Thursday, August 18, 2016

3 More Transfers!

Hi fam!
It's been a good week :) I'm also really tired. But it happens! Life :)

MONDAY we had a brilliant FHE with the Lemalu family (my companion, Sister Lemalu's Aunt and Uncle in Hibiscus), teaching the Plan of Salvation. It's fun to do member lessons with a family who's still fairly recently returned to church.  Just being able to hear their story and see how far they've come, and being able to teach them again the simple principles that we all take for granted at times. Also, Leah (their 5-year-old daughter) calls me "Sister Dot-ley" CUTEST. THING. EVER.

TUESDAY we had a lovely visit with one of our members, Penny Borelli. We also were finally able to meet with Brian and Jo again! MISSED THEM HEAPS. They've both been sick for a bit, so it's been hard to catch them. But we had a lovely night with them, shared some dinner, and we were able to set another time to actually come TEACH a lesson—they seem keen to learn—rather than just visits now. So we'll see how that goes this week :)  Excitement! :)

WEDNESDAY — Trio!  Since MLC was happening this day for the STL's and ZL's, Sister Blanchard came with us for the day, while Sisters Lott and Holt were at their meeting (they're in a trio right now, but Blanchard's not actually an STL). And it was good. We got around to visiting a bunch of less-actives, as well as our dear Sally and JOAN. We haven't seen Joan in AGES — due to the fact that we kept trying to set something up with her daughter as well. But...this time we just decided to go by. And she was there, and let us in!  So...we're all good to go without her daughter Annette being there now. And we also knew this because Annette called us Thursday morning saying, "I heard you went over to mum's!  KEEP GOING!"  Win! :)

THURSDAY. Lets just say I slowly got more and more tired throughout the week. 'Cause... pretty much every time after we've been in a trio it turns into "I miss _____" and then I feel like I'm just not that great of a companion anymore. But all is well! We still started off the day nicely, learning how to make MAORI FRY BREAD (aka - kinda like navajo fry bread, but a little different-ish) from our dear, Brother Jimmy Rameka :) (See photos in Dropbox.) #FutureHomemaking

Then we visited with some members, trying to get to know them better for fellowshipping, and had a lovely dinner with the Rapata's.

FRIDAY. Comp Inventory. It's kind of an inspired thing. Why? 'Cause it MAKES you both talk. I expressed my struggles with my companion's, "Ah - we're such FAILS," and why I shut down and stop talking whenever she uses the word. I've mentioned it before, but I don't think she took it in a "I seriously don't want you to even say the word 'FAIL' because it stresses me out" literal kind of way. But - we're going better now. It's interesting how much you come to realize what having a companion does for you. The little, AND big things it teaches you on a daily basis. Being with one person, 24/7.

We went out to see Sally, helped her clean up her kitchen, and started teaching her with some object lessons/analogies. It was a grand time :) But, also a time that we began realizing we weren't going to be able to make it out to Linda before our appointment with the Lemalu's, like we had hoped. And then — who showed up to Sally's? Linda! :) So we got to teach her for a few minutes as well. Brilliant things. The Lord watches out for us :)

And then... the Lemalu's. Ha. And as we walked up to their house, Sister Lemalu stopped in the car park, looked at the car sitting there, and said, "Guess what... that's my parent's car." And indeed it was. Hahahaha.... They don't fully "get" the concept of that we're not really supposed to see them.... But they've become my family now too, so it's pretty grand :) We had another lesson with the family - this night on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Once again, being able to use our fun analogies/object lessons :)

SATURDAY was a headache day :(

SUNDAY - Church in Hibiscus :) MCM, and then visiting people to come to our FHE tonight at one of our member's homes. Fun it is, running around inviting people to things :)

Andddd another lesson with the Lemalu's :) (Have I mentioned that their family is going to the temple to be sealed together?? Part of the reason we thought it would be good to do all these lessons with them. Haha.) So we had a super cool lesson. ==>Once again, Sister Lemalu's parents showed up - this time with DIFFERENT SIBLINGS than the first time. (She's the oldest of 7.) And the Spirit was strong. Lessons like that are just....the kind of thing that help in solidifying your own testimony and making that foundation even stronger. SO COOL.  LOVE it all :)

The rest of the night consisted of our adventure with a recent referral we were given :) VLAD. We originally contacted him ....last week? I think? Over the phone, but the times that he could meet didn't end up working out. Here's the thing about Vlad. He's Romanian. And very.... flirtatious. Ha! Sister Lemalu, the entire day we were texting him, trying to figure out a time and place to meet, kept saying, "This is just awkward. I don't even want to see him. Do you?" ...And yes, yes I did. Because I had a good feeling about him! And I'm glad I was persistent.  Because EVERYONE deserves a chance - because: "You never give up when there is the slightest spark of interest." —President Hinckley

We picked up our dear Kendall Mackenzie (member in Torbay) and she came with us to meet Vlad down in Browns Bay. Yes, he is indeed a very flirty man. But - he's also keen to learn. Never been one for religion, but - like I said, still keen to learn. So..... a new investigator we have! :)

Life is grand :) I love learning new things every day, and that - I definitely do. Never a dull moment on the mission!!

Next week is TRANSFERS. Weird, right? I have 3 transfers left. (How did that happen?) Anyone have some guesses of what's gonna happen?  Companion? (Since, clearly I'm getting a new one, 'cause - well, mine's going to Hawaii. Ha.) Moving? Staying?

Anyhoo. I'm off. But I love you all, and hope you have a most miraculous week :)

Alofa tele atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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