Wednesday, May 11, 2016

In the Lord's Hands

It's interesting how a week can start out difficult, but still end just fine :)  I love the little things that I learn on this mission of mine each week, and each day.

This last week started out with Gabby. Our dear, Golden Gabby. We had a BEAUTIFUL LESSON with her last MONDAY night, going over prayer and the Book of Mormon. And she was so EXCITED about the idea that she could actually talk with someone above, and that He would be able to answer her questions and give her peace. We gave her a Book of Mormon and committed her to read the introduction. We explained to her that we would be giving her commitments along the way through lessons, and she was VERY
EXCITED to have a commitment, and said she would do it!   So we left in the most excited of ways —Oh, and SHE set our next appointment to be Wednesday. Yup. In the same week!

TUESDAY started out a bit slower, not many (if any at all) were home, and I was...exhausted. (Fun fact: I haven't slept very well in this area. Not sure why. I should really probably get my Serenity back out. It's just been odd.)
And then.... after our lunch break—after we had just gotten to Torbay—we received a text from Gabby, saying she had mentioned to her mum that morning that she was meeting with us.... and well, her mum wasn't happy. So Gabby said she was sad, but wouldn't be able to meet with us anymore because she has to respect her mum's wishes... #AgencyTaken Which, obviously, I get that. was just sad. And hard to hear. And I cried. Mostly on Wednesday – 'cause that's when it actually hit me. However, she thanked us and said we had "already made such an amazing impact on her life" ...and that we'd brought her happiness. So, sadly... we no longer have our Golden Gabby :( It honestly is one of those things that as a missionary. (I haven't said that word in a long time. ha.) But it does. When you have someone who's SO KEEN, and then they have a parent who's not, so then they're not allowed to be *keen anymore. (She's 18....but whatevs.) *[Keen is Sister Ottley's New Zealand slang for "interested."]

*Anyhoo. *[Also a commonly used NZ  word.] The thing that I've learned from this is that the mission has helped ME to learn to LOVE HARDER AND FASTER. Which is cool! But, also, hard. It results in great heartbreak when you have to stop teaching someone you love so much.

WEDNESDAY – like I said, was  a struggle, 'cause that's when it actually hit me that Gabby was gone. But, we kept going – stopping by to visit with a few people, and visited with Robert (a less-active in Hibiscus) and had a little lesson/chat with him on his front porch ('cause we can't go in without another female present). That night we also had a brilliantly lovely member lesson with Sister Matla :)  I love Sister Matla. So much. She's a single sister in our ward who has already spoiled us with her love and help. We had half of the first lesson with her that night, and it was just exciting, and good – 'cause I LAUGHED after having been mostly sad. It was also a good night for prayer, 'cause that night (and Thursday morning) I had this wonderful feeling of Heavenly Father saying, "Don't worry, Gabby's in my hands. It'll all be okay." So.... I know she'll be able to learn about the gospel again one day. And I'm grateful we got to talk to her about prayer and the Book of Mormon at least, because, with those two things you can begin to start a pretty solid love for the Gospel :) And... one day, she'll be able to learn more :)

THURSDAY got better, because: SERVICE! We were able to do some gardening/weeding for Sister Dwerryhouse in Hibiscus. Love. (Well, aside from the spiders.) LOVE! We finally met a few of the previous investigators that have been taught that we haven't been able to catch at home, and we had a lovely dinner at the Rapata's :) Love their family. Bishop Rapata (Torbay)  helped us by giving us more info on some of the members so we can visit with a bit more background. And then – Missionary Committee Meeting. Love Brother and Sister Wharamate (our Ward Mission Leader and his wife, who is one of the ward missionaries). Note: They're also the house we Skyped from yesterday. :) Oh! And I met one of the members in our ward who's last name is Mckenzie! :)  #Best Love her.

FRIDAY was interviews with President and Sister Balli. I love how I now have this relationship with them where it's like – we just talk. It doesn't feel like a formal "interview" anymore – just talking and sharing. Really comforting, actually. It was good. And we had a lovely training from Elder Summers and Elder Maxfield (one of the assistants). It was all about planning and the use of area books. I definitely have a testimony of why AREA BOOKS need to be used.... 'cause, well, after being double-shifted/white-washed into TWO different areas with... not so helpful area books – I want ours to be SIGNIFICANTLY better than when we got here!

Friday night we had dinner at a members and another member lesson with Brother and Sister Niu :) Love them. —Ah, and they also followed us on our way home after the lesson to a service station to help us put air into our tires, 'cause.... they were... well, low. Ha. And we now have an appointment to get our car serviced this week. So... that'll be good :) ('Cause the poor thing definitely needs some help.)

Oh! And President Balli gave us more *Km's :) [*Gas mileage.] Yay!

SATURDAY was our weekly planning meeting, since Friday we were in interviews, plus we visited with Gina and some other potential investigartors, ate fish 'n chips at Waiake Beach, and presented the second part of our member lesson with Sister Matla. Really love her.

Then, my dear Mother's Day SUNDAY was a BLESSING from on high — 'cause, well – I got to see your lovely faces :) It's amazing how such a simple thing can make alllllllll the difference. I still can't even believe how fast time flies though. —Even with Liz's sarcastic, "Yeah, Kenz. It's gone so fast without you here..." Hahaha.  But I've almost been out a YEAR! What is this?! Anyhoo. SEEING your faces and HEARING your voices was brilliant! And after seeing your faces and hearing your voices, we went on another trade-off with Sisters Taylor and Rarawa – after they'd had the most amazing miracle! I just love hearing miracle stories from other missionaries, because it reminds you of happy things again, and of the prepared souls that the Lord has in store for each of us. The Miracle? One of their investigators SET HIMSELF for Baptism!! THIS MONTH. They had a dinner that he was invited to at a member's house, and he was saying, "Yeah, I want to get baptised. And I'm thinking it'll be at the end of this month. Maybe the 28th?" And that's when someone pointed out that there was something else on that day that would conflict – so his response was, "Oh- well, then the 21st!" ...Miracles!! Sometimes it makes you a little jealous. Ha. But I know that there are prepared souls in this area too. We just have to find them.

I went on the trade-off with Sister Taylor this time, and she's just lovely. We had a meal/lesson with the Young Single Adult's ward's bishop and the Zone Leaders ('cause they cover the YSA ward). And it was exciting :) And their kids are adorable. It was also just really fun teaching with Sister Taylor :)

Have I also mentioned that ALL of these sisters I've been talking about, including my companion, are LEAVING me in the next two transfers? They are ALL going home. #Crazy

So.... everything is in the Lord's hands. I just need to have that faith. And to keep moving forward! It's all good :) Love it.

Thank you, my dear whanau, for all you do :) For your beautiful smiles, your constant support, and your "you can do it" cheerleader attitudes! Haha.

You're all brilliant! I hope you have a most beautiful week and that all your wishes come true :)

Ofa lahi atu,
Sister Ottley

P.S. "Ofa Lahi Atu" is what I was trying to teach Ashley yesterday. Haha

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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