Thursday, August 18, 2016

Mission Changes You!

Hi-ya fam!

It's funny mum that you are HOT! I'm freezing here... 'cause it's cold in general in this chapel I'm emailing from. Ha. But for real too! December is going to be a struggle for me coming back there. #TropicalOver. We've had a "cold snap" here – opposite of your heat wave! We were all fine and just light-jacket-y and suddenly we were like, "WHERE'S THE COATS?!" COLD.

Last MONDAY was a blessing. A lesson with Rochanna. It turned into a lot of just us listening to her that night, as that's really what she needed most. But, we were able to teach her about the Book of Mormon, and how it helps us to gain our own answers. ('Cause...she's got heaps of questions!)  Love it when they have questions. So hopefully we'll be seeing her again later on this week, and it'll be grand :)

TUESDAY consisted of running around Torbay, visiting referrals, Brendon [and the Vibes, our rocker dude], and tracting down a small street. We found a few potentials! Which was nice :) We had dinner at the Landeg's, and then a simple night the rest of the night. It's always exciting in a day to find someone who's keen. The main person we're excited about is Maryke. She's South African, and has a young family. Busy at the moment with kids and school and all that jazz - but we'll see her again soon :) Referrals: WIN!

AH. And another BONUS of Tuesday? Well, bonus for me at least! Sister Lemalu and I got a phone call from Sister Jackson. Sister Lemalu will be leaving on 23 August [Visa to Hawaii mission], her flight being just before 9pm. Sad day. She doesn't want to leave...but that's always when you do!  #ComfortZone. But she'll be grand in Hawaii. Time for new adventures :) So...I'll probably be companion-less, or, more-so in a trio with the Sunset sisters for a day or so. :) And then in the way of MY GOOD NEWS — they've picked a date for my flight home :)  Officially (slash - possibly not officially official, as I don't know for sure if she's actually booked the ticket yet) I have a date of 20 December as my flight date :) Home home home for Christmas! :)

WEDNESDAY was a blessing of a day. INTERVIEWS with President Balli. It's crazy how fast these interview days come up now. They only come every other transfer, and yet, I feel like we just had the last one yesterday. Anyhoo. Sister Lemalu and I met first with Sister Balli and had a companion study with her, learning a few things of "how to make companionships work better together" basically.  Sister Balli always does a mini "training" of sorts depending on what she and president think all the missionaries need in the mission. It's always nice :) We then had our own separate interviews with President. He called me in first - and it was both a blessing and a lovely talk with him. The thing I love about the Balli's is the fact of how they've truly become my mission parents and friends.  They're always there to comfort, aid, and direct me somewhere new when I struggle. And for that I'm ETERNALLY grateful.  President Balli and I had a good, long talk about...a lot of things. And it was just....very needed. (Mum and Pops - a letter is coming your way, with more on said subject! 'Cause.... I had to get it all out last night.)

The rest of Wednesday involved attempting to contact some potentials, a dinner at the Long's, visiting the Lemalu's for a split second, and volleyball with our dear Hibiscus ward friends and nonmembers :)

THURSDAY....sick. Both of us. Just can't fully shake it.

FRIDAY ...Partially a sick day again, but we still made it out after weekly planning and a bit of a rest. We had dinner with Sister Stebbings, who so graciously has now set up a FHE at her home next Monday!  We're allowed to invite as many people as we want and they'll provide the supper and home :) BLESSINGS.  EXCITEMENT!!

SATURDAY was our Warkworth day (the day we went up to Warkworth ...ages away, literally almost a 150 km trip from Torbay and back). It was one of those successful/not so successful feeling days. 'Cause.... most of the people we wanted to see weren't home. But we did get to see some others, and ended up having a lovely time in Warkworth meeting some more people there.

SUNDAY. Torbay Ward day. And a RS Stake Fireside that night. We had a lunch/dinner with the Rameka's (aka, the family we live with) and we just love them. They're brilliant. I'd say the highlight of the day came from Rogan and his wife, Sonya, coming to church :)  Rogan's the Korean man who just showed up to our chapel a couple weeks ago, because he decided he wanted to thank God for him getting a job.  SO - this weekend he brought his wife, and we were able to teach a Gospel Principles class for them, with a few of our members who came in to sit as well so they weren't all alone with us.  #Fellowshipping. #Best.

The RS Fireside was also brilliant. It was all based on "My Purpose." We sang with Torbay Ward and listened to brilliant experiences of women in the Church who found their purposes in many different ways.

So... all in all, a good week. The work still moving forward, even when it's a bit slow at times. It's always a blessing, and I've realised this week just how much I"ve learned about myself being here in New Zealand. It's funny how experiences within a new place and new cultures changes you!

I love you all, and I hope you have a most beautiful week :)

Au lomani iki, ("I love you" in Fijian! ...Have I done that one before?)

Sister Mckenzie Ann Ottley
"Never give up on anyone. And that includes not giving up on yourself." —President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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