! (His name is Ivan. He has the CUTEST daughter, Grace, and is set to be baptised on the 9th of January.) After we got into our area (only about a 20 minute drive from where we have transfers meeting!), we got settled in a bit, got to know each other and then went out to explore – neither of us having been in Hendersoon before!

Ah. So – now. Sister Hobbs :) Ahhhhh yes—for real, the cutest little British RED-HEAD you'll ever meet! She's 19 and the oldest in her family. Her favourite colour is green, her birthday is 3 January, and yes –she likes "Dr. Who," if anybody was wondering ;) Haha. Things I'm just discovering. We're both pretty quiet which makes walking streets ....a little boring. Ha. But we're getting there. We're getting more talkative and excited about the work together.

Also: Our area is HUGE. And SUPER HILLY. I'm in a BIKING AREA (oh yea! I forgot to mention that). We're the ONLY ones in the entire Zone without a car.... fun!) ...And it' s really hot.  So it's kind of crazy. SO MANY STREETS. And they're all curvy and crazy. Haha. Did I mention HILLS? Ha. Yeah. It's like San Fransisco! So...
hopefully I'll be getting at least a little more fit! Haha.

So... basically these last few days have just been roaming the area, trying to get to know the people, and sharing our excitement. It's also been a little  sad, 'cause we've had a few members express to us that they felt a bit let-down by the last sisters — like they played around more than trying to fully do the work ;( ...So, our job right now is to build the trust with the members again! Woo! It's good though. Bishop got us to bare our testimonies in the ward yesterday, so I think that was a good little intro.

OH. Also: I'm now no longer in Maori land! So... that's different for me. I'm offically with more Islanders.  Not as many as are in the south (as I hear), but I'll be learning more Samoan and Tongan now! Haha! (The girl who didn't want to learn a language, and I'm going to be learning bits and pieces of at least three!!) "Talofa" is Hello in Samoan — I've got that one down. Tongan: "Malo e le lei" – Still have yet to use that one. We'll get there though! Haha.

Names YOU all have to look forward to in the future transfer: Bishop Papali'i (Samoan), Brother Tu'ivai (Tongan), Brother Tuta'i (Samoan), Sister Gaitau (Samoan).

There's the Hakaraia family (well - multiple families)
Halaapiapi, Auva'a, Neioti, Taumafai. ...So... lots of learning in speaking coming my way! Haha.

Also – not to freak you out. But wanna know the new medical struggle of the week? I may be developing a STY. Not sure.... but my eye is swollen. Ha. And is rather sore. But we're going to the Chemist to have them look at it after emails. So no worries. ;) All the joys. But the work moves on! I'm also currently in an Internet cafe – praying that whatever I feel crawling on me isn't going to eat me alive. Fun times! And. Bug bites. I'm convinced that bugs are different in every city. I finally stopped getting bitten as much in Kaikohe.... then Friday night I got bitten FOUR times within 10 minutes while we were talking with the Elders outside our flat that night. And they swell quite easily I'm learning.... so that's also exciting!

Anyhoo. I'm excited to give you new updates as Sister Hobbs and I go about this journey together. Luckily she's considerably better at nagivating and figuring out where to go than I EVER have been –and she has a map! :) I'll be purchasing one today as well. Haha.

The gospel is TRUE, my dear Whanau (yes, I'm still going to be exercising my Maori too!). This Christmas season is TRULY one that we have to remember the reason for the season, and I'm grateful to be a missionary at this time. I've learned so much, and I know I will continue to learn more each and every day. KEEP THE FAITH. It's real, and a JOY! Missionary work is so COOL!

Have a most LOVELY week – aaaaaand.... I'll see you all on Christmas (Eve)!!! ;) I'm SO EXCITED TO SEE YOUR FACES!!
Also: Leesh put in a paper craft gingerbread house in one of my 'open before Christmas' packages. Haha. So I've been working on that, and I quite like it :)


Sister Ottley

New District

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