Thursday, May 5, 2016

May of Miracles!

Kia ora!
Yes, I'm much later today than usual....the power was out this morning in our area! Ha. Luckily it's back now :) I'm doing splendid! Love all the things about my new area :) Love my Sister Gila :)

MAY OF MIRACLES. This is our "Theme" for the month of May in our mission. We're reaching for "100% baptizing!" – Aka: Every companionship having a baptism! I have to admit when they first proposed it to us, Sister Gila and I were like, " just got double-shifted in." But: The Lord provides miracles, and we have to have FAITH in HIM. Because... with HIM, "ALL THINGS are possible!" —Mark 10:27

"For behold, I am God; and I am a God of MIRACLES; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men save it be according to their FAITH." —2 Nephi 27:23

EVERYTHING is according to our FAITH. Have you realized that? Reading this scripture this week was kind of like a, "Come on Sister Ottley - you can FIND the miracles, because you have me!" from Heavenly Father.  So.... Miracles WILL happen. And Sister Gila and I are excited :)

And a miracle we have FOUND already :) ...To come.  On Thursday night :)

TUESDAY was a bit more...slowish, in the way of actually seeing people that is. But, that happens during holidays.  People go away. But all's good :) We still had a lovely MCM meeting with our Torbay WML and ward missionaries, and it was all very exciting :) One of the many things Sister Gila and I are LOVING about these areas is how INTO MISSIONARY WORK they all are. They're so keen - and Hibiscus is just constantly more and more excited to have us (as....the previous sisters definitely favored going to Torbay to work, apparently. There's been a lot of people in the Hibiscus Ward that have said, "Oh! We have sisters again!???" ...Sad. Just sad. They've had sisters for the last 6 months. But apparently quite a few of them didn't even know!) Anyhoo. Good things happening :)

Oh. Also: I found out the RS President in Hibiscus is a hair dresser..... #Win #HairNeedsACut #It'sBeenAlmost11Months

WEDNESDAY. Fun fact: Hibiscus ward does a volleyball night every Wednesday night.  And NON-MEMBERS COME. Recently, apparently, HEAPS of them have been coming (non-members) and we got to meet some of them this week :) One who's name is TeAroha, and she's adorable, and has lived more places than me in her short 15 years of life. She's from the Solomon Islands, but  has lived in New Zealand, America and....somewhere else. She's adorable. And I'm hoping she comes again this week, 'cause even though she wasn't keen on the playing volleyball part (like me!) I told her that I could teach her a little bit of piano if she'd like!'s to crossing fingers :)

THURSDAY. We had the most BRILLIANT Zone Training of my life. Sister Balli apparently suggested to President that we all "climb a mountain"  - like, PHYSICALLY, actually climb a mountain. (Eh - well, as "mountain" as you can get here....haha.) Because this year we've had this ongoing "theme" of sorts of things we're focusing on that will help us achieve our goal of 950 souls being baptised in the year of 2016. It's all about increasing our four "pillars"—our FAITH, OBEDIENCE, PMG (Preach My Gospel) SKILLS, and VISION.

So - we climbed a mountain for zone training! And had little stops along the way with different questions to write down in our journals to help us reflect on how we can be better, and then with our brilliant zone leaders (Elder Summers and Cowley) we also had object lessons to go with each pillar. And it was exciting :)

FAITH: "Faith can move mountains. Doubt can create them."

OBEDIENCE: "Stop talking about your mountains and start climbing."

PMG SKILLS: "Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing."

VISION: "Keep climbing...the view is amazing!"

And the view from the top was definitely beautiful!! I love my Aotearoa Home :)

That afternoon, we met with a few different people that we had put into our plans from the area book – one being Brendon Thomas. Fun fact: He has a BAND. Anyone wanna look him up for me and tell me if they're any good? Haha. Apparently his band came in third place on X-Factor a while ago! Sweet things! They're called, "Brendon Thomas & the Vibes." We're excited to get to know him better!  He's possibly the most CHILL person we've EVER met—Sister Gila and I both agreed on that. And you meet some pretty chill/relaxed people in New Zealand. But we're excited to get to know him.

Then – THURSDAY NIGHT, our little miracle :) We were searching for someone to visit after our plans hadn't really worked out. So, we opened up the Torbay household records to look at which members lived around where we were sitting in the car. We found the name of a less-active and said, "Sure! Why not?" Then we went to said house, and came to find out it wasn't actually the right one (Ha). But we started talking with the guy who answered—who said he wasn't particularly interested—but his other flat mates might be! He said, "Just a minute!" and stepped back inside to ask others. And then our little miracle :) Her name is Gabbie, and we have our first lesson with her TONIGHT! SO super stoked.  She seemed pretty keen on learning - so those are the best kind :)

FRIDAY. Planning. ULTIMATE PLANNING. I WISH I had pictures of the nearly-finished product of the map on our wall that's helping us plan so much more effectively each night. Haha. Organization. It's also helping us to SEE the area(s) and have that visual of where we go for people.... that was really repetitive. Sorry 'bout that.  Anyhoo. (Gilmore Girl reference "repetitive - and redundant!  Repetitive - and redundant!") We also had a lovely dinner with Sister McIver in Torbay, and met Sister Landeg who lives above Sister McIver. And fun fact: They have a TARDIS MAILBOX. But, sad thing about having the COOLEST mailbox around? Someone had recently tried to STEAL it. So it was kind of broken and torn up a bit. So there's pictures of the part they had put back together. It used to have the whole top that says "Police Box" and it had a light and everything! They're trying to repair it now.

SATURDAY. We had a Zone Service project! But - I didn't go :) Sister Gila and I did a trade-off with Sister Taylor and Sister Rarawa, because Sister Rarawa wasn't well - and it was someone in their ward that we were doing service for. Apparently they helped in stripping and sanding paint off walls in prep for new paint! Exciting things! Haha. But it was good - it gave me some time to finish setting the goals for things I want to do/finish before I come home at the end of the year.

The rest of the day was a bit slow as well, helping out the other sisters however we could. Sister Taylor had basically been in the flat alone for the last couple days with Sister Rarawa just sleeping.

And SUNDAY :) Hibiscus Ward Day.  And the classic "before we start off our testimony meeting, we'll invite our new sisters to come up and introduce themselves and bear their testimonies." Haha. Classic. #NewWard But I love them all already. It's just grand. :) We had dinner at Bishop Rapata's, even though he was sick (sad face), but we love their family (Torbay bishop). They're just lovely.  And so into missionary work! It's so exciting!

So...the miracles are to come.  And it'll be grand :)

Tell my little nieces I'm so proud of all of them ;) I so wish I could have been there to see them perform! But I'm so proud of Acacia, the little show-stopper ;)  And her adorable Alice in Wonderland mock-turtle self!  Ohhh and my little Madds ;)  THANK YOU for learning to email! What I would have GIVEN to see you as one of the screaming, fainting Birdie girls!

Love you all. Hope all is well back home. And I hope ALL your dreams and wishes come true :) And yes, we get to SKYPE AGAIN!I love you and I can't wait to SEE YOU SUNDAY! (Your Saturday.) Hopefully I can show off my accent to you all ;) 😁😂😘😘😘

Ofa lahi atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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