Tuesday, December 15, 2015


I GO TO THE TEMPLE TOMORROW!! There is SO much excitement in all of our lives right now :)

This has basically been the theme of this last week! – And it all tied nicely together this weekend with Stake Conference!

First: I have a headache of the century right now (ok – it's really not THAT bad. It's just worse than it has been.) But my apologies if something doesn't make sense because of it!

It's crazy how some weeks ZOOM by – but then you look back and think, "That was just this week?? It seems like it was ages ago!" But it's definitely been a week of BLESSINGS and MIRACLES. And also: Can anyone else believe that it's DECEMBER? It's insane. And the fact that next week I hit being here for 6 months? What IS THIS LIFE?

First: TRADE OFFS. I love Sister Allen and Sister Pupu :) Sister Pupu took over as Sister Training leader for Sister Paasi, who left us at the end of last transfer. And they're just lovely. We did our trade off a little differently than we have – because we did a trade off on P-day, and Sister Pointer and I had a set appointment with a couple that we BOTH wanted to be there for! We finally got to make Peach Cobbler with James and Taylar (cute young recent convert/less active couple in Paihia branch with a young daughter named Sophie). And it went just SWIMMINGLY!! We all met at the chapel, made delicious cobbler, and watched Mormon messages and talked. We got to know them a little better, as Sister Allen is actually one of the previous missionaries that helped in teaching them, so we had that relationship to help us in getting to know them even better.

After our cobbler, we split up and Sister Pupu and I went to drop a note by another less active woman's home – as Sister Pointer and I have been doing for AGES in hopes that one day we would actually MEET her. And guess what!  Surprise! Sister Pupu and I finally MET HER. And then we were shot down. Not in a rude way – it was one of the more polite ways I've ever been so sternly shot down, but it was a struggle for me. I've been waiting and hoping for SO LONG to meet Vikki – we've stopped by her house SO MANY TIMES. And then it was just disappointing to have her tell us that "the notes are very nice and I know you're just trying to give me good thoughts – but I'd appreciate if you didn't leave them anymore, because it's a safety hazard.  And if I ever wanted to get thoughts from the church – I'll go to my brother. He's Mormon." ...So – I was a little crushed that night. But, it's okay. All in everyone's own time. Everyone has their agency, and all we can do is try!

Anyhoo :) TUESDAY, Sister Ottley was just insanely tired. And I couldn't get out of it. And my stomach started feeling awful... So we stayed in a bit. We did eventually make it out during the night hours – as we had an appointment with our dear Aunty Apiata that I didn't want to miss! But Sister Bath (Mission Medical Mum) instructed us to go get some Gatorade for electrolytes in my life. We got Powerade – which, I learned I actually was fine with. Usually I really don't like all those types of drinks. But the kind I got had magnesium... So that probably helped something. So, my stomach had calmed down, but by the time we actually got to Paihia, I felt kind of awful again. I honestly think I was probably more stressed and sad and just frustrated – in turn making myself sick. But we went to the Clements, and Elder Clements, once again, gave me a blessing. And it was beautiful. And gave me answers (and more questions) that I honestly didn't really realize I was still looking for. So it was super nice. I calmed down, we went to Aunty Apiata's, and then it was time to go home. So – not the most productive day, but still good.

Elder Clements is wonderful btw. And more and more like Dad each time I learn somehting new about him... It's quite funny actually. I'm excited for the day you all get to meet!!

WEDNESDAY I was still a little sick. But we HAD TO GO SING. And we're not missing out on that! It helped me perk up a little – I had a grand headache most of the day, but all's well. Sister Pointer also got her haircut from Taylar during our lunch break! So that was exciting :)

The REAL MIRACLE from Wednesday came from our dear Brother and Sister Dixon though. Wednesday morning as we were sitting down for Personal Study, Brother Dixon called. "Sisters! I have my referral for you, and I've set an appointment with him to come to our house this afternoon. Does that work for you?"

"YES Brother Dixon, YES IT DOES!" So here's our little miracle family of the week: Lucia, and his 2 sons, Elijah and Jairus, as well as Jayden – one of Elijah's friends. The boys (Elijah and Jairus) were baptised a couple years ago in Kaikohe apparently – but Lucia is SO ready. We were able to get to know them all a little bit and then teach the Restoration – WITH MEMBERS PRESENT. This, honestly, hasn't happened much in my mission life with our investigators. It's hard to get them to make set appointments – or it's at difficult times of the day for members. But, all is well. MIRACLE MOMENTS. Lucia listened super intently and just soaked in all we were talking about. The Dixons added scriptures and bore testimony of the things we were teaching and it was just brilliant. We gave Lucia and all the boys copies of the Book of Mormon.  😁 And they were all excited to go read. And then we set another appointment –for ...Sunday! Whaa? Teaching someone twice in one week!?And then: There was a little of a ....downer? But also not a downer, more of a surprise. Lucia thinks he may have actually been baptised as a kid. Like at the age of his boys or younger (10 and 11). But: We're still SO excited, and it's lovely to teach someone that's SO IN TUNE WITH EVERYTHING. ... To be continued :)

Thursday was ZONE TRAINING – I still had my headache, and I was feeling all sluggish and tired again. And it didn't help that Sister Pointer honestly doesn't like zone training... I think it's lovely, but to each their own of how they learn. THEN WE GOT MAIL!! Which also means I got a new lotioney/cream from my dear Sister Bath to try on my rash... (Yeah... it's still there. It's whatever. It's fine.) So we're trying something new again! It was a struggle day. Sister Pointer was homesick, I was just sick and tired. But we still made it through. We visited with Irene (a sort of potential in Matauri) and she said she would teach us to paint next week!  #Excitement

FRIDAY was the MIRACLE DAY –because after the struggle of Thursday, we needed a "KA PAI!" day! ("Ka Pai" = "Good" in Maori.) And I honestly don't know what made it so much better – other than "attitudes" changing. After weekly planning, we moved forward, went out (in the rain!) and caught up with a few people we haven't seen in a bit. We had dinner at the Ngakuru's, and we walked around town a bit. In the rain – the glorious rain! I love it! And it was raining a lot – so our shoes were soaked, but all was well. All it did was make us want to go PUDDLE JUMPING and DANCE in the rain! But no worries – we refrianed. Dignified. Ha. And then: BLESSINGS. I got to STRESS CLEAN. Sometimes I don't realize that I'm stressed. And then I clean and I realize that I am. But Lydia was my saving grace of the night. We got to her house – and could hear her, but she couldn't hear us knocking. So we went to the back door and said, "Lydia! What's all the noise!?" (She was doing dishes.) And she was cleaning out her kitchen a bit – and so I jumped in and vacuumed, and wiped things down and organized. LOVE. (I know, I'm weird. But it was SO great!) It turned into us being happier and more talkative than we had been most of the week, and when we got back to the flat that night, Sister Pointer was singing "Felis Navida" – and I was singing with her – jumping in at "I WANNA WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS!" ...And I reminded myself of Ashley singing at the top of my lungs. It made me laugh a little ;)

OH. AND. There was brilliant news given to us at Zone Training. CHRISTMAS PRESENT OF THE YEAR (along with the Temple, of course). But I'll tell you that in a bit ;)

Saturday was a CRUISE SHIP DAY. One of the BIGGER ones that we've seen! SO COOL. We talked with people on the streets and had a "happy as a clam" day. That night we went to the Saturday night session of Stake Conference in Kaikohe – and it was fun to see ALL THE PEOPLE. I've missed seeing that many members at once! Haha. And our dear Laura and President Himiona of Matauri Bay gave lovely talks—all the things based on family—building the family, strengthening, and learning together.

SUNDAY was much the same as Saturday – but with the addition of another lesson with Lucia and the boys – Plan of Salvation.  (PERFECT to go with the Stake Conference theme — OH. BECAUSE THEY CAME.) And we had dinner at the White's – and taught the Restoration to them! (Something new we're starting to do – teaching member families the lessons.) And our dear White's just spoil us. They're so lovely and so happy. And Brother White now just laughs everytime we come over 'cause I hug Pam forever – he always says, "Oh – there they go again!"

Anyhoo. It's been a lovely week. MIRACLE after MIRACLE, and all the BLESSINGS. I, yes, still have a headache. But – I know it'll go away. (Ah – and I can't sleep this week.... insomnia at night is real.) But It's all good :) Why? We get to GO TO THE TEMPLE TOMORROW. AND I'M SO STOKED. We'll be off toward Auckland tonight, and off to Hamilton to the Temole bright and early Tuesday morning. Christmas time is just brilliant and lovely, and also because people are a bit more receptive to messages – all in the season and whatnot.

OH! So: What's the BIG NEWS you ask? ...I honestly can't remember if I even told you before – but our mission is a "call only" mission – no Skype for Christmas/Mother's Day calls. BUT. GUESS WHAT? THIS YEAR WE GET TO SKYPE!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO US!! So: Yous all back home: Start pondering what time you'd like to Skype, and we'll figure it all out in the coming weeks :) I'm excited to SEE YOUR FACES!!

The gospel is real. I learn new little things about myself and others and the truth we live within each and every day. And I just feel so spoiled. Life is brilliant. Missionary work is real, and I'm somehow almost a THIRD of the way through my mission.  INSANITY.

P.S. We were visiting with Marion (cute little Swiss-German lady) this week – and she shared this adorable poem with us:

"A bell is no bell 'til you ring it.
A song is no song 'til you sing it.
Love is not put in the heart to stay,
Love is not love 'til you give it away."

CUTE, right?? And SO true! Especially as we continuously learn about Charity.... that beautiful and Pure Love! :)

Anyhoo... I should be off.  We must prepare ourselves for a night in Harbor and our day in Auckland!!! I love you all so much. I hope you all have a most wonderfully brilliant, SPLENDID week half-way across the world ;)  and enjoy the Christmas Devotional!!


Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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