Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Temple Trip!!!

There's really not a whole ton for this week... But to start off: Does anyone have any PREDICTIONS for transfers this week? We haven't received any news yet... but we can anytime between now and Thursday! (And transfers meeting isON Thursday... fun times!) I'm officially moving into my FIFTH TRANSFER!

Such a joyful week.  Full of sickness. So...that's grand. :P

Ha. But – for reals, it DID start out in grandeur. Why?

BECAUSE I GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE! "And there was much rejoicing and happiness and PEACE in the land."

I honestly don't think I've ever truly realized HOW peaceful, relaxing, and calming the temple is. I mean –I've always known and felt that, but there was something different this time. It was just like – I had no worries for the whole time we were there. There was no stress, no worry,—just relaxing and talking with my Father in Heaven. We were able to do initiatories and an endowment session. And the cool thing about that? I was able to help Sister Christiansen with one of her family names – and I got to do one of them for both initiatory AND endowment. So that was pretty cool. I'm definitely excited to meet her one day. :)

Anyhoo – So, yes. The week began with travel southward Monday night. Tuesday was spent in the temple, then taking pictures, and then back home. On the way back from the temple, there's apparently this tradition of this ice-cream shop we stop at — Pokenos. And it was delicious and wonderful. And exciting :)

And then once we were on our way back from Harbor to Kaikohe area, Sister Pointer started not feeling very well... We both had a nasty headache on and off most of the week before – so it wasn't that new... but she just wasn't doing well. Nor was I.

So... Wednesday we got out into our area, tried to make a few visits (none of whom were home), and then just started to feel awful. Sister Bath, our medical mum, was called and she told us to take it easy. Sister Pointer started feeling better around 4 – but alas, I did not.

And before I forget – thank you for the Christmas Packages of HAPPINESS. OH you spoil me! I'm so excited, and I have LOVED with all my heart the things I've gotten to open so far! ...I'm a slacker, however, and didn't take a picture of how I have it all set up... so that will have to be in next week's email :) Ha. But I LOVE the little tree, and the advent calendar, and the "open me on" presents! And the picture of me and the kids! AND DAD'S LITTLE SNOWMAN.  I thought it was Leesha that wrapped that present... Hahahaha. SIXTEEN LAYERS of wrapping paper!! Sister Pointer was getting frustrated by it. I was just laughing the whole time ;) :P Daddy-O YOUR SNOWMAN makes me all the happy!!And it really makes me laugh to know that YOU were the one that wrapped it that many times!! Hahahah. And I love your Charlie Brown tree and the lights and all the decorations! I love the feeling of being there!! :)

AND THANK YOU FOR THE MP3 PLAYER! Ohhhh the happiness. And the Sesame Street with MOTAB (thank you Audrey!) just makes me all the happy :)

Thursday I thought I felt better enough to go out. So we did. But... alas, I was wrong again. Which was unfortunate – because we had SO MANY APPOINTMENTS lined up. But then – as the day went on and I started feeling worse... our appointments all cancelled on us, except one. Which was with PEARL. And Elder and Sister Clement's so lovingly took over for us and went to visit and teach her a bit. So that was a blessing. We also dropped by Lydia to say, "Sorry! Can't come by." and even she looked at me saying, "You don't look good. Go home!" Yes, Lydia. I know.

Friday I really did feel better. So - we went out. We finally made a couple of visits. We talked with people on the street – and even cleared up a few doctrinal things with people that had heard things about our church.  :) LOVE this work. We were supposed to teach Lucia and the boys Friday night – but alas, they didn't show. Apparently he was sleeping we found out! Haha. He'd been out all night fishing for his brother – so he was exhausted. All good though. We'll get to catch him again soon :)

And then – Saturday hit. And it was a struggle. Starting with Sister Pointer just not being in a good mood – and I'm sure I wasn't the happiest of all either, as ...once again, I was sick. But this time to the point that I literally just couldn't eat and had no desire to because everything I tried just didn't settle well. And I had a weird fever? that kept coming and going... things we didn't understand. (That's kind of how it was Thursday as well.) So I went back to bed. Sister Pointer texted Sister Bath again – and we were to "STAY IN!" And get me some Penadol (ipuprofen) and Powerade. It was a bit of a struggle day though – not only because I was sick, but because my dear companion's constant comments in the day were "I'M SO BORED" and "I'M SO HOT!" ... I'm sorry, dear, that I've completely inconvenienced your entire life by being sick.  But it's fine.  We figured that out together yesterday and all is well now. The Elders (Shannon and Shumate) and Elder and Sister Clements came over later in the afternoon and I got another blessing. (Can we say more in the last 6 months than in the last 2 years?) ...But getting all these different Priesthood blessings is indeed a blessing – cause I've gained more of a testimony of how truly and really brilliant the Priesthood is in this life, and how spoiled we are to have the knowledge and help we do in such a way!

So... after that, I went back and rested. Saturday was a day of sleep basically. There was a point that I made myself stay up a bit though – or I knew I wouldn't sleep during the night! (Which, as we all know is a struggle anyway.)

And then: Sunday—MIRACLE DAY.  I still didn't feel great waking up, but we went to Church and we had HEAPS OF PEOPLE come to the Paihia branch!! We got to meet some new people – and new less actives that found thier own way there! What? #Miracles.

ROZANNE came, Ethan came, Pearl came, and Lucia and the boys came. All the joy!! And then – after Church and branch council (during part of – I was praying pretty much non stop that I wouldn't pass out... 'cause, well, I hadn't eaten in nearly 48 hours...) we went to the Clements' so I could rest again. They made us lunch — and guess what? :) I ATE THINGS! Food is a blessing when you can eat it. I ate cooked carrots and asparagus and some fruit. Everyone was amazed! Haha.

So... All in all, it was a struggle of a week numbers-wise (which was also made very evident that my companion didn't like... I'm just done with the complaining over me being sick). But – I'm GRATEFUL. Grateful for the priesthood, and grateful for the faith that I was able to gain within it.

The mission is hard. And I'm not going to lie to you all — I think my sickness was partially due to stress.  I think my body was just done.  I do also believe there was some sort of virus stuck in me — but there was definitely stress my body couldn't figure out.

But all is well :)  The work will move on, and we have a LOT to do in the next couple days before transfers... in case we are indeed transferred. Ha

The Christmas Devotional sounds SO GOOD. We're still trying to figure out some way to watch it... ie: Watching it with an investigator.  So we'll see :)

It's INSANE that Christmas is NEXT WEEK. What? Also: This means I'll be talking to your faces next week!! :) ALL THE HAPPY!! And I'm allowed to talk for 40 minutes!

Hope all is well at home :) I love you all and miss you heaps!! Love you all!


Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

New Zealand Christmas Tree

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