Saturday, August 27, 2016

Breaking Down Barriers

WHERE DO THE WEEKS GO?! It's weird how sometimes a week can seem so fast, but also seem like certain things you did were AGES ago, especially with how packed this week has been.

MONDAY. FHE with the Stebbings. None of the investigators or less-actives we invited showed up.  Sad face, but it was okay. We still had fun with Brother and Sister Stebbings :)
Oh. And I also learnt that I'm probably allergic to crab meat.... or at least large-ish amounts of it. Sister Leamalu's family gave us crab sticks! And I ate some. And then I got all itchy Monday night. So, yeah, ...we're giving those to the Elders now.

TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. We went to Otara TWICE (#Dentist) for Sister Lemalu. Poor girl. Fillings AND a tooth pulled. (Can I just say I'm grateful it's never really been a thing to us to just "pull a tooth and leave it like that" ?  ...Common here, really.)

We also met a new part-member family :) And they're SWEET AS. SUPER excited to continue meeting with them. It may be hard with the busy lives they lead...but we'll make it work :)

THURSDAY we brought Yasmin (soon-to-be-missionary) out with us to do some visits :) We were also able to be a part of Rochanna and her son, Tatum, getting Priesthood blessings — And then invited her to be baptised. And she said YES. :) No date set yet - but, when she knows it's right. Blessings. Excitement. Love :)

FRIDAY I taught my companion to make Afghans and chocolate frosting. Ha. #Baking. Also funny 'cause Afghans are a New Zealand "thing," and I taught HER. Ha. After our planning and all the adventures of the morning, we had a BRILLIANT Islander lunch with Brian and Jo. Veggies. Chicken. Kumara (orange, red, or gold sweet potato). Taro (root vegetable). Muscles. Prawns. Lu (biscuit). Love Brian and Jo to pieces. We had a member lesson with Sister Lemalu's family, and made Scripture Cookies with Sister Matla! I love my Sister Matla :) She's brilliant.

I also learnt some brilliant things from Gordon B. Hinckley, and other various apostles that I read talks of this week.... But the main one Friday was from Sister Lemalu's little "Stand a Little Taller" book by President Hinckley. It says:

"I believe that for most of us the best medicine for loneliness is work and service in behalf of others. I do not wish to minimize your problems, but I do not hesitate to say that there are many others whose problems are more serious than yours.  Reach out to serve them, to help them, to encourage them.  There are so many boys and girls who fail in school for want of a little personal attention and encouragement.  There are so many elderly people who live in misery and loneliness and fear, for when a simple conversation would bring a measure of hope and brightness."

...It sounds really depressing out of context of the day.
Haha. But I just liked it. Because life is really all about service - and as we serve others, we're not lonely!

SATURDAY we visited around Torbay a bit before heading up to Hibiscus for an appointment with Sister Lemalu's family. So - we caught Brendon (musician) on one of his days of actually being home during all his crazy tour schedule! Haha. We got to catch up for a few minutes. And then - before we left, he gave us a SIGNED CD... We were a little excited. Music for after the mish ;)

But - as the day went on, I learnt more about how sometimes sacrificing things you want, and FEEL you should do, in order for others to learn what they need to learn... i.e. Going to the Saturday night session of our Stake Conference. We taught Sister Lemalu's family instead of going to Stake Conference. I kept trying to tell her that the way we should be encouraging them to go is by being the example and going - not teaching them DURING the session.  But - alas. All week it was "no - we're missionaries. We don't really have to go to the Saturday session." ...But it ended up being good. She taught the majority of the lesson that night - which was needed.  There's certain things her family needed to hear from her specifically. And so it was good. Lots of things learned. Lots of insight on how to continue helping them when she's gone.

And then SUNDAY was Stake Conference. It's just brilliant. With President and Sister Balli, President and Sister Going (Temple Pres.), and President and Sister Nielsen (1st counselor in the Pacific Area Presidency). It's funny how nearly everything on the mission that I've learned keeps going back to simplifying, and just focusing on the basics of the gospel. 'Cause - it's true. That's really what we need. Church, Pray, Read.  Study the Scriptures to find answers. Then pray about the things you've found, and you'll receive the calming comfort you need.

And then President Nielsen talked about "Breaking Down Barriers to Come TOGETHER" — Coming together to Come unto Christ, and in helping OTHERS come unto Christ and their Heavenly Father as well. It's just all brilliant. And simple. and I love it.

As for me - I'm still not 100% positive on transfer news yet - but I'm like... 85% sure that I'm staying in Harbour. I won't know for sure sure until tonight. But - I DO, know who my new companion is.  Her name is Sister Tchou. Many adventures to come!  I drop Sister Lemalu off at the Mission Home tomorrow afternoon at 4, and pick up my new companion while I'm there. Fun stuff!

Anyhoo. I love you all. I hope you have a brilliant week. And I hope all your wildest dreams are coming true ;)

Love you heaps and heaps! :)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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