Tuesday, August 2, 2016


A week full of TRAVEL! New places, new people... all the adventures. And also me realizing why the Lord hasn't sent me to South Auckland. I'm knocking on wood (perks of wearing Dad's wooden heart necklace he made for Grams when he was a boy!) that saying this to you-all won't get me transferred there... Haha. But it's all goods :)

MONDAY. We had some of the sisters coming from Kaikohe to stay with us (because of a conference on Tuesday) - and it was lucky that they got to our flat right before we left, or they would have been there waiting for us! Haha. But - it came with many blessings. Sisters Turner and Ratukulou came to us from Matauri & Paihia :) [First area up North.] So.. perks in that I got to catch up on my beloved north! BUT the even greater blessing came from the fact that Torbay [current area] was Sister Turner's first area.
And she came out with me this night to visit Wilma and Rachel :) We've been trying to figure out better ways to get Rachel back to church and more involved, and so seeing Sister Turner helped with lifting her spirits again a bit. Blessings and we're most grateful :)

TUESDAY. Mission Tour! (Aka: Multi-Zone Conference) with ELDER HALECK (Quorum of the 70). And it was a lovely morning and afternoon of learning about having more effective companionship studies, teaching by the spirit, working diligently, inviting, and building FAITH. Lots of good things, and many blessings.  It was also a struggle day - but so goes things sometimes.  Especially when you have a dairy intolerant companion... #StruggleIsReal But.... it was truly a blessing day too. Our Zone was combined with Kaikohe, Whangarei, and Henderson! So.... I got to see Elder and Sister Clements, AND Sister Anitema, AND Sister Lott and Elder Clark and ...all the people that make me so happy, basically. Haha.

WEDNESDAY! The adventures continue. Otara! Aka: South Auckland. Like... Downtown Salt Lake. But the scary side. Okay. In MY mind it's the scary side. But....also lovely people. But also....VERY DIFFERENT from the areas I've served in.  Hahahaha. Sister Lemalu had a dental appointment, and that's where the dentist was. So - adventures! And for our little lunch break after, Sister Lemalu introduced me to new island foods I hadn't tried yet ('cause you can get them SUPER CHEAP in South Auckland). Adventures! We had the blessing of a member offering to pay for our lunch! And... perks to being south... Everyone knows who the missionaries are!  Verrrrrrry different from where I am now. Haha. Lovely people though! For real!

After our adventures in South Auckland, we went to Hibiscus for some visits, and saw the Heaps' for dinner :) AND Sister Heaps gave me one of her PAINTINGS!! ...I'm sorry, I didn't take a picture of it. But - I will for next week. It's a gorgeous poppy field, painted with oils with a pallette knife! (Daddy-o - have you tried oils yet? This is "goals of things Sister Ottley wants to try when she gets home.")

We arrived home that night and began a trade off with our dear Sister Training Leaders --- I got to travel (back south-east) to Panmure :)

New things eaten: (and some that I've already had) but...delicious!
Taro and faiai eleni (coconut cream and fish cooked in a coconut shell).
Weird milk biscuits
Faiai ula (crab in coconut cream). And, German Chop sui in a bun!

THURSDAY. Panmure day with Sister Soderberg. It's always a blessing to go on trade offs. It just has it's own special way of "reviving" your mind in a way - jumping into a different area so you can find ways to keep going in the one you've been in for a while. And Sister Soderberg is just a brilliant example and light in all things she does. I got to meet some lovely people, and be a part of a lesson with a woman named Kim. She's brilliant, and she's going to be baptised. I know it! Keen as. Love it.

FRIDAY - planning, and another appointment for SIster Lemalu. This time at the regular doctor. Just a check up.

We got to stop by and visit Philip up in Hibiscus, met a couple people, and taught a lesson with Sister Matla. I love Sister Matla. SO MUCH. She just brings all the joy and happiness into our lives.

SATURDAY. An "Ah-hah!" moment day in my personal study. I was studying about resurrection and perfection in Alma 40, and it led me to this...

James 1:3-4. "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."

Explanation: Patience is something in my life that I feel like I've had to learn over and over (and over and over) again. To the point that I've thought MANY TIMES, "Okay Heavenly Father. I get it! I'll be patient! I've learned it in many different ways, and it's time to move onto something new!" And yet - I would still come across challenges that would result in learning more patience. But - the thing that this scripture helped me learn this week is this: By learning and gaining patience - our FAITH is strengthened. I've always had a lot of faith in my life too, but it's also something that I've been trying to figure out how to strengthen even MORE. So - I've now learned to LOVE the idea of my patience being TRIED at times. Because it helps my faith grow from the little plant it is now, into that (hopefully) perfect tree of life one day.

BLESSINGS. The SCRIPTURES are beautiful. Don't ya think?

SATURDAY became our "visiting and meeting less-actives" day - which was really quite fun, before our ward activity on that night. Mexican fiesta! Yayyyyy chili!  I miss mexican food.

SUNDAY. A day in Hibiscus. (It was also a day of "Sister Ottley suddenly feeling like a failure later in the day and not understanding why," but life moves on.) I'm happy today. It's fine. HaHa.

The mission is grand. I'm loving every minute. I also never knew time could go so fast. But that's life!

I love you all, and hope you have a most amazing week :)

Alofa tele Atu,
Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley

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