Saturday, August 27, 2016

Breaking Down Barriers

WHERE DO THE WEEKS GO?! It's weird how sometimes a week can seem so fast, but also seem like certain things you did were AGES ago, especially with how packed this week has been.

MONDAY. FHE with the Stebbings. None of the investigators or less-actives we invited showed up.  Sad face, but it was okay. We still had fun with Brother and Sister Stebbings :)
Oh. And I also learnt that I'm probably allergic to crab meat.... or at least large-ish amounts of it. Sister Leamalu's family gave us crab sticks! And I ate some. And then I got all itchy Monday night. So, yeah, ...we're giving those to the Elders now.

TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. We went to Otara TWICE (#Dentist) for Sister Lemalu. Poor girl. Fillings AND a tooth pulled. (Can I just say I'm grateful it's never really been a thing to us to just "pull a tooth and leave it like that" ?  ...Common here, really.)

We also met a new part-member family :) And they're SWEET AS. SUPER excited to continue meeting with them. It may be hard with the busy lives they lead...but we'll make it work :)

THURSDAY we brought Yasmin (soon-to-be-missionary) out with us to do some visits :) We were also able to be a part of Rochanna and her son, Tatum, getting Priesthood blessings — And then invited her to be baptised. And she said YES. :) No date set yet - but, when she knows it's right. Blessings. Excitement. Love :)

FRIDAY I taught my companion to make Afghans and chocolate frosting. Ha. #Baking. Also funny 'cause Afghans are a New Zealand "thing," and I taught HER. Ha. After our planning and all the adventures of the morning, we had a BRILLIANT Islander lunch with Brian and Jo. Veggies. Chicken. Kumara (orange, red, or gold sweet potato). Taro (root vegetable). Muscles. Prawns. Lu (biscuit). Love Brian and Jo to pieces. We had a member lesson with Sister Lemalu's family, and made Scripture Cookies with Sister Matla! I love my Sister Matla :) She's brilliant.

I also learnt some brilliant things from Gordon B. Hinckley, and other various apostles that I read talks of this week.... But the main one Friday was from Sister Lemalu's little "Stand a Little Taller" book by President Hinckley. It says:

"I believe that for most of us the best medicine for loneliness is work and service in behalf of others. I do not wish to minimize your problems, but I do not hesitate to say that there are many others whose problems are more serious than yours.  Reach out to serve them, to help them, to encourage them.  There are so many boys and girls who fail in school for want of a little personal attention and encouragement.  There are so many elderly people who live in misery and loneliness and fear, for when a simple conversation would bring a measure of hope and brightness."

...It sounds really depressing out of context of the day.
Haha. But I just liked it. Because life is really all about service - and as we serve others, we're not lonely!

SATURDAY we visited around Torbay a bit before heading up to Hibiscus for an appointment with Sister Lemalu's family. So - we caught Brendon (musician) on one of his days of actually being home during all his crazy tour schedule! Haha. We got to catch up for a few minutes. And then - before we left, he gave us a SIGNED CD... We were a little excited. Music for after the mish ;)

But - as the day went on, I learnt more about how sometimes sacrificing things you want, and FEEL you should do, in order for others to learn what they need to learn... i.e. Going to the Saturday night session of our Stake Conference. We taught Sister Lemalu's family instead of going to Stake Conference. I kept trying to tell her that the way we should be encouraging them to go is by being the example and going - not teaching them DURING the session.  But - alas. All week it was "no - we're missionaries. We don't really have to go to the Saturday session." ...But it ended up being good. She taught the majority of the lesson that night - which was needed.  There's certain things her family needed to hear from her specifically. And so it was good. Lots of things learned. Lots of insight on how to continue helping them when she's gone.

And then SUNDAY was Stake Conference. It's just brilliant. With President and Sister Balli, President and Sister Going (Temple Pres.), and President and Sister Nielsen (1st counselor in the Pacific Area Presidency). It's funny how nearly everything on the mission that I've learned keeps going back to simplifying, and just focusing on the basics of the gospel. 'Cause - it's true. That's really what we need. Church, Pray, Read.  Study the Scriptures to find answers. Then pray about the things you've found, and you'll receive the calming comfort you need.

And then President Nielsen talked about "Breaking Down Barriers to Come TOGETHER" — Coming together to Come unto Christ, and in helping OTHERS come unto Christ and their Heavenly Father as well. It's just all brilliant. And simple. and I love it.

As for me - I'm still not 100% positive on transfer news yet - but I'm like... 85% sure that I'm staying in Harbour. I won't know for sure sure until tonight. But - I DO, know who my new companion is.  Her name is Sister Tchou. Many adventures to come!  I drop Sister Lemalu off at the Mission Home tomorrow afternoon at 4, and pick up my new companion while I'm there. Fun stuff!

Anyhoo. I love you all. I hope you have a brilliant week. And I hope all your wildest dreams are coming true ;)

Love you heaps and heaps! :)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Thursday, August 18, 2016

3 More Transfers!

Hi fam!
It's been a good week :) I'm also really tired. But it happens! Life :)

MONDAY we had a brilliant FHE with the Lemalu family (my companion, Sister Lemalu's Aunt and Uncle in Hibiscus), teaching the Plan of Salvation. It's fun to do member lessons with a family who's still fairly recently returned to church.  Just being able to hear their story and see how far they've come, and being able to teach them again the simple principles that we all take for granted at times. Also, Leah (their 5-year-old daughter) calls me "Sister Dot-ley" CUTEST. THING. EVER.

TUESDAY we had a lovely visit with one of our members, Penny Borelli. We also were finally able to meet with Brian and Jo again! MISSED THEM HEAPS. They've both been sick for a bit, so it's been hard to catch them. But we had a lovely night with them, shared some dinner, and we were able to set another time to actually come TEACH a lesson—they seem keen to learn—rather than just visits now. So we'll see how that goes this week :)  Excitement! :)

WEDNESDAY — Trio!  Since MLC was happening this day for the STL's and ZL's, Sister Blanchard came with us for the day, while Sisters Lott and Holt were at their meeting (they're in a trio right now, but Blanchard's not actually an STL). And it was good. We got around to visiting a bunch of less-actives, as well as our dear Sally and JOAN. We haven't seen Joan in AGES — due to the fact that we kept trying to set something up with her daughter as well. But...this time we just decided to go by. And she was there, and let us in!  So...we're all good to go without her daughter Annette being there now. And we also knew this because Annette called us Thursday morning saying, "I heard you went over to mum's!  KEEP GOING!"  Win! :)

THURSDAY. Lets just say I slowly got more and more tired throughout the week. 'Cause... pretty much every time after we've been in a trio it turns into "I miss _____" and then I feel like I'm just not that great of a companion anymore. But all is well! We still started off the day nicely, learning how to make MAORI FRY BREAD (aka - kinda like navajo fry bread, but a little different-ish) from our dear, Brother Jimmy Rameka :) (See photos in Dropbox.) #FutureHomemaking

Then we visited with some members, trying to get to know them better for fellowshipping, and had a lovely dinner with the Rapata's.

FRIDAY. Comp Inventory. It's kind of an inspired thing. Why? 'Cause it MAKES you both talk. I expressed my struggles with my companion's, "Ah - we're such FAILS," and why I shut down and stop talking whenever she uses the word. I've mentioned it before, but I don't think she took it in a "I seriously don't want you to even say the word 'FAIL' because it stresses me out" literal kind of way. But - we're going better now. It's interesting how much you come to realize what having a companion does for you. The little, AND big things it teaches you on a daily basis. Being with one person, 24/7.

We went out to see Sally, helped her clean up her kitchen, and started teaching her with some object lessons/analogies. It was a grand time :) But, also a time that we began realizing we weren't going to be able to make it out to Linda before our appointment with the Lemalu's, like we had hoped. And then — who showed up to Sally's? Linda! :) So we got to teach her for a few minutes as well. Brilliant things. The Lord watches out for us :)

And then... the Lemalu's. Ha. And as we walked up to their house, Sister Lemalu stopped in the car park, looked at the car sitting there, and said, "Guess what... that's my parent's car." And indeed it was. Hahahaha.... They don't fully "get" the concept of that we're not really supposed to see them.... But they've become my family now too, so it's pretty grand :) We had another lesson with the family - this night on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Once again, being able to use our fun analogies/object lessons :)

SATURDAY was a headache day :(

SUNDAY - Church in Hibiscus :) MCM, and then visiting people to come to our FHE tonight at one of our member's homes. Fun it is, running around inviting people to things :)

Andddd another lesson with the Lemalu's :) (Have I mentioned that their family is going to the temple to be sealed together?? Part of the reason we thought it would be good to do all these lessons with them. Haha.) So we had a super cool lesson. ==>Once again, Sister Lemalu's parents showed up - this time with DIFFERENT SIBLINGS than the first time. (She's the oldest of 7.) And the Spirit was strong. Lessons like that are just....the kind of thing that help in solidifying your own testimony and making that foundation even stronger. SO COOL.  LOVE it all :)

The rest of the night consisted of our adventure with a recent referral we were given :) VLAD. We originally contacted him ....last week? I think? Over the phone, but the times that he could meet didn't end up working out. Here's the thing about Vlad. He's Romanian. And very.... flirtatious. Ha! Sister Lemalu, the entire day we were texting him, trying to figure out a time and place to meet, kept saying, "This is just awkward. I don't even want to see him. Do you?" ...And yes, yes I did. Because I had a good feeling about him! And I'm glad I was persistent.  Because EVERYONE deserves a chance - because: "You never give up when there is the slightest spark of interest." —President Hinckley

We picked up our dear Kendall Mackenzie (member in Torbay) and she came with us to meet Vlad down in Browns Bay. Yes, he is indeed a very flirty man. But - he's also keen to learn. Never been one for religion, but - like I said, still keen to learn. So..... a new investigator we have! :)

Life is grand :) I love learning new things every day, and that - I definitely do. Never a dull moment on the mission!!

Next week is TRANSFERS. Weird, right? I have 3 transfers left. (How did that happen?) Anyone have some guesses of what's gonna happen?  Companion? (Since, clearly I'm getting a new one, 'cause - well, mine's going to Hawaii. Ha.) Moving? Staying?

Anyhoo. I'm off. But I love you all, and hope you have a most miraculous week :)

Alofa tele atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

Mission Changes You!

Hi-ya fam!

It's funny mum that you are HOT! I'm freezing here... 'cause it's cold in general in this chapel I'm emailing from. Ha. But for real too! December is going to be a struggle for me coming back there. #TropicalOver. We've had a "cold snap" here – opposite of your heat wave! We were all fine and just light-jacket-y and suddenly we were like, "WHERE'S THE COATS?!" COLD.

Last MONDAY was a blessing. A lesson with Rochanna. It turned into a lot of just us listening to her that night, as that's really what she needed most. But, we were able to teach her about the Book of Mormon, and how it helps us to gain our own answers. ('Cause...she's got heaps of questions!)  Love it when they have questions. So hopefully we'll be seeing her again later on this week, and it'll be grand :)

TUESDAY consisted of running around Torbay, visiting referrals, Brendon [and the Vibes, our rocker dude], and tracting down a small street. We found a few potentials! Which was nice :) We had dinner at the Landeg's, and then a simple night the rest of the night. It's always exciting in a day to find someone who's keen. The main person we're excited about is Maryke. She's South African, and has a young family. Busy at the moment with kids and school and all that jazz - but we'll see her again soon :) Referrals: WIN!

AH. And another BONUS of Tuesday? Well, bonus for me at least! Sister Lemalu and I got a phone call from Sister Jackson. Sister Lemalu will be leaving on 23 August [Visa to Hawaii mission], her flight being just before 9pm. Sad day. She doesn't want to leave...but that's always when you do!  #ComfortZone. But she'll be grand in Hawaii. Time for new adventures :) So...I'll probably be companion-less, or, more-so in a trio with the Sunset sisters for a day or so. :) And then in the way of MY GOOD NEWS — they've picked a date for my flight home :)  Officially (slash - possibly not officially official, as I don't know for sure if she's actually booked the ticket yet) I have a date of 20 December as my flight date :) Home home home for Christmas! :)

WEDNESDAY was a blessing of a day. INTERVIEWS with President Balli. It's crazy how fast these interview days come up now. They only come every other transfer, and yet, I feel like we just had the last one yesterday. Anyhoo. Sister Lemalu and I met first with Sister Balli and had a companion study with her, learning a few things of "how to make companionships work better together" basically.  Sister Balli always does a mini "training" of sorts depending on what she and president think all the missionaries need in the mission. It's always nice :) We then had our own separate interviews with President. He called me in first - and it was both a blessing and a lovely talk with him. The thing I love about the Balli's is the fact of how they've truly become my mission parents and friends.  They're always there to comfort, aid, and direct me somewhere new when I struggle. And for that I'm ETERNALLY grateful.  President Balli and I had a good, long talk about...a lot of things. And it was just....very needed. (Mum and Pops - a letter is coming your way, with more on said subject! 'Cause.... I had to get it all out last night.)

The rest of Wednesday involved attempting to contact some potentials, a dinner at the Long's, visiting the Lemalu's for a split second, and volleyball with our dear Hibiscus ward friends and nonmembers :)

THURSDAY....sick. Both of us. Just can't fully shake it.

FRIDAY ...Partially a sick day again, but we still made it out after weekly planning and a bit of a rest. We had dinner with Sister Stebbings, who so graciously has now set up a FHE at her home next Monday!  We're allowed to invite as many people as we want and they'll provide the supper and home :) BLESSINGS.  EXCITEMENT!!

SATURDAY was our Warkworth day (the day we went up to Warkworth ...ages away, literally almost a 150 km trip from Torbay and back). It was one of those successful/not so successful feeling days. 'Cause.... most of the people we wanted to see weren't home. But we did get to see some others, and ended up having a lovely time in Warkworth meeting some more people there.

SUNDAY. Torbay Ward day. And a RS Stake Fireside that night. We had a lunch/dinner with the Rameka's (aka, the family we live with) and we just love them. They're brilliant. I'd say the highlight of the day came from Rogan and his wife, Sonya, coming to church :)  Rogan's the Korean man who just showed up to our chapel a couple weeks ago, because he decided he wanted to thank God for him getting a job.  SO - this weekend he brought his wife, and we were able to teach a Gospel Principles class for them, with a few of our members who came in to sit as well so they weren't all alone with us.  #Fellowshipping. #Best.

The RS Fireside was also brilliant. It was all based on "My Purpose." We sang with Torbay Ward and listened to brilliant experiences of women in the Church who found their purposes in many different ways.

So... all in all, a good week. The work still moving forward, even when it's a bit slow at times. It's always a blessing, and I've realised this week just how much I"ve learned about myself being here in New Zealand. It's funny how experiences within a new place and new cultures changes you!

I love you all, and I hope you have a most beautiful week :)

Au lomani iki, ("I love you" in Fijian! ...Have I done that one before?)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley
"Never give up on anyone. And that includes not giving up on yourself." —President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


A week full of TRAVEL! New places, new people... all the adventures. And also me realizing why the Lord hasn't sent me to South Auckland. I'm knocking on wood (perks of wearing Dad's wooden heart necklace he made for Grams when he was a boy!) that saying this to you-all won't get me transferred there... Haha. But it's all goods :)

MONDAY. We had some of the sisters coming from Kaikohe to stay with us (because of a conference on Tuesday) - and it was lucky that they got to our flat right before we left, or they would have been there waiting for us! Haha. But - it came with many blessings. Sisters Turner and Ratukulou came to us from Matauri & Paihia :) [First area up North.] So.. perks in that I got to catch up on my beloved north! BUT the even greater blessing came from the fact that Torbay [current area] was Sister Turner's first area.
And she came out with me this night to visit Wilma and Rachel :) We've been trying to figure out better ways to get Rachel back to church and more involved, and so seeing Sister Turner helped with lifting her spirits again a bit. Blessings and we're most grateful :)

TUESDAY. Mission Tour! (Aka: Multi-Zone Conference) with ELDER HALECK (Quorum of the 70). And it was a lovely morning and afternoon of learning about having more effective companionship studies, teaching by the spirit, working diligently, inviting, and building FAITH. Lots of good things, and many blessings.  It was also a struggle day - but so goes things sometimes.  Especially when you have a dairy intolerant companion... #StruggleIsReal But.... it was truly a blessing day too. Our Zone was combined with Kaikohe, Whangarei, and Henderson! So.... I got to see Elder and Sister Clements, AND Sister Anitema, AND Sister Lott and Elder Clark and ...all the people that make me so happy, basically. Haha.

WEDNESDAY! The adventures continue. Otara! Aka: South Auckland. Like... Downtown Salt Lake. But the scary side. Okay. In MY mind it's the scary side. But....also lovely people. But also....VERY DIFFERENT from the areas I've served in.  Hahahaha. Sister Lemalu had a dental appointment, and that's where the dentist was. So - adventures! And for our little lunch break after, Sister Lemalu introduced me to new island foods I hadn't tried yet ('cause you can get them SUPER CHEAP in South Auckland). Adventures! We had the blessing of a member offering to pay for our lunch! And... perks to being south... Everyone knows who the missionaries are!  Verrrrrrry different from where I am now. Haha. Lovely people though! For real!

After our adventures in South Auckland, we went to Hibiscus for some visits, and saw the Heaps' for dinner :) AND Sister Heaps gave me one of her PAINTINGS!! ...I'm sorry, I didn't take a picture of it. But - I will for next week. It's a gorgeous poppy field, painted with oils with a pallette knife! (Daddy-o - have you tried oils yet? This is "goals of things Sister Ottley wants to try when she gets home.")

We arrived home that night and began a trade off with our dear Sister Training Leaders --- I got to travel (back south-east) to Panmure :)

New things eaten: (and some that I've already had) but...delicious!
Taro and faiai eleni (coconut cream and fish cooked in a coconut shell).
Weird milk biscuits
Faiai ula (crab in coconut cream). And, German Chop sui in a bun!

THURSDAY. Panmure day with Sister Soderberg. It's always a blessing to go on trade offs. It just has it's own special way of "reviving" your mind in a way - jumping into a different area so you can find ways to keep going in the one you've been in for a while. And Sister Soderberg is just a brilliant example and light in all things she does. I got to meet some lovely people, and be a part of a lesson with a woman named Kim. She's brilliant, and she's going to be baptised. I know it! Keen as. Love it.

FRIDAY - planning, and another appointment for SIster Lemalu. This time at the regular doctor. Just a check up.

We got to stop by and visit Philip up in Hibiscus, met a couple people, and taught a lesson with Sister Matla. I love Sister Matla. SO MUCH. She just brings all the joy and happiness into our lives.

SATURDAY. An "Ah-hah!" moment day in my personal study. I was studying about resurrection and perfection in Alma 40, and it led me to this...

James 1:3-4. "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

Explanation: Patience is something in my life that I feel like I've had to learn over and over (and over and over) again. To the point that I've thought MANY TIMES, "Okay Heavenly Father. I get it! I'll be patient! I've learned it in many different ways, and it's time to move onto something new!" And yet - I would still come across challenges that would result in learning more patience. But - the thing that this scripture helped me learn this week is this: By learning and gaining patience - our FAITH is strengthened. I've always had a lot of faith in my life too, but it's also something that I've been trying to figure out how to strengthen even MORE. So - I've now learned to LOVE the idea of my patience being TRIED at times. Because it helps my faith grow from the little plant it is now, into that (hopefully) perfect tree of life one day.

BLESSINGS. The SCRIPTURES are beautiful. Don't ya think?

SATURDAY became our "visiting and meeting less-actives" day - which was really quite fun, before our ward activity on that night. Mexican fiesta! Yayyyyy chili!  I miss mexican food.

SUNDAY. A day in Hibiscus. (It was also a day of "Sister Ottley suddenly feeling like a failure later in the day and not understanding why," but life moves on.) I'm happy today. It's fine. HaHa.

The mission is grand. I'm loving every minute. I also never knew time could go so fast. But that's life!

I love you all, and hope you have a most amazing week :)

Alofa tele Atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley