Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Very New Zealand Christmas!

Hello my Whanau! It's a beautiful and hot day here in Henderson. How's the snow treatin ya?  Haha.

*Disclaimer:  This one is long.... haha.

OH, my dear Whanau! :)  How SPOILED I have been this week and how grateful I am for all the blessings and miracles I've seen. Christmas time has ALWAYS been special – but it's really true that it's even a bit more special when on the mission. Things are different – but in a good way.

THIS WEEK started off with, as you know – P-day. But, I think I failed to mention: I WENT TO A MALL. Aka: In order to email home we actually walked through the mall (to an Internet cafe). And it was weird to be in a real mall again. Also because people in the mall look at you differently than people on the streets. New experiences. Haha. We also learned what it's like to "walk back to the flat, carrying heavy groceries, because we have no car." Luckily it's not that long of a walk... maybe 2 or 2.5 miles? That night we met the Manukia family, and they're just lovely :) We're spoiled with how lovely all members are no matter where you are!

TUESDAY = first day of BIKING! I actually love it. Yes, it's difficult with the hills being SO BIG in some places. But- we just jump off and walk when we can no longer push our poor tired legs. Haha. So, all's well. However: I do have some nice bruises up and down my right shin/calf now, from banging my leg into my pedal. Good times! (Surprised? You shouldn't be. I'm still my same klutz-y self. Haha) I also made a new planner decoration! (I always decorate my planners each transfer... it's artsy and exciting and fun. ) This transfer's "theme" is "Stay the Course" – It's a talk by President Eyring that I found in an Ensign with a really fun bird picture. I honestly haven't read the full talk yet – but I'm excited to do it! There was also a quote in the article that says:

"When you choose whether to make or keep a covenant with God, you choose whether you will leave an inheritance of hope to those who might follow your example." —President Henry B. Eyring

Truth? Yes! I think so! A lovely thought to keep in mind as a missionary—and not only that, but for all members as Member Missionaries! Has anyone had any little missionary experiences they want to share??

WEDNESDAY. Biking and Baking. Yes – I actually got to BAKE! Our District/Zone decided they wanted to do a "Secret Santa" present exchange, as well as a Zone lunch on Christmas Eve – so, we spent some of our lunch/dinner breaks preparing (and, of course me staying up late to bake cookies... No, I still haven't fully changed in the way of always getting sleep... ha. I do try though!) But really though, – the baking life. I've missed it. I made the famous family Ginger Snaps from Rebecca's mother-in-law, and they were loved. Also – that recipe makes a TON! So... we still have some. #NotComplaining We also got to teach a lesson about "Following the Prophet" with Ivan, and it was WONDERFUL. The Sunnyvale Elders (Christiansen and Le) came over to join our lesson, and it went splendidly. Ivan is SO ready and has so many questions! We LOVE IT. And – even Ivan spoiled us! He gave Sister Hobbs and I each a Christmas/welcome to the area present – Boxes of Favourite's Cadbury chocolates. Brilliant? Yes, I think so! Elder Le also helped me in learning how to ride my bike after the lesson... so that was nice! Ha. #Amateur #NotaCyclist Apparently I've never really known how to use gears properly!

THURSDAY. ALL THE CHRISTMAS EVE JOY! We started off the day with Weekly Planning (usually on Friday – but changed to Thursday this week in order to not interrupt Christmas). And then we had a Zone lunch with all the Elders and Sisters. I brought my cookies, there was pizza, chicken, salad, muffins, fizzy (soda pop), .... And all the things. And we had a grand time :) After the Sister's dropped us back to our flat, Sister Hobbs and I got organized and went out. Honestly – we may not have used all our time as effectively as we could have this day. However, we were also finding that with all the family things going on, not many people wanted us around. But – I did find out one thing that made me feel good. On our walk back to the flat for our dinner break (after finding that not even our Bishop was home...), Sister Hobbs told me one thing she's noticed again – "that she's singing again!" And she does, quite often! Haha. Apparently it's something she would do all the time at home when she was happy – but she's realized that a good portion of the last bit of her mission she's stopped. So she kept saying that she's just "So Happy!!" Haha. And she makes me happy too :) I love her dearly, and I'm excited for the continuing of this transfer with her. (And I also feel like we may be together for another after — so we'll see!)

THURSDAY NIGHT we got our Zone together again and went CAROLLING. Exciting? YES. I haven't been carolling in AGES! We all followed each other around and went to an investigator, less active, or member within everyone's area. Aka: For our area, we stopped by IVAN. Poor little Grace was mortified by the amount of people at her door (she's really shy), but she seemed okay at the end... and I gave her a hug. Haha. But Ivan was gobsmacked (shocked). He's just such a wonderful and grateful person in everything he does. And it's just... so inspiring and exciting to watch him as he learns all these things. The night was wrapped up (or, wrapped down – moreso) with us all exchanging Secret Santas — (some of them turned out to be not so "secret"), but all's well. Haha. I had Elder Le's name – so I had gotten him some little Star Wars Legos figurines, which ALL the Elders went CRAZY over! Hahaha. All the Sisters had a good laugh over that one! And then: fun fact, Elder Le had my name! (I could tell by the wrapping and all the things in it really.) Haha. He got me a SKETCHBOOK (in which he drew something in the front page), Coloring pencils, decorative tape, and a "I <3 NZ" mug with a LITTLE LAMB inside. How is it that he knows me so well? He's clearly got a gift. Haha. After that, Sister Hobbs and I got to go to the other Sister's flat to stay the night! — The one exception to "not supposed to have sleepovers" rule in the mission! WOO! I opened my Christmas Eve present—INSTANT SNOW IS SO COOL!—and then we went to sleep... eventually. Hah.

CHRISTMAS MORNING began at 5:30AM. Why? 'Cause the sisters wanted to open their presents in the morning, and also clearly because we couldn't contain Sister Fornaro any longer after a brilliant night. To start off the Christmas day... we went to the Frost's home for SKYPING and brunch :) The Frost's are a young couple (David and Kim) who have an ADORABLE little 5-month-old boy named Avery. Sister Hobbs skyped in the morning when we first got there at 8am, we helped out a bit in cleaning and preping, and they let us do some puzzles while we waited for their family to arrive for brunch. Brunch = delicious. Pancakes, Fruit, and "Koko Araisa Cocoa Rice"—a Samoan rice dish. It's made with Cocoa Samoa (a somewhat bitter chocolate drink), rice, and I think Coconut milk? It's essentially like a cocoa rice pudding. SO GOOD. After our brunch,... it was my turn to skype :) And I'm just... so glad I got to see you all. Because... that was truly a Christmas wish come true! ...Not sure what else to say about that, as you were there for it!! Haha. It was lovely to see you all and hear all your voices attached to your lovely faces :) So, thank you, thank you for all being there —and Cord, GET BETTER!  ;) I honestly could have just talked to you all for hours and hours and hours... which I'm sure is why they give us a time limit. Ha. But, it was good. Really really good. And.... now we've got Mother's Day to look forward to!  ;) — Not sure if it'll still be a Skype call, but at least a phone one! I love you all heaps, and I'm grateful for the little time we got! :)

After Skype, "The Joseph family" was our next stop! Emery Joseph (a recently returned missionary from Canada), and her brother, TeAhu (spelling? Idk), came to pick us up (a lovely day of not having to walk everywhere!) and we went to their house for a lunch/dinner. Spoiled by the amounts of food, and also: Presents for us! Another box of Cadbury Favourite's chocolate. Haha. It's a classic gift here ;) We had lamb, chicken, AND ham, kumera, salad, and potato salad. Soooo good. For pudding? PAVLOVA. –First time I've had a real one, though they all kept saying it's still "not a real one" because they "didn't put on the whipped cream and fruit on top" – but the meringue part was GOOD! (Kiwis use a lot of meringue in their desserts I've realized...) And a chocolate log, Ambrosia ice cream... and so many other things. So much food!!! But so good. So tired after! Haha. It was SO LOVELY getting to know the Joseph family though. And the Frost's in the morning. We're excited to have more friends in the ward now, and to be gaining their trust. (We've gathered a bit in the last week and a half that not all of the ward super liked the other sisters.... sad, but true. It seems they felt they were a bit lazy and didn't follow many rules. So, our time is also about building trust with them again!) Another plus to being at the Joseph's — we got to meet our Ward Mission Leader, via Skype! Haha. He's their oldest son – currently in the States (Colorado?) with his wife's family for the holiday. So that was fun. But, another fun fact about him: When they get back, they're moving north to Whangarei. So... we currently really just don't have a WML. All goods. We'll get one soon I'm sure!

The next bit of the night was finally filled with Sister Hobbs and I opening our OWN presents. (So, yes – Mum, Dad, and Leesh – I've set a NEW RECORD for opening presents LATE... I think it was like 6pm? Haha!) THANK YOU for all the cute little things—"open when" cards, and pictures and the second part of the study book for the BofM! The SHOES! (I laughed so hard. Haha.) And the cute little stocking :)  (I'd left the companion one packed away for Sister Hobbs.) AND LIZ... THE KIWI ORNAMENT! Did you get that done while you were here? Or somewhere there? Thank you! It's so cute!!! And – I also had gotten a little gift from Sister White – which I ever so patiently waited to open until Christmas... She also got me a little Ornament, one made from wood – from a Rimiu Tree? I think? Something like that. I was spoiled, and I loved the feeling of being home with all the little things :)

After we finished presents, our Zone Leaders texted saying that everyone was invited to the top of a mountain ("mountain") for Christmas night... So, we decided to go — aka: The Sisters said they would go, so we also got to go. Haha. And it was BEAUTIFUL. And I tried my first ever SPICED Ginger Beer. Yum? YES. We had a look-out of all Auckland city area, and beautiful sunsets and a FULL MOON. Cool? YES :)

So... I was spoiled. We had a lovely Christmas, and I wouldn't have changed anything about it if I could have.

BOXING DAY. (The day after Christmas.) There's now quite a lot of people missing from the area – out on Holiday. But, it doesn't really stop the work! And we even saw a few miracles in this day! The morning started with most people we had down to visit not being home, or no longer living in the addresses we had down for them. But: at one of the homes, we found a man named Liberty, and his 2 sons. He talked with us for a bit and we were able to give him a Restoration Pamphlet, AND he gave us his phone number. (That's the one that doesn't happen super often.)  So – we're excited to go back and visit with him again soon. After our lunch break Sister Hobbs felt unwell, so we had to break for a bit. I let her sleep, she slept it off. And then we went out for our dinner appointment. On the way there – we ran into a girl named Salu. Fun fact: She's recently moved here from Samoa, and is a RECENT CONVERT. She said, "Will you invite me to church?" So we said, "Yes! Please come!"
And she asked, "Can I have a ride? I'm the only member in my family." Golden? Yup. So we found a ride for her that night.... *To be continued!...*

Okay. Now... the ULTIMATE ADVENTURE. Little did we know what we were getting into when the Halaapiapi's invited us over for dinner this night! Haha. When we arrived, we went around back to find tables lining the back yard, chairs laid out, a canopy, and..... PIGS ROASTING OVER A FIRE. Yup. I've officially been a part of a Pig being spun and roasted over fire. It was actually really excintg. And yes, I also ate the pig! Sister Halaapiapi is Tongan – so this was her "Tongan Luau" of sorts – which was adorable. We got to know a few more people within the ward, and became friends with the Masiasomua's (President Masiasomua – 1st Counselor in the Stake—has a very similar sense of humor to Dad... so that's exciting! Oh AND he's also a PHYSIO (like a physical therapist/acupuncturist specializing in mobility issues). So.... he told me I could come over and he would help me with my back if I wanted. GLORIOUS!! And he's Samoan. So fun! I'm loving all my Samoan and Tongan families.) It was definitely a night of partying, and much excitedment in trying new things. —I also got KINA again, which was SUPER exciting. And more seafood things. LOVE it.

SUNDAY was exciting too – Sister Virginia Tuta'i picked up Salu for us, and even waited for her when there was an issue with her not being ready and her needing permission from her dad to go...
She showed up and we were just so excited! Ivan was also there, but a little down – because Grace is now up north with her grandparents for the next 3 weeks. But we got to know him a little better, we taught him the law of Chastity for our Gospel Principles lesson (President Masiasomua came in and joined the lesson as well—super helpful!) And .... we just LOVE it here. We're so blessed, and have so many wonderful people around us. Ahh. AND. We have a new family in the ward! They're from Brasil! — They speak very little English, and they'll be feeding us this week. So... adventures to come! Haha. We're excited though. :)

Later we went to the Pauna's for dinner —where I tried my first TARO (I thought I had tried it in the MTC.... I was very wrong) AND I also ate OCTOPUS. Who knew I would be trying all these things here!!! Hahaha. Good times though. And yes, I liked both of them! Also: A dish that I can't remember the name of currently.... But it's the leaves of the Taro root, stuffed with onion and coconut cream, and baked in tinfoil. SUPER good. All the new things. So exciting. :)

Anyhoo.. Now that I've talked all your ears off for the week.... I should probably get going. Haha. But– it's been a lovely week. I can't believe we're already to week two of this transfer – it's already speeding by! But it's good. We're getting to know our way around, and we're getting to know the members. AH – also, I learned that if I'm somehow still here in APRIL – LIVING LEGENDS FROM BYU is going to be performing here!! IN MY AREA.  WHAAA??? ALL the exctiement! LOVE. We'll see if that dream comes true. Haha. ;)

And now, I have an assignment for you all for the week: Something for EVERYONE to look up — Sister Hobbs showed me this little video on her iPod  yesterday, and I FELL IN LOVE. And cried. TOO good. It's a short little video called, "The Butterfly Circus."

I love you all HEAPS, and I hope you have a most wonderful New Year and all the exciting things and wishes come true for you! ;)

MUCH LOVE —Arohanui,
Sister Makikenihi Ottley ;)

Here's a cute poem that my dear, Sister Pam White sent me:

A Candle's Such a Simple Thing
By Author: Helen Custer, 1982

A candle's such a simple thing,
It starts with just a bit of string.
Yet dipped and dipped with patient hand
It gathers more wax upon the strand. Until completed and snowy white,
It gives at last a lovely light.

Life seems so like that bit of string,
Each day we do a simple thing...
Yet day by day as on life's strand,
We work with patient heart and hand. It gathers joy, and makes days bright,
And gives at last a lovely light!

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